And do not these very assemblages claim the right of inviting and accepting the services of a pastor, whom they are evidently and consciously unable to sustain? If, as is sometimes the case, they can meet with one who is other wise possessed of sufficient, or at least auxiliary means, it is well. Or if they would put up with such services as one more on a level with themselves in point of education and domestic habits may render, no one has a right to complain. But, unfortunately, there is al attempt such a pseudo-independence, soon ending in anxiety, dishonour, and decay? With regard to a common fund, it is hardly to be expected that the Independents will ever be induced to imitate the example either of the Wesleyans or of the Free Church of Scotland, or of any other Presbyterian body, with whom no difficulty of this kind exists. We are too apprehensive of risking the consequences to the very distinguishing rights and principles of our denomin ways a class of candidates for the pas-ation, too jealous of the influence which torate, too ready to enter on almost any "the money power" is apt to assume such situation as affords an immediate in other sections of the Christian family, home, with perhaps some imagined to hazard it in our own. Well, be it prospect of improved circumstances, so! But then, at least, there is the [THE lines immediately following were written by a Hindu, and published in one of the Calcutta newspapers. One of the Missionaries of the London Missionary Society, desiring to show the writer the Christian view of human life, and to point him to the "better hope" beyond the grave, sent to the paper the reply which is here subjoined.] The world is a lone wilderness, There is no wife, no gentle mate, The world, the wide, the radiant world, For in the sea of human life, For my life is all a wilderness, TO O. C. DUTT, O. C. DUTT. The writer of a Song inserted in the Hindu Intelligencer, June 30th, beginning "The world is a lone wilderness." Thou call'st this world " a wilderness, And thou canst see "no lovely flowers," So desolate and lost, That o'er the sea of human life Thou wanderest tempest-tossed." Time was, when Eden's blissful bowers But sin soon found an entrance there, And blighted all below; This earth, which God had made so fair, "Where sin prevails, there rests the curse," Yet, there's a Book will tell thee how And thou through life serene may'st go God's Word declares-" Where sin abounds, Oh, read that Book, and ponder well The message that it brings! 'T will save thee from the doom of hell, And show thee glorious things. 'T will teach thee, from the bitterest cup, T' extract some honied sweet; And through this weary wilderness Will safely guide thy feet. "T will make the flowers around thee grow, The desert fresh shall bloom; Joyful thy journey here below, And bright with hope the tomb. 'T will keep thee 'midst earth's thickest strife; 'T will cheer thee, called to die; Thy compass o'er the sea of life, 'T will tell thee of a Saviour's love- With thee the path of life he 'll tread His smile shall light thy darkest shade,- In all temptations, sorrows, fears, Then call no more this "radiant world " Nor say that thou canst find no friend And unto thee are given J. II. P. Review of Religious Publications. EZEKIEL, AND THE BOOK OF HIS PROPHECY: | which have been written on Ezekiel, both An Exposition. By the Rev. PATRICK Adams, and Co., London. MR. FAIRBAIRN is a student of Divine truth of more than ordinary skill and penetration. His "Typology of Scripture," and other writings, have favourably introduced in Great Britain and on the Continent. We can trust Mr. Fairbairn with the use of German critics; for he knows well what to accept and what to reject; and never indulges in loose trains of thought calculated to depreciate the authority of inspired men. The Prophet of the Captivity has never before, in this country, been subjected to a thorough critical investigation. Our ablest him to the notice of the public; and the pre-scholars have shrunk from it as from a terra sent highly critical and elaborate Exposition of a most difficult portion of the Inspired Volume, will tend still further, if we mistake not, to increase his reputation, both as a scholar and a divine. We cannot help thinking that our author has caught the spirit of the gorgeous prophet whose character he illustrates, and whose predictions he has sought to unfold. To his arduous task he has brought an acute mind, extensive biblical learning, great patience and industry, and a vast acquaintance with the principal works incognita; or have contented themselves with employing it as a theological and practical text-book, for the inculcation of great lessons of religious truth and Christian experience. Mr. Fairbairn has not failed to embrace these objects; but he has combined with them a strictly exegetical and hermeneutical view of the book, which will aid all future students in its enlightened exposition. To say that our author has removed all obscurity from a series of visions, partaking largely of the Orientalism of the writer, and exhibiting all : the characteristics of symbolic prophecy, | Notwithstanding the unrivalled excellence of would be to affirm more than is true; but it is meant to be high praise when we say, that Mr. Fairbairn has done much to render this very difficult portion of God's word intelligible to readers of ordinary capacity. We must confess, to our shame, that we never had such an insight into the meaning of Ezekiel, as since we examined with some degree of care, the able criticisms of Mr. Fairbairn. We think he has acted wisely in not wasting his strength upon mere verbal criticism upon the text of Ezekiel. He has overlooked nothing, in this department, which was necessary in order to ascertain the author's particular use of terms;-but he has exerted his whole power in elucidating the prophet's thoughts, and in showing their express bearing upon particular events. We could have wished that Mr. Fairbairn had furnished an analysis of his book, as a sort of guide to the student in following the steps of the prophet;-and a general index to such an elaborate volume would have shown, at a glance, the vast range of thought which it embraces. There has not been a healthier or more vigorous book, on prophetic subjects, in these times, than the one which we now introduce to our readers. If it does not cure the mania for literal fulfilment of prophetic scripture, which has obtained of late years, it will not be the fault of the accomplished author. We may safely promise, to that class of our readers who can enjoy an able and well-sustained disquisition, the greatest pleasure from the perusal of Mr. Fairbairn's volume. It is, indeed, in all respects creditable to the piety and attainments of the author, and will go down to posterity as a monument of his literary industry, and of his deep insight into the meaning of God's word. A book like this makes us take courage for the theology of the age. THE PSALMS OF DAVID IMITATED IN NEW TESTAMENT LANGUAGE, by the Rev. ISAAC WATTS, D.D. Together with his Three Books of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Rearranged in One Series. The whole carefully Revised by JOSIAH CONDER. London: John Snow. THE PSALMS AND HYMNS OF DR. ISAAC WATTS, Revised and the Hymns arranged by the Rev. JOHN BURDER, M.A. London: Ward and Co. As the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts are so extensively used, and as they possess such superiority as will prevent their being superseded by any other collection, it is important that they should be presented to the Churches in a form combining that purity of style, and that perfect adaptedness to Christian worship demanded in the present day. Watts as a Hymnologist, it has been felt by The plan pursued by the two Editors in the revision of Watts is very similar. By both a considerable number of the Psalms and Hymns are omitted, as inappropriate to public Christian worship; and many expressions are altered, and we think in almost every instance, greatly improved. Both have enriched their Edition with valuable Tables of the first lines of every Psalm and Hymn, and of every verse in each; and with a copious Index of Subjects. Mr. Conder's Index is very ample, and, so far as we have been able to test it, very admirable in its plan. Mr. Burder's, though not so full, is on a good and clear principle. The type and form of Mr. Conder's edition are greatly superior to that of Mr. Burder's; but Mr. Burder's is of convenient size, and very cheap. Both revisions we regard as a great boon to the churches, and especially to ministers. The facility which the latter will experience in finding suitable Psalms and Hymns must commend one or other of the books to them. From our own experience in testing the books, we would earnestly advise our brethren in the ministry at once to obtain them for themselves, and also to recommend them to the general adoption of their congregations. THE WORKS OF JOHN ROBINSON, PASTOR John Snow. THE appearance of these elegant volumes, at so trifling a cost, and after so lengthened a sand. We cannot help thinking that these works will become popular. One thing is certain, they deserve to be so. THE YOUNG MAN'S FRIEND AND GUIDE Hamilton, Adams, and Co. HAVING with much interest perused these twelve Discourses, we are deliberately of opinion that they are eminently adapted for extensive usefulness, among the influential class to whom they are addressed. We give it as our judgment, that even "The Anxious Inquirer" does not surpass them in direct and appropriate appeal. They are written with great vigour, and with a marked acquaintance with human nature, and the state of society in which we live. Every young man in the United Kingdom should instantly procure "The Young Man's Friend." He will find it an invaluable companion; suggestive of the best thoughts; and full of wise and holy counsels in reference to all the dearest interests both of time and eternity. neglect of the illustrious author, is creditable | nearly exhausting an edition of three thouto all parties concerned in their publication. It is unquestionably a commendation of Congregational Nonconformists, that they call no man master on earth: they trace their polity higher than any human authority, however venerable; and they can only regard the Saviour and his inspired apostles as the names to which they defer, in all matters pertaining to doctrine and Christian polity. But it may be that, through an honest jealousy of mere human leaders, they have failed to do sufficient honour to those of their own views, as to the supreme authority of Christ in his church, who have sacrificed all for the maintenance of a good conscience. Though we would not have John Robinson, or any other man, become a household word with Congregationalists, yet we would do honour to the intelligence and Christian virtue of a hero, who had strength of mind enough, in agitating times, to think for himself, and courage enough to promulgate his opinions at the risk of all that men hold most dear. There is no fear of vassalage arising from such a homage to an uninspired authority. And we are right glad to see the works of Robinson, in so inviting a garb, after the lapse of so many years. Certainly, those who candidly peruse them, will not be able to think meanly of the pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers, either as a scholar or a divine. Nor will they be tempted to think, from his showing, that the completeness and independence of individual churches is a figment unworthy of calm investigation. Indeed, we can point with confidence to these volumes, in their collected form, as a real and unquestionable accession to our theological literature; and sincerely trust that the perusal of them will not only extend the cause of Congregational Dissent, but augment the sphere of devout and earnest piety. We have said that the appearance of these works is creditable to all parties concerned; and we mean what we say. To Dr. Campbell chiefly we express our debt of obligation. His proposal, and the energy with which he has carried it out, an energy which few but himself could have displayed, entitle him to our warmest thanks, which we tender to him in the most grateful terms. Mr. Ashton, too, is worthy of all respect and love from his brethren, for the admirable manner in which he has performed his editorial duties. His labour has been immense. He has spared no pains in throwing light on the subject which has engaged his literary labours. His prefaces, notes, and memoir, are executed in the best possible manner; and we are now in a position, through his labours, to know all of John Robinson that, perhaps, can be known. The Union did well in encouraging the publication; and the public best of all in The subjects will commend themselves: and the eminent ability and devotedness of the author will secure for them a more than ordinary share of attention. I. Preparation for Life. II. The Young Man entering Life. III. The Young Man undecided in Religion. - IV. The Young Man possessing a Defective Amiability.-V. The Young Man Perplexed by Religious Controversy.-VI. The Character of Joseph a Study for Young Men.-VII. The Study of the Book of Proverbs recommended.VIII. The Young Man Succeeding or Failing in Business. - IX. The Young Man Emigrating to a Foreign Land.-X. The Young Man Disappointing or Realizing the Hopes of his Parents. XI. The Young Man impressed with the Importance of the Age in which he lives. - XII. The Young Man dying early, or living to review life in old age. While we regard every Discourse in this volume as peculiarly excellent, we have read the VII., VIII., and IX. with extraordinary satisfaction. They are fitted, by God's blessing, to do incalculable good. volume at large has our most earnest and conscientious recommendation. The REASON AND FAITH. An Essay. By the Author of "The Christian Character." 18mo. pp. 40. B. L. Green. This is a very valuable Tract to put into the hands of young men exposed, in these times, to the intercourse of sceptical com panions. As the production of an individual | daily engaged in the active turmoil of business, it is highly creditable to the ability and research of the writer; and, with its touching narratives and examples, it cannot fail to be extensively useful. It is so cheap, that benevolent individuals, anxious to do good to the young men in their circles, cannot do better than furnish themselves with copies of it for general distribution. A little money spent in this way is well invested, and may produce a large interest for eternity. EARLY ORIENTAL HISTORY: comprising the Histories of Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Lydia, Phrygia, and Phœnicia. Edited by JOHN EADIE, D.D., L.L.D., Professor of Biblical Literature to the United Presbyterian Church. With Illustrations from the most authentic sources. 8vo. pp. 462. John Joseph Griffin and Co. THIS is one of the volumes of the Encyclopædia Metropolitana, and belongs to the third division of History and Biography. It bears marks of great literary care, and pays uniform reverence to the data of revealed truth. Having passed under the close inspection of such a scholar and divine as Dr. Eadie, we can recommend it with confidence to the heads of families, and others, who dread the infusion into such works of opinions and conjectures unfavourable to the supreme authority of the word of God. The mass of information introduced into the pages of this closely printed volume is truly remarkable; and the spirit and animation with which the whole is written, will render it a fascinating companion to all persons of cultivated minds, or who may be desirous of obtaining the best information extant, in reference to the principal nations of antiquity, condensed within the narrowest limits compatible with perspicuity and effect. Great pains have been taken in this volume to separate between the fabulous and the authentic in historical detail. This seems to us to be its greatest merit; and, with its numerous and beautiful illustrations, from the most accredited sources, it may be regarded as an invaluable addition to the cheap literature of the age. In a single volume, of ordinary dimensions, we have the substance of all that is most surely known in reference to the kingdoms of antiquity. How better can the heads of our colleges be employed than in purifying and rendering accessible the fountains of knowledge? We recommend this volume very earnestly to all our youthful readers, as a pure compendium of knowledge on the subjects on which it treats; and as imbued with a spirit of profound deference for the "living oracles." THE BELIEVER'S ASSURANCE OF SALVATION: IS IT ATTAINABLE? By the Rev. W. DAVIS, Minister of the Croft Chapel, Hastings. 18mo., pp. 66. John Snow. THIS volume is written with considerable discrimination, and is calculated to detect several doubtful forms of the Christian profession; especially those of the enthusiastic and antinomian class. We are increasingly disposed to connect religious happiness and peace with the truth itself, in "the full assurance of understanding," the "full assurance of faith," and "the full assurance of hope;" and we believe that these states of mind, in reference to the truth, are the only elements out of which practical godliness and holy consistency of life can legitimately spring. CATECHISM ON THE DOCTRINES AND ΕνιDENCES OF THE BIBLE: with Notes. By JOHN SCOTT. 12то. рр. 48. Ward and Co. We look at Catechisms with great care and even jealousy; for if they are not composed on sound principles, and with a more than ordinary share of practical wisdom, they are mischievous things. We have examined this Catechism with close attention, both as to sentiment and form; and we can truly say that it is a most valuable compendium, which we should like to see in every Family and every Sundayschool. It embodies, in simple, intelligible language, the whole outline of Christian truth and duty; together with an able section upon the Evidences of the Gospel. THE CONVERT FROM POPERY. By JOHN ADEY, Minister of Union Chapel, Horsleydown, London. Fourth Thousand. 32mo. 3d. John Snow, and Ward & Co., London. THIS is a very instructive account of the conversion of a young Irish Papist, by the perusal of the Tract, "The Sinner directed to Christ;" and who passed through bitter persecutions from Priests and Romanists, on account of his love to the Bible, and rejection of Popish errors. Mr. Adey has furnished a most striking and useful Tract, calculated to do much good; and as the profits arising from the sale are to be devoted to the support of the widow and orphans of the deceased convert, we cannot but hope that it will have a most extensive circulation. |