229 230 231 Friendly Address, A. To all reasonable Americans on the Subject of our Political Confusions, in which the Necessary Consequences of Violently opposing the King's Troops, and of a General Non-Importation are Fairly stated. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. New York, 1774 Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania. Report of the Commission to Locate the Site of the. Colored plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half Russia, gilt, gilt edges. Harrisburgh, 1896 Frost, Jno. American Naval Biography, comprising Lives of the Commodores and other Commanders. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1844 Poor copy. 232 233 234 235 236 Fulton, Robert. Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions. Illustrated; portrait inserted. Oblong 4to, half roan. New York, 1810 A fine copy of the very rare and first work on Torpedo Warfare, by the Inventor of the Steamboat. Futhey, J. Smith, and Cope. Gilbert, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania, with Genealogical and Biographical Sketches. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1881 Gallatin, Albert. A Sketch of the Finances of the United States. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1796 (Galloway, Jos.) Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. The Fourth Edition. With the Map. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1780 Gass, Patrick. Lewis and Clarke's Journey to the Rocky Mountains. In the Years 1804-05-06, as related by. New Edition. With numerous Illustrations. 12mo, sheep, cracked. Dayton, 1847 Gayarre, Chas. Louisiana; Its History as a French Colony. Third Series of Lectures. With Plan. Very rare. Fine copy. 237 8vo, cloth. 238 New York, 1852 Gerard, James W. The Old Streets of New York Under the Dutch. 8vo, paper. New York, 1875 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 Gibson, William Hamilton. Sharp Eyes. Illustrated by the Author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. First Edition. New York, 1892 (Gilpin, Thos.) Exiles in Virginia, with Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends, during the Revolutionary War, comprising the Official Papers of the Government relating to that Period 1777-1778. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1848 Glenn, Thos. Allen. The American Genealogist, or Monthly Magazine of Genealogy and Local History. March 1899 to Feb'y, 1900. Vol. 1. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia Godfrey, Thos. Juvenile Poems | on | Various Subjects. | with the Prince of Parthia, | A | Tragedy. | by the late Mr. Thomas Godfrey, Jun'. of Philadelphia. To which is repfixed Some Account of the Author and his Writings. | (One line quotation from Horace,) Philadelphia: | Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street. | MDCCLXV. 4to, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. The Prince of Parthia, was the first Drama published in America. Gordon, Thos. F. A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania With a Map of the State. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt Philadelphia, 1833 Gould, M. T. C. The Art of Short Hand Writing. With engraved plates; the frontispiece showing Philadelphia from the river. 24mo, half cloth. Philadelphia, 1832 (Graydon, Alexander.) Memoirs of a Life Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania within the last sixty years. Autograph Document of the Author laid in. 12mo, calf. Harrisburgh, 1811 (Graydon, Alex.) Memoires of a Life Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania, within the last Sixty Years. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Edinburgh, 1822 Contains much relating to early Philadelphia Society, Amusements, etc. Also valuable matter relating to the Revolution. Grider, Rufus A. Historical Notes on Music in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from 1741 to 1871. 8vo, half morocco. Only 250 copies printed. Philadelphia, 1873 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE Miffiffippi Territory, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A Summary view of the Country between the fettlements Cumberland-River & the Territory, on BY JAMES HALL, A. M. SALISBURY: PRINTED BY FRANCIS COUPEE 180.1. • Cort-Right SECURED ACCORDINg to Law." FAC-SIMILE OF TITLE OF LOT 253 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 Grigsby, H. B. The Virginia Convention of 1776. A Dis course. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1855 Griswold, Rufus W. The Republican Court, or American Society in the Days of Washington. With 21 Portraits of Distinguished Women. Royal 8vo, morocco, antique. New York, 1856 Guthrie, Wm. A New System of Modern Geography. 2 Vols 4to, sheep. Philadelphia, 1794 Hagner, Charles V. Early History of the Falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Contains much about the Schuylkill Canal. Philadelphia, 1869 Hagner, Chas. V. Early History of the Falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh Navigation Companies, etc. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Philadelphia, 1869 HALL'S MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY. Hall, James. A Brief History | of the | Mississippi Territory, To which is prefixed, | A | Summary view of the Country between the Settlements on | Cumberland River, & the Territory, | By James Hall, A. M. | Salisbury: Printed by Francis Coupee, | 1801. "Copy-Right sceured. according to Law." 8vo, in morocco silk lined case. Excessively rare, and the first History of this Territory. We only know of three other copies. See fas-cimile title. Mr. Hall was sent by the Presbyterian Church in 1800 with two other Missionaries to the Mississippi Territory. They reached Nashville in November, 1800, and from thence went on horseback by way of the Chicasaw nation. They reached the territory in the first week in December, and left the third week in April, 1801. He gives a brief view of the interjacent space between the settlements of Cumberland and the Territory; together with a history of the Territory. We fail to note the Sale of any copy at Auction. Halsey, Francis W. A Tour of Four Great Rivers, in 1769, by Richard Smith. Edited by. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut Limited edition. New York, 1906 255 256 257 258 259 Hamilton. Observations on Certain Documents contained in Nos. V and VI of "The History of the United States for the Year 1796." To which the Charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, Late Secretary of the Treasury is fully refuted. Written by Himself. 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796 Gives a full account of his amorous actions with the wife of one James Reynolds. Hamiltoniad, The, or an Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England, with copious Notes, Illustrations, Biographical, Philosophical, Critical, Admonitory, and Political; being intended as a High-heeled Shoe for all limping Republicans by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Boston, 1804 Original Edition. Very rare. The Author was John Williams, an Englisaman who emigrated to America and became editor of a Democratic Newspaper. Lord Macauley called him "a Malignant and filthy Baboon," and the Edinburgh Review called him "a Polecat," whilst he was termed by Lord Kenyon "a Common Libeller." The work was published in 1866 by the Hamilton Club of New York. It is a libellous Poetical tirade against Alex. Hamilton and his followers. Harris, Alex. A Biographical History of Lancaster County; being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the County. 8vo, sheets. Lancaster, 1872 Hamilton, (Andrew) A Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills. 4to, half morocco. London, 1677 With marks of ownership by distinguished owners, the titlepage having the autograph of Andrew Hamilton (the "day star of the revolution"); the last fly-leaf bearing the autograph of Gunning Bedford; the title-page bearing the autograph of John Joseph Henry, the Lancaster judge and patriot; the volume contains also the book-plate of Judge Henry. There are also annotations. (Hamilton, Andrew.) Essays and Letters on various Subjects, with Armorial Book-plate of William Hamilton, of the Woodlands, Philadelphia. 12mo, calf, one cover loose. London, 1739 A waif from the library of the distinguished "day star of the revolution," Andrew Hamilton, the defender of Senger and builder of the State House; with two autographs of Andrew Hamilton, one reciting that the book is a gift from Mr. Sam'l Wilson of London, the Author. |