OR OF ASTON SANDFORD, BUCKS. VOL. I. OF TRUTH, AN AND FIFTEEN SERMONS ON SELECT SUBJECTS. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY J. SEELEY, BUCKINGHAM; Dy L. B. SEELEY, Ave-Maria-lane; and J. HATCHARD, Piccadilly; RY 3 ONS L PREPACE An Account of in the earl sentiments a of which he A history of t timents; wi it was at le Observations o REFACE PART I. Account of the state of the Author's mind and conse in the early part of his life; especially stating whe sentiments and conduct were, at the beginning of that c of which he proposes to give the history PART II. history of the change which took place in the Author timents; with the manner in which, and the means wh it was at length effected PART III. bservations on the preceding Narrative |