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ticipated any action on their part; that the matter had been withdrawn, and asked that they make no report. Dr. Becton arose, and said that Dr. Daniel's action was manly; was magnanimous, and greatly to be commended. He agreed with Dr. Daniel that the matter was now out of the hands of the Council, and that as Dr. Daniel had resigned in the interest of harmony, he thought it very unwise to permit the council to make any report whatever. In either event-whether they sustain him in his claim of two more years [which was now withdrawn], or the reverse, a report would be a fire-brand, which would effectually defeat the object of his magnanimous withdrawal.

The President held that now that all personalities had been eliminated from the subject, the Council should report and forever put at rest the question, whether in similar cases the Secretary has to serve five years, or only the unexpired term of his predecessor.

At the further request of the ex-Secretary and Dr. Becton, the President conceded the point, and the matter was dropped.

Dr. J. D. Osborn, Chairman of the Committee on the President's recommendations, presented the following report:


"Your Committee on the President's Message, would respectfully recommend as to his suggestions as to Art. V. of the By-Laws: 1st. Total abolition of all per capita tax upon members of County Societies, and that the representation from each County Society be the same as now, and each delegate elected by said County Society must present his credentials and become a member of the State Association, if not already one, by the payment of his initiation fee ($5), as prescribed by the Constitution; and we would further suggest that the Constitution and By-Laws be so amended as to include District Medical Society's representation on

same basis. Upon complying with these recommendations, the delegate becomes a member of the Association, and is entitled to all its benefits and privileges; and further, the delegate representing a society shall furnish to the Secretary of this Association a roster of his society, which shall appear in the Transactions, under the head of 'District and County Societies.'

"We cordially endorse all of that part of the President's message in reference to a State Board of Health, and recommend that it be incumbent on the President to appoint said committee; and we would recommend that the committee be also authorized to secure the passage of a satisfactory law regulating the practice of medicine, and in case of failure to do the same, they can at least secure the repeal of the present law, creating District Examining Boards, and to secure the passage of a law allowing none to practice medicine except those who are graduates of regular chartered schools. This is in no wise intended to be retrospective, nor to disturb the legal qualification of those already qualified according to existing laws. We would further suggest that in order that our 'full measure of usefulness' be placed upon the firm foundation, and that our financial standing be assured, that the Treasurer of the Association be the the sole guardian of the badges, and issue them to members only who have paid their dues; this being in full accord with the practice of the American Medical Association; and that a copy of the Transactions be sent to those only who have paid their dues. All of which is respectfully submitted for the final consideration of the Association."


J. D. OSBORN, M. D.,


Dr. Ward moved that the report be received and spread upon the minutes as a part of the unfinished business to be taken up at the next meeting.

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Dr. Gilbert moved to refer the report back to the committee with the request to divide it, so that part which can have immediate attention can be acted upon, as there was a part which contemplates a change in the Constitution, and which, he supposed, must lie over one year.

Dr. Osborn explained that the idea of his committee was that the committee proposed in the report, should be appointed and go to work at once.

Dr. T. H. Nott offered the following as a substitute to Dr. Gilbert's motion: "I move that all the report of the committee upon the President's message be adopted except that part related to the contemplated change in the organic law, which shall be received and laid over for the action of the Association at its next regular meeting."

On motion Dr. Nott's substitute was adopted.

Committee on State Board of Health-appointed in accordance with suggestions of Committee on President's Recommendations-Dr. A. M. Douglass, Chairman, Osceola, with discretionary powers to appoint four associates.

The Judicial Council reported favorably upon the applications of forty-eight physicians for membership, as per list published elsewhere, and submitted also the following resolution, which on motion was adopted:

"WHEREAS, The Judicial Council find great difficulty in the thorough investigation of the fitness of applicants for membership in this Association,

"Resolved, That in future every applicant must, without fail, accompany his application with his diploma or other acceptable documentary evidence of graduation."

O. EASTLAND, Secretary.

R. H. HARRISON, Chairman.

At this point the Section on Obstetrics was called. The Chairman, Dr. S. D. Thurston, being absent, Dr. T. J. Wilson was requested to act as Chairman. He appointed Dr. B. Saunders Secretary.

Dr. E. J. Ward read a paper entitled, "Is Dentition a

Factor in Infantile Disease?" Paper received and referred to Publishing Committee.

Dr. Q. C. Smith came forward and exhibited some obstetric instruments which he had devised or modified, and explained his method of operating, especially in case of placenta prævia.

Dr. West said it reminded him of a man who had an improved speculum which could be used at will, either as a speculum or as a tongue-depressor; and asked Dr. Smith to point out more specifically the advantages in his method in placenta prævia, which he did. This led to a discussion of placenta prævia.

Dr. Carhart read a paper on the necessity of special study on the part of the general practitioner. Received and referred as usual.

A paper by Dr. W. T. Evans, on "Ante-Partem Hemorrhage, was read by title and referred.

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Adjourned to 2 p. m.


WEDNESDAY, April 23.

Section on Surgery and Anatomy called. Dr. W. L. York, Chairman, presiding. Dr. W. B. West, Secretary. Dr. York read his address in surgery. Referred; as were also the following papers, read by the authors: By Dr. H. L. Fountain, "Five Cases Cranial Surgery." By Dr. B. F. Brittain, a paper on "Hemorrhoides." By Dr. W. M. Powell, report of a case of "Compound Comminuted Fracture of Leg with Gangrene."

Dr. W. B. West exhibited a child suffering from spondylitis, on which he was using a Sayres' jacket and jury-mast, and in which there had been great improvement.

Dr. Gilchrist brought forward a patient with an ulcerat

ing disease of the neck, which he supposed to be epithelioma, and asked for an opinion by the physicians' present. Dr. Nott related the history of a case occurring in his practice. No discussion.

Dr. B. F. Brittain submitted a paper giving an account of removal of a carcinomatous breast. Read by title and referred.

Dr. Q. C. Smith exhibited some rectal instruments of his own invention, and described his method in hemorrhoides and other affections of the rectum.

Dr. R. H. L. Bibb, of Mexico, related how he had removed a tracheotomy tube from the throat of a patient, in whose trachea it had, by negligence, been left a long time. Exhibited the tube and made some interesting remarks on the case, which, on motion, he was requested to put in writing and send to the Secretary for publication.*

Section closed, and that on State Medicine and Public Hygiene was called. The Chairman, Dr. E. J. Ward, presiding.

Dr. J. L. Cunningham read a paper on "How to Obtain a Board of Health System for Texas." Received and referred to Publishing Committee. No discussion. Section on Gynecology called. Dr. H. K. Leake, Chairman, presiding; Dr. Brooks, Secretary. Dr. Leake read his report or address, which was received and referred as usual, with instructions to publish in the Transactions, and a vote of thanks was tendered the author. This paper elicited an interesting discussion and was much complimented.

Section on Practice recalled. Dr. Ray in the chair. Read by caption and referred a paper on "Malarial Hematuria," by Dr. G. M. Stevens; one by Dr. A. W. Atchison, on "The Best Way to Use the Capsule." Dr. H. A. West

* At the time of going to press the Ms. had not been received.-ED.]

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