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Du Culte des Esprits chez les Tonquinois [extrait du Traité d'Adrien de Sainte-Thècle]. (Ibid., VI, 1825, pp. 154/165.)

- Opusculum de sectis apud Sinenses et Tunkinenses. Gr. in-8, dem. mar. bleu. Ms. sur papier de Chine, de la main d'un missionnaire. 46 feuillets. Vend. Klaproth (158) Fr. 111. - Panthéon chinois, ou Parallèle entre le Culte religieux des Grecs et celui des Chinois; avec de nouvelles preuves que la Chine a été connue des Grecs et que les Sérès des auteurs classiques ont été des Chinois. Par Joseph Hager, Docteur de l'Université de Pavie, et Professeur public des Langues orientales en la même université. A Paris, De l'imprimerie de P. Didot l'aîné, M. DCCcvi. in-4, pp. xxxviij-175. Vend. Klaproth (159). Fr. 59. L'ouvrage a considérablement diminué de valeur; se vend de Fr. 5 à 6.

- On Religious Opinions in China. By Amicus. (Indo-Chinese Gleaner, No. 18, Oct. 1821, pp. 186/9.)

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Mythology of the Various Races and Religions of China, royal folio, 100 magnificent Drawings by Native Artists, painted on the finest cotton-paper, and mounted on thick drawing paper, all coloured in the most elaborate and artistic manner, presenting the Deities, Demi-gods, Sages, and Heroes, of the various systems of Chinese Mythology, with an explanatory Index in MS. by Mr. John R. Morrison, son of the Lexicographer; bound in red morocco extra, gilt edges, 100. China, cir. 1830. »

<A superb volume. It forms such a Gallery of Chinese Mythological Paintings, as could scarcely be collected now in China. The work is done with admirable taste and skill, and could not have cost the original possessor less than £200. It would now be more expensive still, as the number of real artists is daily diminishing in China; and the distracting civil wars of late years have worked so much destruction amongst the public monuments and collections, all over the empire. Independently of the pictorial and ornamental attractiveness of this volume, it possesses a high value for the student of Races and Religions. There is a singular interest in examining the ideas embodied in the figures that represent the divinities of the Chinese mind; and in noting how frequently they differ from the ordinary type of Chinese humanity. The obliquity of eyesight peculiar to the Mongolian race is not visible in more than half of these drawings, and it would seem likely that much of the modern Chinese faith or superstition is derived from a source still more ancient than the earliest ages of that ancient people itself that is, from the aboriginal inhabitants of the country who still hold an independent footing there, and harass the imperial government under the name of the Miao-tsze Mountaineers. This race is also found in Formosa and some others of the islands in the Chinese seas.

The demi-gods and deities, who appear in the above drawings, are not taken from the calendar of any one religion; but comprise alike Buddhistic figures, Confucian sages, and the idols

of the Taou-sze, or Rationalists the least numerous sect of the three that divide China amongst them. >>

Nous avons

cru devoir indiquer cette collection intéressante d'après la description qui en est donnée dans le Cat. de Quaritch, No. 285, Sept. 1872 (7787).


On the Three principal Religions in China. (The As, Jour. & Month. Reg., IX, 1832, pp. 302/316.)

Die chinesische Reichsreligion und die Systeme der indischen Philosophie in ihrem Verhältnisz zu Offenbarungslehren mit Rücksicht auf die Ansichten von Windischmann, Schmitt und Ritter, betrachtet von P. F. Stuhr. Berlin, 1835, in-8, pp. vi-109. Abrisz einer vergleichenden Darstellung der Indisch-Persisch- und Chinesischen Religionssysteme, mit steter Rücksichtsnahme auf die späteren Religionsformen und den Ursprung religiöser Ideen. Für Studierende und Gebildete überhaupt, von Dr. I. C. Kröger.. Eisleben, 1842, in-12, pp. xvi358, 1 f. n. c. p. l'er.

Théodore Pavie. Les trois Religions de la Chine, leur antagonisme, leur développement et leur influence. (Revue des Deux Mondes, 1er février 1845.)

Some Account of Charms, and Felicitous Appendages worn about the person, or hung up in houses, &c., used by the Chinese. By John Robert Morrison, Esq. (Trans. Roy. As. Soc., III. Chin. Rep., XIV, pp. 229/234.)

The Religion of the Chinese, without altars, temples, priests, or any proper term to denote the true God. By T. Yeates. (Chin. Rep., XV, pp. 203/207.)

Sur la Religion et les Divinités de la Chine, par C. Lavollée. (Illustration, 16 Janvier 1847. Réimp. dans la Rev. de l'Or. et de l'Algériè, III, 1848, pp. 397/408.)

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A General View of what are regarded by the Chinese as Objects of Worship by the Revd. Alexander Stronach. (Journ. of the Ind. Arch., II, 1848, pp. 349/352.)

Christ and other Masters: an historical inquiry into some of the chief parallelisms and contrasts between Christianity and the Religious Systems of the ancient World. With special reference to prevailing Difficulties and Objections. By Charles Hardwick, M. A. [Archdeacon of Ely.]-4 Parts [in-8]. Cambridge: Macmillan, 1855-1859.

Part III, 1858 Religions of China, America and Oceanica.
The Same Second Edition (With a prefatory memoir by
F. Procter). London & Cambridge [printed], 1863, 2 vol. in-8.


-The Religious Condition of the Chinese : with Observations on the prospects of Christian conversion among that People by Rev. Joseph Edkins, B. A. London, Routledge, 1859, in-16, pp. vш-288.

Republished from the Beacon newspaper. << It was again published in 1861, as a volume for railway reading.» (Mem. of Prot. Miss., p. 190.)

Religion in China: containing a Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese: with Observations on the Prospects of Christian Conversion amongst that People. By Joseph Edkins, D. D.... Second Edition. London, Trübner, 1878, in-8, p. xvi260.

Pub. à 76; notice dans The Lond. & China Express, Jan. 4, 1878: cette éd. contient quatre chap. nouveaux Chap. II: Imperial Worship; XVII, XVIII et XIX; Journey to Woo-tai shan. Religion in China .... By Josephi Edkins Third edition. London, Trübner, 1884,

in-8, pp. xv1-260.

Fait partie de Trübner's Oriental Series.

- La religion en Chine. Exposé des trois religions des Chinois suivi d'observations sur l'état actuel et l'avenir de la propagande chrétienne parmi ce peuple par le révérend Dr J. Edkins D. D. missionnaire protestant en Chine. Traduit de l'anglais avec autorisation de l'auteur. Par L. de Milloué, directeur du musée Guimet. (Annales du Musée Guimet, IV, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1882, pp. 61/311.)

Chinese early mythology. By J. Edkins. (China Review, XIII, pp. 406 419.)

Religious sects in North China. By Rev. J. Edkins, D. D. (Chin. Recorder, XVII, July 1886, pp. 245/252.)

Belief in a Future Life. By J. Edkins. (China Review, XVIII, No. 2, pp. 125/127.)

-The Books of the Modern Religious Sects

in North China. By Rev. J. Edkins, D. D. Being a paper read at a meeting of the Peking Missionary Association, December 1887. (Chin. Rec., XIX, No. 6, June 1888, pp. 261/268; ibid., No. 7, July 1888, pp. 302-310.)

-By-Paths of Bible Knowledge. XIX. The early Spread of Religious Ideas especially in the Far East by Joseph Edkins, B. A., D. D. Shanghai, China ...... The Religious Tract Society, 1893, pet. in-8, pp. 144.

- Dr. J. H. Plath. Die Religion und der Cultus der alten Chinesen. Abth. I. Die Religion der alten Chinesen, init 23 lith. Tafeln. München, 1862, in-4, pp. rv-108.


Abth. II. Der Cultus der alten Chinesen. München, 1863, in-4, pp. 136. nesische Texte zu Dr. J. H. Plath's Abhandl. II. Der Cultus der alten Chinesen, in-4 (46 lith. pl.), 1864.

Godsdienst en Bijgeloof der Chinezen, door J. J. C. Francken. (Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volken., Batavia, D. XIV, 1864, pp. 38/74.)

Sur la religiosité comme caractéristique par M. Coudereau. (Bul. Soc. Anthrop., 1866, pp. 329/340.)

-- Réponse de Henri Martin. (Ibid., pp.643/4.) Sur l'idée de Dieu chez les Chinois et les Japonais. (Ibid., pp. 667/671.)

Creeds in China. By F. Porter Smith, M. B. (The Chin. Rec., II, p. 108.)

C'est une liste des religions connues en Chine avec leurs noms en chinois.

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- Serpent Worship in China. By R. S. M. (The Chin. Rec., IV, pp. 307/8.)

On Serpent Worship, Vide a letter by the Rev. Jonathan Lees in the Shanghai Budget, p. 597, 1871, and article by Sinensis, ibid., p. 604.

Tree and serpent worship. (Balfour, Chinese Scrapbook, 1887, pp. 149/152.)

Studi sulle Religioni dell' Estremo Oriente di Carlo Puini, alunno dell' Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfeziomento di Firenze. (Dottrine di Buddha, Confucio e Lao-ze.) (Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia pubblicato per Dr. P. Mantegazza e Dr. F. Finzi, Vol. I, No. II, p. 214, Firenze, 1871.)

Il Buddha, Confucio e Lao-tse: Notizie e Studii intorno alle Religioni dell' Asia Orientale, di Carlo Puini. In Firenze, G. C. Sansoni, 1878, gr. in-16, pp. Lxv-549 +1 f. n. ch. p. l'er.

Религіи востока : Конфуціанство, Буддизмъ и Даосизмъ. Сочиненіе В, Васильева. St. Pétersbourg, 1873, in-8, Pp. 183.

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Vol. 1. India: Introduction. - I. Religion and Life. The Primitive Aryas, The Hindu Mind, The Rig Veda Hymns, Tradition, Laws of Manu, Woman, Social Forms and Forces. II. Religious Philosophy. Vedanta, Sankhya, The Bhagavadgitâ, Piety and Morality of Pantheism, Incarnation, Transmigration, Religious Universality. III. Buddhism. Speculative Principles, Nirvana, Ethics and Humanities, The Hour and the Man, Afterlife in India, Buddhist Civilization, Ecclesiasticism.

Vol. II. China. : — I. Elements. The Chinese Mind, Labor Science,
External Relations, Ethnic Type, Resources. II. Structures.
Education, Government, Language, Literature, History, Poetry.
III. Sages. Rationalism, Confucianism, Doctrine of Confucius,
Influence of Confucius, Mencius. IV. Beliefs. Foundations,
Patriarchalism, The Ancestral Shrine, The Future Life, Fung-
Shui, Divination, Theism, Buddhism, Coming of Buddhism,
The Development of Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Missionary
Failures and Fruits, Tao-ism, Lao-Tse. The Tao-sse. - -V. Phi-
losophy. The Y-king, Metaphysics, Anthropology.
Notices China Review, VI, 1877, pp. 124 128.
No. 394, 28 Sept. 1878. (Dr. Legge.)

The Academy,

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- Introduction to the Science of Chinese Religion. A Critique of Max Müller and other authors. By Rev. Ernst Faber, Rhenish Missionary in Canton. Hongkong [&] Shanghai... s. d. [1879], pet. in-8, pp. xII-154.

Notice: China Review, VIII, pp. 176/177, 237/244. - Lettre du Rev. E. Faber, Ibid., pp. 250/254.

-The Religions of China. By F. Max Müller. I. Confucianism. (Nineteenth Century, XLVIII, Sept. 1900, pp. 373/384.) II. Taoism. (Ibid., Oct. 1900, pp. 569/581.) III. Buddhism and Christianity. (Ibid., Nov. 1900, pp. 730/742.)

- Friedrich Max Müller, M. A., etc. Nécrologie par G. Schlegel. (Toung Pao, 2o Sér., I, N° 5, Déc. 1900, pp. 491/492.)

Né 6 déc. 1823, à Dessau; † à Oxford, 28 oct. 1900.

Essays zur Allgemeinen Religionswissenschaft von Victor von Strauss und Torney. Heidelberg. Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung. 1879, in-8, pp. 224.

Contient les essais suivants : Ueber einige Vorfragen zur allgemeinen Religionswissenschaft. - Ueber Laò-tsè und sein System. Lao-tse Táo-te-king. Der Weg zur Tugend. Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt und erklärt von Reinhold von Planckner. Zur chinesischen Literatur. - Thai-kih-thu, des Tscheu-tsi Tafel des Urprinzipes mit Tschu-hi's Commentare von G. v. d. Gabelentz. Max Müller und seine Essays. Buddhismus und Christenthum. ΔΟΣ ΜΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΣΤΩ. Oratio pro domo.

Der Altchinesische Monotheismus. Vortrag, gehalten im Evang. Verein zu Berlin am 2. Februar 1885, von D.V. von Strausz und Torney. Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung in Heidelberg, 1885, br. in-8. Sammlung von Vorträgen. Herausgegeben von W. Frommel und Friedr. Pfaff. XIII, 9.

-Des croyances et des superstitions des Chinois avant Confucius. Par M. Ymaizoumi. Traduit en français par M. Tomii. (Congrès

provincial des Orientalistes, Lyon - 1878. II, Lyon, 1880, pp. 56/61.)

Bulletin critique des Religions de la Chine. Par Henri Cordier. (Rev. Hist. des Religions, 1° année, T. I, No. 3, Mai-Juin, 1880, pp. 346356.)


Musée Guimet. Catalogue des objets. exposés précédé d'un aperçu des religions de l'Inde, de la Chine et du Japon. — Lyon, imprimerie Pitrat aîné, 1880, in-8, pp. 112, 1 pl. et 1 plan.

Catalogue du Musée Guimet. Première Partie. Inde, Chine et Japon précédé d'un aperçu sur les religions de l'Extrême Orient et suivi d'un index alphabétique des noms des divinités et des principaux termes techniques par L. de Milloué, Directeur du Musée. Nouvelle édition. Lyon, Imprimerie Pitrat aîné, 1883, pet. in-8, pp. lxvm-323.

Notice: Revue d'Ethnographie, II, No. 4, 1883, pp. 367/369. (Par J. Montano.)

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Introduction au Catalogue du Musée Guimet. Aperçu sommaire de l'histoire, des religions des anciens peuples civilisés par L. de Milloué, Conservateur du Musée Guimet. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1891, in-12, pp. 159 +1 f. n. c.

Petit Guide illustré du Musée Guimet, par L. de Milloué, Conservateur- Quatrième recension mise à jour au 31 décembre 1899. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1900, in-12, pp. 331.

- The Religions of China. Confucianism and Taoism described and compared with Christianity. By James Legge, Professor of the Chinese Language and Literature in the University of Oxford. London: Hodder and Stoughton, MDCCC LXXX, in-8, pp. 310.

Ce vol. se compose de quatre conférences: I. & II. Confucianism. III. Taoism. IV. The Religions of China compared with Christianity.

Die altchinesische Reichsreligion vom Standpunkte der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte von Julius Happel, Prediger der reformirten Gemeinde zu Bützow. Leipzig, Otto Schulze, II, Querstrasse 11, 1882, br. in-8, pp. 46.

La Religion de l'ancien empire chinois étudiée au point de vue de l'histoire comparée des Religions. Par Julius Happel (de Bützow, Allemagne). (Rev. de l'Hist. des Religions, IV, No. 6, 1881, pp. 257/298.) (GUIMET.


- Asiatic Studies religious and social. By Sir Alfred C. Lyall, K. C. B., C. I. E. London, John Murray, 1882, in-8, pp. xviii-306. Asiatic Studies religious and social. By Sir Alfred C. Lyall, K. C. B., C. I. E. Second edition. London, John Murray, 1884, in-8, pp. xvш-306.

Chap. VI. Relations between the State and Religion in China, pp. 122/149.

Notice Jour. R. As. Soc., April 1900, pp. 358/361, par J. B. Andrews.

New Edition. London: John Murray, 2 vol. in-8, pp. XX-330,


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Jaarlijksche Feesten en Gebruiken van de Emoy-Chineezen. Een vergelijkende bijdrage tot de kennis van onze Chineesche medeburgers op Java. Met uitgebreide monographieën van godheden, die te Emoy worden vereerd door J. J. M. de Groot, Tolk voor de Chineesche Taal te Pontianak. Eerste Deel. gr. in-8, pp. xIII-242.

Verhand, v. h. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wet., Deel XLII. 1e Stuk. 1881.

-- Tweede Deel, gr. in-8, pp. 243 à 644.

Ibid., Deel XLII. 2o Stuk. 1881.

-Les Fêtes annuellement célébrées à Emoui (Amoy). Etude concernant la religion populaire des Chinois par J. J. M. de Groot, docteur en philosophie, interprète pour les langues chinoises au service du gouvernement des Indes orientales néerlandaises, traduite du hollandais, avec le concours de l'auteur, par C. G. Chavannes. Illustrations par Félix Régamey. (Annales du Musée Guimet, XI et XII, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1886.)

THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF CHINA, Its Ancient Forms, Evolution, History and Present Aspect. Manners, Customs and Social Institutions connected therewith. By J. J. M. de Groot, Ph. D. Published with a subvention from the Dutch Colonial Government. - Volume I. - BOOK I. DISPOSAL OF

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Heerscht er in China Godsdienstvrijheid? Door Prof. J. J. M. De Groot. (Onze Eeuw, 1 Jaarg., 1901, pp. 268/296, 550/588.)

Notice: Toung Pao, Oct. 1901, pp. 284/286. Par G. S.[chlegel.]

Is there Religious Liberty in China? By J. J. M. de Groot. (Mitth. des Seminars für Orient. Sprachen, Berlin, Jahrg. V, Erste Abth., 1902, pp. 103/151.)

Tirage à part: Berlin, 1902, in-8.
Notice Bull. Ecole franç. d'Ext.-Orient, III, N° 1, Janvier-
Mars 1903, pp. 102/108. Par P. Pelliot.

Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China A Page in the History of Religions by J. J. M. de Groot. In two volumes, Vol. I. (With three Plates.) Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam Afdeeling Letterkunde Nieuwe Reeks Deel IV. No. 1. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller 1903, gr. in-8, pp. vш-259+1 f. n. ch. p. 1. cor. et add. Vol. II. Verhandelingen d. K. Ak. van Weten. Amst. Afd. Letter. N. R. Deel IV, N° 2. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller 1904, gr. in-8, pp. vi + pages 263 à 595.

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Kouan-ti. (Miss. Cath., XIV, 1882, p. 147.)

Kouan ti, le dieu de la guerre chez les Chinois. Par C. Imbault

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Huart. (Revue de l'histoire des Religions, t. XIII, No. 2, marsavril 1886.)

Voir col. 715.

- Les religions de l'Extrême-Orient, leçon d'ouverture faite à l'école pratique des hautes-études par Léon de Rosny, Directeur d'Etudes adjoint, Professeur à l'Ecole des Langues Orientales. Paris, Maisonneuve frères et Ch. Leclerc, éditeurs, 1886, br. in-8, pp. 36.

Chrestomathie religieuse de l'ExtrêmeOrient publiée par la Société des Etudes japonaises, chinoises, tartares et indochinoises. Paris, Maisonneuve, 1887, in-8, pp. 52.

Chrestomathie religieuse de l'Extrême-Orient publiée sous les auspices de la Société des Études japonaises. (Le Lotus, V, 1886, pp. 153/202.)

- ***=*The Dragon, Image,

and Demon, or the three Religions of China Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, giving an account of the mythology, idolatry and demonolatry of the Chinese. By Rev. Hampden C. Du Bose, Fourteen Years a Missionary at Soochow. London, S. W. Partridge, 1886, pet. in-8, pp. 468.


The Dragon, Image and Demon, or three religions of China, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, giving an account of the mythology, idolatry and demonolatry of the Chinese. By Rev. H. C. Du Bose, Fourteen years a Missionary at Soochow. New-York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1887. Notice: China Review, XV, p. 382. Par E. J. E.[itel.]

Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte von P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye, Dr. und ord. Prof. der Theologie in Amsterdam. Freiburg i. B. 1887-1889, J. C. B. Mohr, 2 vol. in-8, pp. x-465, xvi-406.

Die Chinesen, I, pp. 232/261. Forme les deux premiers vol. du Sammlung Theologischer Lehrbücher Religionsgeschichte bearbeitet von P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye. Trad. en franç. sous la direction de Henri Hubert et Isidore Lévy. Paris, A. Colin, s. d. [1904], in-8.

Notice Revue Critique (par Maurice Vernes), No. 9, 27 fév. 1888, P. 163.

Manual of the Science of Religion by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye. . . . Translated from the German by Beatrice S. ColyerFergusson (née Max Müller). London, Longmans, 1891, in-8, pp. x-672.

- The Religious Ceremonies of the Chinese in the Eastern Cities of the United States by Stewart Culin. An Essay, read before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, at its Hall, April 1st, 1886. -Privately printed. - Philadelphia, 1887, br. in-4, pp. 23, 2 pl.

Tiré à 100 exemplaires.

- Animal worship among the Chinese. By


Rev. G. Owen. (Chin. Rec., XVIII, No. 7, July 1887, pp. 249/255; ibid., No. 9, Sept. 1887, pp. 334/346.)

The Religions of China. By Rev. George Owen. (Ibid., XXI, No. 2, Febr. 1890, pp. 84/87.)

Abridged from the London Missionary Chronicle.

On the ancient Cult of the Chinese as found in the Shu Ching by Rev. G. Owenn [sic]. (Journ. Peking Or. Soc., Vol. I, No. 5, pp. 203/224.)

Scraps from Chinese Mythology. By J. Dyer Ball. (China Review, IX, pp. 195/212.)

A propos de A Chinese Notion of Cosmogony and the Genesis of Man. Translated by the late Rev. Dyer Ball, M. A., M. D.; annotated by J. Dyer Ball.

Scraps from Chinese Mythology. The origin of Yuh Wang Shang-ti. Translated by the late Rev. Dyer Ball, M. A., M. D.; annotated by J. Dyer Ball. (China Review, XI, pp. 69/86, 203/217, 282/297, 382/390; XII, pp. 188/193, 324/331, 402/407; XIII, pp. 75/85.)

The Religious Festivals of the Cantonese. A brief sketch of the origin, development, and influence on the people of the most popular of the religious festivals of the Cantonese. By Rev. C. Bone. (Chin. Rec., XX, No. 8, August 1889, pp. 367/371; ibid., No. 9, Sept. 1889, pp. 391/403.)

Read before the Canton Missionary Conference, June 5th, 1889.

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