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would not make a bad sense. I cannot help here adding the conjecture that the groups (divided differently from the above, as e. g., μη ποεπεισης-πο= προς, Οι πро, perhaps,) and even, may yet prove to be epithets of Zeus. The obliteration of two letters in the second word of line (2) is very unfortunate; as the sense of the adjective in which they occur would most likely throw light on the whole meaning.

The following mixture of conjecture and translation will show the drift of the inscription: "Hail ye! Good Lord, and moreover great in utterance; mayest thou never behold (know) (2) to the gods things fitting: O All-container, (3) by whose grace, ruler of men, [ye] goddesses, Ale, Tucha, Ker, (Wandering, Fortune, Fate,) (4) goddesses controlling all things that pertain to man, however afar off (whithersoever onward) to him, hail !"

PLATE IV., No. 14. (No. 286 in the collection.)-On a piece of soft stone nearly square, its side about 13 inches long; with a nearly square hole in the middle, whose sides are 7 to 6 inches long. The back or lower part of the stone is sawed off. In its present condition the piece looks very much like a slab cut for the top of a chimney. The characters are above one side of the square hole, their lower ends reaching quite to its edge. The first character occurs also in Plate III., No. 12, and is to me unknown. The second character I am not sure of, as the strokes at the top are in a different direction from those of the character read za by Deecke and Siegismund, and ga by Schmidt. The third is ti. It seems best to leave it till further data are obtained.

PLATE IV, No. 15. (No. 279 in the collection.)-On the convex surface of a fragment of a very large bowl or laver, of hard bluish-gray stone. The third character is the doubtful one that replaces the ordinary character for o on the Bronze Tablet; the fourth is unknown. The reading is then: * te. It is only a fragment of a longer inscription.

PLATE IV., No. 16.-Made not from the stone, but from a copy communicated by Gen. Di Cesnola last year, with the remark: "A stone bas-relief, representing two women tearing their hair, two lions and two Hercules-has the following inscription."

Within the last few days the stone itself has been received, and a more correct copy will be found on Plate VIII., described further on.

PLATE IV., No. 7.-From a copy communicated by Gen. Di Cesnola, with the remark: "A terra cotta lamp: the handle representing Silenus about of a foot high, of the earliest period. Around the lamp there are engraved these Cypriote letters." The reading is plain:, or Pilotiμ; doubtless a proper name in the genitive.

PLATE IV., No. 18. (No. 257 in the collection.)-Ou the side of a long round object, with a ram's head carved at the end; supposed by some to be a fanciful phallus. But other similar objects, not inscribed, occur in the collection, with the inner end more complete; and I think it nothing more than the handle of a stone basin or pan, somewhat like a frying pan. The object is about ten inches long. The inscription is almost worn away, and it seems almost impossible to form a good reading. It is hard to tell a scratch from a character. The plate represents the inscription as accurately as possible; but the following reading is derived from long study of the stone itself: e. se. *** to.e. te. Perhaps the inscription was somewhat longer originally.

PLATE IV, No. 19.-This lamp, not numbered in the collection, is of yellowish pottery. I have lately discovered five others, almost duplicates, which give additional characters, both on the top and bottom, and have greatly modified my ideas of the reading. I prefer to suspend further remark till I can study the others. It is quite doubtful whether the letters are Cypriote.

PLATE V., No. 20. (No. 268 in the collection.)-Around the spheroido-conical cap of a broken-off head of a statuette, of soft stone. The dotted lines represent the two front folds or seams of the cap, where the side-pieces lap over the front-piece. The reading is:'Apaavaw; doubtless the genitive of a proper name.

PLATE V., No. 21. (No. 262 in the collection.)—An irregular broken piece of soft stone, very much worn and defaced. The inscription is doubtless a mere fragment of one originally much longer, and is defective at each end. Immediately under the inscription are the heads of three figures in procession, each head about of an inch high. The stone is about 4 inches wide by 7 inches high, and bears every indication of being only a small portion of quite a large stone. The reading is difficult, but I feel that the following is correct: (1) (or a?) (2) to.i.ta. (or pi?ra. | po.te.we.o.i. Though the plate hardly justifies the reading e for the last character in line (1), and is yet as good a copy of the stone as can be made, I still always get the impression from the stone itself that the true reading is e and not a. In line (2) the character ta. (or pi?) I am in doubt about. The appearance varies with the light or shade on the stone. I incline a little to the reading ta. It is barely possible that the second character in line (2) may be e instead of i I do not attempt a transliteration of the fragment.

PLATE V., No. 22. (No. 238 in the collection.)-The lineal dimensions are reduced to one-half those of the original. This

is a disk of soft stone, a little thicker in the middle than at the rounded edges; the bottom flat. In the middle a broken-off place was probably occupied by a boss or knob. As shown in the figure, quite a piece of the stone is broken out. The lithographer has given rather undue prominence to a straight crack in the stone, extending from near the center of the disk in the direction of the lower left hand corner of the plate. The reading is a puzzle. Beginning at the break, at the top, on the right, it is uncertain whether there are two characters, or only one; and, in either case, what can be the reading. The next character would be a., the next ia, the next doubtful, the next we, and the last, which is a simple oblique cross, might be the doubtful character for me. I do not think there was any character in the place where the piece is broken out. The inscription appears to be Cypriote.

PLATE VI, No. 23. (No. 252 in the collection.)- A fragment of soft stone, I believe from Golgos. At the right the stone is cracked in two; the piece that is cracked off, not represented in the plate, has a large head sculptured upon it. The upper edge is rounded. The reading is as follows: (1) | a. (2) o (3) to.a. That is: (1) Όνασιορω ά - - - (2) όνεθηκε (3) τω 'Απολλωνι The proper name I take to be a genitive; and the next word to have been perhaps avanja; so that the translation might be: "Of Onasioros a [votive offering which] he laid up to the god. Apollo."

τοδε θι


PLATE VI., No. 24, not numbered in the collection. This is inscribed on soft stone, between the feet of a broken off statuette, in beautifully sharp characters. By a mistake of the lithographer it was put on the stone upside down; otherwise the copy is excellent. The reading is as follows: (1) | ka | to.i. | (2) ti.o.i. | | (3) i.tu.ka.i.a.ka.ta.i. Or, in Greek: (1) 'Eywτos natεбτασε τῷ. (2) 9ιῳ ταπιδεχσιῳ. (3) iv) τύχη ἀγαθο "Egotos set [this] up to the god, the auspicious, in good fortune.' In line (2) τάπιδεχσιῳ is for τῷ ἐπιδεξιῳ, undoubtedly. As to the strange contraction, the syllable ta would only need one slight stroke to have read to; and that may have been intended. However, it is clear that the stroke was never made; and the reading of Plate I, No. 2, makes me think that it is correct as it stands-though it may be a mistake of the engraver. The character I have given as ka in the last word, appears to me to be the same character with that on the Bronze Tablet which Schmidt reads ga, and Deecke and Siegismund read za. The former only is suitable here; and I am unwilling to consider it as a variant of the character for ke, and read ayɛ9a, though that would be very pleasant, if cor

rect. In Euting's copy of the Bi-Lingual of Dali, (Sechs Phoenizische Inschriften,) the corresponding character in the last word of the inscription seems to me to be the same as here and on the Bronze Tablet; and not ke, as figured by Smith, (Trans. Soc. Bibl. Arch., Vol. I., Part I.,) and Schmidt, (Insch. von Id., p. 96.) At the same time, the character on the BiLingual Tablet is by no means as sharp and clear as on this stone. It seems as if Schmidt were correct in calling this character ga. The strong arguments of Deecke and Siegismund in favor of za as the reading of this character, I appreciate; but can hardly see that they apply to this case.

PLATE VI., No. 25. (No. 267 in the collection.)-A little terra cotta disk from the temple of Venus at Golgos. Around the disk is a groove, like that in the wheel of a pulley. The reading is: for the characters: the numeral: ||||: explains itself. It is doubtless a proper name in the genitive; either Πατασιω, οι Πα(ν)τασιω, οι Φα(ν)τασιω, probably.

PLATE VI., No. 26. (No. 241 in the collection.)-A large soft stone, which appears to have formerly had two inscriptions; but at present only the two characters can be traced; and those with difficulty. Upon the stone is carved in low relief a long procession of people. The idea of the sculpture it is hard to trace further.

PLATE VI., No. 27. (No. 258 in the collection.)—On soft stone. The beginning of one line of an inscription, which must have been at least three or four times as long. The stone is a strip broken off the end of a finely sculptured block, about four times as high as wide: the width being a trifle more than the length of the inscription. A raised, rounded ornamental border extending around the stone, is broken away just above the inscription, and probably has carried away with it an upper line of the inscription. Just below the inscription is a portion of a figure with beard and a common Cypriote cap, reclining on a pillowed couch, grasping a second human figure by the foot-the only part visible. Below the couch, rather in front than beneath it, is a chained dog, and a small human. figure. The curved outline of the lower edge of the inscription shows how the head of the reclining figure projects into it. The reading is: It is rather too fragmentary to transliterate with certainty.

PLATE VI., No. 28, not numbered in the collection sculptured stone, with figure of a woman leading a The woman's head is broken off by the same fract tilates the inscription. Of the latter, the fragm character is doubtful; the others read PLATE VII., No. 29. (No. 240 in the coll stone. Above is a raised edge partly bro


right the stone is cut away, so that it seems as if the whole stone were the top left hand corner of a panel or window. The reading is the following: (1) to. | (2) no.a.i. sa. (3) e.ti.-and the numeral can hardly be represented in type. Schmidt (p. 100,) figures and reads this inscription wrongly. The second character in line (2) he figures as i, while it is a on the stone; and he ignores a sculptured mark in the first character in same line, which makes the character no, instead of ko as he reads it. The natural transliteration would be (1) τω Διος τω For(2)νω αἰσα, (3) ετι - - - “ Of Zeus of the wine a decree in the year." The numeral I do not feel

sure of.

PLATE VII., No. 30.-Not in the collection, but communicated by Gen. Di Cesnola with the following remark: "Very fine alabaster vase with Cypriote letters around the vase above and at the base. Hollow inside, without bottom." The reading is: (1) (2) u.e.te.i.we.i. Or, no Вa(n)XεI VETεIFεL; i. e., "For (or to) Bacchus the soaker." The first word is probably for pо, as лos (Bronze Tablet) stands for πрos. If so, we have it here with the dative, after the Cypriote analogy of ἀπὸ and ἐξ. The word ὑετεινει (or ὑετεινει) appears to be formed as a quasi patronymic from veros; as if Bacchus were imagined as a citizen or inhabitant of moisture. Compare vevs, the Hesychian form of uns; an epithet of Bacchus with same root and meainng.

Within the last few days the boxes containing the newlyarrived Cypriote Inscriptions have been opened, and I have been permitted to examine them, though the Museum is closed for the summer. The new inscriptions are figured on Plate VIII., which has been photolithographed from pencil rubbings and tracings on the stones.

PLATE VIII., No. 31. This is the same as that figured on Plate IV., No. 16, from Gen. Di Cesnola's copy. The stone is a magnificent piece of marble, originally the heavy lintel (pediment) of a tomb, and the inscription is a mortuary one. The stone was 4 ft. 6 in. in length, but 6 inches are broken off one end, carrying away a portion of one of the figures which Gen. Di Cesnola calls "Hercules" though I doubt the correctness of that designation. The "two women tearing their hair" are 93 inches high, and stand in the middle of the bas-relief. On either side of them crouch two lions, their heads towards the two women, and consequently towards each other; each lion measuring 15 inches from muzzle to tail. At the extreme ends.

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