Page images

332 DRAMA.—A Companion to the Theatre, | 349 DYEING.—Napier's (J.) Manual of Dyeing

or a view of our most celebrated dramatic pieces, with remarks, 12mo, half calf, 28 6d Dublin, 1751

333 DRAMA.-The Gallimaufry, or theatrical speaker's entertaining repository: a collection of pieces in prose and verse, occasionally recited at the Theatres, Spouting Clubs, "ignette titles and characteristic engravings, 12mo, half calf, 38 6d 334 DRAMA.-Bunn's (A.) The Stage, both before and behind the curtain, Vols. I. and III. only, interleaved, cr. 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT. 158 1840


The Author's own copy, with a number of autograph notes by him. 335 DRAMA.-Fitzgerald's (Percy) Life of David Garrick, two portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, rather poor copy, 88 6d

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336 DRAMA. The London Entr'acte, Theatrical and Musical Critic and Adverbiser, portraits by A. Bryan, Nos. 1 to 52, folio, cloth (all pub. in folio?), the Editor's copy, 78 6d 1869-70 337 DRAMA.

Hollingshead's (J.) Gaiety Chronicles, portraits and illustrations, 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 4s 6d

1898 Shakespeare, Charles Matthews, French Plays and the Electric Light, American Drama, Gaiety Burlesque, &c.

338 DRAMA.-Irving (Henry) Personal Reminiscences of, by Bram Stoker, portraits, illustrations and facsimiles, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 88 6d


1906 339 DRAMA.-Gribble's (Francis) Romances of the French Theatre, portraits, 8vo. cloth, 4s 6d 340 DRAMA.-Stirling's (E.) Old Drury Lane: fifty years' recollections of author, actor and manager, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, library

labels on covers, 38


341 DRUMMOND's (Wm.) Polemo-Middinia, carmen macaronicum, accedit Christs Kirk on the Green, sm. 4to, sewn, 4s 6d Oxon, 1691 342 DRYDEN's (John) Absalom and Achitophel, a poem, THE FOURTH EDITION, aug. mented and revised, sm. 4to, sewn, 78 6d 1682

343 DRYDEN (John) and LEE (Nat.) Edipus, a tragedy, SECOND EDITION, sm. 4to, sewn, 38 1682 344 DRYDEN's (John) The State of Innocence and Fall of Man, an opera, sm. 4to, sewn, UNCUT, stained copy, 3s 1684



345 DRYDEN's (John) The Kind Keeper, or Mr. Limberham, a comedy, sm. 4to, sewn, stained. 2s 346 DRYDEN's (John) Poetical Works, edited by the Rev. R. Hooper, portrait, 5 vols, fcap 8vo, cloth, 7s 6d 347 DRYDENIANA. Absalom Senior, or Achitophel transpos'd, a poem, revis'd, with additions, sm. 4to, sewn, 3s 6d 1682 348 [DUNTON's (John)] The Athenian Oracle : being an entire collection of all the valuable questions and answers in the old Athenian Mercuries, Vols. I. and II., 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, 8s 6d



and Dyeing Receipts: a system of elementary chemistry as applied to dyeing, with receipts for the general reader for dyeing any colour on cotton, silk and wool, diagrams and coloured patterns of cloth of each fabric, 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d (pub. £l ls) 1875 DYEING.-Nietzki's (R.) Chemistry of the Organic Dyestuffs, translated, with additions, by A. Collin and W. Richardson, diagrams, 8vo, cloth, 3s 1892 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY.— Mayhew (A. L, Editor) The Promptorium Parvulorum, the first English-Latin Dictionary, with introduction, notes and glossaries, 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT, 88 6d (pub. £1 1s) 1908 352 ECONOMICS.-Decree of Starre Chamber and confirmation by His Maiestie, sm. 4to, half roan, fine copy, with leaf mark'd "A" before title, 10s 6d



[blocks in formation]

356 EMERSON's (R. W.) Representative Men, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, scarce, 10s 6d J. Chapman, 1850 357 ENGLISH HEXAMETER, translations from Schiller, Göethe, Homer, Callinus and Meleager (by J. C. H., E. C. H., W. W., and J. F. W. H.), oblong 8vo, bds.. 28 6d 1847 358 EPITAPHS.-One Hundred and Twentysix Sepulchral Mottos: original verses composed for public adoption as epitaphs on tombs and gravestones, front., fcap. 8vo, wrappers, 2s 6d For the Author, 1819 EPITAPHS.-Pulleyn's (Wm.) Churchyard Gleanings and Epigrammatic Scraps: a collection of epitaphs and epigrams, front., cr. 8vo, wrappers, 28 360 ERASMUS. - L'Estrange's (Sir Roger) Twenty-two Select Colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus, pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that crept into the Church of Rome in his days; to which are added seven more dialogues, with the life of the Author, by Tho. Brown, fine portrait of Erasmus, 8vo, original calf, good copy, 7s 6d 1711




361 ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN (MM.) Ouv- | 372 FIELDING's (H.) History of Tom Jones, rages, Histoire d'un Paysan, 1789-1815- fronts. by S. Rowlandson, 3 vols, 8vo, calf, Histoire d'un Sous-Maître Les Deux 10s 6d Edinburgh, 1792 Frères-Contes Populaires-L'Illustre Doc- 373 FISHERY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS: Fishery Board for Scotland Report, plates, 8vo, half morocco, 2s 6d 1898 374 FLAGS.-YACHTS RACING FLAGS, ancient and modern, presented to the ROYAL LONDON YACHT CLUB, by George W. Charlwood, Rear Commodore, 1866-1885, MANUSCRIPT of 50 pages, containing 594 flags, carefully coloured by hand, each flag named, also MS. index, 16 pp., roy. 8vo, half calf, 188

beur Mathéus-Romans Nationaux-L'Invasion-Waterloo-La Guerre-Le Blocus -Le Brigadier Frederic-Histoire du Plébiscite-Maitre Gaspard Fix-and other works, numerous illustrations, in 3 vols, 4to, half calf, 10s 6d Paris, 1873, &c. 362 ESSAY WRITING FOR SCHOOLS: a practical exposition of the principles of the form of composition, illustrated by models and examples, by L. Cope Comford, 8vo, cloth, presentation copy to Mrs. Ritchie, eldest daughter of W. M. Thackeray, with Author's autograph inscription on title, 4s 6d


363 FAIRLESS's (Michael) The Road-mender, illustrated, 8vo, white parchment bds., gilt top, UNCUT, LARGE PAPER, nice copy, 78 6d

1903 364 FALCONRY. LATHAM'S (Simon) LATHAM'S FAULCONRY, or the faulcon's lure and cure, in two books, the first concerning the ordering and training up of all hawks in generall, especially the haggard faulcon-gentle; the second teaching approved medicines for the cure of all diseases in them, woodcuts, sm. 8vo, calf, wants a leaf in the second part, £4 48 1658 365 FENCING.-ANGELO'S THE SCHOOL OF FENCING, with a general explanation of the principal attitudes and positions peculiar to the art, numerous plates, oblong 8vo, half bound, stained copy, 15s 1787 366 FERGUSON's (R.) English Surnames and their Place in the Teutonic Family, cr. 8vo, half calf, top edges gilt, nice copy, scarce, 5s 6d 1858 367 FERGUSON's (S.) Congal, a poem, in five books, sm. 4to, cloth, presentation _copy "To the Author of The Sculptured Stones of Scotland' [Dr. John Stuart], with sentiments of high esteem," with Author's autograph signature, 88 6d Dublin, 1872 368 FIELDING's (Henry) The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 4 vols, sm. 8vo, ORIGINAL HALF BINDING, EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT, VERY RARE IN THIS STATE, £2 18s

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Printed for A. Millar, 1750 369 FIELDING's (Henry) Miss Lucy in Town, a sequel to The Virgin Unmasked, a farce, FIRST EDITION, scarce, 8vo, sewn, fine large 1742 copy, 15s


The Historical Register for the year 1736; to which is added a very merry tragedy, called, Eurydice Hiss'd, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, sewn, 12s 6d J. Roberts, N.D. 371 FIELDING's (Henry) A True State of the Case of Bosavern Penlez, FIRST EDITION, 1749-Authentick Account of the Life of Paul Wells, executed at Oxford for forgery, 1749-Life and Memoirs of William Smith, executed at Tyburn for forgery, 1750-The Royal African, or Memoirs of the young Prince of Annamahre, N.D.-in 1 vol, 8vo, old half calf, a scarce collection, £1 18s



375 FLATMAN's (Thomas) Poems and Songs,
the SECOND EDITION, with additions and
amendments, sm. 8vo, half calf, 88 6d 1676
This edition of Flatman's poems is very scarce.
CITIES, described by Clarissa Goff, illus-
trations by R. C. Goff, printed in colours,
8vo, cloth, nice copy, 7s 6d
FOLLY OF LOVE (The), a new satyr
against woman; together with the
Batchelor's Lettany (all in verse), sm. 4to,
sewn, badly foxed, scarce, 3s
FONTAINE (M. de la) The Loves of
Cupid and Psyche, in verse and prose,
from the French, with a version of the
same story, from the Latin of Apuleius,
and a new life of La Fontaine, with notes
by J. Lockman, 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT,
lower blank margin of title and first three
leaves damaged, scarce, 88 6d




FIRST EDITION, RARE, sm. 4to, old calf,
stained and some lower margins cut into,
£2 58
Printed for H. Seile, 1629
380 FORESTRY, The Practice of, by C. Y.
Michie, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d
Edinb., 1888
381 FORTESCUE's (Hon. J. W.) The Story
of a Red Deer, front., sm. 4to, cloth, 2s 6d
382 FOQUE's (La Motte) Sintram and his
Companions, translated by A. C. Far-
quharson, front. after engraving_by A.
Dürer, and 20 illustrations by E. I. Sulli-
van, 8vo, cloth extra, gilt top, UNCUT, as
new, 3s 6d
383 FRANCIS's (M. E.) Simple Annals, FIRST
EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, presentation copy,
with Author's autograph inscription, 4s 6d

[blocks in formation]

plates, 2 vols, sm. 8vo, calf, nice copy, 4s 6d 1767

386 FURNITURE (A History of), with chap-| 400 GAY's (John) Poems on several Occasions, ters on Tapestry, Oriental Embroidery and Leather Work, Bronzes, Clocks, Gems, Glass, &c., translated from the French of A. Jacquemart, edited by Mrs. Bury Palliser, over 170 illustrations, roy. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 12s 6d


387 G. (A.) Verses to Order, cr. 8vo, cloth, parchment back, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription "R. T. R. from another A. G., 22 Oct., '94," 28 6d

1892 388 GAME OF OMBRE, two coloured illustrations, 12mo, cloth, 2s 6d Privately printed, 1874 389 GAMING.-Hoyle's (E.) Essay towards making the Doctrine of Chances Easy to those who understand Vulgar Arithmetick only, with some tables on Annuities for Lives, &c., 8vo, bds., UNCUT, scarce, 3s 1764 With autograph signature of the publishers, T. Osborne and R. Baldwin.

390 GARDENING.-AUSTEN'S (R.) A Treatise of Fruit-Trees, shewing the manner of grafting, planting, pruning and ordering of them in all respects (the "Naturall part only-the Spirituall" part is not with this copy), sm. 4to, old calf, 10s 6d Oxford, 1657


401 GENEALOGICAL.-Banks's (Sir T. C.) Baronia Anglica Concentrata, or an account of all the Baronies called Baronies in Fee, &c., also a glossary of dormant English, Scotch and Irish peerage titles, 2 vols, 4to, cloth, 78 6d

Ripon, privately printed, 1844 402 GEOLOGY.-Dana's (J. D.) Manual of Geology, treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history, chart and over 1,000 cuts, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 38 6d Philadelphia, U.S., 1867 403 GEORGE III.-Roustan's (A. J.) Abrégé de l'Histoire Moderne, 3 vols, 12mo, calf, with the autograph signature of George III. and his bookplates, 10s 6d Londres, 1784 404 GEORGE III.-An Account of the Celebration of the Jubilee on the 25th Oct., 1809, of George the Third, collected and published by (a Lady) the wife of a naval officer, portrait of George III., 4to, half calf, 38 6d ROMANORUM. The Old GESTA English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum, edited for the first time from MSS. in the British Museum and University Library, Cambridge, with introduction and notes by Sir Frederic Madden, 4to, roxburghe, scarce, £3 38 Roxburghe Club, 1838 Presentation copy from the Earl of Cawdor to Algernon Herbert, with autograph inscription.


way for planting, grafting and to make
any ground good for a rich Orchard, &c.,
woodcuts, sm. 4to, calf, binding cracked,
£1 10s
392 GARDENING.-Williams's (B. S.) Choice | 406
Stove and Greenhouse Plants, coloured
front., 1869-Choice Stove and Greenhouse
Ornamental-leaved Plants, illustrated, 1870
-2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d

393 GARDENING.-Flint's (Martha B.) A
Garden of Simples, cr. 8vo, bds., 28 6d 1901
The Rose Fruits, Wild Berries, Suffolk County
Strolls, the Secrets of a Salad, a Posy from
Spenser, Indian Plant Names, &c.


394 GARDENING. Roberts's (H.) The Chronicle of a Cornish Garden, illustrations by F. L. B. Griggs, cr. 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, 2s 6d 1901 395 GASKELL's (Mrs.) Mary Barton, a tale of Manchester Life, third edition, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 3s 6d 1849 396 GASTALDI's (B.) Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Remains in the Turbaries and Marl-Beds of Northern and Central Italy, plates and cuts, 8vo, cloth, portrait inserted, 28 6d 1865 397 GAUDEN's (John) Hieraspistes: a defence for the Ministry and Ministers of the Church of England, FINE LARGE COPY, with brilliant impression of the engraved title by Cross, sm. 4to, original calf, 78 6d 398 GAY's (John) Poems on several Occasions, front., 2 vols, sm. 8vo, calf, 3s 6d 399 GAY's (John) Fables, with the life of the Author, vignette portrait on title and numerous pretty vignettes, 12mo, bds., UNCUT, 28 6d





GILFILLAN's (G.) A Gallery of Literary Portraits, portraits of P. B. Shelley, Carlyle, De Quincy, Wordsworth, Chas. Lamb, &c., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d Edinburgh, 1845 407 GLOUCESTERSHIRE.-Gibbs's (J. A.) A Cotswold Village, or country life and pursuits in Gloucestershire, portrait and illustrations, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 3s 1903 [GODDARD's (Wm.)] A Satirycall Dialogue, or a sharplye-invectiue conference betweene Alexander the Great and truely woman-hater Diogynes, imprinted in the Lowcountryes [? Dort ?1615], for all such gentlewomen as are not altogether idle nor yet well ocupyed, edited by J. S. Farmer, sm. 4to, roxburghe, 3s


For subscribers only, 1897 409 GOFF's (Thos.) Three Excellent Tragedies -viz., The Raging Turk, The Courageous Turk and The Tragedy of Orestes, 8vo, original calf, one or two headlines slightly cut, otherwise a fine copy, scarce, £1 10s 1656 410 GOLDSMITH's (Oliver) ESSAYS, vignette on title, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, original calf, old bookplate of Benj. de la Fontaine, £1 58 W. Griffin, 1765 Stoops to ConAbbey, cr. 8vo, 1901

411 GOLDSMITH's (O.) She quer, illustrated by E. A. cloth, 3s

412 GOLDSMITH's (O.) The Vicar of Wakefield, 24 illustrations by T. Rowlandson, printed in colours, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s 1903



413 GOLDSMITH.-A Description of Mille- | 428 HAILES's (Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord) Menium Hall, and the country adjacent, with the characters of the Inhabitants and historical anecdotes by a Gentleman on his travels [attributed O. Goldsmith], front., 12mo, old calf, joints cracked, 38 1762 414 GOMBAULD'S (Mons.) Endimion, an excellent fancy, first composed in French, and now elegantly interpreted by Richard Hurst, front. and 16 full page engravings, 8vo, original calf, scarce, 188 1639 415 GOSSE's (Edmund) Robert Browning: Personalia, first edition, 12mo, vellum, 48 6d 1890 416 GOULD (F. C.) A Large Collection of Caricatures by, from various newspapers, in 6 albums, and a parcel of loose cuttings, collected by E. Crawshaw, £1 1s the lot 417 GRAFTON (Duke of) Memoirs of the Amours, Intrigues and Adventures of Charles Augustus Fitz-Roy, Duke of Grafton, with Miss Parsons, interspersed with a faithful account of Miss Parsons'

amours with other persons of distinction, sm. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, very scarce, 158 1769 With autograph signature of Miss Parsons on the title-page.

418 GRAY's (T.) Elegy written in a Country Churchyard, woodcuts after Fielding, Cattermole, Stothard, Mulready, and others, 8vo, cloth, 28 6d


419 GREENWELL's (Dora) Carmina Crucis, FIRST EDITION, post 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 4s 6d 1869 420 GRETNA GREEN REGISTER, by R. Elliott, with an introduction and appendix, by Rev. C. Brown, illustrated, 12mo, cloth,

scarce and curious, 10s 6d Published by the Gretna Green Parson, 1842 421 GREVILLE's Maxims, Characters and Reflections, 8vo, old calf, 2s 6d 1756

A book full of wit, wisdom and good sense, though very little known.

422 GRINSTED's (T. P.) Relics of Genius: visits to the last homes of poets, painters and players, with biographical sketches, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d 1859 423 GROSART (Rev. A. B., Editor) Annalia Dubrensia, or Celebration of Captain R. Drover's Cotswold Games, with introduction and notes, sm. 4to, wrappers, UNCUT, only 52 copies printed, 8s 6d

Privately printed, 1877 424 GROSE's (F.) Provincial Glossary, with a collection of local proverbs and popular superstitions, SECOND EDITION, enlarged, 8vo, bds., uncut, 3s


425 GYPSIES (The) of Yetholm, historical,
traditional, philological and humorous,
edited by Wm. Brockie, portrait of James
Allan, cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s
Kelso, 1884
426 GYPSIES: some Curious Investigations,
collected, translated, or reprinted from
various sources concerning this peculiar
race, by J. W. de Peyster, 8vo, parchment
wrappers, 28
Aungervyle Soc., 1887
427 GYPSIES.-Smith's (Laura A.) Through
Romany Songland, Music, fcap. 8vo,
cloth, mark of library label on front cover,





morials and Letters relating to the History
of Britain in the Reigns of James I. and
Charles I., from the originals, 2 vols, cr.
8vo, calf, 3s Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 1766
HALIFAX (Cha. Montague, Earl of)
Works and Life of, including the history
of his times, portrait by Vander Gucht,
8vo, old calf, gilt back, 5s 6d
HALL'S (S. C.) Rhymes in Council,
Aphorisms Versified (185), sm. 4to, cloth,
presentation copy from the author to Lady
Martin, with long autograph inscription
signed, also photographic portraits of Mr
and Mrs. Hall, &c., inserted, 4s 6d 1881
HAMBDEN (John) Tryal of, in the great
case of Ship Money, between K. Charles
I. and that Gentleman, the whole record
in Latin and English, also the tryal of
Thos. Harrison, &c., folio, old calf, label on
side, with "John Rogerson, 1719" lettered in
gold, 58 6d
HAMERTON's (P. G.) The Sylvan Year :
leaves from the notebook of Raoul Dubois,
FIRST EDITION, 20 etchings by the Author
and other Artists, sq. 8vo, original cloth,
gilt edges, small piece cut off blank margin
at top of title, 4s 6d

HAMERTON's (P. G.) Round my House:
notes of rural life in France in peace and
war, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d

1876 434 HAMILTON (Wm.) Poems on several Occasions, 18mo, half calf, scarce (last leaf HAMPSTEAD MEMORIES (Some), by mended), 28 6d Glasgow, 1758 Mary Adams, illustrated by F. Adcock, sm. 1909 4to, cloth, nice copy, 2s 6d



HARDY's (Thomas) THE WOODLANDERS, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, £1 16s 1887 437 HARPER's (C. G.) The Hastings Road, and the " Happy Springs of Tunbridge," illustrated, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 68 HARPER's (J. H.) The House of Harper:





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century of publishing in Franklin Square, portraits of James, John, J. W. and F. Harper, G. W. Curtis, Lew Wallace, Wm. Black, W. D. Howells, and others, 8vo, buckram, gilt top, UNCUT, nice copy, 3s 6d 1912 Reminiscences of G. W. Curtis, C. Dickens, G. Eliot, W. M. Thackeray, Mark Twain, &c. HARTWIG's (Dr. G.) The Subterranean World, maps and numerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 4s 6d 1871 HAWKING.-Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen at Exeter, 8vo, half calf, 4s 6d


[blocks in formation]

442 HAWKING.-Freeman's (G. E.) Practical | 458 HOLLAND. Falconry; to which is added How I became a Falconer, cr. 8vo, cloth, scarce, 7s 6d 1869 443 HAWKING. Alexander Park Prize Essays: Essays on Falconry, 8vo, wrappers, 58

1871 444 HAWKING.-Harting's (J. E.) Hints on the Management of Hawks, illustrations, 8vo, no covers, 3s


1884 Another copy, 8vo, bds., nice copy, 1884


4s 6d 446 HAWKING.-Harting's (J. E.) Bibliotheca Accipitraria: a catalogue of books, ancient and modern, relating to falconry, with notes, glossary and vocabulary, coloured front., portraits and plates, 8vo, roxburghe, nice copy, 88 6d 1891 447 [HAYS's (Mary)] The Annals of my Village: a calendar of nature for every month in the year, FIRST EDITION, plates and woodcuts, post 8vo, bds.. UNCUT, presentation copy from the Authoress, with autograph inscription, 3s 448 HAYWOOD's (Mrs.) Letters from a Lady of Quality to a Chevalier, translated from the French, 1721-Gay's (J.) The Shepherd's Week, plates, lacks two leaves at end, 1721-Pope's (A.) The Rape of the Lock, plates, 1714 Genuine Speech of the Lord L- -ne against repealing the occasional and schism bills, 1719-in one vol, 8vo, calf, 10s 6d 449 HAZLITT's (Wm.) Conversations of Jas. Northcote, FIRST EDITION, portrait of Northcote, cr. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, good copy, 10s 6d 1830 450 HEBREW ILLUMINATED BIBLES of the IXth and Xth Centuries, and a samaritan scroll of the law of the XIth century, by M. Gaster, eight facsimile plates (some illuminated), folio, cloth, nice copy, 58 6d 1901

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The True Interest and Political Maxims of the Republick of Holland and West Friesland, in three parts, by John De Witt and other great men in Holland, portrait of De Witt, 8vo, calf, binding broken, 78 6d 1702 459 HOLLAND's (Henry Richard [Fox], Lord) Some Account of the Life and Writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, FIRST EDITION, portrait engraved by Scriven, 8vo, russia extra, gilt edges, presentation copy from the Author, with autograph signature of Henry S. Fox, Eton College, 1808," 3s 6d







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HOOD's (Thomas) The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, and other poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, bds., uncut, 78 6d



HOOD's (T.) Up the Rhine, FIRST EDITION,
woodcuts, cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d
HOOD's (T.) Humorous Poems, preface by
A. Ainger, 130 illustrations by C. E. Brock,
post 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, nice copy,
[HOOK's (Theodore)] Tentamen, or an
essay towards the history of Whittington,
by Vicesimus Blinkinsop, vignette portrait,
12mo, bds., UNCUT, nice copy, 5s 6d 1820
HOOK's (Theo. E.) Life and Remains, by
Rev. R. H. D. Barham, 2 portraits, 2 vols,
8vo, half calf, nice copy, 4s 6d

468 HORACE, The Works of, translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart, 2 vols, 12mo, calf, 3s

1770 469 HORSES.-Astley's (P.) System of Equestrian Education, exhibiting the beauties and defects of the horse, with advice on preserving it in health, portrait and plates, 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 28 6d 1801 470 HOVENDEN's (F.) What is Life? or where are we? what are we? &c., illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 28 6d

1899 471 HOWELL's (James) EPISTOLÆ HO-ELIANÆ, familiar letters, domestic and forren, upon emergent occasions, FIRST EDITION. RARE, the engraved title by Marshall slightly defective, and a few leaves very slightly wormed, sm. 4to, original calf, autograph ignature of Bernard Hyde on title, £5 58


[blocks in formation]

473 HOWELLS's (W. D.) Italian Journeys, illustrated by Jos. Pennell, sm. 4to, cloth, blind stamp on title, 38 6d HOWITT's (Wm.) Visits to Remarkable Places old halls, battle-fields, woodcuts, FIRST EDITIONS, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, Vol. I. shaky in covers, 8s 6d 1840-42

457 HOGARTH.—Ireland's (S.) Graphic Illus. | 474
trations of Hogarth, from pictures, draw-
ings and scarce prints, plates (Vol. I. only),
8vo, calf, 10s 6d


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