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Bilston; the Rev. J. R. Macduff, of St. Madoes; the Rev. W. Cadman, M.A., of Chelsea, and the Rev. S. Martin, of Westminster. We trust the enterprising publisher will meet with the amplest encourage



1. The Ladies of the Covenant. Memoirs of
Distinguished Scottish Characters, em-
bracing the period of the Covenant and
the Persecution. By the Rev. James
Blackie and

Anderson. 4to. pp. 628.

2. Apocalyptic Sketches; or, Lectures on the
Delivered in the
Book of Revelation.
large room, Exeter Hall, in 1847-48. By
the Rev. John Cumming, D.D. Thirteenth
edition. Hall, Virtue, and Co.

3. Published under the direct sanction of the
author.-Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and
Practical, on the Book of the Prophet
Isaiah; with a new Translation and Intro-
ductory Dissertation. By the Rev. Albert
Barnes. Reprinted verbatim from the
author's revised edition, edited and care-
fully corrected by Rev. Ingram Cobbin,
M.A. In two vols. Partridge and Oakey.
4. Missionary Addresses delivered before the
General Assembly of the Church of Scot-
land, in the years 1835, 1836, 1837, 1839.
With additional Papers on Female Educa-
tion, and the Danish, or earliest Protestant
Mission to India. By Alexander Duff, D.D.
Johnstone and Hunter.

5. Notes on the Cardinal's Manifesto, in a

Letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell,
Her Majesty's Prime Minister. By the
Rev. John Cumming, D.D. 8vo. pp. 32.
Hall, Virtue, and Co.

6. The Supremacy. A Sermon preached in
Horton-lane Chapel, Bradford, Dec. 1st,
1850. By the Rev. J. Glyde. 12mo. John
Dale, Bradford.

7. The Two Rocks, Christ and Peter. By Rev. Alex. M'Caul, D.D. Wertheim and Macintosh.

8. Lectures on Romanism. From No. I. to V. By the Rev. John Weir, Minister of River-terrace Presbyterian Church, Islington. Nisbet and Co.

9. Sunday Services at Home, for Young Children. By Different Authors. Edited by the Countess of Ducie. John Hughes, Ave Maria-lane.

10. The Crisis: A Prize Essay on Senior Classes in Sunday-schools, their necessity, importance, and the best Method of conducting them: illustrated by several encouraging Facts. By Henry Hall, of York-street Chapel Sunday-school, Walworth. 18mo. B. L. Green.

11. Protestant Popery; or, Lessons for the
Times. Being the substance of Two Dis-
courses, delivered in the Congregational
Church, Bowden, near Manchester, on
Sunday evenings, November 17th and
24th, 1850. By Henry Christopherson.
18mo. Jackson and Walford.

12. An Essay on Popery. By the Rev.
Ingram Cobbin, M.A. 12mo.
and Oakey.



DIED at his father's house, Whitehill Cottage, Chester-le-street, Durham, on the 11th of July last, in the twentieth year of his age. Alexander Ramsay, student of medicine, younger son of the Rev. John Kamsay. Enjoying from his childhood the advantages of a religious education, and possessing naturally a docile and amiable disposition, he was, in a great measure, preserved from the follies and vanities of youth, and was punctual and conscientious in attending to his religious duties. At an early period he was sent to Silcoates School, and made such proficiency in the various branches of education taught at that seminary, particularly in classical attainments, that he was found qualified, after the examination by the Professors, to receive a valuable bursary, or exhibition, to St. Andrew's University, to which he had been presented by Sir Alexander Ramsay, of Balmain, students of the founder's name having a pre

ferable claim to these exhibitions. This enabled him to prosecute his studies without any expense to his relations; and he commenced his university course in November, 1842, being then little more than twelve years of age. After completing his classical and philosophical curriculum, he entered on the study of medicine, under the late Dr. John Reid, Professor of Anatomy in the United College, who had lately been appointed to that chair, in room of the deceased Dr. Robert Briggs. From the difficulty of prosecuting the study of medicine in so limited a sphere as St. Andrew's, the medical professor had, with the approbation of the Senatus Academicus, converted this department into a course of chemistry. But, on the appointment of Dr. Reid, the anatomy class was reopened, and another professor nominated to the chemical chair. The celebrity of Dr. Reid gave a new impulse to this branch of study, and several promising young men im

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lent parent to the writer, it is said:-"It will comfort you to know that my son, of whom you write so kindly, left every testimony of acceptance in Christ Jesus. His faith was simply in the blood of Christ; and we know who links that with remission of sins." These their lives," and in death they were not "long two young men were "lovely and pleasant in Mr. Ramsay's last illness, extracted from his or far divided." The following account of father's letter, will be read with interest:

mediately enrolled their names as students. The career of this eminent man was of short duration; for, while yet in the full vigour of life, he was seized with a painful malady, gangrene in the tongue, which baffled all the skill of the faculty, and cut him off at the early age of forty. It is pleasing to know that, during his long and painful illness, he afforded unequivocal evidence of true piety; and though, from the nature of his complaint, he was almost entirely precluded from conversation, the Bible was his constant companion; and all who had access to know his "At first," he says, "he flattered himself state of mind, expressed themselves satisfied that he would recover, and I deceived myself with the reality of the change. A memoir of his death, although his mother long anticiwith the same hope, till within a few days of this talented physician is (it is believed) in pated the gradual approach. He was confined course of preparation, by his intimate friend, to bed only one week, and had little or no Dr. George Wilson, Lecturer on Chemistry pain; but as his life had been, so was his in Edinburgh; which will embalm the name of Dr. Reid, along with those of Drs. Turner, and then three almost imperceptible, when he death-calm and gentle : one long breath, Bateman, and Howell, as illustrious trophies ceased to breathe, and all was over. The day of the power of Divine grace to dispose the before his death his mind wavered, though profound scholar and high-minded philoso- he soon recovered his recollection; but the pher to receive the kingdom of God as a little day on which he died he was quite calm and child. Under this distinguished professor collected. He said-He is passing! His young Ramsay pursued his medical studies mother replied, There is nobody passing.' with great ardour; and the terms of his bur-Yes, yes!' he added; He is passing by-it is sary entitling him to complete his course at any other scat of learning, he afterwards rethe Lord, proclaiming the Lord God merciful moved to Edinburgh, with a view to avail the verse. and gracious!' He stopped, and I finished himself of the greater advantages which the God's Word, I asked him, 'What is the state After repeating some promises of metropolis affords for prosecuting the various of your mind now?' 'What do you exactly branches of medical science, and continued to attend the classes there till the month of eternity. To which he quickly responded, mean?' he asked. 'I mean with respect to February last, when the unfavourable state Quite well, quite well.' of his health compelled him to return home asked if it was dark? 'No,' I replied; it is About mid-day he ere the session was closed. the valley, and angels will be there to conlight.' His mother added, 'It will be light in duct you to glory.' With a sort of rapture, he said, They will be there-they will be there! These were almost his last words; and at half-past four o'clock that afternoon, he gently passed from time into eternity."

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tion it is said:"You wish for some partiIn another part of the same communicaculars of Alexander's death, and also to know whether he has left any memoranda in writ

Though of a lively and cheerful turn of mind, his constitution was naturally delicate. He was frequently seized, when at college, with severe fits of hemorrhage from the nose, and used to complain of great exhaustion on returning to his lodgings from the anatomical class-room. In a letter from his father to the writer of this sketch, it is mentioned, that in the summer after his last session at St. Andrew's, he had a severe attack of fever, from the effects of which he never altogether re-ing, from which the state of his mind, and his covered. He resumed his studies, however, next winter, and attended the classes, though under great weakness, till the beginning of February, when, by the advice of Dr. Henderson, he returned to England. this time," adds his father, "he became in"From creasingly weaker; and the death of his fellow-student, Mr. James Tetley, greatly affected him." This amiable youth was a native of Yorkshire, and was the son of W. Tetley, Esq., of Asenby Lodge, near Thirsk. They were about the same age, and entered Dr. Reid's class about the same time. died on the 23rd of March last, at his father's house, after giving pleasing evidence of a change of heart. In a letter from his excel


prospects for eternity, might be ascertained. Shortly after his return from Edinburgh, in February, he burned a great many papers, which he took out of his portfolio, merely circumstance I regret now, though I placed saying they were of no importance. This dence. The only papers he has left are very the utmost reliance on his judgment and prulivered by you, when he was a student at St. copious notes of sermons and lectures deAndrew's; and I can see by them, though you had not told me, that his attendance on your ministry was very regular. Often did he speak of this as a great privilege, and deeply lamented that the state of his health, during his last session at your university,

prevented him from attending so often as he could have wished. The means of grace were dear to him, and those enjoyed in St. Andrew's were doubly prized. He was a careful, attentive hearer, and the word of Christ dwelt in him richly." Both Ramsay and Tetley attended the Independent chapel while at college, and this is one circumstance which has reconciled the writer of this memoir to continue in a station somewhat difficult, as affording opportunities of usefulness to young men attending the university-classes, some of whom are now removed from this transitory scene, and others are occupying important spheres in various parts of the world.

Young Ramsay, from the testimony of those who had best access to know, was a constant reader of the Word of God, and deeply conversant with every part of it. "His knowledge of the Bible," says his father," was greater than I ever knew, in one of his age :" but, from his great modesty and retiredness, this was known only to a few. His general knowledge was also extensive. He could speak on almost any subject; and, having a most retentive memory, he digested whatever he read. History was peculiarly attractive to him, and in it he was deeply read, for his years. Novels, and the light literature of the day, he could not bear: all frivolous writing disgusted him, and a favourite phrase of his respecting that sort of reading often occurred-" Cui bono?" ("What is the use of it?") Baxter and Howe were great favourites with him, especially the former; and he often read the "Pilgrim's Progress," not relishing Bunyan's other works so well. Besides the notes of sermons above alluded to, his father mentions another memorandum found in his Pocket Bible, containing simply the chapter and verse where any special promise was to be found. As an instance of his diligence in the study of the Scriptures, it is related, in another communication, that on one occasion, when at St. Andrew's, from some unexplained cause, he had gone to bed without reading his accustomed portion; but his conscience was so tender that he could not sleep, till he arose and re-lighted his candle, and read a part of that Word which makes wise unto salvation. No doubt this may partly be ascribed to the effect of early habit, but it shows the great importance of cultivating such habits in early life; and may reprove some, greatly his superiors in years, who, "amidst all their getting," are forgetful to "get understanding" of God's holy Word.

The following passage from the same letter, taken in connexion with his obtaining the bursary before mentioned, may be regarded as a remarkable instance of faith in the efficacy of prayer, in one so young :-" While at Silcoate's School-especially the last year he was there he was much perplexed in mind about his choice of a profession, and often

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said he would like to be a minister of God's Word, but was apprehensive that the circumstances of the family would not allow of his receiving a suitable education. On his referring to this, his mother observed, that something in the course of Divine providence would cast up, to enable him to attain the object of his desire. This was during the Midsummer holidays. And before leaving home to return to school, he and a friend agreed that each should make it a subject of special petition, in their daily prayers, that God, by his providence, would point out the way, and show the path in which he should go; and two months had scarcely elapsed, when the way was opened up, by his being presented with the bursary, for enabling him to follow out the desire of his heart, if he should still continue in the same mind. though his attention was directed, in the first instance, to the study of medicine, it is believed that, had he been spared to take out his degree as M.D., he would then have offered himself as a candidate for the ministry; and from various hints that occasionally fell from him, it would seem he had thoughts of ultimately devoting himself as a medical missionary: but the Supreme Disposer of events had ordered it otherwise. Yet it was well that it was in his heart.

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"His classical attainments," his father observes, were of no mean order; every year he carried off prizes at Silcoate's, and his name appeared in the honorary List of Students at St. Andrew's :"-and had his life been spared, there is every reason to believe he would have proved an honour to his profession, and would have afforded another evidence, in addition to the many already given, of the compatibility of the highest literary and scientific attainments with the most humble and fervent piety, and the entire consecration of the heart to God.

Let the young learn, from such examples, the vanity and uncertainty of all earthly prospects, and the importance of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, that all other things may be added to them. Medical students are exposed to peculiar temptations; and while busying themselves with the study of the physical structure, are too apt to lose sight of the nobler part of our nature, and to resolve the phenomena of mind and thought into the gross elements of material organisation. Nor can a better antidote be suggested against this supposed tendency of medical science, than the method adopted by our young friend-of embuing the mind with the truths of revelation, by the daily and devout study of the Holy Scrip


W. L.


DIED lately, in his seventy-fifth year, Mr. Isaac Fletcher, long an exemplary member and active deacon of the church of Christ assembling for worship, Above-Bar, Southamp


He had the inestimable advantage of early spiritual culture and discipline by parents who acknowledged God in all their ways.

At that dangerous crisis for the character of the young, when they are of necessity separated from their home and all its immediate moral influences, it was his happiness to form a intimacy with a devoted servant of Christ, whose intellectual superiority and moral weight were conscientiously dedicated to the improvement of his junior. This good influence was so blessed by Him who encourages and answers parental prayer, as to become the means of preserving him from the sins and follies of youth, that so often leave behind them a stain and a sting for all the future years of life.

In a long life of business, not without its difficulties, he was enabled to maintain an


irreproachable integrity. It was his happiness and his great advantage to be united to gion eminently qualified her to be a wise a wife whose strong mind and earnest relicounsellor not less than an affectionate commore deeply to feel her value by her loss. Few panion, whom he survived several years, the men, probably, have ever acted in the office of tion to fulfil all its duties. He was ready to a deacon with a more single-hearted intenevery good work that approved itself to his judgment; and much, and for many long years, did the church with which he was connected owe to the diligence, the zeal, the unselfish and generous spirit of his services.

genuine lowliness of mind, preference of others In his whole course, from youth to age, his cherish heart-religion, cordial sympathy with to himself, anworldly spirit, fervent desire to all goodness, have left the most agreeable recollections on the heart of one who, after an unalloyed friendship of fifty-three years, surtian worth. vives thus feebly to commemorate his ChrisJOHN BULLER.

Home Chronicle.


WE beg to inform our brethren the Trustees of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, both in London and the Provinces, that the next Half-yearly Meeting, for the distribution of profits arising from the sale of that work, will be held (D.v.) at Baker's Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, on Wednesday, 8th January, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK PRECISELY.


We have no definite light as yet upon the plans of Government for repelling the Pope's aggression. The Queen's answer to the City of London and the Universities, is our only prophetic revelation. It was proper, if Parliament is to be appealed to, that the Royal reply should be couched in cautious phrase. But that the Ministry and the Parliament will deal effectually with the political intrusion of the Bishop of Rome, we cannot doubt. The people of Great Britain have called, with a determination not to be mistaken, that the daring outrage on national feeling shall be defeated.

But what is to be done with the Tractarians? The Bishop of London has awoke from his slumbers, and begins to speak out; and the present excitement will doubtless compel other reverend persons on the Bench to get rid of the more advanced of the Puseyite school. But what course will be pursued in reference to the prudential class-with those

who think and teach with Mr. Bennett, but who make it difficult for even a right-minded Bishop to catch them? What is to be done the Queen's supremacy? Are they to retain with those who, in the Establishment, ignore their position in the national Church, while they denounce the very elemental principle of the English Establishment. If they reject the Establishment principle, why do they not come out of it, and form a Free Puseyite because, with all their quarrel with the Episcopal Church? They cannot do this; Queen's supremacy, they would lose their Anglo-Catholic position immediately, were they to become a sect of Episcopal Dissenters. to Rome; for as long as we have an EstaThere is no hope for them, but in going over blishment in this country, they may rest assured that the people will see to it, that the Queen shall continue to be its earthly head. The Convocation need not be even so much as dreamed of. We have had enough of it, as all history tells us.

We have before us a singular production, It is entitled "A Word of Remonstrance with from the pen of the Rev. Prebendary Gresley. Francis Wilson, M.A., in reply to his Pamthe Evangelicals. Addressed to the Rev. phlet called 'No Peace with Tractarians.'" this pamphlet how far it will be wise in them Our Evangelical brethren may ascertain from to symbolize with the Tractarian school. Mr. Gresley seems to be in a fever with the


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Bishop of Worcester, for his determination to
suffer no priestly confession in his diocese.
"The Bishop of Worcester," he says, “I un-
derstand, has resolved to put down' confes-
What an awful fact!
sion in his diocese.
The Church expressly appoints a means of
strictly in accordance with Holy
Scripture. A Bishop dares to forbid it! May
God forgive him, and not lay this sin to his
charge! May he not have to answer at the
day of judgment for souls lost through his
prohibition of a most solemn and saving

Mr. Gresley is full of sympathy for her
"The real truth
Majesty's present position.
is," he informs the public," the Queen's just
supremacy is at present wrested from her, and
exercised by another, who has no right to it,
and uses it unworthily." Further, he tells us,
"That in the choice of a Bishop, the Queen,
in her capacity of supreme governor, should
be allowed to consult with the principal Pre-
lates on the Bench, and not be constrained
to accept the nominee of a minister of state,"
&c. Well, we must tell Mr. Gresley, quietly,
that the people of England will take good
care not to increase the power of the priest-
hood in the direction to which the Prebendary
Dissenters and
of Lichfield is looking.
Churchmen have an interest, while there is
an Establishment, in keeping within proper
bounds the ambition of the clergy. Let the
Tractarians form their Free Church and
teach, their Popery at their own, and not at
the nation's expense.





"Esteem him very highly in love for his work's sake." Though he should not be so popular nor so great a scholar as some of his brethren, if he loves his Master, and loves his work, and loves his people, and preaches good, sound doctrine, treat him as an bassador of Christ," sent to beseech sinners in His stead to be reconciled to God. If he is young and inexperienced, make such allowances as to show him that he is surrounded on all sides by friends, who expect less than they would from one of a riper age, and more power of physical endurance. This will encourage him to do the best he can, and he will grow as fast as you could reasonably expect. If he cominits some mistakes (and who, that sustains any difficult and responsible office, does not), overlook them; or, if they are of such a nature that he needs to be put upon his guard, let the duty be discharged in such a way as to convince him that he still retains the confidence of his people, and has only to be more careful in future.


Attend punctually upon his ministry. Le no frivolous excuse detain you at home either part of the day. It is very disheartening to a minister, when he has spent the week in laborious preparations for the pulpit, to look around upon a spare audience, and to observe how many are absent from their pews, whom he had hoped to benefit by shaping his discourses to meet their spiritual wants. can he help feeling that much of his labour When the weather is inclement, or is lost? the skies are overcast, instead of looking out half-a-dozen times to find a plausible excuse for staying at home, just recollect that your minister must be as punctual in storm as in sunshine; that many of the congregation cannot safely get out in very bad weather, and that if you are well enough to go abroad upon business, you can have no valid excuse for absenting yourself from the house of God. Encourage him to deal very plainly with

When he preaches what are called you. "hard doctrines," which you admit are found in the Bible, don't lay your heads down in token of your disapprobation, nor unmistakeably show by your restlessness how much you wish he would let such subjects alone. Remember that he comes to you under a an ambassador of sacred commission, as Christ; and that he may not "shun to declare unto you all the counsel of God, whether you will hear or whether you will forbear." It is true, if he has the spirit of him who said, "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel," he will "obey God, rather than man!" but if you constrain him to ejaculate, "Who hath believed our report ?" you will discourage him, and render yourselves unworthy of his faithful services.

In addition to

Give him a chance to grow. the few books which he may be able to purchase, provide him with a good theological library, that he may have wherewithal to enrich his mind, and to bring forth out of his treasure things new and old. And having furnished him with the necessary tools, let If he is disposed him have time to use them. to appropriate his forenoons to study, as a good minister of course will be, don't interrupt him, except from necessity, or where the call cannot be postponed till the afternoon without great inconvenience.


Give him a comfortable support. labourer is worthy of his hire. Even so hath God ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel." To say nothing of the injustice of it, half starving a good minister is the poorest economy in the world. If you don't give him and his family enough to eat, and drink, and wear, how can his mind be free from those worldly anxieties which must unavoidably interfere with the duties of his sacred calling?

Don't grudge him some few weeks, four at

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