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But these things were also illustrated to the prophet by the worship and services, which the Seraphim presented before the Lord of hosts. The holy angels "excel in strength," and are glorious beyond the conception of mortal men: so that the most eminent saints have been dismayed even at their benign appearance, or tempted to render them divine honours. Yet these exalted spirits appeared in vision, as engaged in adoration of the great JEHOVAH; uniting deep humility with the most exalted praises; and manifesting the fullest conviction, that their spotless services were inex-, pressibly beneath the excellency and greatness of that God whom they worshipped. This view seems to have greatly conduced to throw the prophet's mind into that perturbation which he discovered on the occasion.

Men in general keep each other in countenance, while they rest satisfied with a form of godliness. They go to a place of worship, and to the Lord's table; read or repeat a prayer and a thanksgiving; and please themselves with the idea that they have done their duty: nay, they have scarcely an idea of a more spiritual worship! But when their attention is directed to the devout aspirations of David, Daniel, and other holy men of God; especially when they contemplate the adorations of the heavenly hosts, as described in the sacred Scriptures; they become sensible by the comparison, that they have been, heedlessly or presumptuously,

office; and we may thence conclud been preserved by divine grace fr way, and had dedicated his earlie service of God. He discharged th confided to him for about sixty yea not find, during this long period, acted inconsistently with his sacred his private deportment and publick to have sustained a most unexcepti ter; nor have we any proofs of his those found in his own confessions. occasion, he was so overwhelmed wi his own guilt and pollution, that ready to lie down in despair! render his words thus: "Woe is m "dumb." 'He was struck dumb Lowth, because he was a man of " and dwelt among a people of poll


was unworthy either to join th

et this did not arise from the

immoralities or impieties, or from crisy or unfaithfulness in his mim the conviction of his mind, that were exceedingly polluted; whered the holy majesty of the Lord were presented, or compared them 1 worship of the heavenly hosts. oubt reflect, with shame and sornt of reverence and humility in his mances; on the wandering imaginstracted his attention; and on his ve, and admiring gratitude, even rvent praises and thanksgivings. perhaps be conscious of a corrupt y and regard to the opinion of even with his endeavours to glorify he had felt but little delight in ents, which angels deem their highnd in which they enjoy unalloyed propnet compared himself with them that his services were pure and spiri now perceived that he ought not to be for when their religious duties ar were brought forth to the light, connexion with the adoration of the was manifest that God might justl with abhorrence. It was therefore n him to imitate the leper, who co and cried, "Unclean! unclean!" These observations illustrate the ap tion that "there is no difference; fo "ned, and come short of the glory of diversity is indeed found in the mo men; and the Judge of the world v the punishment of the wicked to th aggravation of their crimes: but pect there is no difference, " for all The most virtuous and religious, e have served the Lord from their e genuine piety, must fall down befo

humility; and not only confess that they have been guilty of numerous omissions, and deviations from the rule of duty, in thought, word, and deed; but that their very services have often been the fruit of polluted lips. Nor could they ever have been satisfied with them, had they not dwelt among sinners like themselves, and had not their views of that glorious God whom they professed to worship been faint and confused.

Let any man carefully and impartially examine his own devotions, in the closet, in the house of God, or at the Lord's table: let him close every duty, or every Sabbath, with endeavours to ascertain the degree of spiritual worship, and of a corrupt mixture, which the all-seeing eye of a holy God must have witnessed in his performances'; and I dare confidently to foretel, that he will ere long cry out with the prophet, "We are all as an " unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are "as filthy rags;" or in the language of the judicious Hooker, 'The best things that we do have something in them to be pardoned: how then can we do any thing meritorious or worthy to be ' rewarded? Our continual suit to the Lord is ' and must be, to bear with our infirmities, and 'pardon our offences.' Thus "the Scripture "concludes all under sin; that the promise which " is by Christ Jesus might be given to them that "believe!" For these are discoveries of sinfulness, from which no man can escape, when he weighs himself in the balance of the sanctuary: so


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* Gal. iii. 22.

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