Physicians, with no other complaint than an involuntary discharge of urine, which appeared to be getting better. Since the publication of this case, the operation has been performed with success by Mr. Despres of St. Paul de Leon in Britany, and Mr. Cambon in Mons. For several objections made to this operation, and the answers given to them, we must refer to the pamphlet, without attempting to anticipate any further reflections which may suggest themselves to the minds of our Readers on this curious and interesting subject. RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. 12mo. Art. 38. The Conquest of Canaan: in which, the natural and moral State of its Inhabitants, the Character of their Conquerors, with the Manner and Design of their Conquest, are confidered: In a Series of Letters from a Father to his Son. Intended for the Amusement and Instruction of Youth. By John Martin. 3 s. Boards. Buckland. 1777. Calculated to convey, both to youth and to other perfons, instruction and assistance as to this part of the Old Testament History, and also to improve their minds, and promote their virtue and piety. Such ends the Author proposed by this publication, and such ends it is fitted to answer. Some objections to this part of Sacred Hiftory are briefly confidered, and several useful observations are made. Art. 39. A Memoir of some principal Circumstances in the Life and Death of the reverend and learned Augustus Montagu Toplady, B. A. late Vicar of Broad Hembury, Devon. To which is added, written by himself, the Dying Believer's Address to his Soul; and his last Will and Testament. 8vo. 6d. Mathews. 1778. The followers and admirers of Mr. Toplady will read this account with great edification, as it appears to have been drawn by an intimate friend of the deceased. Art. 40. Remarks on the Prophetic part of the Revelation of St. John: especially the three laft Trumpets. By Thomas Reader. 8vo. 48. Boards. Buckland. 1778. The general scheme of this Author's work is as follows: the seven feals include a space of time from A. D. 96 to 305; the seven trumpets from A. D. 395 to 3,125, i. e. to the end of the world and last judgment, in which is included the seven vials extending from A. D. 1936 to 1942. He acknowledges his obligations for much knowledge of this book to Mr. Fleming, Mr. Mede, Mr. Lowman, Bishop Newton, and others; and where, says he, I have left my guides, I have fubmitted my reasons for it to the understanding and candor of every reader, who must judge of them as he can? He appears to be a man of piety, and discovers a degree of knowledge and learning suitable to this kind of enquiries. He is poffibly too much biaffed by an attachment to system. It should be confidered that human systems whether Arminian, Calvinistic, or otherwise, are not abfolutely Scripture-truth. We agree with him in supposing that papal and other establishments have debased Chriftianity; and is there not alfo reafon reason to believe that it may have been injured by a rigid adherence to systematic divinity ? Art. 41. An Antidote to Popery; or the Proteftant's Memory jogg'd in Seafon: By the following Narratives and Facts. 1. The Perfecutions of the Protestants in the Reigns of Henry IV. V. VIII. and that of Queen Mary. II. The Irish Martyrology. II. Popish treasons and confpiracies in England. IV. Persecutions in France. V. Extracts of Letters from Lisbon, by an eminent Minister of the Church of England. VI. A short Account of the most material Errors now taught in the Church of Rome. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. a Dozen. Matthews. 1778. 12mo. 3 d. or 2s. 6d. This little performance is introduced by a short advertisement in which the Author expresses an earnest but just concern that we may be preserved from the infection of Popish seductions, and the horrors of Popish perfecution; at the fame time he cautions the good people of England against the present Jesuitical apology, introduced, he fays, in the News papers, that the Papists are now too refined in morals and manners to commence perfecutors. As friends to liberty, religious and civil, we fincerely with these blessings to every man, and hope we abhor every thing that bears hard on the rights of confcience. Yet as we have been taught by clear and undoubted testimony and conviction how inimical the principles of Popery are to the comfort and welfare of a Protestant community, and the just and reasonable claims of mankind, it cannot admit of a question whether or not we ought to guard against its encroachments. Since this is the cafe, and fince great ignorance, as well as negligence, may, or we may fay, does prevail even in our enlightened land, on this and other important points, we esteem it very friendly in this Clergyman of the Church of England, who at so cheap a rate endeavours to give us a jog. Art. 42. A Letter of folemn Counsel from a Minister of the Gospel, to a Person in a declining State of Health. 8vo. 6d. Robinion. 1778. The Author of this pamphlet is the Rev. Mr. de Courcy. It is a warm and affectionate address, on the Methodistical plan, to those who are fick, but intended also for the admonition and assistance of perfons in health. Art. 43. Collatio Codicis Cottoniani Geneseos cum Editione Romana, a viro Clariffimo Joanne Ernesto Grabe, jam olim facta; nunc demum fummâ curâ edita ab HENKICO OWFN. M. D. S. R. S. &c.-A Collation of the Cotton MS. of Genefis, with the Roman edition, formerly made by the celebrated John Ernest Grabe, and now carefully published by Henry Owen. M. D. F. R. S. Rector of St. Olave, Hart street. 8vo. 38. Rivington. 1778. This ancient and beautiful MS. is said to have been brought into England in the reign of Henry VIII. by two Greek bishops. Queen Elizabeth made a present of it to Sir John Fortescue, from whom it descended to the Cotton library. Walton says that there were five volumes of this MS. containing the whole Pentateuch, but that the four last came into the hands of a Frenchman, who never returned them them to the owner. Dr. Owen considers it as the most ancient MS. in England, if not in all Europe. Besides its large and exact letters, it is adorned with beautiful figures, describing some parts of the history. Four prints of this kind are given in the present pamphlet. But this valuable MS. was nearly destroyed, it is said, by the fire which so greatly damaged the Cotton library in 1731. Sometime before this fatal event the illustrious Grabe had promised to publish this very ancient MS. of Genesis, or at least a Collation of it with the Roman edition, but he died before he could fulfil his promise. This therefore Dr. Owen has undertaken, and now offers to the learned world. A Collation of the same kind is to be found in the fixth volume of Bibl. Polyglott. Londinenfium, but very imperfect. Our Author has performed his task from those remains of Grabe's writings upon it, which have been preserved in the Bodleian library, what additions there are of his own, are properly distinguished, and those of the notes which belong to Grabe are pointed out by the letter G. The work is curious, and appears to merit the attention of the learned. Art. 44. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Jebb, with relation to his declared Sentiments about the Unlawfulness of all religious Addresses to Christ Jesus. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Galabin and Baker. 1778. Mr. (now Dr.) Jebb, in ' the short State of the Causes of his Refignation,' expressly condemned all religious addresses to Jesus Christ, and referred to Mr. Lindsey's Apology, for the proof of their unlawfulness. The Author, therefore, of the present Tract thought it incumbent upon him to examine the grounds upon which Mr. Jebb rested his assertion; he has accordingly gone through the passages of the New Testament, which Mr. Lindsey had confidered with regard to the subject; and hath endeavoured to shew from them that the religious addresses ought to be made to Jesus Christ. The critical knowledge and learning of this Author are visible in every page of the performance before us; and his calmness and candour are equally apparent. How far he is right in some of his remarks, may we think justly be disputed; but many of them undoubtedly call for the ferious attention of Mr. Lindsey, and Dr. Jebb. In saying this, we do not mean to determine in the present Writer's favour; but to express our wishes that the question were still more deeply investigated. An accurate and extensive examination of the subject in which the worship to be paid to the One God and Father of all, should be traced through the Old and New Testament, and the subordinate homage due to Jesus, should be fixed with precision, is the grand defideratum in Christian theology. Art. 45. Sermons on several important Subjects. By James Bryson, A. M. Belfast, printed. 1778. These Sermons, which were published by subscription, are thirteen in number; the subjects are: A sense of God, and regard to integrity, the great supports of virtue and sources of comfort; from Gen. xvii. 1. The immortality of the foul; from 2 Cor. v. 10. and 2 Tim. i. 10. The principles out of which the happiness of the future life shall arife, and the influence the hope of it should have on the conduct of life; from John iii. 2, 3. The vanity of human life, to an unoffending mind; from Eccles. i. 14. Confcious guilt, what renders death an object of fear; from 1 Cor. xv. 56. Religious meditation; from Pfalm cxix. 15. what Concerning these sermons the Author observes, that, 'in laying these subjects first before his own audience, and now before the Public, he was directed by this single rule; that the light of the underftanding should warm the heart and direct the life. Abstract-reasoning, he says, may support the belief, but cannot inforce the practice of religious virtue. On the other hand, religious virtue can never be permanent, confiftent, and strong, without the powerful aid of folid principle. How far he has avoided the extravagance of philofophifing, and the feebleness of sentimental address, he leaves to the decision of the impartial Public. -No man, it is added, (he is fully perfuaded) ever appeared before the Public with greater diffidence, or wished to treat it with greater candor,' Such is the account which this writer gives of himself. It may be fome alleviation of his honest fear, to be informed, that his difcourses must be acknowledged to be rational, sensible, and ingenious; they plead strongly, and convincingly, in favour of religious virtue; and are calculated to serve its interests; they are perhaps rather too much laboured, and have consequently some degree of stiffness in the composition; but they have real merit, and appear, as Mr. Bryson says, to be the offspring of a heart to which the interest of pure religion, and the happiness of mankind, are not indifferent.' SERMONS. I. Preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, July 6, 1778: on Occafion of the Anniversary Meeting of the Governors of the Radcliffe Infirmary. By John, Lord Bishop of Oxford. 4to. IS. Oxford. Clarendon Press. Rivington, &c. In this judicious and elegant discourse, which is printed for the benefit of the charity, legal institutions for the relief of the poor, however expedient and necessary on the whole, are shown to be un.. friendly to the exertion of the benevolent principle; the excellence of the Christian institution, in encouraging an unrestrained spirit of liberality, is illustrated; and useful precepts are given, respecting the selection of proper objects of charity. IH. Preached at St. Sepulchre's, London, March 15th; and at the Parish Church of Cheshunt, Herts, October 27th, 1778, for the Benefit of the Humane Society, instituted for the Recovery of Persons apparently dead by drowning. By Colin Milne, LL. D. Rector of North-Chapel, Sussex. 8vo. IS. Rivington, &c. 1778. The Preacher's text is, For no Man liveth to himself. After some time spent in censuring those, who, according to his account, vilify and degrade Human Nature, he proceeds to recommend the present charitable institution; and with proper warmth and fervor urges a contribution to it's support, suitable to the benevolence of the design. III. Ministers, Labourers together with God.-Preached at Exeter, before the Assembly of the united dissenting Clergy of Devon and Cornwall; September 9th, 1778. By the Rev. Sir Harry Tre lawney lawney, Bart. A B. Minister of the Prefbyterian Church at West Looe, Cornwall. 4to. 6d. Buckland. 1778. When Sir Harry Trelawney first quitted the Church of England, his principles and connections being of the Methodistical kind, he naturally affociated himself with those Dissenters who, in their zeal for Calvinifm, and the warmth of their enthusiasm, approach the nearest to the Methodists. Even then, however, he discovered, on many occafions, great candour of disposition; and, in his confeflion at his ordination, he shewed that the grounds of his nonconformity, were the fame with those which were built upon by the most rational of the Dissenting clergy. In other respects that service was not well digested; and he was rather unfortunate in meeting with fuch perfons to conduct his ordination, as could not be said to be the firft of their profeffion, either in abilities or a liberal turn of thinking. In the discourse before us, Sir Harry Trelawney hath proved, that he is possessed of a mind which is capable of rising above every narrow prejudice. The fentiments he hath advanced are, throughout, rational, candid, and enlarged. The authors he refers to, with approbation, are, Erasmus, Grotius, Le Clerc, Dr. Jortin, Dr. Ogden, Dr. Price, and Dr. Watson of Cambridge. His zeal is accompanied with knowledge; and he is for having the cause of Chriftian truth defended with the spirit of meekness, and the manners of a gentleman. The bigots, it seems, have faid, that the rational Difssenters have put an extinguisher over Sir Harry Trelawney; but to this it hath been answered, that they have only made use of the Snuffers. IV. The beneficial Effects of Harmony. Preached at the Meeting of the Three Choirs in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, September 9, 1778. By S. Glasse, D. D. F. R. S. and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. 4to. 1 s. Rivington. If the prophane mufic of an Orpheus could move the rocks, we cannot doubt, but the music of the Choirs, in Gloucester Cathedral, supported by the eloquence of Dr. Glaffe, would be fufficiently powerful to draw gold from the pockets of the auditors, and convey it to the plate of charity. 1 V. A Revisal of the English Translation of the Old Testament, recommended:-before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, November 15, 1778. To which is added, fome Account of an ancient Syriac Translation of great Part of Origen's Hexaplar Edition of the LXX, lately discovered in the Ambrofian Library at Milan. By the Rev. Joseph White, M. A. Fellow of Wadham College, Laudian Professor of Arabic, and one of his Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. 4to. Is. Rivington, &c. In this rational, sensible discourse, the learned and ingenious Au thor bestows high encomiums on the tranflators of the prefent English version of the Old Testament: but he gives them no more than their just praise; for we are certainly under great obligations to them. He observes also, as what cannot be 'impressed too often, that our common tranflation is extremely well calculated to answer every purs pose of general piety, both for the learned and unlearned Chriftian. What is wanting, he says, is wanting, not for the necessity of edification, I |