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§ 110.

4. Compound Separable Particles.

They are treated like simple separable particles.

List of Compound Separable Particles with Verbs.

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herab (down, towards you) hinab' (down, from you)

an' (on, towards you)
herauf (up, towards you)
hinauf' (up, from you)

aus (out, towards you)
hinaus (out, from you)
herein' (in, towards you)
hinein' (in, from you)
herü'ber (over, towards you)
hinüber (over, from you)

herun'ter (down, towards you)

hinun'ter (down, from you)
herbei' (hither, near you)

herzu' (towards you)

herum' (about)

hervor (forth, out)

intan (behind, after)

hinweg' (away)

hinzu' (to, towards, in addition)

überein' (over, to accordance) umber (around, about)

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voran' (before, in front)

voran stehen

to stand in front


to stand

voraus (before, into the future)

voraus sehen

to foresee


to see

vorher' (before, beforehand)

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§ 111. The components of the following verbs used formerly to be written in the infinitive form as two separate words, but they are now written all in one. They are, however, still treated as separable in their conjugation.


fehl'schlagen, to fail.

frei'sprechen, to acquit. gleich'kommen, to equal. heim'kehren, to return home. stillschweigen, to be silent. statt finden, to take place.


ich schlage fehl'.
ich spreche frei'.
ich komme gleich'.
ich kehre he im'.
ich schweige still'.
ich finde stat t'.

Past Participle. fehl'geschlagen.

frei'gesprochen. gleich'gekommen. he i m'gekehrt. still'geschwiegen.

stat t'gefunden.

5. Prefixes both Separable and Inseparable.

§ 112. Except wieder (adverb), all the following prefixes are prepositions. Separable the prefix is accented. Inseparable the prefix is unaccented.

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THE ADVERB (Das Umstands- oder Nebenwort).

§ 113. Adverbs denote: (1) Place, (2) Time, (3) Manner, (4) Order, (5) Motion, (6) Relation, (7) Comparison, (8) Number, (9) Quality, (10) Quantity, (11) Affirmation, (12) Interrogation, (13) Negation, (14) Doubt.

§ 114. Most adjectives may be used as adverbs without any change at all; as-gut, well; schön, beautifully; vortrefflich, excellently.

§ 115. Adverbs are formed from adjectives, substantives, and verbs by the terminations haft and lich (see App. § 66); as-wahrhaft, truly, from wahr, true; wörtlich, literally, from das Wort, word; begreiflich, conceivable, from begreifen, to conceive.

§ 116. The comparison of adverbs is formed in the same way as that of adjectives (see §§ 46-56). The relative superlative is formed by placing am before the superlative form of the adjective, which takes the dative termination en, like the predicative form of adjectives (see § 54).


Karl hat es gut gemacht, Ludwig hat es besser gemacht, und Mar am besten.

Charles has done it well, Louis has done it better, and Max best of all.

As superlative of eminence we use either the superlative of the adjective in its unaltered form, as-eiligst, very hastily, from eilig, hastily; or we add to the superlative form of the adjective the termination ens, as-schönsten 8, most beautifully; or by placing aufs (contraction of auf das) before the neuter form of the superlative of the adjective; as— aufs schönste, in the best, the most beautiful way.

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