THE Herelie and Hatred Which was falfly Charged upon the INNOCENT Juftly returned upon the GUILTY. Giving fome brief and impartial Account of the moft material Paffages of a late Difpute in Writing, that hath paffed at Philadelphia betwixt John Delavall and George Keith, With fome intermixt Remarks and Obfervations on the whole. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia, FAC-SIMILE OF TITLE OF LOT 66 63 64 65 66 Boutell, Chas. Heraldry, Historical and Popular. With 975 Illustrations. Third Edition. Revised and enlarged. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1864 (Bowen, Daniel.) A History of Philadelphia, with a Notice of Villages in the Vicinity. Embellished with Engravings designed as a Guide to Citizens and Strangers, containing a Correct Account of the City Improvements, up to the Year 1839. Also, The State of Society, in relation to Science, Religion and Morals, with an Historical Account of the Military Operations of the Late War. * in 1812, '13 and '14. 8vo, half morocco. * Phila., 1839 The Printing of this volume was accomplished by the Author with his own hands. The Printer, Young, having generously allowed Brown the use of his type and press. Bowen, Eli. The Pictorial Sketch-Book of Pennsylvania, or its Scenery, Internal Improvements, Resources and Agriculture. Illustrations and Map. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1852 Bradford Imprint, 1693. The Heresie and Hatred | which was falsly Charged upon the | Innocent | Justly returned upon the Guilty. | Giving some brief and impartial Account of the most material Passages of a late Dispute in Writing, that hath passed at Philadelphia betwixt John Delavall and George Keith, | With some intermixt Remarks and Observations on the whole. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at Philadelphia, | Anno Dom., 1693. Small 4to, full morocco back and sides, gold tooled in Grolier style, dentelle borders, top edges gilt. Collation: Title, pages 1-22. The printer's advertisement 1 page. Interleaved. The pagination in this excessively rare tract in the Keith controversy is badly mispaged, viz: Page 5 is lettered 7; page 8 is lettered 6; page 15 is lettered 13. This is the last of the controversy printed in Philadelphia, and in it Keith says: "Notwithstanding the many tedious and vexatious Disputes and Controversies that have been among us of late concerning Doctrines and Principles of Religion, one Party affirming, and the other denying, yet at other times in publick, Thomas Lloyd and Party, have endeavored to cast a mist before the people to make them believe, that there is no difference in Doctrine betwixt them and George Keith. But on the 11th of the 10th month, 1692, in the Publick Meeting at Philadelphia before several Hundred People, John Delavall silenced that pretense, by accusing me of being guilty of Works of the Flesh, in two particulars, viz, 'Heresie and Hatred' and he 'did further accuse me, That my Heresie and Error was in a NEWS of A TRUMPET Sounding in the OR The Quakers Antient Testimony Revived, Examined and Compared with it felf, and a:fo with their New Doctrine. Whereby the Ignorant may learn Wisdom, and the Wife advance in their Understandings. Collected with Diligence, and carefully cited from their Antient and Later Writings, and Recommended to the ferions Reading and Confideration of all Enquiring Chriftians, by Daniel Leeds. Prov. 27. v. 5. Open Rebuke is better than fecret Love. Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in N w-York, 1697 FAC-SIMILE OF TITLE OF LOT 67 Lex Parliamentaria: OR, A TREATISE OF THE LAW and CUSTOM OF THE PARLIAMENTS OF England. By G.P. Efq; Licenced December 6. 1689 London Printed, and Reprinted in New-York and Sold by William and Andrew Bradford in New-York and Philadelphia, 1716. FAC-SIMILE OF TITLE OF LOT 68 67 68 69 Fundamental Doctrine of the Quakers, in saying, The Light within is not sufficient without something else."" Delavall was a man of wealth and education, a Member of the Provincial Council, son-in-law of the Governor, Thomas Lloyd, and a Minister of the Society of Friends. The last leaf contains an offer from Bradford to print a reply by Delavall or anyone else. See fac-simile title. Bradford Imprint, 1697. News of A | Trumpet | Sounding in the Wilderness. | or | The Quakers Antient Testimony Revived, | Examined and Compared with itself, and also | with their New Doctrine. | Whereby the Ignorant may learn Wisdom, and the Wise advance in their Understandings. | Collected with Diligence, and Carefully cited from their Antient and Later Writings, and Recom- | mended to the serious Reading and Consideration of all Enquiring Christians, by Daniel Leeds | Prov. 27, v. 5. Open Rebuke is better than secret | Love. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford at the Bible in New-York, 1697. | 12mo, full morocco, gilt back and sides, dentelle borders, top edges gilt. Collation: Extracts from the work on page facing title; title; Friendly Reader 1 page; the Preface, 9 pages; Contents, 2 pages; Introduction, pages 2-4; pages 4-151. A fine copy. Excessively rare, cut close at top. Page 6 is wrongly numbered 7. Page 7 is wrongly numbered 4, and page 56 is wrongly numbered 38. See fac-simile title. Bradford Imprint, 1716. Lex Parliamentaria: | Or, A Treatise of the | Law and Custom | of the | Parliaments | of England. By G. P. Esq; | Licenced December 6, 1689. | London, Printed, and Reprinted in New-York | and Sold by William and Andrew Bradford | in New-York and Philadelphia, 1716. | 12mo, full crushed levant, gilt back and sides, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. Collation: Title; Contents, 1 leaf; Names of Authors, 1 leaf; pages 1-169. Appendix, pages 170-184. A fine copy. Page 73 is wrongly lettered 23. See fac simile title. Bradford Imprint, 1723. The | Charge | Delivered from the Bench to the | Grand-Jury, At the Court of Quarter Sessions, held for the County of Philadelphia, | the second day of September, 1723. | Published at the Desire of the said Grand-Jury. Together with their Addresses | Philadelphia, | Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible, in the Second Street | M.DCC.XXIII. Small 4to, half calf. A fine copy of James Logan's Celebrated Address. Very rare. |