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ing meal. Calling upon some one to blow up the fire and make it blaze, and begging all to be silent, a senior member of the family would pray aloud as follows:

"This light is for you, O king,* and gods superior and inferior! this light is for you all. Be propitious to this family: give life to all; and may your presence be prosperity. Let our children be blessed and multiplied. Remore far from us fines and sicknesses. Regard our poverty; and send us food to eat, and cloth to keep us warm. Keep away from us sailing gods; lest they come and cause disease and death. Protect this family by

"The principal god of the family."

your presence; and may health and long life be given to us all.'

"Among the rubbish of Samoan superstition, there was much to prepare the heathen mind for the pure and holy doctrines which the Christian Missionary came to make known much calculated to facilitate his labours. To give thanks before meals, to unite in prayer, and to be quiet and orderly during religious services, did not seem at all strange or unnatural. Now, the evening meal is commenced by thanking the one living and true God for his goodness, and is generally followed by family worship, in conducting which, they praise God, read the Scriptures, and unite in prayer."



Rev. J. J. FREEMAN presided. Addresses by the Revs. J. SPENCE, W. ROBERTS, and J. MORISON.


Rev. Dr. ALEXANDER presided. Addresses by the Revs. G. SMITH, W. TARBOTTON, W. P. LYON, JOHN KENNEDY, and J. E. RICHARDS.


Rev. Dr. COLLYER presided. Addresses by the Revs. G. CLAYTON, J. BURNET, H. J. GAMBLE, G. ROGERS, J. S. PEARSALL, and H. ADDISCOTT.


Rev. R. FLETCHER presided. Addresses by the Revs. J. WOODWARK, T. SMITH, J. DALGLIESI, E. CORNWALL, and J. W. RICH

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dresses by the Revs. J. SHERMAN, S. MC ALL, J. ROWLAND, A. TYLER, J. BODINGTON, J. BRANCH, and T. DAVIS.


Rev. T. ADKINS presided. Addresses by the Revs. E. MANNERING, S. THODEY, R. HAMILTON, and W. SPENCER.


Rev. T. BINNEY presided. Addresses by the Revs. J. NUNN, J. C. HARRISON, E. PROUT, and J. L. POORE.




Addresses Rev. Dr. HARRIS presided. by the Revs. J. DAVIS, J. KENNEDY, T. GREENFIELD, Dr. HEWLETT, and S. MARTIN.


Rev. E. JONES presided. Addresses by the

Rev. JOHN ALEXANDER presided.
Rev. JOHN KELLY presided.


The thanks of the Directors are respectfully presented to the following:For Mrs. Le ge's Female School, Hong-Kong. To the Maberley Juvenile Missionary Working

Party, per Mrs. Philip-For a Case of Useful and Fancy Articles. To Mrs. McNeil and Friends, Elgin-For a Box of Cottons and Useful Articles.

For Mrs. Young, Amoy. To Mrs. Luke and
Friends-For a Box of Useful and Ornamental
Work. To Friends at Leith, per Miss Sturrock
--For a Box of Clothing and Useful Articles.
To Miss Heudebourck, Hackney-For a Box of
For Rev. W. Muirhead, Shanghae. To Friends at
Commercial street Chapel, Northampton-For a
Box of Useful and Ornamental Articles.
For Dr. Lockhart's Medical Mission. To Mrs.
Charles and other Ladies-For a Box of Useful

For the Trevandrum Mission. To Friends at Sher-
borne-For Three Pounds for a Communion
Service. To the Young Ladies of the Rev. J.
Hyatt's Congregation, Gloucester-For some
Useful Articles.

For Mrs. Porter, Madras. To the Young Ladies of Miss Blyth's establishment, Clarence House, Richmond-For a Parcel of Useful and Ornamental Articles. To the Great George Street Ladies' Working Society, Liverpool-For a Case of Useful and Fancy Articles.

For Mrs. Lewis, Nagercoil. To the Ladies' Missionary Working Association, Mayer's green Chapel, West Bromwich-For a Box of Clothing, &c.

For Mrs. Porter, Cuddapah. To Mrs. Oughton, Poplar-For a Parcel of Fancy Articles.

For Mrs. Whitehouse, Nagercoil. For a Parcel of Clothing and Useful Articles.

For Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Wardlaw, Bellary. To the Ladies of the Nottingham Missionary Working Party-For a Box of Useful and Fancy Articles.

For Rev. A. Corbold, Dewan. To Friends at Wallingford-For a Box of Useful Articles. For Fanny Pullen, in Mrs. Addis's School.


Mrs. Chick's Bible Class, Bristol-For a Box of
Useful Articles.

For Rev. James Read, Kat River. To Mrs.
Mc Neil and Frientis in Elgin-For a Box of
Clothing. To the Working Association at Pad-
dington Chapel-For a Box and Parcel of
Clothing and Useful Articles. To a Friend at
the New Tabernacle-For a Parcel of Clothing.
To the Dowager Lady Buxton-For a valuable
Box of Clothing and Useful Articles. To the
Rev. T. Wildbore and Friends, Falmouth-For
a Box of Clothing and Useful Articles. To the
Surrey Chapel Ladies' Working Association-
For a Box of Clothing. To Mr. Louis Henry-
For a Parcel of Clothing. To the Mile End New
Town Sunday School-For a Parcel of Clothing.
To Mrs. Metcalfe, Roxton-For a Parcel of
Clothing. To Miss Bulley and Friends, of Dr.
Raffles's Congregation, Liverpool-For a Box
of Useful Articles of Clothing.
For Rev. R. Moffat, Kuruman.

To the Rev.

John Ross and Friends, Woodbridge-For a Box of Clothing. To Miss Pritchett's Young Ladies' School-For a Parcel of Clothing. For Rev. N. Smith, Graham's Town. To Miss His op and Pupils, Ashtead Park, Epsom-For a Box of Clothing and Useful Articles. For Rev. G. Barker, Paarl. To Mrs. Barnes and a few Friends at Saffron Walden-For a Box of Drapery, &c.

For the Native Teacher, "Gasebonie Moffat," Mamusa. To Mr. S. McMillan and Friends, Moffat-For a Box of Clothing, &c.

For Rev. R. Birt, King William's Town. To the
Sunday School Children in connexion with the
Independent Chapel, St. Albans-For a Parcel
of Clothing.

For Rev. J. H. Hughes, Demerara. To the Ladies
connected with the Welsh Congregational
Churches, Liverpool-For a Box of Checks,
Calicoes, and other Useful Articles.
For Rev. E. A. Wallbridge. To the Weigh House
Juvenile Missionary Society-For a Case of
Clothing and Useful Articles.

For Rev. J. Andrews, Morant Bay. To Friends at

the Old Meeting, Norwich-For a Box of Use-
fui Articles. To the Norwood Juvenile Mis-
sionary Working Association-For a Box of
Clothing and Useful Articles.

For Schools in the West Indies. To Mr. Smithies,
Holloway-For 500 copies of the "Band of
Hope Review." To Friends at Hersham, per
Miss Bell-For a Parcel of Clothing.
For Rev. G. Gill. To J. S., Poultry Schools-For
Two Boxes of School Materials.

For Rev. W. Gill, Rarotonga. To the Argyle Chapel Missionary Dorcas Society, Bath-For a Bundle of Clothing.

For Rev. H. and Mrs. Nisbet, Savaii. To the Ladies' Missionary Society in connexion with the Presbyterian Congregation, Oakville, Canada West-For a Box of Clothing and other Useful Articles. To the Missionary Sewing Society, Belgrave Chapel, Darwen, per Mrs. PotterFor a Case of Clothing, &c.

For Rev. Henry Royle, Aitutaki. To the Ladies of the Coventry Missionary Clothing Society-For a Box of Children's Frocks. To the Ladies of the Missionary Working Party, Grosvenor Street Chapel, Manchester - For a Box of Clothing; and to the Juvenile Missionary Working Party-For a Parcel of Clothing. To the Young People of the Missionary Working Class, Coggeshall, per Mrs. Beard-For a Box of Clothing and Useful Articles.

For Rev. T. Powell, Pago Pago. To the CastleGate Sabbath School Missionary Working Party, Nottingham-For Two Boxes of Clothing and Useful Articles.

For Rev. A. W. Murray, Tutuila. To the Park
Crescent Chapel Sunday School. Clapham-For
a Parcel of Clothing. To the Children of the
Atherstone British Day School, per Miss Camp-
bell-For a Box of Clothing. To the Ladies'
Working Society, Surrey Chapel-For a Box of
Clothing. To the Juvenile Working Party,
Chatham-For a Box of Clothing and Useful

For Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Mills, Savaii. To Friends
at Stranraer-For Three Boxes of Clothing,
Cutlery, &c. To the Ladies of George Street
Chapel, Ryde-For a Box of Clothing.
For Rev. G. and Mrs. Turner, Upolu. To Ladies
at Andover and Salisbury, per Miss Dowling-
For a Box of Clothing and Useful Articles. To
Mrs. Bullen and Friends-For a Box and a
Bundle of Clothing, &c.

For Rev. W. Harbutt. To Mrs. Somervell and
Ladies in Kendal-For a valuable Bale of Use-
ful Articles. To Mr. Bailiff, and Friends in
Dumfries-For a Box of Useful Articles.
For Rev. J. P. Sunderland, Upolo. To the Ladies'
Working Society in connexion with Union
Street Chapel, Brighton-For a Box of Clothing
and Useful Articles.

For the Native Teacher, "Benjamin." To the Long
Sutton Ladies' Working Party-For a Parcel of

For Rev. C. Pitman, Rarotonga. To the Sunday School Children in connexion with King Street Chapel, Portsea-For a Box of Clothing, &c. For Rev. A. and Mrs. Buzacott, Rarotonga. To Mrs. Stenner and Friends, Dartmouth-For a Parcel of Clothing. To Mrs. Dyer and Friends, South Molton-For a Parcel of Clothing. To Mrs. Clapson and Friends, Exmouth-For a Parcel of Clothing. To Rev. Wm. Gregory and Friends, Clifton-For a Box of Useful Articles. To the Young Ladies of Clarence House, Richmond-For a Parcel of Clothing. To the Juvenile Missionary Working Society, Ramsgate-For a Box of Clothing. To the Ladies of Rev. J. Barter's Congregation, Weston-super-Mare-For a Case of Clothing. To Mrs. Crane's Working Party, FinchleyFor a Parcel of Useful Articles. To the Rev. W. B. Woodman-For a Copy of the "Imperial Dictionary," and a Farcel of other valuable

Books, for the Institution at Rarotonga. To
the Teachers and Children of the Sunday
School, Banbury-For Two American Clocks.
To Mr. Walford's School, North Newton- For
Two American Clocks. To Rev. Mr. Parker's
Schools, Deddington and Hempden-For Two
American Clocks.

For Rev. C. Hardie, Upolu. To Mrs. Marsh and
Friends, Chester-For a Box and Parcel of
Useful Articles.

To Mr. Alfred Bird, Birmingham-For a "Water
Purifier" for the John Williams. To the Com-
mittee of the British and Foreign School Society-
For various Cases of School Materials. To Mrs.
Watson-For a Parcel of Clothing and Books. To
Mr. W. Syckelmore, Maidstone-For Two Hundred
Copies of his Edition of "Todd's Teacher and Lec-

tures." To Mr. S. R. Whitty, Axminster-For a Parcel of Books and Magazines. To Mrs. Bennett, Bath; To the Committee of St. Martin's Chapel Sabbath School, Chichester; To Mrs. May, Marlborough; To Mr. J. R. Pritchett, York; To Mr. W. Bennett, Bath; To S. Potter, Esq., Kennington; To Mrs. Smith. Brixton; To Miss

Torrington-square; To Mrs. E. Thomson, Hammersmith; To Mr. J. Harvey; To Mr. Orchard, Chicester; To T. H.; To Miss Hall, Bromley; To Mr. R. Claxton, Hoxton; To Mrs. Crewdson, Ardwick; To Mrs. J. R. Pimm, Deptford; To J. Moore, Esq.; To Mr. and Miss Smith, Waltham, near Great Grimsby-For Volumes and Numbers of the Evangelical Magazines, Christian Witness, Christian Penny Magazines, Annual Reports, and other Publications.


THE mournful intelligence has just arrived of the death of the Rev. Robert Thomson, of Tahiti. Mr. T. left that Island in a vessel bound for Melbourne, in December last, in a very impaired state of health, and is reported to have died on the passage, on the 1st of the following month; but no particulars of the solemn event have been received.


The Rev. John Dalgliesh arrived in London, from Berbice, on the 8th of May.
The Rev. George Hall arrived at Kingston, Jamaica, on the 10th of May.

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THE equipment of the Missionary Ship being now complete, arrangements have been made for her leaving the Port of London on Tuesday the 15th inst., to proceed on her third voyage to the Islands of the Pacific.

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