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in a better state now than when the British parliament first formed, and one of the ablest men it has had to boast of sanctioned, the system under which they have acted for three years past. Could they continue their services with satisfaction to their own feelings, credit to themselves, and service to their king and country, they would persevere in giving up their time, attention, and those pecuniary demands their respective situations require: but from the pressure of the debt the corps labour under, it is impossible. The times require the exertions of all ranks of men, and England demands "every man to do his duty;" but that does not imply that one individual is to make greater sacrifices than another, where all should unite. The Louth volunteer infantry has hitherto done its duty equal with most corps in the kingdom. Should the members, therefore, from necessity, be obliged to withdraw their services, they will have some consolation in the reflection, that their merit as volunteers stands unimpeached; that they can offer themselves a three years' example to be improved upon; can leave their situations to be replaced by those who have hitherto done nothing, and who not only have not exerted themselves personally, but in some instances smiled with contempt at the exertions of others. This corps was amongst the foremost to associate in the common cause, to avert the greatest of all evils; and, if the then existing executive government can be credited, the volunteers of Great Britain have largely contributed to prevent the dangers which appeared to hang over the nation, ready to reduce it to a state similar to that of which the continent at

this moment exhibits a miserable example :

Resolved unanimously, That the corps, unless relieved from its present embarrassments, cannot longer continue associated with credit to itself. That the corps has completed three years of service, and is ready to continue those services, if properly supported: but, failing of that support, the members consider themselves as justifiable in laying down their arms, when no longer looked upon as useful or necessary, and whilst they are entitled to some credit, they hope, for their steady adherence to the system under which they enrolled, and their attention to military discipline. That the corps continue its services till the 24th of December, 1806; before which time a hope is entertained that the public may come forward, and thereby prevent the painful necessity of terminating its services at that period. That the corps be called together; the motives that have influenced the conduct of their officers in this instance, and the absolute necessity of firmly adhering to the above resolutions, be laid before them, and fully explained, in order to prevent any future debt being incurred, and further disgrace attacking itself in consequence to the corps.

That the thanks of this meeting be given to lieutenantcolonel Clarke, commandant, for his unremitting attention to the discipline and internal management of the corps since its first formation, and for his ready assistance in carrying into effect the object of this meeting.

(Signed by all the officers.) Before the corps left the field, on having the resolutions entered into by their officers read to them, the privates

privates subscribed 7s. each, rather offices:-Churchwarden, overseer,

than the corps should be dismissed. The officers are determined to encourage so laudable a spirit in the men; and, we trust, their liberal intentions will be generously seconded by the public.

19th. At Guildhall, Edward Wright, alias My Hearty, between 70 and 80 years of age, was charged with stealing a piece of silk handkerchiefs, out of a shop in Barbican, and fully committed. The excuse he made was, that he wanted a shirt. He, is a very old offender, having been tried more than 70 times, at the different sessions. He has been upwards of 50 times publickly whipped, and was once capitally convicted.

A meeting of the Sierra Leone Company took place lately at the new London tavern, in Cheapside, Mr. Thornton in the chair; when the honourable gentleman read a report of the state of the company. It concluded with observing, that, in consequence of one of the objects for which the company had been formed, viz. the abolition of the slave trade, being in a fair train of being accomplished, the company being considerably in debt, and the expences unavoidably increasing, the governors recommended the giving up the colony to government. Mr. Thornton has attended a committce of the privy council, and made an offer of the company's charter. He received for answer, that the offer should be laid before his majesty. It is supposed some difficulty will arise, on account of the company wishing to retain some power in the colony, although they give up the charter.

At a village in Norfolk, we are told, a person fills the following

parish-clerk, sexton, constable, surveyor of the high ways, assessor of the land tax and assessed taxes, and of the property-tax, collector of the same, and bailiff of the manor.This man has not been selected to discharge these important duties either for his personal qualifications, or for the extent of his property, as he unfortunately has but one arm; and, though the only tradesman in the parish, is a pauper, and receives relief.

A HINT.-Those who send game to the metropolis, by coaches, &c, are recommended in all cases to send letters of advice, and likewise to put some distinguishing mark on the game, to prevent its being changed.

Her royal highness the princess Elizabeth has designed and etched a series of 24 plates, representing the progress of genius. They display great taste and fancy, and are intended as presents for the select and particular friends of her royal high


ELECTION REPARTEE.-One of the orators before the hustings at Covent garden lately roared out to Mr. Whitbread, "If your porter were as strong as your assurance, it would do astonishingly well."" But," replied Mr. Whitbread, "if it were as strong as your impudence, I could not live by it!”

Mr. Curwen, in his address to the electors of Carlisle, defined a whig in these words:-"He should entertain a constitutional jealousy of the executive government; his eye should be steadily fixed upon ministers, and his ear turned to the people."

24th. A seaman named Wells, who was active in the murder of


the captain, surgeon, &c. of the Hermione frigate, was executed on board the Salvador del Mundo, off Plymouth.

About six o'clock, this morning, the debtor's confined in Newgate were alarmed by hearing something fall into the yard, and afterwards a faint groaning, as if from a person in distress. On alarm being given, Storer, a turnkey, went into the debtors' yard, where he discovered two men, who had been employed to watch at the top of the gaol during Sunday night, in a situation too skocking to describe. One of them, of the name of William Lee, had fallen upon an iron ball, which had taken off the top part of his skull, and dashed his brains out, which were scattered upon the pave. ment; the other, of the name of Robert Simpson, had, if possible, suffered a still more shocking death, for he had fallen upon some iron spikes, one of which entered in the thick part of his thigh, and penetrated a considerable way into his body! Medical assistance was called; but it proved useless, as neither of them could have existed many moments after their fall. only possible way of accounting for this melancholy accident is, that there is a small division at the top of the gaol, which they had to cross, and Simpson, the constant watch man, and who has been watchman at Newgate ever since it was built, had that night unfortunately left his lanthorn at home; and it is supposed that, in going round the gaol, they must have forgotten this division, and their miserable death was the consequence. The coroner's jury sat on their bodies, and returned a verdict of Accidentally killed.


26th. This morning the following

convicts were executed before the debtors' door at Newgate: viz. Charles Louis Languis, Joseph Westwood, and Alexander Mackenzie, for forgery; J. Beasley, for returning from transportation before his time had expired; and James Vaughan, (a watchman of Marybone,) for representing himself as next of kin to corporal Leason, deceased, for the purpose of fraudu lently obtaining prize money.

28th. In consequence of some language used by sir Francis Burdett, on the hustings, at Brentford, in speaking of Mr. Redhead Yorke, the latter sent, last night, a letter to the baronet on the subject; and it being apprehended by their respec tive friends that a duel would be the consequence, Mr. Yorke was this day arrested, and obliged to find bail to keep the peace; and we understand that sir Francis was obliged to give similar security.

An attorney, named Dance, was brought up for judgment in the court of king's-bench, he having libelled a Jew baronet, sir Manasseh Lopez, and was ordered to be imprisoned twelve months in Newgate, and to be struck off the roll of attornies,

29th. A subaltern officer was sued for finery, supplied to his wife, by a milliner, in his absence; the lady, at the same time, living in a state of open prostitution with other men. The cause was tried in the court of king's bench; when the judge and jury would neither admit the articles supplied to be necessaries, nor that a subaltern officer, under such circumstances, should pay 1467. 13s. 3d. to support his wife in a state of abandoned profli, gacy. This was evinced by a verdiet being given for the defendant. DECEMBER.



Ist. This morning, about eight, a bear, belonging to Mr. Bradbury, clown at the Circus, got loose in the yard adjoining the theatre, and immediately seized a fine boy, son of a Mr. Wilson who keeps the billiard rooms close by. The boy was much hurt; but is recovered. The animal, which had been considered as altogether harmless, had become ferocious from hunger, which impelled him to tear up the stake to which he was fastened. The bear's throat was cut.

5th. John Andrew Nardi, and Sebastian Grandi, were indicted at the Old Bailey, for the wilful murder of William Broad, on the 5th of November last. The two pri soners were Italians, one a feather maker, and the other a preparer of colours. They had gone out fantastically dressed, in the evening of the 5th, during the Westminser election, and at length got a mob around them in Long Acre. Nardi being provoked, and hard-pressed, drew a knife, and cut the deceased, who had assaulted him, in the arm; the repeated bleeding of which occasioned his death, in St. Bartholomew's hospital. Upon the whole of the evidence it appeared that the prisoners had been more sinned against than sinning. The jury found them both not guilty, but that Nardi was insane. The court ordered him to be kept in prison until his majesty's pleasure should be known, under the provisions of a late act of parliament.

At the Queen-square office, eight boys, the oldest not 15 years of age, part of a gang of 50, were examined for stealing a great number of arti

cles of brass, iron, lead, &c. A constable stated, that a woman of the name of Davison, in Swan-yard, Drury-lane, kept a lodging-house for the reception of such boys, without any other accommodation than straw to lie upon. Such of them as brought home no stolen property, were turned out of doors. A woman of the name of Horn, in Short's Gardens, Drury-lane, used to buy the stolen goods from Davison, which she re-sold to a man of the name of Fisher, in St. Giles's. These three persons are in custody. While the constable, with two other officers, were in the shop of Fisher, a bricklayer's labourer entered, offered three pieces of lead for sale to one of the officers, conceiving him to be the master of the shop, and told where he had filched them; when he was likewise taken into custody. The boys are to be sent to the Marine Society.

In the court of king's bench, a man of the name of Rich was indicted, at the instance of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, for circulating and vending indecent prints. He was found guilty on the clearest evidence. All good men will join in supporting them, whilst they keep to their proper line of duty and activity.

13th. Last night the neighbourhood. of Plymouth experienced a severe tempest. It was with great difficulty the mail and other coaches proceeded, as the horses refused to face the storm on Haldown Heath, and often re trograded for some distance, ere they could be controlled. A small vessel, laden with tobacco and wine, drove from her anchors in harbour, and was lost, with every one on board.

14th. A few day's since a respect


able farmer, of Rowfant, Sussex, on his return from shooting, proceeded to draw the charge; and, having returned to his pouch such of the shot as came easily out, pursued the practice common in such cases, of knocking the butt end of his gun against the cieling, in order to dislodge the rest, whilst his right hand was employed at the muzzle to catch them. By this the cock was forced down, the powder discharged, and the hand dreadfully lacerated. A surgeon extracted a portion of felt from the wound; but some fragments remaining, they brought on a mortification. The unfortunate man refusing to submit to amputation, expired under great agony, leaving a widow and six children.

This night, about half past seven, a fire broke out in the elaboratory of Mr. Maud, in St. Paul's-alley, Hare,court, Aldersgate-street. The conflagration was dreadful,

The flames spread with the greatest rapidity, and the poor unfortunate inhabitants who lived adjoining, had scarcely time to save even their lives. Their furniture and other effects are completely destroyed. The whole of Paul's-alley, up to Barbican, in three quarters of an hour became a heap of ruins.

15th. Owing to the wet and tempestuous state of the weather, the Cliff to the east of Brighton, between the Steine and the Crescent, has been undermined by the tide, and a great piece of it fell down this day. The road to Rottingdean is completely severed. Ten unfinished houses were blown down.

16th. A correspondence has taken place between the deputy high bailiff of Westminster, and Mr. Paull, in which the latter refuses to pay any part of the expences incurred by the

high bailiff, in taking the poll at the late election,, except his proportion for erecting the hustings.

17th. Mr. William Ludlam, with whom the philanthropic annuity plan originated, called a meeting this day at the London Tavern, and, on being opposed by some of the stock-holders, he grew outrageous, and proposed to such of the gentle. men as were dissatisfied with his management, to purchase their shares at a guinea premium. Many of them acceded to the proposal. As soon as the proceedings were over, he ordered dinner for himself and his clerk, in the front parlour ; and, on the waiter bringing in a dish of mutton chops, he threw them at him, and before he could quit the room, discharged at him the rest of the dishes, with their contents, besides a decanter, and the wine it contained. One of the dishes perforated a valuable painting in the room. On the waiter turning round, he saw a horse pistal presented at him, and, before he could utter a word, Mr. L. snapped it at him, but no powder being in the pan, the pistol missed fire. These outrageous proceedings alarmed the whole tavern, and no person could be found to enter the room. Mr. L. kept ringing the bell violently, but to no purpose. At length Mr. Peacock, one of the masters of the tavern, entered the room, when Mr. L. after making him drink a glass of wine, got between him and the door, and, snatching up two pistols, threatened to shoot him dead if he stirred. The lord-mayor, who was dining at the tavern with a select party, made out a warrant for his apprehension; but Mr. L. by this time aware that measures were tak ing to seize him, sent his clerk to

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