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or Upper Egyptian dialect, he mistook the Sahidic or Thebaidic manufcripts in the Bodleian Library for faulty Coptic ones. La Croze being librarian to the King of Prussia at Berlin, and having free access to the Egyptian manuscripts of Petræus in that library, compiled from these and some other manuscripts, a valuable dictionary, which he finished in 1722. He was much assisted in this.undertaking by Dr. Jablonsky, a learned Professor at Franckfort, who collected several materials for him in the Bodleian Library, and that of the French King at Paris. Dr. Jablonsky gave la Croze the first hint that, beside the Coptic dialect, there was another of Upper Egypt, which is now commonly called the Sahidic or Thebaidic dialect. He sent him likewife a transcript of a manuscript of this kind (No. 393, Huntington, in the Bodleian Library) de Mysteriis Literarum Græcarum, from which la Croze took Collectionem vocum quarundam Sahidicarum, which is annexed to his Dictionary. Jablonfky, who, on his Travels, had copied several Egyptian manuscripts, communicated them to his brother-in law, Mr. Scholtz, Chaplain in Ordinary to the King of Pruffia; who, being furnished with the manufcripts at Berlin, and the Dictionary of la Croze, wrote, in 1750, an Egyptian Grammar, of both dialects, in two vols. 4to. Several learned men wished that both the Dictionary and the Grammar might be published, but they could not find a printer furnished with Egyptian types, or who would hazard the undertaking; till, at last, the university of Oxford, on a noble principle of public spirit, determined to take the business in hand. When the Dictionary was printing, Mr. Woide was defired to make some additions to it; but this not being proposed to him till more than half the work was printed off, he could extend his remarks to three letters only; and, to render the undertaking more useful, he added an index. He has, however, with incredible pains, copied the feveral materials, which are necessary for his purpose, from manuscripts in the Bodleian, Parifian, and other libraries; and we are told that these extenfive supplements will be printed separately.

It was intended to print the Grammar of Mr. Scholtz, in two 4to. vols. immediately after the Dictionary, but it being found too voluminous, Mr. Woide has, very properly, abridged it; and the work, so far from lofing by his abridgment, has gained very confiderably; for Mr. Woide has carefully examined, corrected, and improved the Grammar, by means of manuscripts unknown to Mr. Scholtz, of which he gives an account in the preface prefixed to the Grammar. As to the Sahidic part, which is now to be found in this Grammar, we must not forget to mention that it was entirely supplied by Mr. Woide.

We cannot help observing that there are two circumstances which must particularly recommend this Grammar: first, that the rules laid down are illuftrated and supported by examples, quoted from the above-mentioned manuscripts; secondly, that it exhibits both dialects, to one of which we have been hitherto entire strangers. The late Mr. Swinton of Oxford intended to have added to this work a dissertation, De Numis Copto-Phœniciis, part of which is actually printed off; but the remainder cannot be found among his papers. Mr. Woide, likewife, informs us, that, beside some curious books, in the dialect of Upper Egypt, there is a very ancient and valuable translation of the New Testament, of which he intends soon to give an account, and to publish the various readings; and we hope it will not be long before he fulfils his promise, made at the end of the preface to the Grammar, to gratify the curiosity of the learned with his differtation on the Egyptian language and its characters. We do not doubt but there will appear several things, in this branch of literature, which are altogether new; and we join in opinion with a right reverend prelate, who, in his preface to his applauded Commentary on Isaiah*, thinks that the Public will be benefited by it. Researches of this kind must, undoubtedly, throw greater light on the critical study of the New Testament, and on Christian antiquities, than the Arabic, which of late, (particularly abroad) has been the hobby-horse of many professors, and young masters of arts, who use their knowledge of the Arabic, which, heaven knows, is much confined, like a juggler's box, to make the ignorant stare, and to raise a smile on the countenances of those who have difcernment enough to see how far they are from being critical conjurors.

* Of which an account is preparing for our Review.

ART. III. A general History of Ireland, from the earliest Accounts to the close of the Twelfth Century, collected from the most Authentic Records. In which new and interesting Lights are thrown on the remote Histories of other Nations, as well as both BRITAINS. By Mr. O'Halloran, Author of an Introduction to the History and Antiquities of Ireland. In two Volumes, 4to. 11. 11 s. 6d. boards. Robinson, &c. 1778.


ONTENTIONS concerning antiquity, birth, and rank, either as to nations, or private persons, may often, perhaps, be best settled by recurring to the epitaph of honeft Matt. Prior. As descendants of Adam and of Eve, all may put in an equal claim, and higher none can rise. We do not mean, however, by this reflection, to condemn all enquiry into the origin of nations, which may in some instances be attended not only with pleasure but with improvement. Mr. O'Halloran has already appeared as a warm and zealous advocate for

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the honour and antiquity of his country. The same nationality and ardour, which were manifested in a volume published some years ago, are observable in the present performance. duty,' says this gentleman, ' I owed to my much neglected and. much injured country, superseded every other confideration; and determined me to publish * An Introduction to Irish History. This work met with a more favourable reception than I durst have flattered myself, not only in Britain and Ireland, but on the continent; and the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres at Paris, have expressed their approbation of it,, in terms highly honourable to the author. Here I had resolved that my hiftorical researches should end, but I found myself mistaken. Since that period, other writings on the same subject appeared, in which ancient history and modern hypothesis, are strangely affimilated. It appeared to me, that if some generous attempt at a general history of Ireland was not speedily undertaken, the annals of our country, so important to letters, would be lost for ever; as at this day, few are found hardy enough to explore a fubject so little countenanced, and so long neglected. But who bold enough to engage in so arduous a task? That I have attempted; but could I have foreseen the tenth part of the labours and difficulties I had to encounter, in all probability, it would never have appeared!'

The first book of this work contains the very early history of this country, from the supposed landing of Partholan (faid to be a defcendant of Magog, son of Japhet), about 278 years after the flood, to the famous Milefian expedition, about the year of the world 2736. The accounts given of settlements in Ireland, during this period, have been generally confidered as precarious, and founded on British emigrations thither. The Fir Bolgs have been regarded as Belgians or fouthern Britons, and a colony known by the name of Tuatha de Danaans, to be the Damnonian Britons: Mr. O'Halloran allows nothing of this; he is perfuaded that these different colonies arose from the same stock, and emigrated from Greece to Ireland, though the last diftinguished by the name of Tuatha de Danaans, went first to Denmark, where they refided a confiderable time, after which they passed, he says, seven years in North Britain, and came from thence to his country where they fixed their abode. He produces some proofs and authorities for his assertions; but after all that is said on the subject, it must surely be allowed, that what accounts remain of those early times are so much inveloped in obscurity, uncertainty, and fable, that, in general, little dependance is generally to be rested on them. Our Author thinks, there is every reasonable evidence, that the old British

* Vid. Review, vol. xlix. p. 193.


and old Irish, proceeded from one common stock; but which, says the, is the parent country? To this he finds it not difficult to anfwer, that the first invaders of Britain were the followers of Briotan, grandson of Neimheidh, chief of the fecond colony which failed from Greece to Ireland. From this prince (Briotan) the country assumed the name of Britain, as did the people that of Britons; and he adds, ' since they must originate from fome colony, where can they trace a more honourable fource?"

In the second book, the Milesian history commences, and the Irish race are traced back to Phœnius, the great grandfon of Japhet. In the Irish annals, he is said to be furnamed Fairfadh, or the Sage, celebrated for his wisdom, and as the inventor of letters, and for the labour he employed to establish arts and sciences in his dominions. His refidence is supposed to have been on the Syrian coaft, bordering the Mediterranean, the ancient Phoenicia, so renowned in history. The account of this prince, and his descendants, with their emigrations, and settlements in Crete, Egypt, Spain, &c. is pursued in this book, to the year of the world 2706, when Heber and Heremon leave Spain for Ireland. The narration of these distant events, is intermingled with chapters, in which the Author, in a very elaborate manner, assigns his arguments in support of the fact, and particularly of his great and favourite topic, that he and his countrymen are defcended from Phenius. The customs of the Phoenicians and ancient Irish, he observes, greatly corresponded. They both adored Bel, or the fun, the moon, and the stars. The house of Rimmon which the Phoenicians worshipped in, like our temples of Fleachta, in Meath, was sacred to the moon. The word Rimmon, has by no means been understood by the different commentators; and yet by recurring to the Irish it becomes very intelligible; for Re is Irish for the moon, and Muadh, signifies an image; and the compound word Reamhan, signifies prognosticating by the appearances of the moon. -The Phoenicians, under the name of BelSamen, adored the Supreme; and it is pretty remarkable, that to this very day, to wish a friend every happiness this life can afford, we say in Irish, " the blessings of Samen and Bel be with you!" that is of all the seasons, Bel signifying the fun, and Samhain, the moon.

'Neptune was alike adored by the Phoenicians and Irish ; and it is worthy notice, that the Irish language ONLY explains the attributes of this deity, though common to other countries; from Naomh, or Naoph, sacred; and Ton, a wave! But this reminds us of a derivation in another part of the work, in which our Author does not seem quite so happy; when speaking of a festival appointed by Luigha for the month of August, he observes, that from the name of this king Luigha, August is called in Irish, Lugh-nas, from whence, he adds, the English word Lammas for August.' This by the way. Our Historian proceeds:

But to prove to conviction the origin of the Irish nation, it is to be noticed, that the Carthaginians, who were confefsedly a Phoenician colony, were, like the Irish, called also Pœni. That they spoke the Phoenician language will not be doubted, and if it will appear, that the Bearla-Pheni, or Irish, is the same with the Carthaginian, demonftration can go no farther. This the learned Colonel Vallancy, has proved beyond a doubt in a late publication *, and in the course of the present history, it will appear, that a close connection and corresepondence was constantly kept up between the two states. Both were renowned for their fleets and their commerce, and were alike attentive to the encouragement of arts, sciences, manufactures, and agriculture.'

Our writer endeavours to prove, that Ireland is meant by the famous Atalantic ifle of the Egyptians, mentioned by Plutarch, in his life of Solon, the Ogygia of Homer, and the Hyperborean Island, which Diodorus Siculus describes from Hecateus, an ancient author, who is faid to have written its hiftory; to all which, he adds proofs and reasons, that these ancestors of the Irish were the first reformers of Greece. In descanting on these subjects, he displays his erudition and attention, together with a kind of enthusiastic ardour for his country's honour. He infits on the care which the Milefians used, not only to collect and preserve their own annals from the time of Phenius, but also, to inform themselves of the history of those inhabitants whom they found in Ireland at their arrival, to preserve and to tranfmit it to pofterity. With regard to ancient history in general,

the farther we push our enquiries, says he, the more we find it absorbed in fable. Beyond a certain period, every thing appears a perfect chaos! kings descended from gods and demigods; reigns, revolutions, and interesting events, recorded without order, time, or place! Not so in the preceding relation. We behold a regular succession of rulers, without any thing of the fabulous, or even the marvellous. It carries too great an air of truth and fimplicity, to suppose it the work of invention, had we even wanted collateral evidences to support it.' To this, he adds, in another place, The foregoing narrative, faithfully extracted from the most respectable of our records, is the earliest account of colonization extant, and I think it the best supported. It has not only been carefully handed down from age to age by our antiquarians, but honoured by the pens

* Collection of the Irish and Punic languages, &c.


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