so; and while we shall resort to no unfair or unchristian weapons, we promise no quarter to Romanism, in any of its forms, and no leniency of verdict to those who would sap the foundations of the Christian faith, and make this favoured country as reckless of Biblical authority as other nations which are now reaping the sad fruits of superstition and infidelity combined. We believe, from the careful review of certain portions of the public press, and especially from the introduction into our literature of vast masses of German scepticism, that a time of trial is approaching; nay, that it has already commenced. But we have no apprehensions for the truth, if its friends are faithful to their trust. A religious periodical, like the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, should be as guarded in its tone as the Christian pulpit; and its responsible conductor should have his eye upon the whole world,-watching every phase of society-every aspect of the literature of the day-and especially every work issuing from the press under the sanction of religious men. We are cheered to think that we now understand the new German school. We begin to be very familiar with its common-places; we detect the plagiarisms of its English advocates, and we have no misgivings as to the issue. It is, after all, a poor, shallow, worthless thing, that cannot stand before the artillery of an enlightened and well-conducted orthodox press. But the young must be warned, and young ministers in particular; and weapons must be put into their hands by which they may be able to defend themselves against the plausible mystifications of such men as Newman, Greg, and Allison. We ask the prayers of all our friends, that we may be enabled to be faithful to the truth of God, and that we may so "contend for the faith once delivered to the saints," that there may be nothing in our spirit at variance with the meekness and gentleness of Christ. And, in conclusion, we ask our Brethren in the ministry, the Deacons of churches, Sunday-School Teachers, and all private Christians, that they will do their utmost, and do it forthwith, to extend the sale of a publication, which, in addition to all the religious good it diffuses, contributes TWELVE HUNDRED POUNDS per annum, to the widows of Godly ministers, of various religious denominations. Let every reader of the Magazine do his best to find another, as we have elsewhere recommended; and our best wishes will be accomplished for the widows of our honoured Brethren departed. Is not the object proposed worthy of a strenuous effort? Let the head and the heart decide. EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, AND MISSIONARY CHRONICLE. FOR JANUARY, 1851. MEMOIR OF THE LATE REV. SAMUEL JACKSON, EVERY observant mind must have been struck with the fact, that one great principle pervades every department of the Divine dominion. God hides himself from our view; "He giveth none account of his matters." We are as sured of His presence, and satisfied respecting the wisdom and equity of His doings, though we are often led to inquire, with painful feelings, "Why is it thus ?" And nothing more frequently extorts this exclamation, than what we deem the sudden or the premature removal of the wise, the good, and the useful from honourable spheres which seemed essentially to require their continued influence. A bereaved family and a weeping flock mourning the irreparable loss of their parent and pastor, under circumstances which, in every human sense, most deeply aggravate their woe, produces a thrilling echo to the profound acknowledgment, "How unsearchable are Thy judgments, and Thy ways past finding out!" Seldom, if ever, have these solemn feelings been more keenly or more sincerely excited than in connexion with the death of the subject of the ensuing sketch. Still, all parties interested in this solemn event can clearly perceive the fringe of light which gilds the dark cloud that has settled so low and heavy over a scene VOL. XXIX. which was but lately so full of loveliness and promise. The Rev. Samuel Jackson, late of Northallerton, was born in the Wicker, Sheffield, June 2nd, 1800. He was the youngest of five children. The parents were both members of the Congregational church, Attercliffe, and were highly esteemed for intelligence and piety. But they were early removed from their parental solicitudes and hopes, and five orphan children, young and unprovided for, left to buffet with the ills of life. Providence, however, interposed: the whole family was adopted by an uncle in Sheffield, who took the entire charge of their education and support, and brought each one up to some fitting department of his own respectable business. The care and kindness of the uncle did not go unrewarded; for, although much tried and disappointed with some of his adopted children, he had an ample recompense in the gratitude, piety, and happy deaths of others. He too, with his wife, became truly converted to God; and, through a long and honourable course, adorned their Christian profession as members of the Independent church, Garden-street, Sheffield. They were also prospered in their circumstances, having realised a handsome B property, which enabled them, when overtaken with infirmity and affliction, to retire from business. Samuel, being unsettled with his uncle, resolved to provide for himself. Without attempting to justify the step he took, we cannot but admire how all was overruled for good. Though not more than fifteen years of age, he sought, of his own accord, and, unaided, obtained a situation at Wentworth, to which, his uncle consenting, he was bound apprentice. His new sphere exposed him to many dangers. He was far from a gospel ministry, and from salutary restraint. For eighteen months his associates and pursuits widened his distance from all that was good. At length parental prayers were answered; early impressions were revived; a new bias was gained: he was brought under the ministry of the Rev. James Bennett, at Masborough Chapel; he became a new creature, and devoted himself to the service of God. The change wrought in him was marked. There was a rapid development of his intellectual and moral faculties. He seemed to spring into maturity at once. The mental vigour and the strength of piety which he soon attained, in connexion with his prepossessing appearance and superior address, bespoke attention, and insured him regard, through a numerous circle of acquaintance. His exemplary conduct, his diligence in the Sunday-school, his incipient labours in village preaching, which, from his first efforts, were highly esteemed by many pious and judicious persons, issued in a loud and general request for his introduction to the Christian ministry. His pastor entered most cordially into this object, and secured for him six months' preparatory training, under the efficient tuition of the Rev. James Buckham, Finckley. He subsequently entered the Independent College at Rotherham, where he spent the usual term of four years. Mr. Jackson's academic course was in every sense honourable. Making due allowance for his lack of early advantages, and for interruptions occasioned by delicate health, his attainments were highly respectable, though by no means equal to what might have been expected from his strong natural abilities, under more favourable circumstances. But he is one of the few of whom it can be said, that his piety sustained no injury by passing through a collegiate course. Here was the secret of his success through his whole career. The vineyard of the heart was carefully cultivated, and this threw a charm and an influence over all with which he had to do. The third vacation of his college life was spent in Hamburgh, whither he went to supply the Independent chapel for some months. His labours in that city were greatly blessed; and to this day he is remembered with much affection by many who were privileged to sit under his ministry in that place. Shortly after his return from Hamburgh, he supplied Hope Chapel, Shelton, and received a cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastorate over that people. He settled there immediately on leaving Rotherham College; and though he remained only two years in that sphere, his character and ministry are still cherished with grateful recollection. In the year 1827, Mr. Jackson was invited to undertake the joint charge of the Congregational church at Barnard Castle, in the county of Durham, in connexion with the Rev. W. L. Pratt |