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No. 5. Theologie.

De Bure expresses a doubt whether there is. any large paper copy of Castell's Lexicon. There is a magnificent one in the British Museum. No. 15. Theologie.

VETUS TESTAMENTUM GRECUM juxta lxx. Interpret. Studio Antonii Cardinalis Carafæ, ope doctorum virorum adjuți cum præfatione et scholiis Petri Morini: Romæ Zanetti 1587. In


The error into which De Bure has fallen in his description of this curious book, is thus satisfactorily explained and corrected in the Catalogue des livres de M. Goutard. (Paris 1780.) p. 2.

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Cette edition de l'ancien Testament a été annoncée jusqu'a présent, tant par les Bibliographes, que par les Bibliographes de Catalogues, sous la date de 1587. Mais ni les uns, ni les autres n'ont fait attention que la vraie date est de M. D. LXXXVI et que l'on a ajouté á la plume, un 1, á tous les exemplaires qui sont datés de 1587. On voit par la Bulle de Sixte V. qui est au verso du quatrieme feuillet des pieces preliminaires, la même date. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Marcum sub anulo piscatoris die VIII Octobris. M.D. LXXXVI. Pontificatus

nostri anno secundo.

Il est trés raissemblable que ce qui empéche que cet ouvrage ne fût mis au jour en 1586 c'est

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que l'on s'apperçut que l'on avoit laissé passer plusieurs fautes, et pour ajouter deux nouveaux Errata &c. On retarda la publication de ce livre. Voici les augmentations qui se trouvent dans les exemplaires qui ont la date de 1587.

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1. On a mis a la plume un I Aprés


2do. On a imprimé au bas de frontispice: cum Privilegio Georgio Ferrario concesso.

3o. Au bas du versó du 4. feuillet des pieces preliminaires, on a aussi imprimè un extrait du Privilége accordé par Sixte V. á George Ferrarius, Libraire de Crémone, et Citoyen Romain, il est daté du 9 Mai, 1587.

4o. Au verso du feuillet 783 on a ajouté, ani, madvertenda.

5°. Un feuillet qui termine le volume, et qui n'est pas chiffré; il est intitulé; Corrigenda in notationibus Psalterii, et aliquot aliis locis.

L'Auteur de la Bibliographic instructive a donné la description de cette Bible avec la date de 1587, mais sa description n'est pas exacte, voyez, No. 15. Il annonce que l'on doit trouver dans les pieces preliminaires une Bulle de Sixte V. une preface Latine addressée au Lecteur, suivie d'une autre Bulle de Sixte, V. datée de 1586, &c. ce qu'il a pris pour la premiere Bulle est une Dédicace en Latin addressée a Sixte V.. par le Cardinal Antoine Carafe. Voici comme elle est intitulée: Sixto V. Pontif Max. Antonius Carafa,


Carafa, Cardinalis Sanctæ Sedis Apostolice Bibliothecarius. Il ne parle pas du dernier feuillet detaché, qui n'est pas chiffré, et qui doit se trouver aprés celui numerosé 783, il est intitulé, Corrigenda in notationibus Psalterii, &c. Mais comme ce feuillet est fort rare, et qu'il manqué dans beaucoup d'exemplaires il faut croire, qu'il n'étoit pas dans celui que Mons. De Bure lé jeune à décrit.




NEITHER Walton in his Life of Hooker, nor Bishop Gauden, nor many others, that give an account of Hooker and his writings, make mention of the particular books or tracts which gave occasion to his writing the Ecclesiastical Polity. Whitgift had written an answer to the Admonition to the Parliament, and thereby en gaged in a controversy with Thomas Cartwright, the supposed author of it. Hooker, in this his excellent work, undertook the defence of our ecclesiastical establishment, against which Cartwright

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wright appears to have been the most powerful of all the opponents.

Accordingly, we find throughout his work, references to T. C. lib. p. but citing no book by its proper title, we are at a loss at this day to know with whom he was contending. It is therefore necessary to state the controversy, the order whereof is this:

Admonition to the Parliament, viz. the first and second, in a small duodecimo volume. No date or place.

An Answer to an Admonition to the Parliament, by John Whitgift, D. of Divinitie, 4to. printed by bynneman, 1572.

1. A Replie to the Answer, by T. C. no date or place. 4to. N. B. Of this there are two editions, differing in the order of numbering the pages.

A Second Answer of Whitgift, as must be presumed from the title of the next article, and is probably no other than a book mentioned in Ames's Typ. Antiq. 329, by the title of A Defence of the Answer to the Admonition, fol. 1574. Printed by Bynneman.

2. A Second Replie of Cartwright (his name. at length) against Whitgift's Second Answer, 4to. 1575. No place.

3. The rest of the Second Replie of Cartwright against Whitgift's Second Answer.


Upon a reference to these several publications of Cartwright, and a careful examination of sundry passages cited from him by Hooker, it most evidently appears that, by

T. C. Lib. is meant No. 1, as above described. By T. C. Lib. 3. No. 3.

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But here it is to be observed, that the references to Lib. 1. agree but with one edition of it, namely, that which has the table to the principal points at the beginning, and not at the end, as the other has. The difference between them is, that in the former, the numbers of the pages commence with the Address to the Church of England, in the latter with the book itself: so that to give one instance of difference, this passage "It is no small Injury" is to be found in page 25 of one edition, and in page 14 of the other,

In Ames's Typ. Antiq. 329, is this article, which seems to be a collateral branch of the controversy, "A Defence of the Ecclesiastical

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Regiment of England defaced, by T. C. in his Replie against D. Whitgift, D. D.” 12mo.


It does not appear that this defence is of Whitgift's writing, yet it has the name of his printer, "Bynneman."

Fuller, in his Church History, Book 1x, 102. gives an account of Cartwright, and of his dis

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