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Baden, his cabinet minister the baron of Reitzenstein; his imperial highness the duke of Berg, baron Von Schele; the landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt, his ambassador extraordinary, baron Von Pappenheim; the princes of Nassau-Weil. burg, and Usingen, baron Von Gagern; the princes of HohenzollernHechingen, and Siegmaringen, major Von Fischer; the prince of Isenburg, Birstein, his privy counsellor, M. Von Grentze; the duke of Ahremberg, and the count of Leyen, Mr. Durand St. André; who have agreed upon the following articles. Art. I. The states of the contract. ing princes (enumerated as in the preamble,) shall be for ever separated from the Germanic body, and united, by a particular confederation, under the designation of "the confederated states of the empire." Art. II. All the laws of the empire, by which they have been hitherto bound, shall be in future null and without force, with the exception of the statutes relative to debts determined in the recess of the deputation of 1803, and in the pa. ragraph upon the navigation, to be funded upon the shipping tolls, which statutes shall remain in full vigour and execution.

Art. III. Each of the contract ing princes renounces such of his titles as refer to his connection with the German empire, and they will, on the first of August, declare their entire separation from it.

Art. IV. The elector arch-chancellor shall take the title of prince primate and most eminent highness (given in French, altesse eminentissime) which title shall convey no prerogative derogatory to the entire Sovereignty which every one of the contracting princes shall enjoy.·

Art. V. The elector of Baden, the duke of Berg, and the landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt shall take the title of grand dukes, and enjoy the rights, honours, and prerogatives belonging to the kingly dignity. Their rank and precedence shall be in the same order as they are mentioned in Art. I. The chief of the Houses of Nassau shall take the title of duke, and the count of Leyen that of prince.

Art. VI. The affairs of the confederation shall be discussed in a congress of the union (Diéte) whose place of sitting shall be in Frankfort, and the congress shall be divided into two colleges, the kings and the princes.

Art. VII. The members of the league must be independent of every foreign power. They cannot, in any wise, enter into any other service, but that of the states of the confederation and its allies. Those who have been hitherto in the service of a foreign power, and chuse to adhere to it, shall abdicate their principality in favour of one of their children.

Art. VIII. Should any of the said princes be disposed to alienate the whole or any part of his sovereignty, he can only do it in favour of the confederates.

Art. IX. All disputes which may arise among the members of the league shall be settled in the assembly at Frankfort.

Art. X. In this the prince primate shail preside, and when it shall happen that the two colleges have to deliberate upon any subject, he shall then preside in the college of kings, and the duke of Nassau in that of the princes.

Art. XI. The time when the con. gress of the league, or either of the 3 G 2 colleges

colleges, shall have particularly to assemble, the manner of the convocation, the subjects upon which they may have to deliberate, the manner of forming their conclusions, and putting them in execution, shall be determined in a fundamental statute, which the prince primate shall give in proposition, within a month after the notification presented at Ratisbon. This statute shall be approved of by the confederated states; this statute shall also regulate the respective rank of the members of the college of princes.

Art. XII. The emperor shall be proclaimed protector of the confederation. On the demise of the primate he shall, in such quality, as often name the successor.

Art. XIII. His majesty the king of Bavaria cedes to the king of Wirtemberg the lordship of Wiesensteig, and renounces the rights which he might have upon Weiblin. gen, on account of Burgau.

Art. XIV. His majesty the king of Wirtemberg makes over to the grand duke of Berg the county of Bonndorff, Breunlingen, and Villingen, the part of the territory of the latter city, which lies on the right bank of the Brigoetz, and the city of Tuttlingen, with the manor of the same name belonging to it, on the right bank of the Danube.

Art. XV. The grand duke of Baden cedes to the king of Wirtem. berg the city and territory of Biebrach, with their dependencies.

Art. XVI. The duke of Nassau cedes to the grand duke of Berg the city of Deutz and its territory.

Art. XVII. His majesty the king of Bavaria shall unite to his states the city and territory of Nuremberg, and the Teutonic comitials of Rohr and Waldstetten.


His majesty the king of Wirtemberg, shall receive the lordship of Wiesensteig, the city and territory of Bleberach, with their dependencies, the cities of Waldsee and Schettingen, the comi tial lands of Karpfenburg, Laucheim and Alschhausen, with the exception of the lordship of Hohen. feld and the abbey of Weiblingen.


Art. XIX. The grand duke of Baden shall receive the lordship of Bonndorff, the cities of Vreulingen, Villingen, and Tuttlingen, parts of their territory which are given to him in Art. XIV. and along with these the comitials of Bolken and Freyburg.

Art. XX. The grand duke of Berg shall receive the city and territory of Deutz, the city and manor of Koeningswinter and the manor of Wistich, as ceded by the duke of Nassau.

Art. XXI. The grand duke of Darmstadt shall unite to his states the burgraviat of Friedberg, taking to himself the sovereignty only dur ing the lifetime of the present pos sessor, and the whole at his death.

Art. XXII. The prince primate shall take possession of the city of Frankfort on the Maine and its territory, as his sovereign property.

Art. XXIII. The prince of Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen shall receive as his sovereign property the lordships of Aschberg and Hohensels depending on the comitial of Aschhaufen, the convents of Klos terwald and Haltzthal, and the sovereignty over the imperial equestrian estates that lie in his dominions, and in the territory to the north of the Danube, wherever his sovereignty extends, namely, the lordships of Gamerdingen and Hottingen.

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Art. XXIV. The members of the confederation shall exercise all the rights of sovereignty henceforward as follow:-His majesty the king of Bavaria, over the principality of Schwartzenberg, the county of Castell, the lordships of Spein. feld and Wiesenheid, the dependen. cies of the principality of Hohenlohe, which are included in the margraviate of Anspach, and the territory of Rothanburg, namely, the great manors of Schillingsfurst and Kirchberg, the county of Sternstein, the principality of Oettingen, the possessions of the prince of La Tour to the north of the principality of Neuburg, the county of Edelstetten, the possessions of the prince and of the count of Fugger, the burgraviat of Winterreiden; lastly, the lordships of Buxheim and Tannhausen, and over the entire of the highway from Memmingen to Lindau.-His majesty the king of Wirtemberg, over the possessions of the prince and count of Truchess Waldeburg, the counties of Baindt, Egloff Guttenzell, Hechbach, Ysuy, Koenigseek, Aulendorff, Ochsenhausen, Roth, Schussenried and Wiessenau, the lordships of Mietingen and Sunningen, New Ravensburg Thannheim, Warthausen and Weingarten, with exception of the lordship of Hagenau; the possessions of the prince of Thurn, with the exception of those not mentioned above; the lordship of Strassberg and manor of Oztraitz, the lordship of Gundel. singen which his majesty does not possess, all the unalienated possessions of the princess of Hohenlohe, and over a part of the manor formerly belonging to Mentz, Krautbeim on the left bank of the Jaxt. The grand duke of Baden over the principality of Feurstenberg, (with

the exception of the lordships of Gundelsingen and Neussen); also over Trochtelfingen, Jungenau, and the part of the manor of Moeskirch, which lies on the left bank of the Danube, over the lordship of Hagenau, county of Thuingen, Landgraviat Klettgau, manors Neidenau and Billigheim, principality of Liningen, of Liningen, the possessions of Lowenstein Wertheim, upon the left bank of the Maine (with the exception of the county of Lowenstein,) and the lordships of Aaibach, Brennherg, and Habitzheim; and lastly over the possessions of the princes of Salm-Reiferscheid-Krau theim, to the north of the Jaxt. The grand duke of Berg, over the lordships of Limburg Styrum, Brugg, Hardenberg, Gimborn, and Neustadt, Wildenberg; the counties of Homburg, Bentheim, Steinfort, and Horstman, the possessions of the duke of Looz, the counties of Siegen, Dillenburg (the manors of Werheim and Burgoch excepted,) over Stadamar, the lordships Westerburg, Schadeek, and Beilstein, and the property so called, part of Runkelt on the right bank of the Lahn. In order to establish a communication between Cleves and the abovenamed possessions, the grand duke shall have a free passage through the states of the prince of Salm.-His highness the grand duke of Darmstadt, over the lordships of Brenberg, Haibach, the manor of Habizheim, county of Erbach, lordship of Illenstadt, a part of the county of Konigsheim, which is possessed by the prince of Stolberb Gederu; over the possessions of the baron of Redesel, that are included in, or lie contiguous to, his states, namely, the jurisdictions of Lauserhach, Stockhausen, Mort, and 3 G 3 Truenstern,

Truenstern, the possessions of the princes and counts of Solms, in Wetterau, exclusive of the manors of Hohen-Solms, Braunsels, and Greifenstein; lastly, the counties Wittgenstein and Berleburg, and the manor of Hessen-Homburg, which is in possession of the line of that name. His most serene eminence (Durchlauchtige eminez) the prince primate, over the possessions of the princes and counts of Lowenstein-Wertheim, on the right bank of the Maine, and over the county of Rheineck. Nassau Usingen and Nassau Weilburg, over the manors of Diersdorf, Altenweid, Neursburg, and the part of the county of Bassenburg, which belongs to the prince of Wied Runkel, over the counties of Nouwied and Holzapsel, the lordship of Schomburg, the county of Diez and its dependen. cies, over that part of the village of Metzfelden, which appertains to the prince of Nassau Fulda, the manors of Werhem and Balbach, that part of the lordship of Runkel, situate on the left bank of the Dalur, over the equestrian possessions of Kransberg, and, lastly, over the manors of Solms Braunfels, Hohen Solms, and Greifenstein.-The prince of Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen over Trochtelfingen, Jungenau, Strasberg, manor Ostrach, and the part of the lordship of Moeskirch which lays on the left bank of the Danube. Salm Kyrburg over the lordship of Genmen.-IsenburgBurstein, over the possessions of the count of Isenburgh Budingen, Wechtersbatch, and Mohrholz, without any pretensions on the part of the branch in present possession being urged against him.-Ahremberg over the county of Dulmen.

Art. XXV. The member sof the confederation shall take the sove reignty of the imperial equestrian lands included within their bounda ries. Such of these lands as lie between the states of two of the confederates, shall be with respect to the sovereignty partitioned as exactly as possible between them, that no misunderstanding with re spect to the sovereignty may arise.

Art. XXVI. The rights of sovereignty consist in exercising the legislation, superior jurisdiction, administration of justice, military conscription, or recruiting, and levying taxes.

Art. XXVII. The present reigning princes or counts shall enjoy, as patrimonial or private property, all the domains they at present occupy, as well as all the rights of manor and entail that do not essentially appertain to the sovereignty, viz. right of superior and inferior ad. ministration of justice in common and criminal cases, tenths, patronage, and other rights, with the revenues, therefrom accruing. Their domains and chattels, as far as re lates to the taxes, shall be annexed to the prince of that house nuder whose sovereignty they come, or if no prince of the house be in possession of immoveable property, in that case they shall be put upon an equality with the domains of princes of the most privileged class. These domains cannot be sold or given to any prince out of the confederation, without being first offered to the prince under whose sovereignty they are placed.

Art. XXVIII. In penal cases, the now reigning princes and counts, and their heirs, shall preserve their present privileges of trial. They


shall be tried by their peers. Their fortune shall not in any event be confiscated, but the revenues may, during the life-time of the criminal, be sequestrated.

Art. XXIX. The confederate states shall contribute to the pay ment of the debts of their circle, as well for their old as their new possessions. The debts of the circle of Suabia shall be put to the account of the kings of Bavaria and Wirtemberg, the grand duke of Baden, the princes of Hohenzolleru, Hechingen, and Siegmaringen, the prince of Lichtenstein, and prince of Leven, in proportion to their respective possessions in Suabia.

Art. XXX. The proper debts of a prince or count who falls under the sovereignty of another state shall be defrayed by the said state, conjointly with the now reigning prince,in the proportion of the revenues which that state shall acquire, and of the part which by the present treaty is allotted to attach to the attributes of the present sovereigns. Art. XXXI. The present reigning princes or counts may determine the place of their residence where they will. Where they reside in the dominions of a member or ally of the confederation, or in any of the possessions which the hold out of the territory of the cor ederation, they may draw their ren or capitals without paying any tax whatever upon them.

Art. XXXII. Those persons who hold places in the administra. tion of the countries which hereby come under the sovereignty of the confederates, and who shall not be retained by the new sovereign, shall receive a pension according to the situation they have held.

Art. XXXIII. The members of military or religious orders who shall lose their incomes, or whose common property shall be secularised, shall receive during life a yearly stipend proportioned to their former income, their dignity, and their age, and which shall be secured upon the goods of the revenues, of which they were in the enjoyment.

Art. XXXIV. The confederates renounce reciprocally, for themselves and their posterity, all claims which they might have upon the possessions of other members of the confederation, the eventual right of succession alone excepted, and this only in the event of the family hav ing died out, which now is in possession of the territories, and objects to which such a right might be ad. vanced.

Art. XXXV. Between the emperor of the French and the confe derated states, federatively and in. dividually, there shall be an alliance, by virtue of which every continental war in which one or either parties shall be engaged shall be common to all.

Art. XXXVI. In the event of any foreign or neighbouring power making preparations for war, the contracting parties, in order to prevent surprise, shall, upon the requisition of the minister of one of them at the assembly of the league in Frankfort, arm also. And as the contingent of the allies is subdivided into four parts, the assembly shall decide how many of those shall be called into activity. The armament however, shall only take place upon the invitation of the emperor to each of the contracting parties.

Art. XXXVII. His majesty the king of Bavaria binds himself to 3 G4 fortify

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