least, every year, for visiting his friends, and recruiting his exhausted physical and mental energies. You will be gainers by it in the long run. He will render you more and better service than he would if you were to allow him no vacation. No profession is so incessant in its demands, and so exhausting, as the work of a preacher and pastor. If now and then a constitution can bear up, year in and year out, without taking any time to recruit, the great majority of really working men in the ministry cannot. Many will inevitably break down while young, if you keep them all the while at the wheel, and those who hold out longest will inevitably suffer more or less. Rally around him, when he is either openly assailed or clandestinely undermined. Meet the few restless spirits in the congregation at the threshold, and give them to understand that your beloved pastor is not to be ousted in this way; that you will stand by him to the last; that if they choose to withdraw, let them withdraw, and you will support him without their aid. Pray for him “without ceasing." Bear him 33 with the subscribers to the Society, for friendly conference, on the important matter of chapel extension in the metropolis. that the entire income for the year was From the treasurer's account, it appeared receipts of the former year of more than £5912 12s.; being an increase upon the £2000. meeting was held, in the City-road CongregaIn the evening of the day the annual public tional Chapel. chair, and opened the proceedings with some prayer. The Rev. J. C. Galloway, the Secre- The Society had also erected the chapel in undertaken the erection of Bedford Chapel, which they were then assembled, and had Town and Somers Town. always upon your hearts, when you come to ❘in a populous district lying between Camden the throne of grace. He needs all the help you can give him in your daily family prayers, and in your closet devotions. There is nothing which he so highly values, as "the effectual, fervent prayers of his church." If, then, you would have him an able minister of the New Testament; if you wish him to grow in grace, to be "mighty in the Scriptures," to "feed you with knowledge and understanding, and your children with the sincere milk of the word,"-give him books and time for preparation; attend punctually on his ministry; receive the ingrafted word with meckness and fear; as he "sows unto you spiritual things," let him "reap your carnal things;" rally around him when assailed, whether by "foes without or foes within;" be careful of his health, by allowing him time to recruit; and remember him daily and fervently at the throne of grace. THE members of the above Society met, according to rule, in the Congregational Library, on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, at halfpast three o'clock P. M., when the report of its operations during the past year was presented, and unanimously adopted. The officers of the former year were reelected, and several names were added to the committee. other chapels, not connected with the Society, Reference was also made to the building of at Bermondsey, Bethnal Green, Sydenham, decisive steps had been taken during the past and Tottenham; and it was intimated that year towards erecting seven or eight more chapels in London and the neighbourhood. larged and strenuous effort to multiply ConAn earnest appeal was made for an engregational places of worship among our rapidly increasing population. Effective addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Leifchild, T. Aveling, and C. Gilbert. T. J. Rooke, Esq.; then presented the Treasurer with a cheque for £900-being the balance of the first instalment-which the church now occupying City Road Chapel engaged to pay to the Society at that time. This very interesting and gratifying anniversary was closed with singing and prayer. THE REV. CHISMAN BEADLE. Chisman Beadle, late of Bromsgrove, WorTHE public recognition of the Rev. J. London, as pastor of the Independent church cester, and formerly of Highbury College, at Stockton-on-Tees, took place on Thursday the 17th of October. The Rev. J. Leng, the service with reading and prayer. The Baptist minister of the town, commenced Rev. R. W. M'All, of Sunderland, delivered Lewin, of Hartlepool, offered the designation the introductory discourse. The Rev. Samuel prayer. The Rev. Dr. Stowell, late Professor of Divinity, Rotherham College, now of A very interesting discussion took place on the general working and prospects of the Society, at the close of which it was resolved to convene a meeting of the pastors and deacons of the London churches, together | Cheshunt College, delivered the charge to VOL. XXIX. D 34 the minister, and the Rev. J. Caldwell, Presbyterian Minister of the town, concluded with prayer. In the evening a public tea party was held, when addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stowel and the Rev. Messrs. M'All, Hoskin (Wesleyan Association Minister of the town), and Chisman Beadle, after which a sermon was preached to the people by the Rev Archibald Jack, of North Shields. On the following Sabbath, October 20, sermons were preached morning and evening, by the Rev. Samuel Goodall, of Durham. The entire services were of a most pleasing and edifying character, and produced impressions which, it is hoped, will long remain and prove eminently promotive of the glory of God in this important sphere of labour. well as Mr. Beadle is re-organising the already existing religious and benevolent institutions, in connexion with the church as organising new ones, while the congregations, which have very greatly increased since his settlement, indicate the bestowment of the Divine blessing on his labours. WHITCHURCH, HANTS. ON Wednesday, August 7, Mr. F. F. Thomas, was set apart to the work of the ministry, by ordination. On the previous evening the Rev. D. Thomas, of Stockwell, preached a very impressive discourse. On the following day, the Rev. G. Bulmer, of Overton, commenced the services, by reading The Rev. J. S. the Scriptures and prayer. Pearseale, of Andover, delivered a very suitable introductory discourse. The Rev. A. Johnson, of Basingstoke, asked the usual questions. The Rev. F. M. Holmes, of Alton, offered the ordination prayer. And the Rev, D. Thomas, of Stockwell, delivered the charge to the minister, replete with originality and power. In the evening, the Rev. S. Curwen, of Reading, preached a sermon to the church and congregation, characterised by wise and judicious counsels. ORDINATION, STOKESLEY, YORKSHIRE. ON Wednesday, December 11, the Rev. D. W. Evans, Minister of the Independent church at Stokesley, was publicly ordained to the pastoral office. In the morning, at half-past ten, the Rev. J. E. Evans, of Loft House (the young minister's brother), introduced the service, by reading the Scriptures and prayer. The Rev. J. B. Lister, of Northallerton, delivered a lucid discourse, expository of the principles of Congregational Nonconformity, based upon 2 Thess. ii. 15, he harmonized his remarks with God's revealed will, and ably defended the grounds of dissent; the whole address was a vein of rich and vigorous thought, skilfully arranged, and couched in language of peculiar beauty, The Rev. E. Gatley, of Thirsk, affectingly proposed the usual questions, elicited the minister's views of Christian truth, and, with the imposition of hands, offered up the ordiThe Rev. J. C. Potter, of nation prayer. Whitby, delivered a faithful and affectionate charge from 1 Thess. ii. 4. The ministers and several friends dined together, and, in the afternoon, a respectable company sat down to tea, provided by several ladies of the church and congregation. There were several other ministers present who took part in the services. In the evening, at seven, the Rev. J. G. Rogers, B. A., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, introduced the service, and addressed the people from Revelation xxii. 9. The Rev. gentleman, with his well-known ability, expatiated upon the dreadful superstitions which are rampant in the world, combated with the delusions of scepticism, and the absurdities of infidelity. Priestism and popery were submitted to the severest scrutiny, and the preacher's quenchless zeal and burning genius served to represent "the Father of lights" to the crowded audience listening in breathless silence, as the glorious Being, to whom alone is due the sublimest homage of the universe. The whole discourse was a powerful antidote to the tremendous strife which is deepening These hallowed services excited around. considerable interest in the town and neighbourhood, and doubtless proved to many souls a refreshing season from the presence of the Lord. JUBILEE SERVICES. Mr. On the 17th of September last, the following services were held at Ruardean Independent chapel, in Her Majesty's Forest of Dean, in the county of Gloucester, to celebrate the jubilee of the ministry of the Rev. John Horlick, who, for fifty years, has sustained the pastoral office at the above place, and at Mitcheldean. In the afternoon a public service took place, at which the Rev. Thos. Gillman, of Newport, Monmouthshire, presided; a hymn having been sung, the Rev. Thos. Young, of Blakeney, prayed. Graham, of Rayland, Secretary to the Jubilee Fund Committee, then handed to the Chairman a purse containing fifty-eight sovereigns, the subscriptions of the friends of Ruardean, and a purse containing seventeen sovereigns, the subscriptions of the Mitcheldean friends, which the Chairman, with a few appropriate remarks, presented to Mr. Horlick, who, in an affecting manner, thanked his friends for such a valuable token of esteem and attachment. After the presentation, the meeting was addressed by the Rev. W. F. Buck, of Ross; Rev. Jos. Hyatt, Gloucester; Rev. J. Lander, Mitcheldean; Rev. D. Thomas Coleford; Rev. B. Jenkyn, Littledean; Rev. W. Pinn, Whitchurch; Rev. J. Davies, Little London, and Mr. Graham. The Chairman then pronounced the benediction, and the meeting separated, astonished and delighted at what they saw and heard. The chapel was filled in every part, and numbers were unable to gain admittance, who had come to testify their love and esteem for him who had so long and so faithfully proclaimed to them salvation through the blood of the Cross. In the evening, at six o'clock, the chapel was again crowded in every part, and many out at the windows and doors, who could not get in, stood the whole time. After the Rev. W. Hall had prayed, the Rev. J. Hyatt preached a most appropriate and impressive sermon, from Psalm xcii. 13-15. Thus terminated a series of services of a most interesting and impressive character. Many hearty good wishes were expressed towards the aged servant of Christ by his numerous friends then assembled. WARWICK. FRIDAY, November 29th, 1850, was a memorable day to the church and congregation assembling in Brook-street Chapel, in this town, under the pastoral care of the Rev. J. W. Percy. That esteemed minister having been spared to complete the fortieth year of his pastorate among them, his friends resolved to express their sense of the goodness of God towards their pastor, and their obligations to his ministry, by a pecuniary testimony on the occasion. No sooner was the purpose known, than the freewill-offerings of many were poured into the treasurer's hands. The amount soon surpassed the fondest expectations; and the handsome sum of a hundred and twenty-five pounds was generously contributed towards the design. The evening of the above day was set apart for the public presentation of this gratifying testimonial, and a large assembly was convened to witness it, in the Court House of the town, kindly lent by the Mayor for the occcasion. The spacious building was crowded to excess. Above four hundred persons sat down to partake of tea, and afterwards nearly double that number were crowded within and without its walls. The Rev. John Sibree, of Coventry, was called to preside. The proceedings were opened by singing the 133rd Psalm, and prayer. Mr. R. G. Reading, as one of the deacons, stated the preliminary measures which had been taken for the accomplishment of their wishes, and which had terminated in that auspicious evening. Mr. J. Satchell, another deacon, after a deeply interesting testimony to the character and labours of the pastor, presented, in a beautiful purse wrought for the occasion, the above honourable donation, accompanied with a written record of its nature and design. The minis ter, with deep emotions, expressed his feelings on the reception of such a gift, and furnished a brief narrative of the history of the church to which he had been spared to minister so happily and so long. The Rev. Messrs. Caston, Winslow, Watts (of Birmingham), Rowton, Davies, Batchelor, Clark (from Canada), and Nash, delivered appropriate addresses on the occasion. A hymn was sung, prepared by Montgomery for a similar procedure. The doxology closed the whole. And the interesting engagements of the evening left an impression on the minds of the assembled multitude not soon to be forgotten, equally honourable to the voluntary principle, and to the advantages of a stated ministry. May it redound to the Divine glory! JUBILEE SERVICES AND TESTIMONIAL TO THE REV. T. P. BULL, OF NEWPORT PAGNELL. ON the 23rd Oct., 1850, a most interesting meeting was held at Newport Pagnell, to commemorate the completion of the Rev. T. P. Bull's Fiftieth year of pastoral service in the same Christian church. The service was such as could not fail to gratify the best feelings of our venerable friend, and to promote the highest interests of Congregational Dissent. Few have better served their generation than the venerable and excellent man on whose behalf this truly delightful service was held. J. Rogers, Esq, one of the deacons, presided on the occasion; and George Osborn, Esq., another of them, presented to his truly honoured pastor, with much feeling, the piece of plate which had been provided by the grateful offerings of an attached flock. The Rev. Messrs. Elliot (of Devizes), Phillips, J. Bull, Ashby, Brooks, and Adey, took part in the devotional and other services, and bore their hearty testimony to the exalted character and Christian graces of their honoured father in the ministry of the word. We gladly lay before our readers the excellent address of Mr. Bull, after receiving the gift of his friends: "Dear Sir and Christian friends,-I thank you very sincerely for this token of your friendship and affection. Gold and silver are valuable things, but this salver, as a memorial of your affection, is far more valuable than the material of which it is composed. I shall ever look upon it with grateful feelings while I live; and when I am removed from this earthly scene, I shall hand it down as an heir-loom to my family. Allow me also to thank you, my dear sir, for the kind remarks you have made, and for the support and sympathy I have uniformly received from you and your fellow-deacons. I may be expected, on this occasion, to give a brief history of this church and congregation, and I would do this more fully, had I not, on a was ordained Oct. 11, 1764, and here, through the blessing of God, he preached with much success for nearly fifty years. Although it is unpleasant to speak of oneself, yet I must do so on this occasion. In the review of the last fifty years, I find many motives for gratitude; many things which ought to excite the deepest humility, and some that may encourage hope for the future. I began to preach in 1792, but was not ordained till October, 1800. My father once said to me, ' I have preached eight thousand times, but I fear you will never be able to do that;' but by the help of God I have very nearly, and I bless God that during this period I have seldom been prevented from preaching by illness. For nineteen years I had the whole care of the church and college. We have cause for thankfulness for the liberty of worship we enjoy. recent occasion, given you a statement of this | however, determined to come to Newport, and kind. I will, therefore, only refer to events previous to 1800. For two hundred years a number of faithful men have worshipped God on this spot; and although no articles or formularies have been imposed, yet no deviation has taken place from the essential doctrines of Holy Scripture. At a very early period in the history of the Reformation, this county was very highly favoured with a knowledge of the gospel. 'It is no small praise to Bucks,' says Fuller, that, though it is one of the smallest counties of England, it had, before the time of Luther, more martyrs and confessors than all England beside.' The cause of the Reformation was greatly advanced by itinerant preaching. Edward VI. had six chaplains, and he commanded them to go through the country and preach the gospel. These were John Hartley, born at Newport Pagnell, who afterwards became a Bishop; John Bradford, the martyr; Grindall, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury; Perne, Bill, and the distinguished John Knox. All these preached in this county, and ever since it has pleased God to raise up a succession of faithful men who have declared the truth in this town. In 1648, the Rev. Mr. Gibbs, a very devout and learned man, was elected vicar of the parish, but was ejected from the church twelve years after, for conscientiously refusing to allow of promiscuous communion at the Lord's-table. He retired, with many of his flock, to a building near the spot on which the chapel stands, and continued his faithful labours among them until the end of his days, except when interrupted by persecution or imprisonment. It is supposed that this meeting-house was erected in 1688, the year of the glorious Revolution. Mr. Gibbs died on the 16th of June, 1699, and was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Tingey; John Hunt, 1709; William Hunt, 1725; Humphrey Gainsborough, 1743; Afleck, 1747; David Fordice, M.A., and James Belsham, 1749. Mr. Belsham resided at Bedford, and used to ride over to Newport every Sabbath: during his time the church was in a depressed condition. My father was then pursuing his studies for the ministry, under the superintendence of Dr. Ashworth, at Daventry. Being at Bedford during one of his vacations, he was requested, on an emergency, to preach at Newport. The rules of the college allowing only the students of the last year to preach. Mr. Bull read a printed sermon; he however paraphrased as he read. The people were much pleased with him, and when his term of study was completed, gave him a very pressing invitation to become their pas Once, persons had to be stationed around this place, to see whether informers entered; if they did so, to warn the preacher and flock, that they might escape. This is not the case in our day. The peace and harmony that have prevailed among us for so many years, with the large measure of success granted us, call for grateful acknowledgments. In October, 1800, there were seventy members; now we have three hundred and five. We have received since my ordination, seven hundred and two additions, five hundred and fifty-two of whom were added from the world. The praise we must give to Him to whom all praise is due. In 1833 I was blessed with an assistant, in the person of my son, of whose devoted attention to my comfort and your welfare, I need not speak. I commend him to your prayers and Christian sympathy. Without his assistance I might not, in all probability, have been spared to see this day. It is an interesting fact, that should he continue your pastor fourteen years longer, my father, myself, and son, will have had the care of this church one hundred years. As I said, I have a great deal to be humble for: my serious omissions, defects, and short-comings, remind me that I am a poor unworthy servant. My friends, it is an awful thing to be a preacher. I thought so fifty years ago. I think so with still deeper feeling now. It is an awful thing, too, to be a hearer, as will be found by us all at the judgment-day, towards which you all are fast hastening. I, too, am drawing near my end; and in the prospect of soon appearing before my Maker, I have no hope but by clinging to the cross of Christ. It is a solemn thing to know that the preaching of the gospel is a savour of life or of death: yet I have preached it to you, and you are not all converted. My beloved friends, my heart's desire is that you all would accept of the Saviour's invitation, who says, 'Come unto me, and I will give you rest." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, STOURBRIDGE. THE commencement of the Jubilee year of this church was celebrated during the 17th, 18th, and 19th of November. On Sunday, the 17th, two appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. James Richards, pastor. On the following evening, a soirée was held in the British School-room, attached to the chapel-John Keep, Esq., of Birmingham, in the chair. The pastor introduced the business of the evening by giving a brief sketch of the rise and progress of Nonconformity in the neighbourhood, from the memorable epoch of 1662, and the ejection from the Established Church of the Rev. Benj. Flower. This gentleman was patronised by Philip, son of Thos. Foley, Esq., of Prestwood, 37 an ancestor of J. H. H. Foley, Esq., M.P., of the same place. church for the first twenty-five years) deliThe Rev. John Richards (pastor of this vered a deeply interesting narrative of the the commencement of the current century, religious history of the neighbourhood, from and the formation of the Congregational church The Rev. Watson Smith, of Wolverhampton, -the first, strictly speaking, in the county. followed, in an able speech. A Jubilee Fund for the repairs and improvement of the chapel. was then commenced (reaching nearly £60), Sibree, of Coventry, concluded the series of On Tuesday evening, the 19th, the Rev. John services by an excellent discourse. It is intended (D.v.) to hold other similar meetings during the Jubilee year. General Chronicle. NORTH-STREET BETHNAL GREEN RAGGED SCHOOL SOCIETY. THE first Annual Meeting of the friends and supporters of this Society, was held at Crosby-hall, Bishopsgate-street, on Tuesday evening, December 10th. Lord Ashley, M.P., presided on the occasion. The hall was crowded, and the gallery was occupied by the children taught in the schools, who sang an appropriate hymn. The Rev. E. Mannering offered prayer. The Chairman opened the business of the evening with some excellent remarks. He stated that it gave him the greatest pleasure to testify his respect and gratitude to the managers of schools situated in a district so wretched, and so much calling for charitable exertion. He also stated that Ragged Schools were multiplying throughout England and Scotland, while he was beginning to receive many letters on the subject from America. His Lordship went on to show that, although great things had been achieved, there yet remained much land to be possessed. The Rev. I. V. Mummery, the Honorary Secretary, then read the Report, from which it appeared that eight years ago no school existed in this part of Bethnal-green, so densely populated, except here and there a dame school, which would only accommodate a few of the children of the more respectable poor. In 1842, a Sabbath-school was commenced, and the infant-school system was adopted, which was found to answer remarkably well. In 1845, a few friends established a Sundayevening school, which was also opened on two evenings of the week; but, from various causes, this school, after a time, had to be closed: it was, however, re-opened in 1848. Further assistance was rendered by the 1849, a free day-school, with a paid teacher, Union when necessary; and, in November, was opened in Pleasant-place.. youths of the vilest character have been reThrough the efforts of the Society many claimed, and several have become members of a Christian church; while three who have died, left behind them the most pleasing assurance that they had gone to a brighter and a better world. A large number of Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, and Magazines had been purand a Youths' Benevolent Society had been chased by the children. A Clothing Fund, established, and were in a flourishing condition. The receipts of the year amounted to rather and seconded by the Revs. W. W. Champ- of thanks to the noble Chairman, and singing ably well sustained, and a liberal collection TO THE CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS. I HAVE for some time past cherished a |