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Sword's Pocket Almanack for 1818-20.

2 vols. 24mo, half calf.

New York, 1818-20

American Anecdotes. Original and Select. By an American.

2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut.

Boston, 1830

Very scarce. Many of the Anecdotes relate to Benj. Franklin. American Clock Making, for the past 60 Years, with Life of Chauncey Jerome. Portrait.

12mo, cloth.

New Haven, 1860

American Historical Association. Annual Report of the, for 1895 and 1904.

2 vols. 8vo, cloth.


Ames, Fisher. Works of. With a Selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Portrait.

2 vols. 8vo, cloth.

Boston, 1854

Andreana. Containing the Trial, Execution and Various Matter connected with the History of Major John André, Adjutant-General of the British Army, A. D., 1780. Illus


8vo, half morocco.

Philadelphia, 1865

Angling. Oppiani Anazarbei de Piscatu * * * de Venatione. Greek and Latin Text. Small 4to, calf.

Parisis, 1555 Magnificent Specimen of early printing with several titlepages; at end is the Thephrasti "de Igne," 1552-3.

Angling. Salmon and Trout. By Dean Sage and others, With Illustrations.

8vo, cloth, uncut.


New York, 1904


Armbruster Imprint. Eine Restitution, oder eine Erklårung einiger haupt-puncten des Gesotzes, * die man mit dem Bey-namen nennet die Wieder-tauffer oder Menoisten, Henrich Funck.

4to, original calf

Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Anton Armbruster in Moravien Ally, 1763 A rare work on the Mennonites, printed by one of Benjamin Franklin's wilome associates.

Armbruster Imprint, 1764. Observations | On a late Epitaph, In a Letter from a Gentleman in the | Country, To his Friend in Philadelphia: Totus in se teres atque rotundus. Philadelpdia: | Printed by Anthony Armbruster in Arch-street, by whom all Manner of Printing-work is | done, both in English and German, with the greatest Accuracy and Expedition | (1764).

12mo, half morocco, uncut.

Excessively rare; title and few pages stained.






Babcock, O. M. Rock Island. Its Present and Future. 8vo, cloth. Rock Island, Ill., 1872

With View and Plans.

Bahama's Almanac, 1876. An Almanack for 1876. (Being Bissextile, or Leap Year), with a Guide to the Bahamas, Nassau Directory, etc.

12mo, half morocco.

Nassau, New Providence, n. d.

Baigent, F. J., and Russell, C. J. A Practical Manual of Heraldry and of Heraldic Illumination, with a Glossary of the Principal Terms used in Heraldry. Colored and Plain Plates.

8vo, cloth.

London, 1864

Baker, W. S. American Engravers and their Works. 12mo, cloth, uncut.

Philadelphia, 1875

(Balch, Thos.) The Shippen Paper, Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some notice of the Writers.

8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt.

Philadelphia, 1855

Privately Printed.


Bank of North America. An Address to the Assembly of Pennsylvania on the Abolition of the.

12mo, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut.

Philadelphia, 1785






Barclay, Robert. Apologie Oder Vertheidigungs-Schrifft der wahren Christlichen Gottesgelahrheit. 8vo, old calf.

Anno, 1740

Bartlett, Jno. R. Personal Narratives of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. With Map and Illustrations.

2 vols. in 1. 8vo, cloth.

New York, 1856

Bartlett, W. H. Forty Days in the Desert, The Overland Route. Pictures from Sicily, The Nile Boat, Jerusalem Revisited, and Walks about Jerusalem. Illustrated with five steel Engravings.

6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt.

London, v. d.

Barton, Benj. Smith. Memoir concerning the Fascinating Faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle-Snake and other American Serpents.

8vo, original wrapper, uncut, name torn off upper blank margin of title and next leaf. Philadelphia, for the Author, 1796 Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse, Late President of the American PhilosophiWith Portrait by Edwin.

Barton, Wm. LL. D., F. R. S. cal Society, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut.

Philadelphia, 1813










Bartram, Wm. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, The Cherokee Country, The Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the County of the Choctaws. Containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Productions of those Regions; together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with copper plates.

8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt.

London, 1792

Baskett. New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly Translated out of the Original Greek. Folio, half calf. Printed by John Baskett, London, 1715

Belisle, D. W. History of Independence Hall, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Frontispiece. 12mo, half morocco.

Philadelphia, 1859

Bell Imprint. Select Fables of Aesop and other Fabulists. By Robert Dodsley. 8vo, calf.

Robert Bell, Philadelphia, 1777

Benezet (Anthony). Pharmacopaeia Universalis, by R. James. Anthony Benezet's copy, with two Autographs of his. 8vo, calf. London, 1752

Benezet, Anthony. A Caution and a Warning to GreatBritain and Her Colonies in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Provinces.

12mo, half calf.

Hall & Sellers, Philadelphia, 1767

Benezet, Anthony. A Short Account of the People called Quakers. Their Rise, Religious Principles and Settlement in America.

8vo, half calf.

J. Cruikshank, Philadelphia, 1780

Berry, Wm. Encyclopaedia Heraldica, or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry. By Wm. Berry. 15 Years Registering Clerk to the College of Arms, London.

3 vols. 4to, half calf.

London, 1828

Beverley's History of Virginia. In four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the Year 1706. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trades and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land, the 10th of June, 1720. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. The Second Edition,









revis'd and enlarg'd by the Author. With frontispiece and 14 copper plates.

8vo, full morocco, gilt, dentelle borders gilt edges.

London, 1722

From the Library of Henry Colepepper Fairfax, with his Signature on title; together with the Autograph of the Author. Book-plate of Lord Fairfax on fly-leaf.

Bibliotheca Americana, or a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, etc., upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present. In Print and Manuscript, for which Research has been made in the British Musæum, and the most Celebrated Public and Private Libraries, Reviews, Catalogues, etc., with an Introduction Discourse on the present State of Literature in those Countries.

4to, half calf.

London, 1789

Binding. Discurso pronunciado en la Apertura del Real Colegio de Sordo-Mudos, par Don Tiburcio Hernandez. 8vo, old red morocco, inside silk lining.

Autograph of Julia Dallas.

Madrid, 1814

Binns, Jno. Recollections of the Life of. Written by Himself. Portrait.

12mo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt.

Philadelphia, 1854

Black List. A List of those Tories who took part with Great-Britain, in the Revolutionary War, and were attainted of High Treason, commonly called the Black List, to which is prefixed the Legal Opinions of Attorney-Generals McKean and Dallas.

8vo, half calf.

Philadelphia, 1802

Scarce. In this list is mentioned Benedict Arnold, Aaron Ashbridge, Alex. Bartram, Jos. Galloway, Simon Gerty, Jacob Hare, Edwd. McMichael, Abraham Pastorious, Enoch Story, Christopher Saur, etc.

Blair, Robt. The Grave. A Poem. Eleventh Edition. 12mo, uncut.

Boston, 1787

Book-plates. A collection of 463 Examples, British and American, each lightly mounted upon an octavo sheet.

Book-plates. A collection of 100 plates, some trimmed to fanciful shapes, all mounted on fancy paper mounts.

Booth, Barton. Memoirs of the Life of. With His Character, to which are added Several Poetical Pieces. Portrait inserted.

8vo, half morocco, uncut.

London, 1733







Boston Imprint. A Just and Impartial Narrative of the Controversy between the Rev. Mr. Samuel Fisk, the Pastor, and a Member of the Brethren of the First Church of Christ in Salem.

Small 8vo, half calf, top edges gilt.

Thos. Fleet, Boston, 1735

The Celebrated Controversy between the Members of the First Church of Christ in Salem and their Pastor, Rev. Dr. Fisk, who they accuse of being derelict in his duty.

Boston Imprint, 1746. A Vindication of some Points of Doctrine Apprehended by many to be included in that sound Speech which Cannot be Condemned. Being an Answer to the Remarks of The Rev. Messieurs Wigglesmith and Chipman, by Wm. Balch.

8vo, uncut.

Boston, 1746

Boston Imprint, 1748. Christ Always present with his Faithful Ministers and Churches. A Sermon by Thos. Balch.


Boston, 1748

Boston Imprint, 1752. A Defence of the Divine Right of Infant Baptism by Peter Clark, A. M., Pastor of a Church in Salem.

8vo, old calf.

Boston, 1752

Boston Imprint, 1757. A Sermon Preached in the Audience of the Honorable His Majesty's Council, May 25, 1757. By Ebenezer Pemberton.

8vo, uncut.

Boston, 1757

Bouquet's Expedition.-An | Historical Account | of the Expedition | Against the | Ohio Indians, in the Year 1764. Under the Command of | Henry Bouquet, Esq., Colonel of Foot, and now Brigadier-General in America. | Including | His Transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of Peace, with an | Introductory Account | Of the Preceeding Campaign, and Battle of Bushy-Run. | To which is annexed Military Papers, | Containing Reflections on the war with the Savages; a method of forming frontier settle- | ments; some account of the Indian Country, with a list of nations, fight- | ing men, towns, distances and different routes. | The whole illustrated with a Map and copper-plates. | Published from Authentic Documents, by a Lover of his Country. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the London CoffeeHouse, the corner of Market and Front-streets, M.DCC.LXX. 4to, full red crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Tout

An exceptionally fine copy, with a fine copy of the large folding map mounted on Linen, Plan of the Battle of BushyRun and folding Plan of Line of March, etc.

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