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Moore, James. History of the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. Frontispiece.

12mo, cloth.

Philadelphia, 1866

Moore, N. Hudson. The Old China Book, including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, Lustre, and other English Pottery and Porcelain. Profusely Illustrated.

8vo, original cloth, scarce.

New York, 1903

Moore, Thos. The Floral Magazine, Comprising Figures and Descriptions of Popular Garden Flowers. Illustrated with many colored plates. Vols. 1 to 3.

3 vols. Imperial 8vo, half morocco.

London, 1861-64

Moravians. Historical Sketch of the Church and Missions of the United Brethren. 16mo, half bound.

Bethlehem, 1848

392 Morgan, Jno. Discourses upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America. Delivered at a Public Anniversary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 and 31, 1765, with a Preface, containing, Amongst other Things, The Author's Apology for Attempting to Introduce the regular mode of Practising Physic in Philadelphia.




8vo, half morocco.

Wm. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1765 Very rare. Being the first Pamphlet published in America on the Institution of Medical Schools. In this copy, the name of the former owner is cut from the top of title, but neatly repaired.

Morgan, Jno. A Discourse Upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America. Delivered at a Public Anniversary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 and 31, 1765. With a Preface containing, Amongst other Things, the Author's Apology for Attempting to Introduce the regular mode of Practising Physic in Philadelphia.

8vo, panelled calf, red edges.

W. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1765

Dr. Morgan was the first Professor of the College, and this is his first address before the College. It is Bishop Wm. White's Copy, with his Autograph on title, date 1765, and an Inscription on the fly-leaf in reference to Dr. Morgan, in his hand, dated 1827.

Morgan. The Land of. Being a Contribution Towards the History of the Lordship of Clanmorgan, by Geo. T. Clark. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883

Morgan. The Land of. Being a Contribution Towards the History of the Lordship of Glamorgan. By Geo. T. Clark. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

London, 1883


Morris, Gouverneur. The Diary and Letters of, Minister of the United States to France. Member of the Constitutional Convention. Edited by Anne C. Morris. Portrait.

2 vols. 8vo, cloth.

Library stamp on title of vol. 2.

397 Morse, Frances Clary. Profusely Illustrated.








8vo, cloth, uncut.

New York, 1888

Furniture of the Olden Time.

New York, 1903

Moxon, Joseph. A Tutor to Astronomy and Geography; or, an easie and speedy way to know the Use of both the Globes, Coelestial and Terrestrial. The Third Edition, corrected and enlarged. Illustrated.

Small 4to, old calf.

London, 1674

Munsell's Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material contained in all Works. 8vo, cloth.

Albany, 1895

Narrative of the Suppression, by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. Written by Jno. Wood. To which is added a Biography of Thos. Jefferson and of Gen'l Hamilton. 8vo.

New York, 1802 National Guard of Pennsylvania. History of the First Regiment Infantry. By E. N. Benson, R. Dale Benson and Theo. E. Wiedersheim. Colored plates.

8vo, half morocco.

Philadelphia, 1880

Navigation. Minute Book of the Philadelphia and Havrede-Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, from 1841 until 1848, inclusive, containing many important and interesting details, rates of freight and towage, etc.

Folio, leather.

Nicholas, Thos. Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales. Containing a Record of all Ranks of the Gentry, their Lineage, Alliances, Appointments, Armorial Ensigns and Residences; Ancient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families. Notices of the History, Antiquities, Physical Features, Chief Estates, Geology, and Industry of each County. Rolls of High Sheriffs and Members of Parliament for Three Hundred Years. With numerous Illustrations.

2 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth.

London, 1875

Nicholas, Thos. The History and Antiquities of Glamorganshire and its Families. With numerous Illustrations on wood.

Royal 8vo, cloth.

London, 1874

405 New Jersey. Journal of the Proceedings of the LegislativeCouncil of the State of New Jersey. In General Assembly Convened at Trenton, on Tuesday the twenty-eighth day of October, in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-eight.






Folio, uncut.

Isaac Collins, Trenton, 1788

Collation: Title; List of Persons, one leaf; pp. 5-35.

Fine copy. Very rare.

New Jersey. Minutes of the Provincial Congress and Council of Safety, 1775-1776.

8vo, cloth.

Trenton, 1879

New York. By-Laws of Co. K., 7th Regiment National Guards, S. N. Y.

16mo, cloth.

New York, 1871

New York Colonial Poetry. The Poor Man's Advice to his Poor Neighbors. A Ballad to the Tune of Chevy-Chase. 8vo. New York, Printed in the year 1774 A Sarcastic Ballad on the Acts of the Continental Congress of 1774. Very rare.

New York Imprint. The Polite Philosopher; or, An Essay on that Art which makes a Man Happy in Himself and Agreeable to Others.


J. Parker and J. Wyman, New York, 1758

New York Imprint. An Essay on Faith, and its Connection with Good Works, by Jno. Rotheram.


J. Parker, New York, 1767

411 Norman, Jno. Select Fables of Aesop and other Fabulists; frontispiece and numerous plates signed by Norman. 8vo, calf. Robert Bell. Philadelphia, 1777



A poor copy of a very rare book.


Nuttall, Thomas. A Manual of the Ornithology of the
United States and of Canada. The Land Birds and The Water
Birds. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings.

2 vols. Crown 8vo, muslin, white labels, uncut.
Very scarce.

Cambridge, 1832-4

Oarr, Mrs. The Intellectual Regale; or, Ladies' Tea Tray, from the Commencement, Nov. 19, 1814, to Dec. 9, 1815. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo, half bound.

Philadelphia, 1814-15

Very rare. Contains much early American Poetry.




Oberholtzer, Ellis P. The Literary History of Philadelphia.
With Illustrations.

Large 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, extra, uncut. Phila., 1906
One of 100 large paper copies, presentation copy from George
C. Thomas.

Ogden, Jno. C. An Excursion into Bethlehem and Narazeth in Pennsylvania, in the Year 1799; with a Succinct History of the Society of United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. 16mo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1805

Another copy.

16mo, boards.

Philadelphia, 1805

417 Old Pine Church. Manual of the Third Presbyterian Church in the City of Philadelphia.





8vo, half morocco.

Philadelphia, 1859

One Hundred Years a Republic. Our Show; a Humorous
Account of the International Exposition. Illustrated by
A. B. Frost.
4to, half roan.

Philadelphia, 1876

Paine, Thos. The Whole Proceedings on the Trial of. For a Libel upon the Revolution and Settlement of the Crown. Both Parts. London, 1793. And Trial of Lieut.-Col. Joseph Wall for the Murder of Benj. Armstrong, July 10, 1782. London, 1802. Bound together.

8vo, half calf.

(Paine, Thos.) Common Sense Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the following Interesting Subjects: I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the Present Ability of America, with some Miscellaneous Reflections. A New Edition, with several Additions in the Body of the Work. To which is added an Appendix; together with an Address to the People called Quakers. N. B.-The New Additions here given increases the work upwards of one-third. 8vo, half morocco, uncut.

W. and T. Bradford, Phila., n. d. Printed in 1776. The Second Edition. A Beautiful Copy, and of much greater rarity than the first edition.

Paine, Thos. The Political and Theological Works of, to which is prefixed a brief Sketch of the Author's Life. 3vols. 8vo, cloth.

Boston, 1870








(Parke, John.) The Lyric Works of Horace. Translated into English Verse, to which is added a Number of Original Poems. By a Native of America. Frontispiece by Malcolm after Peter Markoe.

8vo, half calf, gilt, red edges.

Philadelphia, 1786

The first American Translation of a Classic, dedicated to Gen'l Washington; at the end is Virginia, a Pastoral Drama on the Birth-Day of an Illustrious Personage, and the return of Peace, February 11, 1784.

(Parke, John.) The Lyric Works of Horace. Translated into English Verse, to which are added a number of Original Poems. By a Native of America. Frontispiece by J. Peller Malcolm after Peter Markoe.

8vo, half sheep.

Philadelphia, 1786

Henry Stevens calls this one of the rarest books of American Poetry. Contains a long list of subscribers, and his has an extra leaf of subscribers and three leaves of Poems, as an Addenda, very seldom found in the book. Manuscript notes by former owner.

Parkinson, Richard. The Experienced Farmer. An Entire New Work in which the whole system of Agriculture, Husbandry and Breeding of Cattle is explained and copiously enlarged upon.

2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut.

Philadelphia, 1799

Parkman, Francis. The Discovery of the Great West. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

London, 1869

Paterson, Judge. The Charge of. To the Jury, in the Case of Vanhorne's Lessee against Dorrance. Tried at a Circuit Court for the United States, held at Philadelphia, April Term, 1795.

8vo, half morocco, broken.

Paul Jones. By Allen Cunningham. 3 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut, scarce.

Philadelphia, 1796

Philadelphia, 1827

Pennhollow, Samuel. The History of the Wars of NewEngland with the Eastern Indians; or, a Narrative of their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty from the 10th of August, 1703, to the Peace renewed, 13th of July, 1713.

4to, boards, uncut.

Reprinted from the Edition of 1726.

Cincinnati, 1859

429 Penn and Mead's Trial. The Peoples Ancient and Just Liberties Asserted in the Tryal of William Penn, and William Mead and at the Sessions held at the Old-Bailey in London, the first, third, fourth and fifth of Sept., '70, against the most Arbitrary Procedure of that Court.

Small 4to, half calf.

The rare first Edition.

Printed in the year 1670

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