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O bone, discipulus Christi vis maximus
esse 47

O felix nimis Illa, & nostrae nobile
Nomen 109

O frontis, lateris, manuùmq; pedùm-
que cruores 26

O Grex, ô nimiùm tanto Pastore
beatus 40

Οικος ὁδ ̓ ἐσ' αὔλη, οὐ μή τεὸς οἶκος,
'Inooû 303

O mihi cur dextram, mater, cur, oro,
sinistram 31

O mighty Nothing! unto thee 78
O mihi qui nunquam nomen non dulce
fuisti 8

O mihi si digito tremat & tremat unica
summo 29

One eye? a thousand rather, and a
thousand more 80

O nigra haec! Quid enim mihi candida
pectora monstrat 315

On the proud bankes of great
Euphrates flood 88

O quàm te miseri ludunt vaga taedia
voti 319

Ωρα σε κεῖνος θῆκεν ἀποφράδι 339
Oro, quis es? legat ista suo Baptista
Magistro 320

O sed nec calcanda tamen: pes im-
probe pergis 59

O te te nimis, & nimis beatum 308
O these wakefull wounds of thine 85
O thou the Span of whose Omni-
potence 365

Οὐδὲν ἐγώ, Λουκᾶ, παρά σου μοι
φάρμακον αἰτῶ 302

Ουρανοῦ ἐκτύπησε βρόμος. πόλεμον
καὶ ἀπειλὲς 302

O ut ego angelicis fiam bona gaudia
termis 305

O vita, tantum lubricus quidam furor

Paenitet Artis 179

Pallas saw Venus arm'd, and streight
she cry'd 130

Parce tuo jam, bruma ferox, ô parce
furori 334

Passenger who e're thou art 142
Paule, nihil metuas. non fert haec
vipera virus 308

Pellitur indè sitis; sed & hinc sitis
altera surgit 49

Penè? quid hoc penè est? Vicinia
saeva salutis 28

Πῆ ταχυεργὸς ἄγει πτέρυγ ̓ ἀστερόεσσαν
ἐρετμὸς 302

Petre, cades, ô, si dubitas: ô fide:
nec ipsum 17

Petre, tua lateam paulisper (Petre)
sub umbra 27

Phaenix alumna mortis 180
Φαίδιμε, μοὶ αὐτὸν μᾶλλόν μοι δείκνυθι
αὐτόν 301

Post tot quae videant, tot quae
miracula tangant 55

Post tot Scribarum (Christe) in te
praelia, tandem 34

Posuit sub istâ (non gravi) caput terrâ

Prende (miser) Christum; & cum
Christo prende salutem 48

Quae, Christe, ambigua haec bifidi
tibi gloria teli est 59

Quae lucis tenebrae? quae nox est
ista diei 32

Quae mella, ô quot, Christe, favos in
carmina fundis 317

Quae secreta meant taciti tibi retia
verbi 315

Quae vehit auratos nubes dulcissima
nimbos 313.

Quàm bene dispositis annus dat cur-
rere festis 21

Quàm tacitis inopina salus illabitur

alis 37

Quando habeat gladium tua, Christe,
tragoedia nullum 52

Quantâ amor ille tuus se cunq leva-
verit alâ 315

Quantumcunque ferox tuus hic (Petre)
fulminat ensis 42

Quas Matthaeus opes, ad Christi
jussa, reliquit 48

Quicquid Amazoniis dedit olim fama
puellis 54

Quicquid spina procax, vel stylo clavus
acuto 27

Quid datis (ah miseri !) saxis nolenti-
bus iras 35

Quid facis? ah! tam perversâ quid
volvitur irâ 337

Quid juvit clausisse fores (bone janitor)
istas 45

Quid mortem objicitis nostro, quid
vinĉla timori 319

Quid non tam foedè saevi maris
audeat ira 317

Quid te, quid jactas alienis fructibus,
arbor 306

Quid tibi vana suos offert mea bulla

tumores 171

Quid volo (Christe) rogas? quippe ah
volo, Christe, videre 38

Qui ferro Petrum cumulas, durissime

custos 21

Quin & tu quoque busta tui Phoenicis
adora 57

Quippe potes pulchrè captare & fallere
pisces 20

Quis deus, O quis erat qui te, mala
faemina, finxit 176

Quis malus appendit de mortis stipite
vitam 313

Quis novus hic refugis incumbit Tan-
talus undis 13

Quisquis es ille tener modò quem tua

mater Achilles 115

Quisquis nectareo serenus aevo 181
Quis Tagus hic, quae Pactoli nova
volvitur unda 44

Quòd fervet tanto circum te, Christe,
tumultu 53

Quorsum hos hîc nummos profers?
quorsum, impie Simon 17

Reach me a quill, pluckt from the
flaming wing 351

Res eadem vario quantum distinguitur

usu 24

Rich Lazarus! richer in those Gems
thy Teares 76

Rise heire of fresh eternity 89
Rise, Royall Sion! rise & sing 248
Rise then, immortall maid! Religion
rise III

Rise, thou best & brightest morning


Saepe Dei verbum sentes cadit inter;
& atrum 24

Saeva fides! voluisse meos tractare
dolores 14

Saeve dolor! potes hoc? oculos quoq
perpluis istos 309

Salve, alme custos Pierii gregis 5
Salve. Jámq; vale. Quid enim quis
pergeret ultrá 9

Sanctorum in tumulis quid vult labor
ille colendis 48

Saxa? illi? quid tam foedi voluêre
furores 40

Scilicet & tellus dubitat tremebun-

da: sed ipsum hoc 41

See here an easie Feast that knows
no wound 73

Seene? and yet hated thee? they did
not see 83

Serta, puer: (quis nunc flores non
praebeat hortus) 131

Shame of thy mother soyle! ill-
nurtur'd tree 347

Shew me himself, himself (bright
Sir) ô show 75

Siccine fraternos fastidis, improbe,
morbos 316

Sic magis in numeros, morituraq
carmina vivit 309

Signa tuis tuus hostis habet contraria
signis 53

Siste te paulum (viator) ubi longum
sisti 132

Sit tibi (Joannes) tibi sit (Jacobe)
quod optas 46

Sive oculos, sive ora vocem tua
vulnera; certè 40

Soe I may gaine thy death, my life
I'le give 343

Sordes ô tibi gratulamur istas 338
Sound forth, coelestiall Organs, lett
heavens quire 355

Spectásne (ah!) placidísque oculis
mea vulnera tractas 18

Spes Diva salve. Diva avidam tuo 327
Spèsne meas tandem ergò mei tenuere
lacerti 24
Squammea vivae 180

Stay, silver-footed Came, strive not
to wed 362

Strange metamorphosis! It was but
now 356

Stulte Cupido 177

Sum pulcher: at nemo tamen me
diligit 375

Suppose he had been tabled at thy
Teates 80

Take these, times tardy truants, sent
by me 175

Tamne ego sim tetricus? valeant
jejunia: vinum 57

Tanqua illi insanus faceret sua ful-
mina ventus 37

Tantum habuit Baptista loqui, tot
flumina rerum 314

Tell me bright boy, tell me my golden
Lad 74

Tempus adest, placidis quo Sol novus
auctior horis 331

Te quaero misera, & quaero: tu nunc
quoque tractas 37

That on her lap she casts her humble
eye 76

The bird, that's fetch't from Phasis
floud 346

The Complin hour comes last, to call

The early Prime blushes to say 219
The modest front of this small floore


The ninth with awfull horror heark-

ened to those groanes 225
These Houres, & that which hover's
o're my End 230

The smiling Morne had newly wak't
the Day 127

The Third hour's deafen'd with the
cry 221

The wakefull Matines hast to sing 217
The world's light shines, shine as it
will 83

They have left thee naked, Lord, O
that they had 85, 244

This reverend shadow cast that setting
Sun 134

Thou cheat'st us Ford, mak'st one
seeme two by Art 143
Though now 'tis neither May nor
June 364

Thou hast the art on't Peter, and
canst tell 84

Thou speak'st the Word (Thy word's
a Law) 78

Thou trim'st a Prophets Tombe, and

dost bequeath 81

Thou water turn'st to wine (faire
friend of life) 78

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Thy God was making hast into thy
roofe 77

Thy hands are wash't, but ô the
water's spilt 75

Τίπτ ̓ ἐπικομπάζεις κενεόν; ξεινῷ δὲ τε
καρπῷ 306

'Tis not the work of force but skill

Tolle oculos, tolle ô tecum (tua sy-
dera) nostros 319

To see both blended in one flood 81
To thee these first fruits of my grow-
ing death 84

To these, whom Death again did wed

To thy Lover 151

Tu Christum, Christum quòd non
negat esse, lacessis 20

Tu contra mundum dux es meus,
optime Jesu 43

Tu fruere; augustóq; sinu caput abde
(quod ô tum 35

Tu mala turba tace, mihi tam mea
vota propinquant 318

Tu matutinos praevertis, sancta, ru-
bores 14

Tune, miser? tu (Mundus ait) mea
fulmina contra 46

Tu piscem si, Christe, velis, venit
ecce, suúmque 42

Tu qui adeò impatiens properâsti
agnoscere Christum 41

Tu quoq dum istius miseri peccata
fateris 316

Tu tuis adsis, Venus alma, sacris 326
Twixt pen and pensill rose a holy

strife 189

Two devills at one blow thou hast
laid flat 80

Two Mites, two drops, yet all her
house and land 73

Two went to pray? ô rather say 77

Ulmum vitis amat (quippe est & in
arbore flāma 39

Unâ penè operâ duplicem tibi Dae-
mona frangis 55

Unda sacras sordes lambit placidis-
sima: flavae 38

Under thy shadow may I lurke a
while 74

Unde rubor vestris, & non sua pur-

pura lymphis 37

Uno oculo? ah centum potiùs mihi,
millia centum 19

Usq etiam nostros Te (Christe) tene-
mus amores 64

Ut cùm delicias leves, loquacem 183
Ut magis in Mundi votis, Aviùmá
querelis 107

Ut pretium facias dono, donare re-
cusas 39

Vadit (Io!) per aperta sui penetralia
coeli 43

Vani, quid strepitis? nam, quamvis
dormiat illa 34

Vescere pane tuo: sed & (hospes)
vescere Christo 46

Vidit? & odit adhuc? Ah, te non
vidit, Jesu 318

Vobis (Judaei) vobis haec volvitur
unda 47

Voce, manuq simul linguae tu, Christe,
ciendae 310
Vox ego sum,
sancte Joannes 21, 311
Vox jam missa suas potuit jam tan-
gere metas 49
Vulnera natorum qui vidit, & ubera
matrum 36

dicis. tu VOX es,

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