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ing to her those words from wisdom's page, "Whatsoever thy hand findest to do, do it with all thy might," &c. Her last letters appeared to evince this remarkably. One addressed to a society of working ladies for her, and the missionary cause at Carr's-lane, and to a friend also, were written by her on the 9th of May, 1850; followed, alas! on the 4th of July, by those heart-rending epistles from the pen of her sorrowing husband, of "lamentations, and mourning, and woe," that his beloved Annie was no more.

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whose history and portraits appear in the "Missionary Chronicle," with this memoir. And who shall tell the pleasing and happy and useful results of that one organised sisterhood? Other united efforts, sacred friendships, and youthful members added to the church, are among some of the good things which have grown out of this once seeming "day of small things."

Such was Mrs. Coles !-beloved, lamented, remembered. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them."


THIS excellent and devoted servant of Christ, who has rendered such vast service to our Biblical literature, was called to his heavenly rest on March the 10th, at his own residence, Camberwell, in the 74th year of his age.


Home Chronicle.

THE following resolution has been passed by the Committee of the Congregational Union of England and Wales, recommending Congregational collections on behalf of the Board of Education.

We understand that an appeal will soon be made to the churches of our denomination for assistance to carry on the training of pious young persons for teachers, who shall be able, by a sound and scriptural education, to fortify the minds of the young for withstanding the various forins of error and superstitious observances with which they may be assailed.


That the Committee of the Congregational Union, anxious that the Churches of our denomination should take their full share in the work of popular education, views the efficient training of young persons of both sexes, by the Congregational Board of Education, with much interest, and trusts that it will speedily obtain an annual income commensurate with its requirements. the present juncture of its history, Congregational collections are strongly mended, as affording a favourable opportunity for bringing the subject of education before the members of our churches; and as the Board has retained its original constitution, agreeably to the feeling expressed at the last autumnal meeting of the Union, it is hoped that the plan proposed will be generally and cordially responded to."



SEVERAL years since a proposal was made to provide a Home, with suitable Education, for the Children of Missionaries. That Appeal met with a liberal response; and, as the result, two Schools were successively established at Walthamstow-one for Girls, the other for Boys.

For several years these Institutions were adequately supported; but the time came when the Boys' School had to encounter difficulties and embarrassments. Unforeseen circumstances, chiefly connected with the tenure of the premises, at length compelled the Committee, most reluctantly, to break up the Establishment, and to place the youths in different schools near London, but this was regarded as a temporary expedient only; and the Committee believe that the period has now arrived for the RE-ESTABLISHMENT of the School upon a more permanent basis. Such is the object of the present Appeal.

This, however, cannot be regarded as a case of Charity. The parents of these Children, having to perform arduous public duties, are unable to devote adequate attention to the education of their families; and the baneful influence of the heathen amongst whom they dwell, renders the establishment of such an Institution in England an obvious duty.

The tomb of many a missionary parent is on a foreign shore, and surely their Orphan children have a special claim.

The Committee are anxious vigorously to

carry out this work; but for its accomplishment a considerable sum will be required. The purchase of a house, with furniture, and other preliminary expenses, will have to be met at once; and subsequently the Institution must be sustained by an adequate amount of Annual Subscriptions. They feel assured, however, that this Appeal cannot be in vain, but that it will be cheerfully and liberally met by the Christian public, under a deep sense of obligation to their common Lord, combined with a generous desire to relieve our faithful missionaries of this pressing care, and thus to enable them to devote their undivided energies to the sacred cause in which they are engaged.



II. To unite, under the management of a competent Principal and Matron, thorough Domestic Comfort, with suitable Elementary Instruction and Religious Training.

III. To afford to the elder Boys, while resident in this Home, a Superior Education in some Collegiate or other eligible Institution.

The great advantages of the above

Plan will be the combination of a sound and liberal education, with kind and Christian oversight.

Contributions will be thankfully received by the several Members of the Committee,

as under:

place, St. John's Wood; Miss Freeman, 4, Douglas-road, Highbury; Miss Peek, 8, Finsbury-square. We hope that a great interest will be excited on behalf of this object. A £1000 may be raised, if sufficient zeal and energy are put forth.

Contributions of Useful and Ornamental Work, Clothing for the Poor, Irish Knitting, Paintings, Drawings, Music, Prints, Books, Autographs, Minerals, Shells, Flowers, Fruit, Botanical Specimens, or any light Articles of manufactured Goods, forwarded either to the London Missionary Society, Blomfield-street; or to the Baptist Missionary Society, Moorgate-street, addressed, "For the Boys' Mission School," will be thankfully acknowledged; as will also PECUNIARY ASSISTANCE, which may be sent, directed to either of the Secretaries.



THIS undertaking is highly creditable to the Congregational Union of England and A complete edition of the works of a man who did so much to revive the knowledge of the great principles of primitive Christianity, and who, for conscience' sake, was prepared to suffer the loss of all things, is assuredly a desideratum. If Congregationalists should be lax in patronising such an undertaking, it will be infinitely to their discredit. We will not suspect them of so grievous an injustice to the memory of deCommittee.-Rev. Thomas Aveling, Stoke parted worth and moral heroism. Under the Newington; Rev. S. B. Bergne, Upper Clap- supervision of Dr. Campbell, and the editorton; Rev. R. Machray, M.A., Walthamstow; ship of Mr. Ashton, there will be every posRev. Edward Mannering, 27, Kingsland-sible guarantee that the Edition of Robinson's crescent; Rev. Ebenezer Prout, Champion- Works will be such as it ought to be in care grove, Camberwell; Rev. J. E. Richards, and accuracy. Limehouse; Rev. Arthur Tidman, D.D., London Missionary Society; Rev. Frederick Trestrail, Baptist Mission House; Rev. William Tyler, Holloway; Rev. George Wilkins, King-street, Finsbury; Mr. James Carter, Upper Homerton; Mr. Samuel Edwards, Champion Hill; Mr. Charles Reed, Hackney; Mr. J. Scrutton, Clapton-square; Mr. Joseph Soul, Islington; Mr. George Tyler, Holloway; Mr. Underhill, Baptist Mission House.

Secretary.-Rev. J. J. Freeman, Mission House, Blomfield-street.

Ladies' Committee.-Miss Benham, Mrs. Fletcher, Miss Freeman, *Miss Peek, *Miss Reed, Mrs. Tredgold.

Bankers.- Messrs. Hankey, Fenchurch


N.B.-It is proposed, in May or June, to hold a Fancy-Sale in aid of the above contemplated Institution. Those Ladies who are disposed to countenance this effort may correspond with Miss Harrison, Abercorn

These ladies act as Secretaries.

It is proposed that the whole of Robinson's works should be included in three volumes post octavo, at Nine Shillings to subscribers, and Eighteen Shillings to non-subscribers. We fear the privilege to subscribers is almost expired. But six shillings a volume, of 500 pages each, octavo, is so reasonable a price, that we cannot doubt the successful issue of

the project.

There will be an Introductory Sketch, a Memoir, and a copious Index. Mr. Snow will be the publisher of the work.


THE Half-yearly Meeting of this Association will be held at St. James's Chapel, Newport, Isle of Wight, on Wednesday, April 23rd, when the Rev. H. Kiddle, of Crondall, will preach on "The distinguishing doctrines of the Reformation, and its Tendencies."


THE Members of the Rev. H. J. Chancellor's Bible-Class, Providence-street, St. Helier's, Jersey, have presented him with a handsomely bound copy of Bagster's miniature Quarto Bible, and with elegant copies of Watts's Hymns and the Congregational Hymn Book, with appropriate inscriptions. This Bible-Class is large and promising.


THE Rev. Joseph W. Wyld, of Bridport, Dorset, has accepted the hearty and unanimous call of the Church assembling at Albion Chapel, Southampton; and purposes (D.v.) entering on this enlarged sphere of pastoral labour during the present month.


WE write on the 12th of March; and the all-absorbing topic of discussion, in private and public circles, is the return to office of Lord John Russell and his colleagues, after a fruitless effort, first to form a Whig-Peelite Government, and then a Pro-Protection one. Lord Aberdeen, Sir James Graham, and Mr. Gladstone, saw, after the majority of the Commons for bringing in Lord John Russell's Anti-Papal Bill, that something must be done with the Pope's Bull. They were disposed to do nothing or next to nothing, and, therefore, could not take office. Lord Stanley would have put off the evil day, and kept up Protestant and Popish agitation for some couple of years to come; but his materials for a Protectionist Government were so thoroughly meager and unsatisfactory, that he could not face Parliament with the shadow of a hope of keeping piace, or carrying on the public business of the country. In these circumstances, Her Majesty, aided by the counsel of the Duke of Wellington, recalled her former ministers, and Lord John Russell is again Prime Minister of Great Britain. To him and his colleagues this is assuredly a triumph; but such is the state of party, that all will be done that can be done to convert the triumph into a defeat. The Graham party will fight against his Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, Lord Stanley will oppose his Free-Trade measures, and Irish Roman Catholics will vote against everything that emanates from the minister who has dared to rebuke the presumption of the court of Rome. We confess to a strong sympathy with Lord John Russell, in these circumstances; though we could have wished that he had stood firm to his Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, and left Providence to direct his future course. The country is undoubtedly with him for a much stronger measure than he ventured to propose; and though the


extreme Liberals, some of the Free-Trade Leaders, and the Irish Roman Catholics, will join to oppose all legislation to repel an aggression, which they well know could not have been perpetrated with impunity in any Roman Catholic country in Europe-with an overwhelming majority of his countrymen with him, both Churchmen and Dissenters, he had nothing to fear. We suspect, from the aspect of affairs both at home and abroad, that Romanism will require a more formidable check than any it has yet realised. We never bring ourselves, as Britons, to think that the dignity or safety of our country will be consulted by suffering the Pope, as a Foreign Prince, to exercise terri torial jurisdiction in this Protestant realm. That he has done so is a fact which history will attest; and all the bluster of Liberals, Romanists, and Tractarians, will not be able to efface it from our national records. In a more advanced stage of Protestant opinion and feeling-and we believe it is fast approaching-those only will appear to have been true patriots who did their best to repel the insolence of the Roman Pontiff, and to frustrate the efforts of his dangerous allies, the Puseyite Clergy and Laity of the Church of England.

To us, one of the most ominous facts connected with the late movement against Rome has been the strange course pursued by certain Leaders of the Free-Trade policy. They have miserably misrepresented, probably through ignorance, the great body of Evangelical Dissenters, and in so far they have damaged their legitimate influence in Parliament and with the country. Millions are advocates of Free Trade, like ourselves, who will never consent to put that question on a par with the one which these patriots would utterly ignore.

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In accordance with the leading design of our Magazine, it has been our ordinary practice to give prominence to the correspondence of the Missionaries, illustrative of the state and progress of the great work of evangelization among the heathen. But the Missionary enterprise itself is indebted for its birth and its continued support to the piety of the churches at home; and it is occasion for devout thanksgiving, that, while the messengers of our churches are devoting themselves to the service of Christ in the high places of idolatry, multitudes of the people of God in the private walks of life are helping forward the work by their prayers, their influence, and their contributions.

The pecuniary offerings of the pious poor, both with respect to their aggregate amount and the sacrifices they involve, ought to be regarded as the most precious portion of the funds raised for the spread of the gospel among the heathen. The simple scene described in the following letter is so far from being uncommon, that we are happy to know it has its parallel in many of the towns and villages throughout our favoured land; but we desire, by giving it insertion, to evince the high value we attach to the co-operation of the pious poor, and especially the youthful members of their families, and at the same time to present an example of real self-denial, which, if emulated by the more opulent classes of the Christian community, would give a powerful impetus to the progress of


An esteemed and devoted pastor of an Independent church and congregation, in an agricultural district, writes, under date January 8th, ult., as follows::

"On Monday, I had a pleasing little occurrence, showing how much interest the pious poor take in the Missionary cause. I went to visit a poor man lying on the bed of affliction, when two of his little boys, one seven and the other five years old, came up to the sick room, anxious to bring me, as the elder said, "the farthings they had been saving up for the poor heathen children," which amounted to Is. 1d. This, though but a few pence, I account an offering of no small value. It would have done you good to have seen the delight of the sick, and I may say dying, father's countenance, as the children presented their little offering;—ah! and the glowing delight of the mother, soon to be a widow, with four small children. (See Engraving, page 65.)

These are instances worth recording-of deep interest for the Missionary cause. Oh that the wealthy felt the same, and acted up to it! You would not then have so much cause of complaint for the want of funds.

Excuse this detail. I am an old friend to the great and good cause; and the interest for it lms rather increased than diminished with my years.

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