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Kraut, herb); das Un'glück, misfortune; der Un'mensch, inhuman man, monster.

5. Ir denotes origin and primitiveness; as-der Ur'sprung, origin (from springen, to spring); der Urheber, the originator; die Ursache, the first cause, cause; die Urkunde, document, deed (from Kunde, news, information).

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form diminutives from concrete nouns; as

der Sohn, son; das Söhn ch e n, little son, dear son, darling son (see § 10a of the Grammar).

die Blume, flower; das Blümchen, floweret.

die Magd, the maid; das Mägd lein, the pretty girl.

§ 47.


forms, from adjectives, names of qualities; as

die Güte, goodness (from gut); die Kälte, cold (from kalt); die Wärme, warmth (from warm); die Höhe, height (from hoch). Some assume a concrete meaning in certain compound nouns; as— die Druckerschwärze, printer's ink (from Drucker, printer, and schwarz, black).

§ 48.

ei, rei (English y, ry)

form, from verbs, names of repeated or continued actions, frequently implying contempt; as

die Bettel e i, beggary; die Heuchel ei, hypocrisy; die Reimer e i, rhyming, the making of bad verses; die Spielerei, childish play, from spielen, to play.

Ei forms also, from names of persons, nouns denoting the business of the person, or the place of residence or occupation of the same; as— die Jägerei, huntsmanship, from der Jäger, huntsman; die Malerei, the art of painting, from der Maler, painter; die Färberei (from der Färber, dyer), dyer's trade, the art of dyeing, dyery, dye-house.

$ 49.

heit and keit (English head, hood)

form (1) from names of persons, nouns denoting a state or condition; as—die Kind he it, childhood; die Mann heit, manhood. Or nouns denoting a community of persons designated by the noun; as die Christen heit (from Christ), Christendom, the community of Christians; die Geistlich keit, the clergy, clergymen as a body, a community (from der Geistliche, the clergyman); die Mensch heit, mankind, the human race (from der Mensch, man, human being).

(2) they form, from adjectives, names of qualities (like e, § 47); as die Klugheit, prudence (from flug); die Dunkelheit, darkness (from dunkel); die Eitel keit, vanity (from eitel). Sometimes these nouns assume a concrete meaning; as—die Kostbarkeit, jewel, trinket (from kostbar, precious); die Flüssigkeit, fluid (from flüffig, fluid, liquid).

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is mostly joined to nouns, and less frequently to adjectives and verbs. It corresponds often to the English ship, and denotes

(1) A prominent quality; as-die Freund s ch af t, friendship (from der Freund, friend); die Meisterschaft, mastership (from der Meister, master).

(2) A community of persons of the same class or calling; as-die Bürgerschaft, corporation, a community of citizens (der Bürger, citizen); die Priesterschaft, priesthood; die Kaufmann‍schaft, the whole body of merchants of a place (Kaufmann, merchant; kaufen, to buy).

(3) It forms collectives; as die Erbschaft, inheritance (erben, to inherit), that is all things inherited taken collectively; die Briefschaften, letters, deeds, documents (that is all letters. taken collectively).

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forms (1) from verbs, names of actions representing the action in its progress; as die Fütter ung, feeding (füttern, to feed); die Belehrung, instruction (belehren, to instruct); and forms(2) names of actions designating the result of the action, or the state resulting from the action; as—die Misch un g, mixture (mischen, to mix. Mischung is a name for the result of the action of mixing); die Erfindung, invention (erfinden, to invent. Erfindung is a name for the result of the action of inventing); die Ordnung, order (ordnen, to arrange. Ordnung, the state resulting from the act of arranging).

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forms, from verbs, adjectives, and primitive nouns, feminine and neuter abstract names for conditions or circumstances; as

die Finster n i ß, darkness; das Verhält n i ß, situation, circumstance. It is also found in some concretes; as

das Gefängniß, prison; das Bild niß, likeness.

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forms, from verbs, neuter nouns, mostly designating a state; as—

das Schick sa l, fate; die Trübsal, affliction.

It is also found in some concretes, as das Scheu sal, monster.

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closely related to sal, forms nouns denoting the product or object of an action; as—

das Räthsel, riddle, enigma, the object of the act of guessing (rathen, to guess); das Häcksel, chopped straw, the product of the act of chopping (hacken, to chop).

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forms, from verbs or adjectives, abstract nouns denoting a quality or condition; as—

der Reich thu m, wealth; der Irrthum, mistake, error (irren, to err). Joined to names of persons it forms nouns denoting a community of persons designated by the noun; as—

das Heiden t hum, heathendom; das Priester thu m, priesthood.

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forms, (a) from female appellations, names of male persons and animals; as - der Wittwer, widower, from die Wittwe, widow; der Taub er, male dove, from die Taube, dove.

(b) from verbs, names of persons, designating the person with respect to the profession or occupation exercised by the same; as-der Schäfer, shepherd, from das Schaf, sheep; der Lehrer, teacher, from lehren, to teach; der Reiter, horseman, from reiten, to ride; der Sänger, singer, from singen, to sing.

(c) from names of countries and places, names of male persons; as-der Engländer, Englishman, from England; der Italien er, Italian, from Italien; der Hamburger, the inhabitant of Hamburgh; der Berliner, the inhabitant of Berlin.

(The name of the people is often a primitive noun, from which the name of the country is derived; as

der Ruffe, the Russian, but Rußland, Russia; der Preuße, the Prussian, but Preußen, Prussia.)

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are used to form names of tools and instruments; as

der Züge I, bridle, from ziehen, to pull, to tug; der Kreisel, top, from der Kreis, circle; der Leuchter, candlestick, from leuchten, to light; der Bohrer, gimlet, from bohren, to bore.

(Many nouns of this class are primitive nouns, see § 39.)

§ 58.

ling (ing) [English ing]

conveys the idea of dependence; as

der Günstling (from Gunst, favour); der Säugling, suckling, baby; der Liebling, darling; der Jüngling, youth, young man.

It also conveys the idea of contempt and of disregard; as— der Weichling, weakling, effeminate man (weich, weak); der Dichterling, poetaster (Dichter, poet).

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forms, from names of male persons and animals, corresponding female appellations; as-.

der Freund, friend;

der Gärtner, gardener;

der Löwe, lion;

der Engländer, Englishman;

die Freundin, lady friend.

die Gärtnerin, gardener's wife.
die Löw in, lioness.

die Engländer in, English lady.

(Nouns ending in e, like der Löwe, drop that e, and then add in to form the female appellation.)

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das Reisich (more correct than Reisig), brush-wood, from das Reis, twig; das Dick ich t, thicket (did, thick).

§ 61.

rich (contraction of er and ich)

serves to form appellations of male persons and animals; as—

der Wüthe rich, tyrant (die Wuth, rage, anger); der Enterich, drake (die Ente, duck).


and, ath, uth, de, end

appear only in a few derivations, and are of rather obscure signification; as

der Heiland, Saviour; die Heim ath, home; die Armuth, poverty; die Freu de, joy; die Jugend, youth, young people.


§ 63. Compound nouns take the gender and declension of the second component, which is always a noun.

The first component may be a noun, an adjective, a numeral, a verb, the pronoun Selbst, self, or a particle; as

der Hausvater, house-father; der Edelmuth, generosity; die Viertelstunde, quarter of an hour; der Eßtisch, dining-table; die Selbstliebe, self-love; das Hinterhaus, back-house.

The two components are sometimes connected by one of the terminations e, I, n, s, of which n and 8 are originally the sign of the genitive;


das Tag-e-werk, day's work; die Heide-l-beere, bilberry; der Sonne-n-schein, sunshine; der Geburt-s-tag, birthday.

The first component generally takes the principal accent; asder Schreib'tisch, writing-desk; die Selbst liebe, self-love; das Gar'tenhaus, garden-house.

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