Election by Lot at Athens

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The University Press, 1891 - Athens (Greece) - 195 pages

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Page 185 - The Pointed Prayer Book, being the Book of Common Prayer with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches.
Page 191 - Crown 410. js. 6d. A TREATISE ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY, by MM PATTISON MUIR, MA, Fellow and Prelector in Chemistry of Gonville and Caius College.
Page 186 - Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. New Edition, with the marginal references as arranged and revised by DR SCRIVENER.
Page 188 - The Homilies, with Various Readings, and the Quotations from the Fathers given at length in the Original Languages. Edited by GE CORRIE, DD Master of Jesus College. Demy Octavo. •js. 6d. Two Forms of Prayer of the time of Queen Elizabeth. Now First Reprinted. Demy Octavo. 6d. Select Discourses, by JOHN SMITH, late Fellow of Queens
Page 194 - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF JUSTINIAN'S DIGEST. Containing an account of its composition and of the Jurists used or referred to therein. By HENRY JOHN ROBY, MA, formerly Prof, of Jurisprudence, University College, London.
Page 188 - Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ.
Page 193 - FREDERICK M°CoY, FGS One vol., Royal 410. Plates, /i. is. A CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FOSSILS contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by JW SALTER, FGS With a Portrait of PROFESSOR SEDGWICK.
Page 186 - The Missing Fragment of the Latin Translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra, discovered, and edited with an Introduction and Notes, and a facsimile of the MS., by ROBERT L.
Page 8 - Aims of the, and Form Management. Two Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in the Lent Term, 1883, by FW FARRAR, DD and RB POOLE, BD a.
Page 188 - An Analysis of the Exposition of the Creed, written by the Right Rev. Father in God, JOHN PEARSON, DD, late Lord Bishop of Chester. Compiled for the use of the Students of Bishop's College, Calcutta, by WH MILL, DD late Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge.

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