290 M. G. Ellick W. Fisher.... E. Ireland. P. H. Jelley's Missionary Box J. and J. Lenton A. Plant... M. Rowlatt........ A. Rowse 050 21. 4s.9d. school. YORKSHIRE. Coldstream. Gillman... 0 4 4 020 Allerton... 126 Per Rev. A. Rodger, Free Bradford. Church. Peterborough, Juven NORTHUMBERLAND. Newcastle. Jubal Raffe...... 0 110 6 Susan Maidwell.... 01 Zion Chapel........ 29 11 St. James's Chapel. Mr. R. Anderson .. Miss Brewis 0 3 6 Miss E. Best... Miss M. Ballatyne.. Miss M. J Cooke Miss M. Dunford Miss M. J. Dransfield Mrs. Bone.. William Alrey.... Anne Salmon Webb 17. 138. 3d.. 0 10 0 0 31 Hadleigh, Juvenile 039 Contributions .... 10 Haverhill, per Rev. 0 H. Gill.... 044 Salem Chapel (additional). 020 Miss E. A. Smith 5 4 6 Sabbath-school SURREY. Croydon. British-school Boys 0 14 6 045 Sabbath-school Chil108 Mr. J. T. Dransfield 0 3 8 dren Miss Goddard...... 1 3 6 Collected by130 Master T. Aris...... Miss L. Goddard.. Master Goddard.... 0 6 6 Master J. Aris.... Mr. J. Hedley...... 066 Mr. R. Streeter Mr. W. Halldenston 0 2 2 31. 48. 8d. Guildford. Miss M A. Pearson 993 Auxiliary Society, Mr. W. Ward...... 048 Howdon-on-Tyne 0 11 10 Juvenile Contribu25 3 4 tions. Highfield Chapel.. 12 17 4 Hull. 4 6 6 Albion Chapel...... Pickering. Young Ladies of Miss Wood's School.... 0 17 6 Collected by the Ripon. Children 3 10 6 of the 212 7 67. 13. 1d. Edinburgh. 020 014 0 2 0 0 Jane Graham, Gil Queen - street and bath-school merton Albany-street Chapel Sabbath-school Children.. Richmond-place Chapel. Sabbath-school .... 3 7 7 Ewing's C. Bible Class Miss J. Clapperton's Class Collected by 0 13 6 0710 080 Collected by Miss Wilson... 0 12 4 Sheffield. Miss M. Joice 020 Miss E. Lockey 029 Collected by Garden-street Sab Miss M. A. Laidlaw 1 00 Master Sturt Mr. J. Moffatt...... 0 18 0 Miss Sturt..... 06 0 046 bath-school Mr. R. Pratt........ 0 4 0 Mr. W. Pearson.... 10s. 6d.SUSSEX. per W. Penfold, Esq... Mr. R. Whinfield.. 060 Bognor. Rye, Landgate-street Chapel. Cuckfield................... dren... 057 Hastings. 147. 168. 2d.. 0 18 0 Alice Foster Attercliffe, ditto... George Allen Missionary Boxes at Attercliffe Brightside SabbathSchool 1 10 8 0 2 0 010 0 13 8 Eth 068 Brown, Sister, and Mary Richardson. 1 13 0 010 719 4 22 11 6 81. 28. 9d.. Thirsk. 0 18 11 SHROPSHIRE. Dorrington. Colllected by 681. 17s. 6d. WARWICKSHIRE, ....... Birmingham, bath-school, Miss 050 Ebenezer Sabbath Schools. 9 4 3 0 5 0 4 0 0 30 0 20 0 1 024 0 street 028 Miss Sarah Jones.. 099 Miss S. Heighway.. 0 5 3 Girls...... Humphery Heigh 12s. 6d. Boys...... little villagers.... 0 15 0 Collected by Miss H. Simpson Sabbath Schools.... 0 14 11. 48. 1d. Oswestry, Sabbath School.. SOMERSETSHIRE. Bridgewater. Collected by Miss H. Sully...... M. J. K. Jones.. Miss Georgiana Greaves Miss Elizabeth Clare Jones Helen Small (deceased).. Isabella Greensides. Hannah Croft...... Margaret Thompson 0 Elizabeth Porter .. Mary Ann Johnson. Isabella Elgie...... Dorothy Johnson .. James Hall 64. 14s. 3d.- Sabbath morning Link's Local Seb Catherine Gurn.. 0 8 Master George Gunn 0 7 6 21. 38.Glasgow. Juvenile Auxiliary Society. Montrose 030 0 4 2 John Clarkson .... 026 Matthew Horner 14. 11s York. Sabbath Sabbath-schools.... 1 9 0 Lendal 27. 158. 11d. Leamington. Collected by Miss Pasmore's bath-class Sab 1 8 7 William Treaddell.. Charles Fardon J. Margosches H. Allen... J. Haynes 200 W. Haynes 0 10 0 W. Woodfield Amelia Gay Hurford 0 6 0 J. Woodfield George E. Bidgood.. 0 5 0 F. Litherland Louisa Rogers.... Emma Mead.. Mary Deacon E. Parslew... Phoebe Gabriel. Jane King. 039 030 school WALES. Miss M. P. Thomas's 0 3 8 Sabbath-school 068 078 087 Sabbath-school 0 13 10 Sabbath-school 47. 58. 6d. Nuneaton. 056 024 Collected by 16 Miss Swinnerton.... 0 10 0 0 2 2 J. Eustace.... 0 0 1 4 010 31. 16s. 1d. Master Johnson Broadway, Sabbath School Children.. 1 0 3 Bristol, Lodge-street Sabbath-school Bruton, Juvenile Branch..... Ilminster, Sabbathschool Children.. 500 158. 6d. WESTMORELAND. Crosby Garrett. and Miss WILTSHIRE. Melksham .... Collected 0 2 6 Tisbury. with 39 Cards 125 050 2 14 3 Sums under 108..... 31. 78. 8d. 3 4 6 Annan, Independent Sabbath-school street 3 12 2 144 HanoverChapel Sabbath - school, Thomas £ s. d. A. B., A Friend to D. J. Hinchliffe, Esq. Mr. Hobson £ s. d. Mr. T. Jackson .... 0 10 0R. Hope, Esq. Miss Jackson ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Harwood. Mrs. Maltby........ 0 5 0 Rev. E. Miller. 51. 98. G. Monkhouse, Esq. 0 R. Cunliffe, Esq. 10 10 0 Mr. Miller..... 0 Mr. E. S. Cunliffe i 10 Miss Messer and Miss Maria Cunliffe 0 10 0 Friends 0 Collected by Miss Miss Mather.... 10 10 Q Jane Cunliffe 2 127 R. Needham, Esq... 10 0 0 144. 13. 7d. Mrs. H. Peek.... 10 0 0 A Friend, by Mrs. G. Saunders. 500 Joshua Wilson, for Mr. Read, senior, Kat River.... For Mr. and Mrs. Mather's Orphan Schools at Mirzapore, collected by Misses Messer and Mather 100 500 500 - Miss, Torring ton-equare.. 500 An Aged Disciple, Proverbe iii. 9....... 3 17 6 Mrs. Allen... Mrs. Burnell. per Mr. G. Yonge 3 6 6 Mrs. Baker Collected by Miss Pearse........ T. H.............. M. A. Saunders.... 5 0 0 D. A....... 050 19 5 0 Less Expenses.. 0 3 3 0 10 0 Collected by Mrs. Sewell 0 10 0 100 Miss Brodie, for E. 050 Brodie...... 0 5 0 Miss Gilpin, from Burnley and Kendal Juvenile 19 19 2 10 0 Mrs. Collins 1 15 6 Mrs. Carpenter 110 Rev. J. Davies.. 0 10 0 P.De Gruchy, Esq.. 110 Collected by Miss Mrs. Dowler... 050 Jackson W. Edgar, Esq. 110 Miss Appleton...... 2 2 0 Mr. W. Edgar, jun. 100 0 Miss Barker...... 110 Mrs. Elliott 200 Mrs. Hall, Chesham, Mrs. Jackson .... for M. L. Hall.... 2 10 Schools, for Mary Ann Gilpin....... 3 15 0 Collections.......... 46 5 10 9 2 Subscriptions ......126 17 4 school, 0 9 0 T. M. 0 7 10 Fines for non-at071 tendance on Committee............ 0 4 0 0 1 0 028 054 0 1 7 0 06 565 Younger Hubbard's Family 10 @ 261. 48. 7d. 0 3 2 Less Expenses (part0 18 ) ly two years) 069 032 193 007 274 9 7 613 0 267 16 7 Hare Court. 0 0 0 8 9 2 682 407. 18. bd.. Subscriptions 0 7 6 For the Ship.. Donations..........132 36 Juvenile Branch.. 7 8 3 Annual Collection.. 20 13 7 Miss Thrupp... ... 10 0 0 Master S. and J. Miss Manning T. B. Hudson, Esq.. T. Rouse, Esq... Miss Roberts Mrs. Roberts.. A Friend, by Rev. J. Stratten Mr. Grant Mr. Goodhugh. Mr. Ferguson Miss Jones.... Mrs. Swalwell... Mrs. Serjeant Miss Young A Friend, by Mr. Mrs. Cranfield.. Mrs. Holman Miss Todd Miss Murray Miss G. Edmonds Miss Head. Miss Pitts 1 1 0 Miss Stockham 1 10 Mr. Tickle Master Whittington 200 Miss Youngman.... 2 2 0 After Lecture by 110 Rev. C. II. Bate110 man 100 For the Ship 1 1 0 Sabbath-school Sub110 scriptions 110 For Native Children, 100 John Clayton and 110 Mary Bergne 543 Missionary Boxes 1 10 0 Balance from 015 0 year 2 1 5 Collections ...... 2 15 10 Miss Andrews... 0 11 11 Miss Brookes 0 10 0 Mrs. Crocker, Mis4 18 5 sionary Box 3 18 8 Miss Dimsdale 4 3 8 Miss Drayton 0 2 10 Miss Ehrenzeller 0 12 0 Miss Flockhart.... 1 1 0 Miss Hartland.. Miss Larkin.. 699 Miss Thurkle 1 15 10 Miss Williams.. 19 2 Daily Schools I 8 0 Sabbath-schools 1 15 10 Miss Tuck. 1 10 0 For the Ship.. Exs. 98. 6d; 4 7 1 31 14 10 7 16 0 600 110 Exs. 658.; 4991. 178. 2d.- square. ii o Subscriptions...... 14 5 5 110 class 1 10 For Native Girl, 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 Ann Leach, in 0 10 0 For Native Child, 921. 38. 4d.. 10 0 0 100 Miss Watts In the above sum the fol 50 olowing are included:Collected by Miss Bancroft ................ Mrs. Bell... Mrs. Glanville. 21 14 4 Mr. Kemp ... 7 12 3 Surrey Chapel. 570 614 6 224 143 290 4 14 1 14 4 170 Auxiliary Society..222 15 10 070 For the Ship........ 2 18 7 086 For Native Teacher. 10 0 0 0 12 6 Ladies' Association. 077 Collected by 0 5 0 Mrs. Blades Ditto, per Servants. 180 Miss Carpenter Miss Studd Sabbath Miss Gee... 15.15 8 Infant 1 18 0 057 Miss Harris 4 12 8 Miss Howard school Girls in Sabbathschool, for the native girl, Eliza, at Bangalore........ 0 10 Mrs. Timothy. 0 10 0 Mary Steele (Box).. 0 8 0 0 10 0 Children's Working 0 10 0 0 10 0 Party By Mr. J. Allen 076 Missionary Prayer 050 1 13 0 Miss Jones... Miss Longmore 3 0 0 Miss Russell.... 0 12 0 Mrs. E. P. Sells.... 2851. 118. 7d. Tabernacle. For the Ship.... 15 13 5 Mrs. W. Williams.. Collected byMiss Edmeston .... meeting Box...... 3 5 10 Miss Fisher 0 5 0 By Mrs. Mart, for 050 theNative Teacher, Miss Fuller Miss Hardie.... 026 C. R. Howell .... 10 0 0 Mrs. Percival 026 By Young Ladies' 050 Missionary Working Association, for the Native Teacher, W. B. Leach By W. Cullum, Esq., for the Native Teacher, William Cullum Miss Scrutton Miss Youngman.... Youngman and Percival, for 1 18 0 626 2 17 4 210 914 O 3 7 0 ....... 53 12 3 Collections 8 9 0X, Y. Z., for School I 12 7 at Madras 4 10 6 Juvenile 0 10 0 tion Associa 83 2 250 ......36 $ 11 2 16 4 For the Ship... 596 208. 188. Id. New Tabernacle. 0 Subscriptions ...... 23 14 7 Sabbath-schools.... 5 10 8 Collections Mrs. Box.... Rordansz's Mary Ann Stepney 2 5 0 For the Ship. 10 0 0 Misses 10 0 0 Miss Newling, for 250 4 11 9 Crawshaw and Battersby, for Jane Kennedy.... 50 16 10 6 For the Widows and Children Poultry Chapel. Collections..........114 37 0 4 0 1 9 3 0 For Widows' Fund. 50 721. 78. 5d. Trevor Chapel. Annual Subscrip tions and Dona- 9266 |