Society voted money to print and circulate; ❘ and the perplexed rumour reached me just FREE EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT CHURCH, sum. A commencement has been made, and and besides, Dr. Medhurst maintains that Shang-Te is the classical term for "God," although he thinks that Te and T'een Te may also be employed. Dr. Medhurst, then, instead of holding opinions that can be pleaded in justification of what the Bible Society attempted to do, is as much opposed to it as Dr. Legge. As to the protracted discussion and impossibility of united action among the body of delegates, it is well known that the whole is traceable to Bishop Boone. Although he took little or no part in the labours connected with preparing the translation; yet by his pertinacity in adhering to the term Shin, he so perplexed and annoyed his brother delegates, that, to secure the printing and circulation of the version, on which so much time and money had been expended, and which he insisted on keeping shut up, they were compelled to adopt the resolution of August last to which Mr. Meller refers. This being done, the corresponding Com mittee of the Bible Society in China, with only two dissentients, immediately voted the sum of £250 committed to their hands by the Parent Society, that it might be expended in printing the New Testament with Shang-Te for "God" and Shin for " Spirit." A portion of this translation has already reached England. The two dissentients, who protested against the vote of the Corresponding Committee, are Mr. M'Clatchie and Mr. Hobson, the former knowing comparatively but little of the Chinese language, and the latter hardly acquainted with its simplest elements. These two gentlemen, although altogether incompetent to judge in the matter, not only protested against the vote of the Committee to which they belonged, but applied to the Bible Society in England for a grant to print an edition of the Scriptures with Shin for "God," and Ling for "Spirit." And, marvellous to say, in compliance with the request of these two incompetent applicacants, who stood alone in their opposition among a large number of accomplished Chinese scholars; and in direct subversion of their own recorded resolution of December, 1848, the committee of the Bible Society voted the sum of £250 for the printing of an edition of the Scriptures with Shin for "God," and Ling for "Spirit." Happily, however, the money thus voted had to pass through the hands of the Committee of the Church Missionary Society; and they, deeming conflicting versions of the Scriptures a grievous evil, refused to accept the grant. Thus a serious mischief was prevented, and the conduct of the Bible Society was rebuked. Why did not Mr. Meller advert to this circumstance as explanatory of the mistake into which I fell, in supposing that the grant had been rejected by both parties in China? On this point I had been misinformed; when it was necessary to put my review into the hands of the printer, so that I had not time to test its accuracy. But, doubtless, Mr. Meller knew where the explanation was to be found. That the Americans have so decidedly declared themselves in favour of Shin and Ling, will undoubtedly spread consternation and the deepest regret among the mission brotherhood in China, and cannot fail to wound the spirits of many Christians in England. But however deep the regret that will be experienced among missionaries in China and Christians in England, at the decision to which the American Bible Society has come, the regret must be more than equalled, in every dispassionate and enlightened mind, by the astonishment felt at the reasons assigned for that decision. They are the veriest quicksand. On the question of conflicting opinions and authorities respecting Shin and Shang-Te, Mr. Meller makes a statement which appears altogether incredible. At all events, I would advise the constituency of the Bible Society not to receive it until he adduces more distinct and convincing evidence of its truth than mere assertion; for, according to the latest intelligence received from China, the printing of the New Testament with Shang-Te, with money voted by the Corresponding Committee of the Bible Society, is sanctioned by the cordial approval of nine-tenths of the mission brotherhood. If there are fifty-five missionaries who contend for the superior claim of Shin, let their names be announced, that they may be identified, and that their competency to decide on the comparative merits of the conflicting terms may be known and tested. I cannot help avowing it as my conviction, that Mr. Meller will be greatly puzzled to give substantial embodiment to his long array of fifty-five names. If, however, when they stand forth as living men before the world, their authority in reference to the important question at issue, is not superior to that of the parties on whose application the Committee of the Bible Society voted £250, to print a version of the Scripures with Shin, it will, with all scholars and competent judges, be deemed simply vox et præterea nihil as somewhat akin to the opinion of the blind man, who imagined that the colour of scarlet resembled the sound of a trumpet. I might have extended these remarks; but feeling that I have aleady trespassed too far on you valuable space, I must close, assuring Mr. Meller and every member of the Committee of the Bible Society, that what I wrote was not intended to injure but to benefit their great and important institution. I am, dear sir, yours truly, PARIS. THE "UNION OF EVANGELICAL CHURCHES," constituted in the city of Paris, in the month of June, 1849, has afforded devout pleasure to all classes of professing Christians in this country, who sincerely believe and practically honour "the glorious gospel of the blessed God." It is based upon those sacred and essential principles for which the Protestant Reformers of France and Switzerland so faith fully and earnestly contended, and is at once a protest against prevailing evils of gigantic force, and a missionary organisation for the evangelising of France: and although the movement is now in the weakness of its infancy, it contains the sure elements of life and progress. The general principles embodied in the Union are the following: -The maintenance of sound evangelical doctrine-The acknowledgment of the Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, as the only Head and Ruler of the Church-Individual profession of the faith as it is in Jesus, by every member of the Church-and, A positive and real distinction between the Church and the world.-Such principles, carried out with Christian earnestness, and humble dependence, cannot fail to insure the blessing of God. The Rev. Frederick Monod, who for more than thirty years has been the consistent and honoured friend of evangelical truth in Paris, has been a leader in this noble effort to restore to the Protestant Churches of his country soundness of doctrine and purity of character. Constrained by solemn convictions of duty, he has retired from the Consistory of Paris, of which he was one of the senior ministers, and now assembles for Christian worship with his faithful flock in an incommodious apartinent of a private house, in one of the most obscure parts of the city. This forms a most serious obstacle to his usefulness; and a place of worship, simple, commodious, easy of access, and in a prominent position, would, under God, be one of the most important means for promoting the great cause in which he is embarked. Urged, therefore, by a deep conviction of the importance of the object, as well as respect and affection for the Rev. F. Monod, it has several liberal donations have been received: these are placed in the hands of a Committee, resident partly in London, and partly in Scotland; and the names of the gentlemen composing it, among whom we find those of Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart., and John Henderson, Esq., are a sufficient guarantee for the security of the funds and the accomplishment of the object. The following liberal sums appear in the list of contributions: Sir C. E. Eardley, Bart....... £100 0 0 John Henderson, Esq. R. C. L. Bevan, Esq. Messrs. Paton.. Wm. Campbell, Esq. Wm. Macfie, Esq. ........ .... ........ Thomas Farmer, Esq......... George Hitchcock, Esq....... John Clark, Esq. .... ...... 100 0 0 50 00 50 00 2500 .... 10 0 0 .. ...... Alex. Dunlop, Esq........... ...... ...... EVANGELICAL SOCIETY OF LYONS. (To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.) DEAR SIR,-I have just received the Eighth Report of the Committee of the above Society. Will you allow me to lay the principal points of it before the readers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE ? Popery is gradually losing its hold on the public mind on the Continent; and is it conceivable that it will ever succeed in entangling the British public to any extent in its fearful meshes? Assuredly not, unless the churches of Christ are most unfaithful to the trust been determined by a few friends of Evangeli-committed to them, unfaithful to the truth cal Protestantism in this country, to raise a sum sufficient to erect for him and the people of his charge, a suitable Christian sanctuary in an eligible locality of Paris; and they most earnestly solicit the kind and liberal support of their fellow-Christians of every evangelical denomination, in furtherance of this design. It is estimated that the cost of such an edifice, including the purchase of ground, which, in Paris, is enormously high, cannot be less than £2500, and may, unavoidably, exceed that of God, and unfaithful to the souls of the population by which they are surrounded. But to return to the Continent, the Committee at Lyons state: Never "Many of those whom the brilliant promises of socialism had led astray, have returned to us disabused. have we seen such a number of hearers assembled at the same time, at our different chapels. The number of communicants is four hundred and forty. Since the com mencement of the year, we have had fifty- | lation into the great city. Fifty members of two admissions, of which forty-three were Roman Catholics. We have sixty-two candidates for the Lord's Supper. In the city and faubourgs we can count about two thousand five hundred persons, who attached themselves more or less strictly to our worship." It is a source of thankfulness that, in the Catholic city of Lyons, our brethren are able to report:-"We still enjoy all the measure of liberty it is possible to desire; much more than our brethren in any other places in France." They prosecute their good work without any molestation-they build places of worship, they preach the gospel openly without let or hindrance-in season and out of season are our faithful friends there on the alert. The following statement will be read with interest:-"We have the last six months endeavoured to extend the knowledge of the gospel to multitudes who would never otherwise have had it spoken to them. In one week at Croix Rouge this favourable occasion presented itself thrice. One of these was an aged female whose procession numbered four hundred men, composed principally of socialists. Our Evangelist thought by these means to penetrate into the ranks of their leaders- he had a conference with them on this question-Is man born good or depraved? After three hours' conversation he read to them the useful tract; Evil, its Cause and Remedy. The principal man present was so struck with this tract, that he cried out, 'I must have this tract at any price.' A second conference terminated still better, and nearly all the Socialists present brought the New Testament. At another time there was a burial, at which a masonic lodge was present complete with all the insignia of the order, and the society of joiners. On another occasion the proprietor of our chapel at Villeurbanne, who, after becoming one of the most attentive of our hearers, died, placing full confidence in the Saviour. He ordered his numerous and entirely Catholic family that he should be buried by the Evangelical pastor. His conversion attested by his funeral ceremony, has made a happy sensation." The meetings of the Evangelical Alliance are rendering essential service to the cause of truth, so our brethren report. The following is the statement of our brethren on this topic: "We ought further to mention here the meetings of the Evangelical Alliance, which have been more numerous this year. We have had three in six months, at St. Etienne, at Vienne, and at Lyons. That at Vienne took place the day on which the President of the Republic arrived at Lyons, so that the neighbouring towns had poured their popu our church came by railway into the almost deserted streets of Vienne, to seek the peaceful and tranquil enjoyment of fraternal love. After two days of high blessed enjoyment, this little company of brethren found themselves on board the steamer, where it was asked with astonishment who were these people that appeared so joyful. They asked us to sing to them hymns, and it was with the sound of the praises of God that the boat approached the shore. Our meetings at Lyons, on the 30th of October, and 1st of November, have been yet more blessed, and we have learnt that several persons have been savingly affected, during these admirable seasons. Another means of good has been the multiplication of our places of worship. Each of them has become the centre of the rays of life. Christians of the same locality gather themselves together and zeal increases. We have now in our five chapels eighteen meetings a-week." The following brief statement respecting the work at the missionary stations, has much in it that is gratifying: "Of our different labours that of Villeurbanne is the only one that has given us little encouragement; that of Guillotière has been pursued in the midst of fearful difficulties. The clergy seek to overturn the stedfastness of the people whom we visit, and spare neither entreaties nor threats. The work in Brotteaux is of longer date and stronger, has greatly prospered lately, and hereafter the Lord's Supper will be celebrated every month in this part of the city. He "Croix Rouge gives us every day more satisfaction. Here are some of the faith that give us joy. One of the commissioners of police of this part, came one day to our chapel. Our colporteur, not doubting but that he had come there with the intention of watching us, gave him a parcel of tracts. Some days after he learnt that these tracts had got into a family to whom they had been useful, and which demanded a visit. who went to see the commissioner, who received him with cordiality, and learnt from him, that our tracts had been read with much interest at the office of the commissioner, and made many apologies for taking the liberty of lending them to some of his friends. The colporteur assured him that no apology was needed, and the commissioner bought of him a New Testament, and placed it within reach of many of his acquaintances, and promised that he and his colleagues would often come to our preaching, not to watch them, but to get instruction in the truth. "The same colportenr unfolded the gospel in another family zealous for Popery. He there found a worker of the name of Martha, who bought a New Testament, and read it with much attention. However, she met with things that made her doubt, and she went to ask her confessor if she might read the book, and he said 'Yes, it is a very good book.' She was going away very contented, when the priest asked her where she had got it. She replied, she had purchased it from the Evangelist. Then the curé cried out angrily, 'My child! do not read; it will do you harm.' These words opened her eyes, and she set about reading the gospel more than ever. She fully decided to come one evening to the chapel, and was greatly astonished to hear a sermon on the history of Martha and Mary. It seemed to her that the preacher was delineating her portrait. She felt convinced of her sin, and in a little time she was no more Martha, but Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. "A very interesting movement is now in progress, in the parish of St. Just. On the Hill de Fourviers are two spots remarkable for their religious recollections. At St. Iréné are shown the remains of the Church of the first Martyrs. St. Just is built upon a spot on which Blandine for three days exhausted 99 tract. As we had foreseen, we received an of the church. The parishioners foiled in answer that the archbishop refused the use their attempt were very much dissatisfied, the against us from his pulpit, had said, that they more so, because the curé, while thundering were always asking us for a conference, and that we always refused. felt very anxious to come and labour at St. "About this time, one of our colporteurs Just; as he could preach the gospel in a large tened to with interest, and sold in a few days number of houses, he was everywhere lisforty copies of the Scriptures, which were all bought by the most zealous Catholics. Thus The following is one of the most striking:we already see some fruit of this movement. Mrs. P-, a native of Lorraine, had persuaded her husband to leave their village, bethem from attending mass as often as they cause their unbelieving relations prevented could wish. They had set out, like Abraham, drawing their children in a chaise, not knowing whither they were going, but leaving to God the care of leading them. They had arrived at Lyons, where the clergy had wel the fury of her tormentors. The Curé of St. ❘comed and protected them. The wife at Just often quotes to his parishioners, as a model of piety, the father of a family named B-, who was a member of several paternities, assisted in all the offices, confessed every fortnight, passed a portion of his Sunday in assisting the sick in the hospital, and whose wife, brought up by a father of excessive devotion, was also very religious. One of our brethren, who was employed in the same workshop, was instrumental in converting their overseer, an obstinate unbeliever, who, as a matter for diversion, said-' I have among my workmen two devotees of a very different kind. I wish to set them arguing, in order to see how they will dispute.' He accordingly placed them as opponents, and B-, who sincerely sought the truth, was shaken in his belief; he procured the New Testament; and, after several contests, his wife and he acknowledged that their church was in error. The curé was in despair; he said that the change of so pious a man was the greatest scandal that could happen in his parish. There was nothing that he did not do in order to bring him back again, but all was useless. Then he tried his last effort. He went to see B-, and said to him-'I am ready to do everything to save your soul, and to prove this to you, I consent to hold with these men a public conference, and I offer for this purpose my parish church,' " B- commenced by publishing this news through the whole parish, and then came, full of joy, to ask us for our reply. We declared, in writing, that we agreed to it, and B- circulated our letter, in order that it might be more difficult for the curé to re As if to increase the sacrament every week. Since B- had tended public worship every day, and took conversed with her husband about the gospel, the latter reproached her for the time which she passed at mass. angry with this man for having upset her She was exceedingly Mr. and Mrs. B- from their mother's house. household, and she occasioned the removal of She very much wished to raise the indignation of the whole town. her despair, she was informed that her husband had commenced attending at the chapel. Wishing to ascertain if it really could be so, she herself attended one Sabbath evening. She recollected, that since the age of nine In so doing, the scales fell from her eyes. years she had possessed a New Testament, whose value she had never appreciated; that eight years ago she had sold it, but that her husband had purchased another. She immediately set herself down to the perusal of it, and now passed a portion of her time in the house of B-, ready to suffer with him the persecutions which she had herself excited, and unable to admire sufficiently the dealings of Providence in respect to herself. We awakened town the abundant outpouring of implore our friends to ask for this newly the Holy Spirit. town. We pass now, properly speaking, to the have been closed, but which the liberality of Our infirmary, which we feared must ways a very precious means in the work of our friends has enabled us to continue, is alevangelisation." The reports from our Evangelists continue thus: "Among the numerous families that we | many persecutions since, has been calum visit, there are some who are rather a hindrance, and others who make visible progress. niated, before tribunals, driven from her habitation, cursed and loaded with reproaches on the part of two rich aunts whose heiress she would be, yet she is very happy, because God granting the prayer of her childhood has taught her to know his holy will." I dare not trespass further on your space than to insert the following statement respecting the financial position of our brethren at Lyons. After referring to a journey to Switzerland, &c., in which a strenuous and a successful effort was made, at least successful for the time, to relieve the Committee, the Report proceeds thus: "But since this great effort of our friends we have received very little, with the exceрtion of two donations, one from a society and the other from a friend in England. Our deficit will inevitably exist again, in spite of our reductions, if our benefactors wait for fresh cries of distress before they send us what they intend for us. We place this matter before them. We are sure that they will henceforth seek to help us to avoid those crises which paralyse our work, and to assure us, by regular subscriptions, a constantly progressive course. As to the rest we have no other source of uneasiness. To entertain doubt as to the future, after the deliverances of which we have been the subjects, would be to add ingratitude to unbelief. In conclusion, beloved brethren, receive the assurance of our affection and our gratitude in Christ Jesus. He in whom we are one with you for eternity. "Mrs. S-had, from her earliest infancy, earnestly desired a holy life; and as she thought that she could more intimately enjoy the presence of God in the solitude of a monastery, she asked two things: to be able to enter into a convent, and to learn to know better the will of God. Her devotion to the Virgin was rendered more ardent by a fact which we know not how to call in question, however extraordinary it may appear. She had been suffering for a whole year from a painful illness, accompanied by a paralysis in the right arm. Her spiritual guide advised her to remove to Fourvières, and there take the sacrament in the presence of the image of the Virgin Mary, assuring her that this would cure her. She obeyed, and that same moment her malady was arrested and her arm restored. Whatever may have been the cause of this strange cure, it is certain that Satan employed it to blind her eyes. Under the protection of her guide she was at last enabled to enter a convent, in spite of the opposition of her family. Her first prayer was thus heard, but it was then that her second began to be cherished. Her superior one day ordered her to retract an avowal which she had forbidden her to make, since it might have occasioned prejudice against the establishment: she at first refused, but force at last compelled her to obey. From that moment her conscience had no rest. She left this convent to enter into another, and from thence into a third; but instead of meeting with the imaginary holiness of which she had dreamt, she saw only confusion, and a worldliness that thoroughly disgusted her. She re-entered upon active life, married a manufacturer, lost all her property, and was reduced to great distress. One Sunday she went to mass; but not having a halfpenny in her pocket, she sat down on a seat which was immediately taken from her, because the had not enough to pay for it. As she was going out all in tears, one of our brethren met her, and learning the cause of her grief, she said to her, 'Come with me and I will take you to a place where they do not sell the word of God,' and then led her to the chapel. From that moment Mrs. S-learned that what she had desired from her childhood, was found only in the gospel. She has passed through ❘ strect, Finsbury. "In the name of the Committee for Evangelisation. "G. Fisch, Pastor. "Lyons, 14 Nov. 1850." I trust that many of your readers will practically sympathise with their good work; and let those remember who have neither gold nor silver to give, that they have, if the disciples of the Lord, that in their possession that can procure both, the power which prayer wields. Yours truly, EVAN DAVIES, Sec. *** Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer, William Alers Hankey, Esq., 7, Fenchurch-street; or by the Secretary, the Rev. Evan Davies, at the Office of the Society, 7, Blomfield |