Able thou art, and worthy to prefide, That decent fame was however an unlucky throw, and hath afforded room for fome critics to conjecture that the whole compliment (of which we have copied but half) is ironical; but we confider it as mere fimple praise:-fo much the worse, fome readers will say ; but that is no fault of ours. Art. 14. The Anti-Palliferiad; or, Britain's Triumph over France. Its thunders point against the Gallic foe; If the foregoing lines are not wholly fufficient to determine the rank and character of this panegyric on Mr. Keppel, let the following be thrown in as a make-weight: • In heroic spirit Briton drew her sword.' Too clement Briton to a conquer'd foe!' The Admiral must be vanity-proof, indeed, if he be not overelated with all the fine things that are faid of him, and to him! Art. 15. An Heroic Congratulation, addreffed to the Hon. Auguftus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue; on his being unanimously, honourably, and fully acquitted of the Five malicious and illfounded Charges exhibited against him by Sir Hugh Pallifer, Vice-Admiral of the Blue. To which is annexed, an Address to the Public, containing the Five Charges, interfperfed with Metaphors, Animadverfions, and Allufions, fuitable to the Subject, to difplay their Abfurdity, and vindicate the untarnished Honour of the British Navy. 4to. I s. 6d. DodЛley, &c. What an happy man is this Admiral! Verfe-men and profe-men, and authors who write neither profe nor verse, all brandish their pens, and join the general huzza for Admiral Keppel! The following two pair of lines will ferve as a fample of this heroic Congratulation: • What's more incredible than all before! A third Charge fays, the Blue's Vice Adm'ral wore ; And laid his head towards the enemy, Then in their wake, as near as he cou'd be.' If this Gentleman's Mufe has done with the Court-martial, we would recommend to her attention the Seffions-houfe at the OldBailey. The trials, in that court, in rhyme, might procure us an annual volume, which would bid fair to rival WITHERS's Britain's Remembrancer, and WARD's verfification of Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion. Art. Art. 16. A Congratulatory Ode to Admiral Keppel. By the Author of the "Ode to the Warlike Genius of Britain." 4to. I S. Dodfley, &c. 1779. Making due allowance for the hafte with which this poem (according to the time of its publication) must have been compofed, we think it has confiderable merit. The laft line of the eighth stanza is worth whole reams of those puling" Copies of Verses" on Deaths, Marriages, Burials, and Battles, with which our morning, evening, weekly, and monthly papers are ftuffed: The waters roar, And point their rage 'gainst Albion's rocky fhore; And tofs the deafening billows to the sky. A fecond edition of this poem has appeared, with some corrections, and notes relative to the principal military occurrences of Mr. Kep. pel's life, which commenced with Anfon's famous circumnavigation of the globe. Art. 17. Neptune; a Poem. Infcribed to the Hon. Auguftus Keppel. 4to. I s. KearЛley. We are informed that the Author of this piece is young, and that it is a first and hafty performance. He ought to be very young, indeed, who pleads that circumftance in excufe for fuch grofs defects as are found in the poem before us. But whatever allowance may be made for fcribbling lines fo imperfect as thefe, nothing can ex cufe their being offered to the Public.-It is with regret we utter fuch harsh truths; but would it not be more cruel, and even criminal to mislead perhaps a well-difpofed youth, by a falfe tenderness, which, poffibly, might operate to his irreparable detriment? Art. 18. The Keppeliad; or, injured Virtue Triumphant. 4to. I s. 6d. Harrison. Bepraises and berhimes the admiral, the failors, the trial, the fentence, and every thing, and every body except poor Sir Hugh. Keppel's addrefs to the court-martial begins with "When I had fought for forty feafons past, Little I thought 'twould come to this at laft." Do not mistake him, Reader: the poet, we mean.-He intends not, we affure you, to burlesque the fubject: the Author is as true and zealous a Keppelian as ever huzza'd, or tofs'd a brick bat at a window. Art. 19. A remarkable moving Letter. 4to. I S. Faulder. 1779. A wicked wit, making merry with Mrs. Macaulay's fecond marriage. Art. 20. An Epifle from Edward, an American Prisoner in England, to Harriet, in America. 4to. 6d. Fielding and Co. Poor Edward laments, but not in poor verfe, the hardships of his confinement, his abfence from the fair object of his tenderest affections, and the circumftance of his being withheld from lending his arm to the affiftance of his country, in what he deems her glorious ftruggle for freedom. He is galled, too, at the reproach caft upon him as a rebel; and thus expatiates on the opprobrious term: 66 Rebel! Can England, loft to freedom, now forget The fhining honours of her former state? Thefe, too, were REBEL-CHIEFS; for thefe withstood We have given the foregoing lines as a fpecimen of the poetry. In the advertisement prefixed, the Author affures the Reader that the poem is founded on fact; that he has often been a witness to the diftreffes and delicate agitations of the unfortunate Edward's mind; -and that the profits of this publication will be applied to the relief of the American prifoners now in England.' Art. 21. The Shadows of Shakespeare: A Monody, occafioned by the Death of Mr. Garrick. Being a Prize Poem, written for the Vafe at Bath Eafton. By Courtney Melmoth. 4to. Is. Dilly, &c. The vase at Bath Eafton feems to have frozen the powers of Mr. Courtney Melmoth. Sincerum eft nifi VAS, quodcunque infundis acef cit. This monody, however, was there a prize poem! To a canto and parody of Shakespeare may we not apply canto ánd parody, and in the words of Hamlet, cry out "But tell, why the vase, "Wherein we faw thee quietly inurn'd, Art. 22. A Paftoral. By an Officer belonging to the Cana • To Benington fome Brunswick troops were fent, To burn their magazines, and with intent, * * A cannon-fhot, by cruel fate let fly, Lopp'd off at once the brave young warrior's thigh." POLITICAL. Art. 23. The Freeholder's Supplication to both Houses of Parliamenta 4to. I S. H. Payne. Taking it for granted, that the conftitutional guardians of the realm have lost the confidence of the people,' heintreats them to enter into fome refolution which may regain it, and revive the fpirits of their defponding and difappointed countrymen. The particular step which, in his opinion, would be moft conducive to this end, is fimply this," An addrefs from both Houfes of Parliament, to our gracious Sovereign, to remove the American Secretary from his poft."-The Author refts the propriety of the addrefs folely on the manifeft will of the people; but the particulars of the Charge he leaves to thofe who have the materials in their hands.'-But what does this Writer mean by the manifeft will of the people? Where and how is it manifefted? Where, and by what means, were the fentiments of the people collected ?-There are two or three other to pics of declamation in this pamphlet ;-for which we refer to the Author. Art. 24. A Letter to the King of France. 4to. Is. Robertfon in Panton-street. This Letter appears to be meant, if it has any meaning, for the perufal and inftruction of the King of Great Britain; but, poffibly, the mind of the Author is in the fame deranged state into which, he says, the government of this nation is fallen: A chaos of things' that cannot deserve the name, for government there is none. Pray, Dr. Monro, take care of this poor Gentleman! Art. 25. Obfervations on a Bill now depending in Parliament, intituled, "A Bill (with the Amendments) to punish by Imprisonment and hard Labour, certain Offenders, and to establish proper Places for their Reception." By Henry Zouch, Clerk, a Justice of the Peace. 8vo. 6d. Johnson. A bill in parliament being a compofition fubmitted to a fupreme court of criticism before publication, with all due deference be it observed, that it is contrary to our plan to interfere in their ftrictures. But as Mr. Zouch has thought proper to publish his observations on the bad policy of multiplying places of confinement in the mode intended to be eftablished by the bill in queftion, we may prefume so far as to say that his objections appear to be extremely well founded. DRAMATIC. Art. 26. Elfrida; a Dramatic Poem, written on the Model of the ancient Greek Tragedy. First published in the Year 1751, and now altered for theatrical Representation. By W. Mason, M. A. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Dodfley, &c. 1779. The Author of Elfrida apparently entertains a very mean idea of the modern flage, fince, in order to render his drama, as he fuppofes, more theatrical, he has made it infinitely lefs claffical. Art. 27. Calypfo, a new Mafque, in Three Acts, as it is performed at the Theatre in Covent Garden. Written by Richard Cumberland, Efq. 8vo. I s. 6d. Evans. 1779. Comus in petticoats! The taplah of Milton and Shakespeare ftrained off in the coolers of Cumberland. Art. 28. An Account of the Wonders of Derbyshire, as introduced in the Pantomime Entertainment at the Theatre Royal, Drury lane. 8vo. 6 d. Randall. 1779. The title of this pamphlet is a fufficient review of its contents. Art. 29. The Liverpool Prize; a Farce, in Two Acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, with univerfal Applaufe. Written by F. Pillon. 8vo. 1 S. Evans. 1779. Well feafoned with fea falt, and perhaps more calculated for the relith of thofe whofe tafte is merely farcical, than if it had been tin&tured with the fame portion of the Attic. MISCELLANEOUS. Art. 30. The Life and Death of David Garrick, Efq; the celebrated English Rofcius, &c. &c. 8vo. 1s. Pridden. Grubstreet must now give place to Fleetstreet. REV. Mar. 1779. R Art. 1. Art. 31. Eulogy on M. De Voltaire. From the French of M. Pallifot. 8vo. I S. Hookham. From the very defective language of this tranflation, we conclude that we are indebted for it to the industry of fome foreigner, who imagines he can write English. For an ample account of M. Pallifot's panegyric on M. de Voltaire, fee our last Appendix, published at the fame time with the Review for January.' Art. 32. An authentic and impartial Copy of the Trial of the Hon. Auguftus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue, held at Portsmouth, Jan. 7, 1779, and continued by feveral Adjournments to the 11th of February. Taken in Short Hand by a Perfon who attended during the whole Trial, and printed by the Defire of a Society of Gentlemen. With feveral interefting Papers. 8vo. 3 s. 6 d. fewed. Portfmouth printed; and fold by Whieldon, &c. in London. The feveral interefting papers,' prefixed to this copy of the trial at large, are-Admiral Keppel's accounts of the engagement, as published in the Gazette The minifterial paragraph extolling Sir Hugh Pallifer" (fo the Editor expreffes it)-The answer-The paragraph of which Sir H. P. complained-Sir H. P.'s Answer-A Reply-Time of the Admiral's failing-Lift of the fleet-Extracts from the debates in the House of Commons.—The Author, or Editor, exultingly adds an account of the rejoicings, &c. at Portsmouth, on the Admiral's honourable acquittal. From all which we collect, that Sir H. P. and his friends were not of the Society of Gentlemen at whose defire this account of the proceedings was taken. Art. 33. The Trial of the Hon. AUGUSTUS KEPPEL, &c. &c. To which are added, feveral interefting Letters and Papers relative to the Subject. Faithfully taken down in Court by Thomas Blandemor. For the Gentlemen of the Navy. 8vo. 4 s. fewed. Portsmouth printed; and fold by Crowder, &c. in London. The interesting letters and papers,' rather too oftentatiously mentioned in the title page, are, I. Mr. Blandemor's affidavit, setting forth that, by permiffion of the Court,' and at the request, and under the direction of many gentlemen of the navy, and other refpectable characters, the friends of Admiral Keppel,' he took down the minutes of the said Admiral's trial:' and likewise affirming his care and accuracy, &c. &c. II. A gloffary of fome fea-terms and technical phrafes. III. Admiral K.'s line of battle. IV. Lift of the French fleet. Art. 34. The Proceedings at large of the Court-Martial on the Trial of the Hon. Auguftus Keppel. Taken in Short Hand, by William Blanchard, for the Admiral, and published by his Permiffion. Folio. 6 s. Almon. To this account of the proceedings are added, by way of Appendix, copies of letters from the Secretary of the Admiralty, and from the Judge Advocate, to Mr. Keppel, previous to his trial; with Mr. Keppel's anfwers; together with letters from Sir Hugh Pallifer, and feveral public papers relative to this important trial. Alfo, a copy of the congratulatory thanks delivered by the Speaker of the House of |