Whiteboys was this: — Some landlords in Munster set their lands to cottiers far above their value; and, to lighten their burden, allowed commonage to their tenants by way of recompense; afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all compacts,... The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journaledited by - 1779Full view - About this book
| Thomas Campbell - Dublin (Ireland) - 1778 - 526 pages
...enjoy. The The original caufe of the rifing of the White-Boys was this : " Some landlords in Munfter fet their lands to cottiers far above their value; and,...afterwards, in defpite of all equity, contrary to all compads, the landlords inclofed thefe commons, and precluded their unhappy tenants from the only means... | |
| John Curry - Ireland - 1786 - 432 pages
...cottiers far above their value, and to lighten their burthen, had allowed commonage to their tenants. Afterwards in defpite of all equity, contrary to all...the only means of making their bargains tolerable." ' Another caufe of thefe people's difcontents was, the cruel exactions of tithe-mongers: thefe harpies... | |
| James Mullala - Finance - 1793 - 340 pages
...enjoy. The original caufe of the rifing of the White Boys was this ; " fome landlords in Munfter fet their lands to cottiers far above their value ; and...afterwards, in defpite of all equity, contrary to all compa&s, the landlords entlofed thefe commons, and precluded their unhappy tenants from the only means... | |
| William Wenman Seward - Great Britain - 1801 - 458 pages
...was fcoo after liberated, - " knds to cotters, far above their value ; and to lighten their burdens, allowed commonage to their tenants by way of recompence. — Afterwards, in defpite of all equity, and contrary to all compacts, the landlords inclofed thefe commons; and precluded their unhappy tenants... | |
| Sir George Cornewall Lewis - Church and state - 1836 - 496 pages
...its inhabitants, occasioned by the tyranny and rapacity of their landlords. These landlords had set their lands to cottiers far above their value, and, to lighten their burden, had allowed commonage to their tenants. Afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all compacts,... | |
| Sir George Cornewall Lewis - Church and state - 1836 - 518 pages
...its inhabitants, occasioned by the tyranny and rapacity of their landlords. These landlords had set their lands to cottiers far above their value, and, to lighten their burden, had allowed commonage to their tenants. Afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all compacts,... | |
| Ireland - 1856 - 706 pages
...greedily •"The original cause of the rising of the Whiteboys was this: — Some landlords in Munster set their lands to cottiers far above their value ; and...to Lighten their burden, allowed commonage to their tenantry, by way of recompense: afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all compacts, the... | |
| Thomas D'Arcy McGee - Catholics - 1853 - 400 pages
...of the origin of the same disturbances : " Some landlords in Munster have let their lands to cotters far above their value, and, to lighten their burden, allowed commonage to their tenants by way of recompense : afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all compacts, the landlords enclosed... | |
| Charles Bernard Gibson - Cork (Ireland : County) - 1861 - 566 pages
...says, " The original cause of the rising of Whiteboys was this — some landlords, in Munster, set their lands to cottiers far above their value, and...their burden, allowed commonage to their tenants. Afterwards, in despite of all equity, the landlords enclosed these commons." The cottier tenants commenced... | |
| George Sigerson - Ireland - 1871 - 356 pages
...becoming intolerable; in Munster they had of old enjoyed a right of commonage, and " some landlords set their lands to cottiers far above their value ; and, to lighten their burthens, allowed commonage to their tenants ; afterwards, in despite of all equity, contrary to all... | |
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