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of their net income to the Dublin Committee, to carry on their undertaking.

Nine new Associations had been formed in England during the past year, and there had been a considerable increase in the resources of the Society. A large extension had taken place in the Missionary department of the Society's operations in Ireland. Seven new clerical agents had been appointed, making twenty-one now in connexion with the Society. One hundred and seven Scripture readers, and seven hundred and six teachers were employed.

The Bishop of Cashel moved the adoption of the Report, to which he was convinced all present must have listened with much pleasure.

The Rev. J. Gregg seconded the resolution in a powerful appeal on behalf of the Society. The remaining resolutions were moved and seconded by the Revs. Hugh Stowell, J. Craig, D. Foley and Dr. Trench.

After singing the doxology, the benediction was pronounced, and the assembly retired.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN SAILORS' SOCIETY. ON Monday evening, May 12th, the Annual Meeting of this Society was held at the London Tavern, which was well attended. The chair was taken, at six o'clock, by Mr. Alderman Wire. The proceedings having been opened by singing and prayer, the Chairman offered a few remarks upon the important nature of that well-known Society, whose interests it was the business of that evening to endeavour to promote.

The Secretary then read the Report, which alluded to the anxiety of the Directors to establish model lodging-houses, for sailors, towards which purpose donations had been already promised. The evangelical labours of the Society, both in London and in the provincial ports, had been increasingly efficient. Many encouraging particulars were related of the progress of established stations, or of the establishment of new ones, at Chatham, Colchester, Exeter, Devonport, Lowestoff, Falmouth, Haverfordwest, Yarmouth, Penzance, &c.; and also in the Port of London.

The prospects of the Society were stated to be, in every respect, of an exceedingly gratifying character. The attendance at the Sailor's Church, and at the various Bethel services, had been remarkably good. The number of Bibles sold had been 1541, and of Testaments 1383; and 138,234 tracts had been distributed.

With the exception of the year 1840, the income of the Society, during the past year, had been the largest ever received, amounting to £2641, exclusive of the income of the various auxiliaries.

Amongst other contributions received, was a munificent one from an anonymous lady, whose subscriptions had amounted to 1500.

The resolutions of the evening were moved and seconded by the Rev. G. Rose, Rev. J. Burnett, Rev. T. Adkins, Mr. J. Steinmetz, Capt. Morgan (of the John Williams Missionary Ship), C. J. Tomkins, Esq., and Capt. Cook (of the Cambria).

The interesting engagements of the evening terminated with a vote of thanks to the excellent Chairman.


THE Annual Meeting of this important Society was held on Thursday morning, May 8th, in Exeter Hall; when the large room was filled, and the platform well sustained by influential ministers and gentlemen, of various denominations.

A hymn was sung, and the Divine blessing implored on the proceedings of the day.

J. Plumtre, Esq., M.P., took the chair, and expressed his satisfaction at again meeting the friends of the Society, and exhorted them and the Missionaries to continue in the work in which they were engaged. The Rev. J. Garwood, Secretary, read the Report, which stated that the affairs of the Mission were in a prosperous condition. The number of Missionaries at present engaged was 245. The receipts amounted to £23,053 19s. 4d., being an increase on the receipts of the former year of £2733 18. 9d.

Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart., M.P., moved the adoption of the Report; and, being the Treasurer of the Society, offered a few remarks upon the subject of the funds, calling upon the assembly to continue, and even to increase their contributions.

Earl Waldegrave very briefly seconded the motion, expressing his conviction, grounded upon personal observation, that the Missionaries were doing great service to the population of this vast Metropolis.

The Rev. Mr. Cohen, Chaplain of Giltspur Street Compter, moved the second resolution, and stated that many cases had come under his notice of the usefulness of the Society, whose interests they had met to advance.

The Rev. Samuel Martin seconded the resolution, and showed the necessity there was, in Westminster, for such an Institution as the City Mission.

The Rev. W. B. Mackenzie moved the third resolution, and urged all Christians to lend their aid to that valuable Society.

The Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel ably seconded the resolution.

The Rev. Chas. Kemble moved the appointment of the Committee, which was seconded by J. G. Hoare, Esq.

The Rev. J. Henson (formerly a slave, and now a Missionary to the negroes in West Canada) moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman, in which he spoke of the gratitude he felt for his deliverance from slavery, and the

pleasure he experienced in sitting on a British platform.

The Rev. J. Robinson seconded the resolution.

The Chairman having briefly replied, the doxology was sung, and the benediction pronounced; after which the meeting separated.


Mr. Groser, one of the Secretaries, announced the names of the Representatives who were present, including six from the United States of America, to whom a cordial welcome was given.

Various topics connected with Sundayschool operations were discussed. Messrs. Stoneman, Althans, Gover, Green, Butler, Walker, Cauldwell, Mimpriss, Wilson, Breach, Austin, Kingswell, Davis, Wilby, Reed, and other gentlemen, took part in the deliberations of the morning.

THE Annual Meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday evening, May 6th, at Falcon-square Chapel. The assembly was In the evening, the Annual Public Meetnumerous, and many ministers were presenting was held in Exeter Hall, which was on the occasion, to testify their unabated attachment to a Society whose usefulness has so much increased of late, more particularly in establishing courses of winter lectures, in various parts of the Metropolis, for the working classes.

The meeting having been opened by singing, the Rev. Dr. Bennett engaged in prayer.

Mr. Alderman Challis was called to preside, and introduced the business of the evening with some striking remarks on the adaptation of the agency, employed by this Society, to meet the case of multitudes of the neglected poor, in this great city; and the claims it has to the warm sympathy and enlarged support

of our Christian churches.

The Rev. R. Ashton, one of the Secretaries, read the Report, which stated that the Society numbered nearly 100 associations, comprising 2000 visitors, who regularly visited about 50,000 families.

On the districts occupied by the associations there were 73 preaching stations, where prayer was regularly offered, and the words of eternal truth proclaimed. More than 1500 children had been gathered into Sabbathschools; about 1500 persons prevailed on to attend public worship; upwards of 1740 cases of distress relieved; and 470 copies of the Holy Scriptures had been sold; and, in addition to 50,000 covered tracts in constant

circulation, many thousand tracts had been promiscuously distributed.

Suitable resolutions were submitted by the Revs. R. Ainslie, C. Stovel, G. Smith, W. S. Edwards, D. Martin, and J. Henson, a coloured minister and a fugitive slave.

After a cordial vote of thanks to the excellent Chairman, who has long been the stedfast friend of the Society, the meeting was closed with singing and prayer.


THE Annual Breakfast and Conference of Sunday-school Teachers, and Representatives, took place on Thursday morning, May 7th, at the Depository of the Union, Paternosterrow, when the attendance was more numerous than usual.

W. H. Watson, Esq., presided.

crowded in every part. A hymn was sung, and the Rev. J. Adey engaged in prayer.

Richard Harris, Esq., M.P., occupied the Chair, and made some important observations on the subject which had brought them together on that occasion.

W. H. Watson, Esq., read the Report, which referred to the schools in connexion with the Union in Copenhagen, Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand, and the West Indies; as well as to the various schools within a circle of five miles from the General Post-office.

The Rev. G. Smith introduced the first

resolution in an eloquent speech, which was ably seconded by the Rev. J. Burnett.

The Hon. Judge Darling, of America, briefly moved the next resolution, which was seconded by the Rev. Dr. Beaumont.

The third resolution was moved by the Rev. S. Green, and seconded by the Rev. J. Henson, a coloured minister, and a fugitive slave.

Thanks having been voted to the Chairman, the doxology was sung, and the vast and enthusiastic assembly dispersed.


THE Anniversary of the above Institution was held on Friday, May 2nd, at St. Marby presiding. tin's Hall, Long Acre; the Earl of Harrow

His Lordship, in opening the proceedings, dwelt upon the intrinsic and special importance of a sound Scriptural education of the poor, more particularly in the present day.

The Secretary then read the Report, which stated that the influence of the Institute was

remarkable, considering the recent date of its establishment. In London, it acted upon teachers by its lectures and library, and over a wider range by its publications and the visits of its deputations.

The Treasurer's accounts showed that the receipts for the year amounted to £1448, and after deducting the expenditure, there was a balance of £10 38. 8d. due to the Society.

The Rev. Mr. Miller, Admiral Vernon Harcourt, the Rev. Mr. Hoare, and other gentlemen, addressed the meeting in support

of the various resolutions, and pointed out the urgent necessity of supporting an institution which they considered was doing so much good among the intelligent poor.


THE Fifty-second Annual Meeting of this important Institution was held on Friday evening, May 9th, in Exeter Hall, which was filled, but not so crowded as we have sometimes seen it.

After a hymn had been sung, and prayer offered by the Rev. W. Robinson, John Henderson, Esq., of Glasgow, took the chair, at six o'clock, and delivered a very suitable introductory speech.

W. Jones, Esq., the Secretary, then read the Report, which gave a comprehensive and encouraging sketch of the Society's extensive operations, during the year, in the printing and distribution of religious publications in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, India, China, the Georgian and Society Islands, Southern, Northern, and Western Africa, the West Indies, and Great Britain.

With a view to meet the circumstances of the times, they had offered their publications on Popery, at half price, and premiums for essays on the errors of that system.

The Report noticed the Society's efforts in connexion with the Great Exhibition. There was, also, reference to grants made to District Visiting, City and Town Missions, Christian Instruction and kindred Societies, amounting to 2,875,502 publications, of the value of £3067 98. 2d. Libraries had been granted to schools and union-houses to the number of


The issues from the Depository, during the year, had been 20,840,000, being an increase of 1,594,559 on the preceding year; making the total circulation, at home and abroad, of 549,000,000, in about one hundred and ten languages.

The benevolent income, including that for special objects, had amounted to £7202 48.3d., being an increase of £2000: the legacies had been £682, and the sum received for sales £50,902 18. 8d.

Appropriate resolutions were submitted to the meeting by the Revs. H. Hughes, Dr. Murry, J. Hussey, W. W. Champneys, W. B. Noel, D. D. Heather (of Ireland), C. Overton, and Sir J. Anderton (Lord Provost of Glasgow), J. P. Plumtre, Esq., M.P., and J. G. Hoare, Esq.

The doxology was then sung, and the large assembly dispersed.


THE friends and supporters of this valuable Institution held their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 29th, in Crosby Hall.

J. A. Hardcastle, Esq., M.P., was called to the Chair.

The Rev. E. Prout read the Report, which was highly gratifying. Forty-six children, the offspring of parents devoted to the cause of God in heathen lands, had composed the these were motherless, while some were litemission family during the year. Several of rally orphans. Of those who were in the house at the commencement of the last year, eight had returned to their parents, and had either reached home, or were on their way to it; but their places had been supplied by others, so that the establishment was full.

lections, donations, subscriptions, and payThe income for the year, derived from colin hand upon the former account, was £1454 ments by parents, together with the balance 28. 7d., and the expenditure £1421 10s. 4d.

The extensive Bazaar held last May, in the Hall of Commerce, produced the sum of £922 13s. 9d, which had purchased £1000 3 per cent. Consols.

The Revs. Eustace Carey, Dr. Tidman, Dr. Morison, and R. Machray, and Charles Reed, Meeting upon the claims of the Walthamstow and Thomas Piper, Esqs., addressed the Mission School to the liberal support of the Christian public.

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The most gratifying success had attended the treatment of these unfortunate creatures, almost all of whom, in addition to their want of intellect, suffered from various physical disorders. Notwithstanding these overwhelmintellectually and physically; and in addition ing disadvantages, they had improved both to reading and writing accurately, the girls and the boys in basket-making, carpenter's were employed in needlework, knitting, &c. work, &c. Only four deaths had occurred during the year, and the general health of the children was extremely good.

The income for the year was £8164 7s. 4d. The expenditure was less than this sum by £565 38. 4d., which remained as a balance.

The contributions to the "Building Fund" exceeded £3000, and an estate had been purchased at Reigate, as the site for the new asylum, the cost of which would be £20,000, and would be commenced as soon as £10,000 were subscribed.

The Meeting proceeded to elect fi teen candidates out of a list of 172, and separated at a late hour in the afternoon.


THE Ninety-third Anniversary of this interesting and important charity was held on Friday, April 25th, at the London Tavern, to choose officers for the ensuing year, and to elect twenty children out of ninety-eight candidates.

J. R. Mills, Esq., the President; T. M. Coombs, Esq., Treasurer; as well as the VicePresidents and Medical Officers were re-appointed.

The Secretary read an abstract of the Report, from which it appears that the Institution continues in a very prosperous state.

The income of the year, including special contributions and legacies, amounted to £7180 58. 9d.; and the expenditure to £7176 58. 9d.

We were gratified to learn that, owing to the liberality of the governors and subscribers of the Institution, the state of the finances will admit of the election of an additional number of children into the school.


On Monday, May 6th, the Annual Examination of the children, under the auspices of this Society, took place at the Institution, Borough Road, Lord John Russell presiding. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Forty-sixth Anniversary Meeting was held, on the same premises, when his Lordship occupied the chair. The Secretary was first called upon to read the Report; from which it appeared that the Society was in circumstances highly satisfactory. The annual subscriptions had greatly increased during the year. The model schools were full and efficient; 1000 children were in daily attendance, and twenty-five pupil-teachers had been apprenticed. The normal schools had been in vigorous operation; 118 young men and 134 young women had attended the classes. Of this number, no less than 153 had been appointed to schools. Fifty-four new schools had been opened, providing accommodation for 7000 children. Eighty-one grants of materials had been made to schools, either at home, or in the colonies; and twenty-two ragged schools had been assisted.

The foreign operations of the Society had been extensive. Schools had been aided in Canada, the West Indies, South Africa, Mauritius, the East Indies, Australia, and the South Seas.

The income for the year amounted to £12,963 98. 8d., and the expenditure to £13,125 188.

Dr. Lushington moved the first resolution, which was seconded by Earl Waldegrave.

The next resolution was moved by Earl

Fitzwilliam, seconded by the Rev. G. Clayton, and supported by S. Gurney, Esq.

The third resolution was moved by the Rev. Dr. Duff, and seconded by the Rev. Dr. Ryan.

A vote of thanks to the President, the Duke of Bedford, and to the Chairman of the meeting, was proposed by the Rev. T. Binney, and seconded by Mr. Evans, M.P.

ledged the compliment, and expressed the Lord John Russell, at some length, acknowincreasing interest he felt in the British and Foreign School Society; a proof of which was given to the assembly, by the Secretary's announcing that his Lordship had just presented an additional donation of £25 to the

funds of the Institution.


THE Third Annual Meeting of this useful Association was held on Friday, May 2nd, at the London Tavern. The assembly was large, although the weather was somewhat unfavourable.

Henry Kelsall, Esq., of Rochdale, occupied the Chair, and introduced the business of the evening with a few striking remarks on the importance of religious education, and the superiority of the voluntary over the compulsory system.

C. T. Jones, Esq., the Secretary, read the Report, which gave a gratifying view of the success which had attended the labours of the

Society during the past year; and expressed the hope that, during the year that was to come, an increasing measure of popular support would enable the Committee greatly to extend their operations, and to enlarge the sphere of their usefulness.

Eight pupils had completed their course of study in the Normal School, since the last Anniversary, and five pupils had been admitted. The Training-school for young women continues to prosper; but its advantages had not been so extensively known as could have been desired.

The income for the year, including the balance on the former account, amounted to £2605 11s. 4d. The expenditure was £1776 138. 5d., leaving the sum of £828

178. 11d. in the hand of the Treasurer.

Appropriate resolutions were moved and seconded by the Revs. J. Aldis, and J. Burnett; and J. Brown, E. Miall, J. Sturge, G. W. Alexander, W. Edwards, and T. Nicholson, Esqs.

Thanks were voted to the Chairman, and the meeting separated.

The remaining Societies will be noticed in the July Magazine.

Missionary Magazine




THE Anniversary Services of the Society, held in the course of last month, were peculiarly instructive, harmonious, and delightful. The friends and members of the Institution assembled in great numbers to participate in the elevating enjoyments of our solemnities; and, by the deep interest they manifested, both on occasion of the public meetings and the other more devotional services, they attested, no less than by their presence, their ardent and growing attachment to the objects of the Society.

In the excellent spirit that prevailed, and the generous expressions of confidence with which they were favoured, the Directors received the strongest assurance of the high position which the Society continues to occupy in public estimation, the most unequivocal pledges of the stability of its sacred interests, and the most cheering promise of its enlarged prosperity, both at home and abroad.

We have the pleasure to present our readers with the following Report of the various Services:


New Broad-street.-An Introductory Prayer Meeting was held, specially to implore the Divine Blessing on the several Services of the Anniversary.

Scotch Church, Regent Square.-The Introductory Devotional Service was conducted by Rev. J. JUKES, Bedford. The Rev. JAMES HAMILTON, D.D., preached from 1 Thess. i. 3.


Surrey Chapel.-The Prayers were read by the Rev. Dr. COLLYER. Rev. J. A. JAMES prayed before, and Rev. Dr. MORISON after, the Sermon. Rev. WILLIAM JAY, of Bath, preached from Phil. i. 27.

Tabernacle.-Rev. J. FLETCHER, of Christchurch, read the Scriptures and prayed. Rev. DAVID REES, of Llanelly, preached from Rev. ii. 24-28, and Rev. I. VAUGHAN, of New Tabernacle, offered the concluding prayer.


Poultry Chapel-Service for the Juvenile Friends of the Society. The Rev. J. L. GLYDE, of Bradford, commenced with reading and prayer. The Rev. EDWARD MANNERING preached from Psalm c. 2. The Service was concluded by Rev. J. STEER, of Croydon.

The Sacramental Services, and the amount of the several Collections, will appear

in the next Number.


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