the history of which is most interesting, and the capitals of which may, with a bit of oriental hyperbole, be termed eternal cities. One of these cities is Pataliputra and the other is Tosali. The date of the foundation of Pataliputra is well known. Its position during the Maurya and the Gupta periods is well known. But there are periods in its continuous history which are absolutely blank. Thanks to Sir Edward some of these blanks have been filled up during the first four years of the existence of his Society. But still there are others which require study and investigation. The same is the case with Tosali. It existed before the conquest of Kalinga by the Magadha kings in the early part of the fifth century B.C. It regained independence, and again fell a prey to Magadha ambition, and again secured independence. From the eighth to the eleventh century four dynasties reigned there, namely, the Somavansis, the Kesaris, the Ganges, the Gajapatis Last came the Telengas from whose feeble hand it was wrested by the Muhammadans. There are, however, gaps in its continuous history, and efforts should be made to fill them up. If His Honour so thinks he may appoint a number of scholars to prepare a note of what is known, so that people may concentrate their attention to what is not yet known. This will give a new impetus and is likely to stimulate patriotic study. : With these words I resume my seat, thanking His Honour for all that he has done and for all that may be expected of him. B. &O.G P. (M. & P.) No. 16-11-4-1919. Frazer, Sir James G., D.C.L., LI..D., 1916 Professor of Social Anthropolo LITT. D. gy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool. Grierson, Sir George, K.C.I.E., 1916 Rathfomham, Camberley, PH.D., D. LITT., 1.C.S. (retired). Surrey, England. Huddon, Alfred C., M.A., S.CD., 1916 3, Cranmer Road, Cambridge. F.R.S. Ridgeway, William, M.A, S.C.D., 1916 Professor of Archeology and F.B.A., LL.D., LITT. D. Braveton Reader in Cla-sics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. St. John College, Cambridge. Smith, Vincent A., C.I.E., Μ.Α. 1916 116, Banbury Road, Oxford. I.C.S. (retired). 8 Thomas, F. W., M.A., HON. PH. г. 1916 Iudia Office Library, London. F.R.S. Ordinary Members. No. Name of Member. Year of electon. Address. Aas, Syed Abul ... 1916 Zamindar and Hony. Magistrate, Moradpur, Patna. Ahmad, Khan Bahadur Kazi Far- 1916 Sultan Manzil, Gaya. zand-i Nawab Saiyid Nasiruddin 1915 Bihar (Patna). Naidu St., Mylapore, Madras. drum, Travancore. Aiyangar, Rao Sahib S. Krish- 1916 Rao Bahadur K. V. 1915 Maharaja's College, Trivan. Alam, Saiyid Muhammad Mahbub 1913 Panjora, Gaya. Bhattacharyya, Brindaban Chandra, 1917 Rangpur College, Rangpur. |