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As in former issues the titles of geographical Books

increased this list to a size not intended by me and as in the first place it is to be a register of linguistic publications only, I have this year omitted to mention all purely geographical Books, a complete list of which is every year made up by Prof. Koner.

All Books mentioned in this Catalogue were published in 1879 unless stated otherwise.

I shall most thankfully receive any indication of omissions or corrections.


C. F.

[blocks in formation]




Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Redigirt von O. Loth. 7. Bd. Nr. I u. 2. gr. 8. Leipzig, Brockhaus.

M. 10.

I Inhalt: The Kalpasûtra of Bhadrabâhu, ed. with an introduction, notes and a Prâkrit-Samskrit glossary by Herm. Jacobi. VIII, 173 p. Martin, De la metrique chez les Syriens. 71 p. 4 M.

Anderson, N.

Studien zur Vergleichung der indogermanischen und finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen. gr. 8. 322 S. Dorpat (Köhler, Leipzig).

6 M.

In 4°.


Atsume Gusa pour servir à la Connaissance de l'Extrême Orient. Recueil publié par F. Turrettini. Vols. I à V. Genève 1873-78. (30 fr. le Vol.) 3 Annales de l'Extrême-Orient: Revue illustrée asiatique et océanienne mensuelle, sous la direction de M. le Comte Meyners d'Estrey. Paris (Challamel). Nos. 5 à 14. (voir B. O. 1878. No. 3.) Ballhorn, Fr.


Alphabete orientalischer und occidentalischer Sprachen. 12. unveränd. Aufl. Lex. 8. 80 S. Nürnberg 1880, v. Ebner. M. 4. 50. 5 Bechtel, Fritz. - Ueber die Bezeichnungen der sinnlichen Wahrnehmungen


in den indogermanischen Sprachen. Ein Beitrag zur Bedeutungsgeschichte. gr. 8. XX, 168 S. Weimar, Böhlau. 5 M. Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, hrsg. v. A. Bezzenberger. 5. Bd. gr. 8. Göttingen, Peppmüller. IO M. Bibliotheca philologica. Herausgegeben von W. Müldener. 31. Jahrg. 2. Heft. M. 1. 80. (vergl. B. O. 1878 No. 12. 13.)



Bibliothek indogermanischer Grammatiken. Bd. II. Whitney, Indische Grammatik, vide Sanskrit.



Bibliotheque orientale elzévirienne. Paris, Leroux.
T. XXV. Decourdemanche, livre des femmes.

T. XXVI. Vikramorvaci par Ph. Ed. Foucaux.
T. XXVII. Nagânanda par Bergaigne.

Brosset, M.

Collection numismatique orientale de l'Ermitage impérial; 1852-1879. (Bull. de l'Acad. des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. XXV. No. 4.)

Budenz, J.


Ueber die Verzweigung der ugrischen Sprachen. gr. 8.


68 S. Göttingen, Peppmüller. 2 M. Drival, E. van. Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques et de l'égyptien. Seconde édition. 208 pp. Paris, Maisonneuve. 6 fr. 13


Faulmann, K. Illustrirte Geschichte der Schrift. Populär-wissenschaftl. Darstellg. der Entstehg. der Schrift, der Sprache u. der Zahlen, sowie der Schriftsysteme aller Völker der Erde. Mit 14 Taf., Inschriften etc. (In 20 Lfgn.) 1.-17. Lfg. gr. 8. Wien, Hartleben. je 60 Pf. 14 Friederici, K. Bibliotheca orientalis od, eine vollständ. Liste der im J. 1878 in Deutschland, Frankreich, England u. den Colonien erschienenen Bücher, Broschüren, Zeitschriften etc. üb. die Sprachen, Religionen, Antiquitäten, Literaturen, Geschichte u. Geographie d. Ostens. 3. Jahrg. gr. 8. IV, 112 S. Leipzig, O. Schulze. 3 M. (vergl. B. O. 1878. No. 28.) 15


Figdor, S. Der Kleinverkehr in Indien, China und Japan. (Triester Zeitung 1878 Nr. 268-69.)


Hyrtl, J. Das Arabische u. Hebräische in der Anatomie. gr. 8. XLII, 311 S. Wien, Braumüller.

Indian Antiquary, 1878.

12 M.

17 18

Dec. Shirt, Traces of a Dravidian Element in Sindhi. RivettCarnac, Mason's marks from old buildings in the North-West Provinces of India. Leonard, Notes on the Kânphâtâ Yogis. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Cana:ese inscriptions. Nos. 48. 49.

The Indian Antiquary, a Journal of Oriental research in archaeology, history, literature, languages, philosophy, religion, folklore etc. Edited by J. Burgess. vol. VIII. Bombay, Education Society's Press. Annual subscription Rs. 20.

Jan. Foulkes, Civilisation of the Dakhan down to the 7th Century. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese inscriptions 50. 51. Rice, The Chalukyas and Pallavas. Thomas, Jainism.

February. Cain, The Bhadrachellam and Rekapalli Taluqas. Mackenzie, Customs of the Komti Caste. Tawney, A folklore parallel. Bühler, An inscription of Govana III. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese inscriptions. 52. 53. Kirtane, Hammîra Mahâkâvya of Nayachandra Sûri.

March. Nilkantha Janârdan Kirtane, Hammîra Mahakavya of Nayachandra. Sewell, Two eastern Chalukya copperplate grants. Pope, Notes on the Dravidian family of Languages. Muir, Metrical versions from the Mahâbhârata.

April. Rice, Two new Chalukya Grants. Burnell, On some early references to the Vedas by European writers. Rivett-Carnac, Archaeol. notes on a March between Cawnpore etc.

May. MacCrindle, The periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Fleet, A particular use of the word Samvat.

June. Watson, The fall of Pâtan Somanath. Walhouse, Archaeological Notes. XXII. XXIII. Faulkes, Grant of the Pallava King Nandi Varmâ.

July. Watson, Notes on the Seacoast of Saurashtra. Fleet, the Châlukya Vikrama-Varsha. Cole, List of words with the Sântâli equivalents. Hoernie, Monograms of the Baktro-Greek king Euthydemos. Swinnerton, ancient remains in Afghanistan.

August. Williams, Notes on Indian folklore. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese Inscriptions. 54. Cain, the Bhadrachellam and Rekapalli Taluquas. Müller, Report on the Inscriptions in the Hambantota District, Ceylon. Simpson, Buddhist remains in the Jalâlâbâd Valley.

September. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese inscriptions. Nos. 55. 56. Raghunathji, Marathi Schools and School-Masters. Cowell, The


Northern Buddhist Legend of Avalokiteswara's descent into the
Hell Avîchi. Beal, the Story of a faithful deer.

October. Thomas, Bilingual Coins of Bokhara. Foulkes, Grant of
Nandivarma - Pallavamalla. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese In-
scriptions. 59. Grierson, a further Folklore parallel. Badley,
Jagjivandas the Hindu reformer.

November. Fleet, Sanskrit and old Canarese inscriptions. No. 60. Pope, Notes on the Kurral of the Tamil poet Tiruvalluvar. Logan, find of ancient pottery in Malabar. The six Tirtaka. Hartshorne, the Weddas.

Journal asiatique 1878. Oct.-Déc.


Zotenberg, Memoire sur la chronique byzantine de Jean, évêque de Nikiou, Suite,

Imbaut-Huart, Histoire de la conquête du Népâl par les Chinois. Lenormant, Hymne au soleil.

Guyard, Notes de lexicographie assyrienne.

Journal asiatique ou Recueil de Memoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs à l'histoire, à la philosophie, aux langues et à la littérature des peuples

orientaux. Paris, Leroux.

(voir B. O. 1878 No. 35.)


Septième Serie T. XIII et XIV. 25 fr.


Lenormant, Hymne au soleil (fin.).

Huart, Notes prises pendant un voyage en Syrie.

Oppert, Note sur les mesures assyriennes.

Mars- Avril.

Halévy, Note supplémentaire sur l'inscription de Byblos.

Huart, Note sur les tribus arabes de la Mésopotamie.

Harlez, Des origines du Zoroastrisme.

Zotenberg, Mémoire sur la chronique byzantine de Jean, évêque de
Nikiou (fin.).


Rodet, Leçons de calcul d'Aryabhata.

Guyard, Notes de lexicographie assyrienne.

Duval, Notice sur le dialecte de MaCoula.

Basset, Poème de Çabi, en dialecte chelha, texte, transcription et traduction.

Zotenberg, Traduction arabe du traité des corps flottants d'Archimède.


Rapport annuel.


Harlez, des origines du Zoroastrisme.

Feer, Etudes bouddhiques. Le livre des cent légendes.

Huart, La Poèsie réligieuse des Nosairis.


Journal of Roy. Asiatic Society of Gr. Britain and Ireland. N. S. vol. XI. Pt. I. London, Trübner. 8 s.

Thomas, On the position of women in the East in olden time.


Cust, Notice of the Scholars who have contributed to the extension

of our knowledge of the languages of British India during the last thirty years.

Muir, Ancient Arabic Poetry: its genuineness and authenticity. Keene, Note on Manrique's Mission and the Catholics in the time of Shah Jahán.

Childers, On Sandhi in Pali.


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