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WHIT-MONDAY, June 12th, being a regular holiday among the working classes in England, was appointed by the Chartists for a grand display, and meetings were advertised to be held at various places. In London large preparations were made for preventing any breach of the peace, but the projected meetings were abandoned, and the same occurred in Bristol. In Manchester an open-air meeting was changed to an in-door assembly. In Birmingham about six hundred met out of doors, and about twelve thousand were gathered in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and having been informed by the magistrates that no interruption would be made, if the parties present dispersed quietly, without forming processions, with banners, the meeting passed off without disturbance. Seventeen Chartists charged with rioting and offences against the peace on previous occasions, have been convicted in London, and sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor, for terms varying from two years to three months, according to the nature and extent of their offences.

In Ireland the accounts of the crops, particularly the potato, are highly satisfactory. Emigration continues from that country on a large scale. The formation of clubs in Dublin and throughout the provinces is progressing rapidly: in the former place, there are not less than forty clubs, containing in the aggregate twelve thousand members. The "Repeal Association," and the "Irish Confederation," (the "Young Ireland" party,) are to be dissolved, the members uniting in a body, to be called the "Irish League," of which Repeal is to be the object; but the mode of its attainment, whether by physical or moral force, is to be left to the judgment of each member individually. This amalgamation has not the approval of many moral force men. Mr. John O'Connell, to whom the leadership was bequeathed by his late father, disapproves of the change and refuses to join the new association; part of the Catholic clergy are distrustful and cautious, some declining to commit themselves to the new movement, but the violent partisans and the younger members of that profession have readily given in their adhesion. The "Irish Felon" has made its appearance as a successor to Mitchel's paper; its tone is rabid, but lacks the point which distinguished its forerunner: the writers affix their signatures to the contributions. One of them disapproves of the Repeal leaders' policy, and thinks a blow ought to have been struck at the time of Mitchel's removal: the physical force men have,

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however, postponed insurrection until the harvest shall have been gathered in. Protestant Repeal Associations are forming, but on the other hand the Orangemen are dismissing Repealers from their ranks, and addresses of confidence and loyalty, numerously signed, have been presented to the Lord Lieutenant. A younger brother of Mitchel has arrived at New York, and Meagher, who was some time since tried for sedition, is said to be on his way here. An association with a large capital, for extending and improving the Irish Fisheries, is in progress.

A bill for repealing the obsolete statutes, and other disabilities, affecting Roman Catholics, has been introduced into the House of Commons. Discussions have taken place in both Houses of Parliament, relative to the relations between Great Britain and Spain. The former country having been mainly instrumental in suppressing the civil war in Spain, and placing its present sovereign on the throne, under assurances of the adoption of a more liberal line of policy, Sir Henry Bulwer, the British Minister at Madrid, was instructed by Lord Palmerston to advise the Spanish government against the arbitrary line of policy pursued in that country. Sir Henry Bulwer was forthwith violently attacked in the Ministerial Newspaper at Madrid, and ordered by the government to quit the country, on the grounds, proved to be false, that he had promoted certain outbreaks of the people, and that his person was not safe from popular fury. A special minister was sent to England, where his reception was refused, and the Spanish Ambassador there was provided with a pasport and sent home. All parties in England agree that there was nothing blameable in the conduct of Sir Henry Bulwer, but no hostile measures seem at present probable, and the matter is left in the hands of the British government for adjustment.

At present the great object of European interest is centred in France, where the Socialist doctrines, introduced and fostered by the Provisional Government, have commenced their work, the effect of which it is not possible at present to foresee. On the 3d June, the National Assembly by a small majority refused leave to prosecute Louis Blanc, for participation in the events of the 15th May, on which subject much difference of opinion prevailed in Paris. On the division, Crémieux, Minister of Justice, voted in the majority, in consequence of which M. Portalis, Attorney General of the Republic, and M. Landoin, Advocate General

resigned their offices. The Minister of Justice out much difficulty. On Monday, June 12th, having afterwards stated in the Assembly that the people expected him to take his seat, and he had voted not as a member of the Assembly, large crowds assembled to welcome him. but as a simple representative, the law officers During the sitting of the Chamber, intelligence positively affirmed that he had given the matter was brought that a collision had taken place his previous sanction, and had declared the pro- between the people and the troops, upon which posed prosecution ought to be adopted; and a M. Lamartine rushed to the tribune in great question of veracity arose out of the discussion, excitement, and demanded a decree of promost unfavorable for M. Crémieux, who was scription to be passed against him on the incharged by the reporter of the Committee, to stant; the Assembly hesitated, but passed the which the question had been referred, with measure, after considerable opposition. On the having expressed himself favorably towards following day that body reversed their decision, their decision, recommending the prosecution. and voted to admit him, "provided that he This exposure compelled M. Crémieux to re- proved himself a French citizen." Louis sign his post. Another resignation also took Blanc voted for his admission, possibly from the place about that time. M. Clement Thomas, idea that if any serious tumult arose, he might late a clerk in a newspaper establishment, who be able to turn it to his advantage. In the had been raised to the rank of General and in- following week disturbances took place in the trusted with the command of the National departments, on account of the additional 45 Guard, having in the Assembly designated the per cent. added to the direct taxation by the decoration of the Legion of Honor, as a "gew-Provisional Government; several lives were gaw of vanity," (hochet de la vanité) raised such lost, and martial law was declared in some a storm that, notwithstanding his attempted ex- places. planations, he was obliged to retire. The Minister of Finance produced his budget for 1848: the credits opened to defray the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of the year are stated at 1,680,000,000 fr. and the resources of the state at 1,685,000,000 fr.—about 320 millions of dollars. It appears by this budget that the expenses created by decrees of the Provisional Government, amounted to--Foreign Affairs,

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480,000 6,823,000








Repayments and Restitutions, 31,077,000

On the 19th June, the committee reported the draft of a constitution for the approval of the Assembly. It commences by declaring the "Rights of Man"-guarantees to all citizens, Liberty, Equality, Security, Instruction, Labor, Property, Assistance. "The right of Labor is that which every man has to live by his work. Society must, by the productive and general means of which it disposes, and which will be organized ulteriorly, furnish labor to able men who cannot procure it otherwise." The legislative power is delegated to a single assembly of 750 representatives, including Algeria and the colonies; having population for its basis, and to be re-elected every three years. The President is to hold office for four years, and be elected by universal suffrage, and must have at least two millions of votes. A Vice President, to be nominated by the Assembly, on the presentation of the President. Vice President is to preside over the Council of State, consisting of forty members nominated by the Assembly.


the Assembly, as well as the projects of parliamentary initiative, which the Assembly submits to its examination. It makes the regulation of public administration, and exerts, with respect to departmental and municipal administrations, all the powers of control and of inspection which are deferred to it by law. Its other attributes are to be regulated by the legislative body.

Total, 163,570,119 fr. The Assembly voted 100,000 fr. a month to the Executive Committee-25,000 for their expenses, and 75,000 for secret service. In "The Council of State draws up the prothe recent elections to fill vacancies in the As-jects of laws that the Government proposes to sembly, the name of Louis Napoleon, son of the late King of Holland, best known by his two foolish and abortive attempts at Strasbourg and Bologne, for the latter of which he was confined in the fortress of Ham for six years, was on several electoral lists; and in some of the provinces the peasants carried their ballots in their hats, having in large characters, "L. Napoleon! Vive L'Empereur! A bas la République!" He was returned for Paris and other places; four Napoleon journals were established, and his name was heard in all the assemblies of the lower classes of Paris, who vigorously shouted, "Vive L'Empereur! Vive Louis Napoleon!" The military were called out to disperse the mobs, which was done with

"The President names and revokes the ministers, according to his own will. He names and revokes, in a council of the ministers, the diplomatic agents, the generals and military commanders of land and sea forces, the prefects, the governors of the colonies of Algeria, and of the Bank of France, the procureurs

généraux and other functionaries of a superior | listened to with attention, and he assured them class. He names and revokes the secondary agents of the Government, upon the proposal of one of the ministers.

"He has a right to suspend the agents of the executive power elected by the citizens. The term of this suspension cannot exceed three months. He cannot revoke them without, the consent of the Council of State. The law determines the cases in which the revoked agents can be declared ineligible to the same functions. This declaration of ineligibility can only be pronounced by a jury.

"The property-tax is only imposed for one year. The indirect taxes may be imposed for several years.

"The essential guarantees of the rights of labor are, liberty of labor, voluntary association, equality in the relations between the employer and the workman; gratuitous instruction, education, suitable to each man's position; establishments of prévoyance and credit; the establishment of great works of public utility, and the State destined to employ the men in case of failure of work."

The financial difficulties of the Government are increasing, and a supplementary tariff of tolls was issued, to be levied on articles entering Paris. The feeling in favor of Louis Napoleon increased among the lower classes, and dissatisfaction with the Republic was great and openly expressed, of which the partisans of "Henry V." and Prince de Joinville availed themselves. On the 20th of June, 3,000,000 fr. was voted for the workshops; on the following day 100,000 fr. for the relief of political sufferers under Louis Philippe.

The symptoms of reaction in the public mind, and the evils which arose from the aéliers nationaux, in which upwards of 100,000 men were daily receiving pay, without one tenth part having any employment whatever, became 80 excessive that the government was greatly alarmed. The military were constantly in arms to disperse riotous crowds, and the Assembly was guarded by an immense military force. In this state of affairs, M. Marie, the Minister of Public Works, proposed to draft the men from the national workshops in Paris, in large bodies, to the departments, to be employed there in public works. This measure excited the greatest discontent among those men, and 12,000 who had been ordered to the departments, were advised by their comrades to resist. On Thursday, July 22d, a body of about 400 went in procession to the Luxembourg, demanding to speak to the Executive Committee. M. Marie consented to receive a deputation of five. One of them attempted to make an address, but M. Marie refused to hear him, as he had been one of the insurgents of 15th May, and said, (addressing another,) "You are not the slaves of that man, you can state your own grievances." Their complaints were

the government was occupied with their wants. On returning to their fellows the expression of the Minister was distorted, and it was reported he had termed them "slaves." This was more than those who had been flattered as the people, who had made the Revolution, could submit to. The mob cried out, "A bas Marie !" "A bas la Commission Exécutive!" "A bas l'Assemblée !" They then traversed the streets, their numbers continually increasing, and in the evening, they stationed themselves in various open spaces, which were filled with large and excited masses; barricades were formed, and the government ordered out an immense military force. The following is a condensed account of the frightful outbreak which followed.

On Friday the insurgents-for the movement had assumed all the character of an open insurrection-possessed themselves of all that portion of the right bank of the Seine, stretching from the Faubourg St. Antoine to the river, whilst on the left bank they occupied all that populous portion called the Cité, the Faubourgs St. Marcel, St. Victor, and the lower quarter of St. Jaques. Their communications between the two banks of the river were maintained by the possession of the Church St. Gervais, a part of the quarter of the Temple, the approaches of Notre Dame, and the Bridge St. Michel. They thus occupied a vast portion of the most defensible parts of the city, and actually threatened the Hôtel de Ville, which, if they had succeeded in taking, might have secured the final victory on their side. On that day there were partial conflicts, but the insurgents seemed to be occupied more at fortifying their positions than in actually fighting; whatever successes the Government troops may have had in various quarters, where conflicts took place, as at St. Denis and St. Martin, it now appears that the enthusiastic courage of the insurgents repulsed them, and even beat them in other parts of the city. The Government forces were divided into three divisions; and large masses of troops were brought to bear with artillery upon the positions of the insurgents; but still Friday passed and the insurrection had evidently gathered strength. On Saturday the National Assembly declared itself in permanence, and Paris was placed in a state of siege. The Executive power was delegated absolutely to General Cavaignac; and at half-past ten the members of the Executive Government resigned. Reports poured in every hour to the Assembly; and as the intelligence arrived of the slaughter, the sensation became deep and alarming. Various proclamations were issued by Gen. Cavaignac to induce the insurgents to lay down their arms, but to no effect. The whole of Saturday was employed in desperate fighting on both sides. Except a lull during a frightful

thunder-storm in the afternoon of Friday, the conflicts were without intermission. On Saturday, however, the carnage and battles on the south of the river were horrible. During the whole of Friday night, and until three o'clock on Saturday, the roar of the artillery, and the noise of musketry, were incessant. In this frightful state of things the Assembly betrayed not a little alarm. Deputations from the Assembly were proposed to go and entreat the combatants to cease this fratricidal strife; but all the successive reports proved that the insurgents were bent upon only yielding up the struggle with their lives; and their valor was only surpassed by their desperate resolution. On Saturday night, at eight o'clock, the capital was in an awful state. Fighting continued with unabated fury. Large masses of troops poured in from all the neighboring departments; but still the insurgents, having rendered their positions almost impregnable, resisted, more or less effectually, all the forces which could be brought against them. The "red flag," the banner of the Republique Democratique et Sociale,was hoisted by the insurgents. On the Sunday morning the Government forces had completely succeeded in suppressing the insurrection on the left bank of the river, after a frightful sacrifice of human life; and Gen. Cavaignac gave the insurgents, on the right bank, till ten o'clock to surrender. The heaviest artillery was brought to bear upon them, and little doubt entertained that the insurrection would be put down. The hope thus held out of the termination of the insurrection was not, however, realized. The fighting continued the whole of Sunday, with a fearful loss of life, especially to the National Guards. On Monday the reinforcements Gen. Lamoricière had received from Gen. Cavaignac enabled him to hem in the insurgents in the eastern part of the city; and, although reduced to extremities, they still fought with incredible valor; and it was only after a frightful struggle of about two hours more that the Government troops everywhere prevailed; and the heart of the insurrection being broken, the insurgents were either shot, taken prisoners, or fled into the country, in the direction towards Vincennes. The eastern quarters, comprising the faubourgs St. Antoine, du Temple, Menilmontant, and Pepincourt were the last subdued. The last band took refuge in the celebrated cemetery of Père la Chaise, but the Garde Mobile hunted them even from this sanctuary, and they were scattered in the neighboring fields. On Tuesday the insurrection was definitively quelled.

The loss of life has been terrific. No less than ten general officers have been put hors de combat, a greater loss than in the most splendid engagements of Napoleon. Four or five members of the National Assembly are amongst the killed, and as many more

wounded. But perhaps the most touching death is that of the Archbishop of Paris. The venerable prelate, on Sunday, volunteered to go to the insurgents as a messenger of peace. Cavaignac said that such a step was full of danger, but this Christian pastor persisted. He advanced, attended by his two vicars, towards the barricades, with an olive branch borne before him, when he was ruthlessly shot in his groin, and fell mortally wounded. He was carried to the nearest hospital, where he since died. Some compute the loss on the side of the troops at from five to ten thousand slain. The number of prisoners captured of the insurgents exceeds ten thousand. All the prisons are filled, as well as the dungeons and vaults of the Tuileries, the Louvre, Palais Royal, the Chamber of Deputies, and the Hôtel de Ville. A military commission has already been appointed to try such as were found with arms in their hands; and they will be transported to some transatlantic French colony, a decree having been passed with that object. The savage cruelty with which the insurgents waged war almost exceeds belief. They tortured some of their prisoners, cut off their hands and feet, and inflicted barbarities worthy of savages. The women were hired to poison the wine sold to the soldiers, who drank it, and died. It seems to be believed generally, that if the insurgents had succeeded in following up their most admirably concerted plan of operations, and having advanced their line, and possessed themselves of the Hôtel de Ville, and followed up their successes along the two banks of the river, that the whole city would have been given up to pillage; indeed the words “PILLAGE AND RAPE" are said to have been inscribed on one of their banners. Not less than 30,000 stand of arms have been seized and captured in the faubourg St. Antoine alone.

The insurgents are said to have numbered 100,000, and the troops to have doubled that amount. The loss is variously estimated at from 10 to 25,000. Money to a considerable amount was found on the bodies of the slain, and Armand Marrast, Mayor of Paris, in a proclamation, declared the insurrection to have been the result of foreign intrigue, and other members of the Assembly have reiterated the cry: doubtless, however, the traitors are to be found in Paris alone, and it is not improbable that some members of the Assembly have raised this report, to direct attention from the real instigators, and to screen their own delinquency, even at the hazard of foreign war. On the Sunday a decree was passed postponing until the 5th of July, the payment of commercial bills due 23d June; and another granting a credit of 3,000,000 fr. to be distributed among the indigent population of the department of the Seine. Gen. Cavaignac having resigned the powers with which he was temporarily intrusted, the Assembly passed a decree confiding to

him the entire executive authority, with the title of President of the Council, with power to appoint his own ministry. The 9th and 12th legions of the National Guard have been disarmed and dissolved; the Paris Clubs have been closed, and several newspapers suppressed. Emile Girardin, editor of "La Presse," has been arrested and confined. Ten thousand of the insurgents are said to be captured and in prison, and those charged as chiefs, promoters or instigators, or with having furnished money, arms or ammunition, or committed any act of aggravation, are to be tried by Court Martial. The departments have been generally quiet, but at Marseilles, an émeute of the workmen in the ateliers nationaux broke out, and barricades were formed, but the movement was put down with the loss of about fifty of the National Guard. The people of Paris were at the last accounts engaged in burying their dead, and the Assembly had decreed a grand national ceremony in honor of those who fell in defence of public order and tranquillity. Trade and commerce appear to have entirely ceased.

An insurrection took place in Naples on the 17th May, in which 450 of the troops were killed; and subsequently the city was given up to pillage by the government during several hours. Several magnificent villas and palaces on the sea-shore were reduced to ruins, and horrible atrocities committed. The King, in a proclamation, justified the measure on the ground of necessity. Upwards of 1700 bodies, including the soldiers, were interred on the 17th. The Sicilians dispatched 1500 men to aid in the revolt, who defeated the royal troops sent against them. Advices to June 17th state the situation of the King to be critical, the insurgent provinces having had some successes and refusing to lay down their arms. It is said the King contemplates abdication. The Parliament sitting at Palermo, has published a list of four candidates for the throne of Sicily-a son of the King of Sardinia, the son of the Duke of Tuscany, Louis Napoleon, and the Prince de Beauharnois.

The Pope, having refused to declare war against Austria, was compelled to form a new cabinet of laymen, leaving the question to their uncontrolled decision; and in obedience to the popular demand they made war for his Holiness, and large bodies of troops were forwarded. The Pope has since regained his popularity, and is attempting to negotiate a peace.

In Lombardy the Austrians suffered a defeat at Goito, on the 30th May, on which day they also surrendered Peschiera, where the garrison and the inhabitants had for several weeks suffered the greatest extremities of want; they were in fact almost starved. On the 11th June, the Italians in Vicenza were forced to surrender that place to the Austrians. Charles Albert's head-quarters were at Villa Franca, and he

was expected to attack Verona, but since that period he has maintained rather an unaccountable state of inactivity. Lombardy has agreed to join Piedmont and Sardinia, to form one kingdom under Charles Albert. Venice still holds out for a Republic.

Vienna has been the subject of another outbreak, which led to the Emperor's retiring from his capital. On the 15th May an order was issued for the dissolution of part of the National Guard which was organized for political objects, and formed a nucleus for a physical force party. Dissatisfaction also prevailed respecting the election law, and the students prepared a petition against the constitution, which they proposed to present with a popular demonstration of force. They demanded a withdrawal of the military; that the central committee of the National Guard should not be dissolved; and that the election law should be declared null and void. They were joined by numbers of the lower classes, and the Burgher Guard "fraternized" with them; and their joint demands were ultimately conceded. On the evening of that day the Emperor and family privately quitted the city, and retired to Innspruck. This event created the greatest excitement in Vienna, the inhabitants of which are said to be unanimously in favor of maintaining a constitutional monarchy. Some young men, who took advantage of the confusion to proclaim a Republie, were with difficulty saved from the fury of the people; and a deputation was forthwith dispatched to solicit the Emperor's return, but he declined to come until such time as he should be assured the city had returned to its former allegiance. He was received with great enthusiasm at Innspruck, and numerous addresses from other parts of his dominions have been presented, praying him to transfer his capital from Vienna to some other place. The outbreaks appear to arise from a body of workmen, kept by the State, at an expense of about 8 or 10,000 florins per day. To develop and put in practice the free institutions granted by the Emperor, he has appointed a constituent assembly to meet in Vienna, where he intended to open the proceedings about the 20th June.

Prague, the capital of Bohemia, has been almost reduced to ruins. An insurrection broke out on the 12th June in consequence of Prince Windischgrätz refusing cannon and ammunition to the students. The Princess was killed by a shot fired from a window, notwithstanding which her husband went out to implore the preservation of peace; but the mob seized and were proceeding to hang him, when he was rescued by his troops. Barricades were raised, crowds of peasants arrived to assist the insurgents, and the Prince after some fighting withdrew his troops to the neighboring heights, bombarded the city, and put down the insurrection.

The cholera is increasing in Moscow.

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