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The Harvard Theological Review has been partially endowed by a bequest of the late Miss Mildred Everett, “for the establishment and maintenance of an undenominational theological review, to be edited under the direction of the Faculty of the Divinity School of Harvard University. . . . I make this provision in order to carry out a plan suggested by my late father, the Rev. Charles Carroll Everett." During the continuance of The New World, Dr. Everett was on its editorial board, and many of his essays, now collected in the volume entitled Essays, Theological and Literary, appeared first in its pages. Sharing his belief in the value of such a theological review, and in devotion to his honored memory, the Faculty of the Harvard Divinity School, of which he was a member from 1869, and its Dean from 1878 until his death in 1900, has accepted the trust, and will strive to make the Review a worthy memorial of his comprehensive thought and catholic spirit.

The Review is edited by a Committee of the Faculty of the Harvard Divinity School consisting of Professors G. F. Moore, W. W. Fenn, and J:: H. Ropes.

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