VOL. V. THE JOURNAL OF THE Printed by the Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa Price Rs. 5 (Issued on the 1st September 1919.) JOURNAL OF THE BIHAR AND ORISSA RESEARCH SOCIETY, September 1919. CONTENTS, Leading Articles. PAGE I. Contributions of Bengal to Hindu Civilization, by Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasad Shastri, M.A., C.I.E. II. The Story of a Cotton Printed Fabric from Orissa [with 307-324 325-330 plates, by O. C. Gangoly. III. Rajgir Jain Inscription, by P. C. Nahar, M.A., B.L.... 331-343 IV. Maharaja Kalyan Singh's Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh, by 344-363 Khan Bahadur Sarfaraz Husain Khan. V. The Social Organization of the Pabri Bhuiyas with 364-381 plate), by Rai Bahadur S. C. Roy, M.A. VI. Weaver Castes and Sub-Castes in Ranchi, by Rai Sahib 382-401 C. L. Roy, B.Α. Miscellaneous Contributions. VII. Saisunaka Statues, by B. C. Bhattacharya, M.A. 402-404 ... 405-406 by J. N. Samaddar, B.A. IX. The Agharias of Sambalpur, by M. N. Sen, B.A. X. Obituary Notice: DR. ANDREW CAMPBELL, D.D. XI. Proceedings of the Council Meeting of the 8th August 413-415 1919. XII. Proceedings of a General Meeting of the 8th August The First Contribution. Taming and Treatment of Elephants. When the Vedic Aryans came to India they did not know the elephant, for this animal is not found in the north-western parts of the country. In the Rg-Veda, which constitutes the most ancient literary record of the Aryans, the word "Hastin" occurs in five places only, in three of which Sayanācārya interprets it to mean "हस्तयुक्ता ऋ त्विजः पादयुक्ता ऋत्विजोवा " " priests with hands. " According to the same authority the word as used in the remaining two places means a big graminivorous animal, perhaps an enormous deer. (1) महिषासो मायिनच्चित्रभानवो |