475 HOWITT.-Bremer's (F.) The Neigh- | 491 INDIA.-Rees's (L. E.) A Personal Narra bours: a story of every-day life, translated tive of the Siege of Lucknow, portrait of by Mary Howitt, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, Sir H. Lawrence and plan, cr. 8vo, cloth, cr. 8vo, bds., 38 6d 3s 1858 476 1842 The Home, or family cares and family joys, translated by M. Howitt, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, bds., 3s 6d 1843 477 HOWITT.-Bremer's (F.) Brothers and Sisters: a tale of domestic life, translated by Mary Howitt, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, 48 6d 1848 478 HUGHES (Jabez) Miscellanies, in verse and prose, 8vo, calf, 2s 6d 1737 479 HUME's (D.) Four Dissertations on the Natural History of Religion, on the Passions, of Tragedy, the Standard of Taste, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, calf, 3s 1757 480 HUNT (Leigh) Bachus in Tuscany: poem from the Italian of F. Redi, with notes, original and select, FIRST EDITION, fcap. 8vo, calf extra, 58 6d 481 HUNT's (Leigh) AUTOBIOGRAPHY, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries, portraits, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, original cloth, VERY NICE CLEAN COPY, £3 38 1850 1825 482 HUXLEY'S (T. H.) Critiques and Addresses, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, cloth, mark of library label on cover, lower edges slightly water-stained, 38 1873 483 HYMNS.-The Latin Year: a collection of Hymns, Part III., Trinity, with woodcuts, LARGE PAPER, roy. 8vo, vellum, cover soiled, 38 Pickering, N.D. 484 [IBBETT's (W. J.)] Poems, by Antæus, 16mo, wrappers, 28 1889 485 IBBETT's (W. J.) A West Sussex Garland (poems), sm. 4to, wrappers, UNCUT, 2s 6d Chiswick Press, 1897 486 ILLUMINATION.-Delamotte's (F.) A Primer of Illumination: practical directions for its exercise, examples in gold and colours from illuminated MSS., sm. 4to, cloth, 4s 6d 492 INQUISITION UNMASKED: being an historical and philosophical account of that tremendous tribunal, by D. A. Puigblanch, plates, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, 4s 6d 1816 493 IRELAND.—A Natural History of Ireland, in three parts, by several hands: Part I., A Description of its Situation, Greatness, Shape and Nature of its Hills, Woods, Bogs, Harbours, Roads, Rivers, &c., its Metals, Minerals, Turf, &c.; Part II., Papers referring to some Curiosities in Ireland; Part III., A Discourse concerning the Danish Mounts, Forts, and Towers, by T. Molyneux, folding plates, sm. 4to, calf, scarce, FINE COPY, £l 1s IRELAND.-McNaughton (John) A ConDublin, 1726 494 495 cise Dissertation on the Human Passions exemplified in the untimely Death of, executed for the murder of Miss Marion Knox, with particulars of his trial, written in Ireland by an Impartial Observer, 8vo, half calf, 3s 1762 IRELAND.-Duigenan's (Dr. P.) An Answer to the Address of Henry Grattan to the Citizens of Dublin, Dublin, 1798The Shade of Alex. Pope on the Banks of the Thames, a satirical poem, 1799-2 in 1 vol, 8vo, old straight grained green morocco, gilt edges, 4s 6d 496 IRELAND.-The Spirit of the Nation, Ballads, and Songs by the Writers of "The Nation," with original and ancient music arranged for the voice and pianoforte, sm. 4to, cloth, gilt edges, 10s 6d 497 498 IRISH.-Birmingham's (G. 1874 487 ILLUMINATED MSS.-Mexican PictureChronicle of Cempoallan and other States of the Empire of Aculhuacan, written on 16 leaves of paper manufactured from maguey-fibre, about 1530, facsimile reproduction, roy. 8vo, wrappers, 5s 6d (pub. £2 28) B. Quaritch, 1890 488 INDIA.-Remarks on a March of 400 miles thro' the Hills, from Berdwan to Surseram, in the East Indies, in the year 1763, manuscript, very neatly written, 12mo, calf, 4s 6d (1763) 489 INDIA.-Jervis's (Lieut. H., 62nd Regt.) Narrative of a Journey to the Falls of the Cavery, with an account of the Neilgherry Hills, plates, 8vo, bds., 3s 490 INDIA.-Hooker's (J. D.) and Thomson's (T.) Introductory Essay to the Flora Indica, including observations on Indian botany, botanists, and the meteorology of India, 2 maps, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 3s 1834 1855 Dublin, 1845 IRISH.-Catalogue of Early Belfast Printed Books, 1694 to 1830, compiled by J. Anderson, roy. 8vo, wrappers, 28 6d Belfast, 1890 A.) The Northern Iron (novel), FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, covers slightly soiled, 3s 6d 1907 499 [IRVING's (Washington)] The Alhambra, by Geoffrey Crayon, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, 8vo, half bound, 38 6d 1832 JACOBS's (W. W.) The Lady of the Barge, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, library copy, 38 1902 500 501 502 503 Captains All, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, library copy, 3s 1905 Short Cruises, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, library copy, 3s 1907 Sailor's Knots, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, cr. 8vo, cloth, library copy, 3s 1909 504 JEFFERIES's (R.) Amaryllis at the Fair, a novel, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, original cloth, fine clean copy, 88 6d 1887 Fortibus, Countess of Albemarle and of 525 LAMB's (Sir J. Bland) The Birth and 526 507 JESUITS.-Edifying and Curious Letters | 524 LADY OF THE ISLE (The): Isabella de of some Missioners of the Society of Jesus, from Foreign Missions, scarce, sm. 8vo, calf, 78 6d Printed in the year 1707 508 JEWETT's (Sarah Orne) Letters, edited by Annie Fields, 2 portraits, sq. cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, presentation copy to Lady Ritchie, with Editor's autograph signature on card, 38 6d Boston and New York, 1911 509 JOHNSON's (Rev. Ben.) Original Poems, vignette title, sm. 8vo, old calf, list of subscribers, 2s 6d Doncaster, for the Author, N.D. [1798] 510 JOHNSON's (Dr. Samuel) Sermon written for the Funeral of his Wife, published by the Rev. Samuel Hayes, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, sewn, scarce, 10s 6d T. Cadell, 1788 511 JOHNSON's (Dr. Sam.) Table-talk, collected by Jas. Boswell, portrait engraved by Meyer after Reynolds, 2 vols, 12mo, calf, 38 6d 1818 512 JOHNSON'S LIVES OF THE POETS, with notes and introduction by A. Waugh, portraits, 6 vols, cr. 8vo, buckram, 9s 6d 1896 513 JOHNSON (Six Essays on), by W. Raleigh, 8vo, buckram, 3s 1910 514 JOHNSONIANA.-Two Dialogues, containing a comparative view of the lives, writings, &c., of the Earl of Chesterfield and Dr. Samuel Johnson, sm. 8vo, calf, 3s 1787 515 KENT.-Greensted's (Frances) Fugitive Pieces (poems), 8vo, sewed, UNCUT, long list of subscribers' names, 2s 6d Maidstone, 1796 516 KENT.-The Regyster Booke of Chrystenynges, Maryages and Buryalls of the Parish of St. Alphaege in the Cyttye of Canterburye, 1558-1800, edited by J. M. Cowper, front., roy. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, only 106 copies privately printed, 10s 6d 1889 517 The Names of them that were Crystened, Marryed, and Buryed in the Paryshe of Saint Mary Magdalene in Canterbury, 1559-1800, edited by J. M. Cowper, front., roy. 8vo, cloth, only 106 pirvately printed, nice copy, 10s 6d 1890 518 KENT.-Epitaphs and Inscriptions from the Churches of Kent, compiled by T. H. Oyler, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 28 1912 519 KER's (J. B.) An Essay on the Archaiology of Popular English Phrases and Nursery Rhymes, 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, 3s 6d Southampton, 1834 520 KIPLING's (Rudyard) Barrack-Room Ballads, and other verses, FIRST EDITION, JAPANESE VELLUM EDITION, only 30 copies printed, 8vo, half vellum, scarce, £22s 1892 521 KIPLING's (R.) The Seven Seas, vignette on title, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, buckram, 68 6d 522 KIPLING's (Rudyard) In Black and White, 8vo, wrappers, 6s 6d 1896 Allahabad, N.D. 523 [LANDOR (W. S.)] The Pentameron and Pentalogia, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, rebound, cloth, 3s 6d 1837 527 528 529 LAMB's (C.) Specimens of English Dramabic Poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare, with notes, 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco, gilt edges, binding rubbed, 2s 6d Мохоп, 1844 LANG.-Deulin's (C.) Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose, done into English by A. Lang, illustrated by Am. Lynen, FIRST EDITION, roy. 8vo, cloth gilt, nice copy, 78 6d 1887 LANG's (Andrew) Cock Lane and Common Sense, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s 6d 1894 LANG.-Border Ballads, with an introductory essay by Andrew Lang, 12 etchings by C. O. Murray, 4to, cloth, 68 6d 1895 530 LANG.-The Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of Books, compiled by J. Shaylor, introduction by Andrew Lang, front., fcap. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, ls 6d (pub. 3s 6d) LANG's (A.) Homer and his Age, FIRST EDITION, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 78 6d 1906 531 1898 LANG's (A.) The World of Homer, illus- 1649 1659 535 LEIBNIZ THE MONADOLOGY, and other philosophical writings, translated, with introduction and notes, by R. Latta, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 1898 536 LEITH's (W. Compton) Apologia Diffidentis, 8vo, half parchment, gilt top, UNCUT, 38 1908 537 LEWES's (G. H.) Rose, Blanche and Violet, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, fine copy, scarce, 10s 6d 538 LEWIS's (M. G., "Monk Lewis") Rich and Poor, a comic opera, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half calf, 2s 6d 1812 1848 1895 539 LILLY's (W. S.) Four English Humourists 541 LITERATURE, A Short History of Com | 556 LONDON.-Larwood's (J.) The Story of parative, from the earliest times to the present day, by F. Loliée, translated from the French by M. D. Power, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 38 1906 542 LITERARY ANECDOTES of the Nineteenth Century: contributions towards a literary history of the period, edited by W. Robertson Nicoll and Thos. J. Wise, finely etched portrait of Wm. Blake by Wm. Bell Scott, and numerous facsimiles, 2 vols, sq. 8vo, buckram, UNCUT, 188 1895-96 543 LOCKE (John) Some Familiar Letters between, and several of his Friends, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, calf, FINE COPY, 4s 6d 1708 544 LOCKER's (F.) London Lyrics, fcap. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, front cover loose, 3s 1874 545 Another edition, 12mo, cloth, 38 1878 546 LONDON.-A Satirical View of London at the commencement of the XIX. Century, by an Observer, 1801-Corry's (J.) The Detector of Quackery, or analyser of medical, dramatic, and literary imposture, 1802-2 vols in 1, 12mo, old calf, binding defective, 38 547 LONDON.-[Thomson's (R.)] Tales of an Antiquary, chiefly illustrative of the manners, traditions, and remarkable localities of Ancient London, 3 vols, post 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 4s 6d 1823 548 LONDON.-Diagrams of the Parish of St Mary Abbotts, Kensington, published under the authority of the Board of Trustees, 8vo, morocco, 68 6d This book gives a complete view of the topography of the parish as it then existed. 1846 549 LONDON.-Liber Albus: the White Book of the City of London, compiled A.D. 1419, by J. Carpenter and R. Whitington, translated by H. T. Riley, thk. sm. 4to, cloth, a long A.L.s. from the Translator inserted, 4s 6d 1861 550 LONDON.-Clinch's (G.) Bloomsbury and St. Giles's, past and present, with historical and antiquarian notices of the vicinity, maps and plates, 4to, half morocco, 4s 6d 1890 1905 551 LONDON.-Allgood's (H. G. C.) A History of Bethnal Green, from the earliest times to 1680, genealogical table of the Wentworth Family, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 29 1894 552 LONDON.-Needham (R.) and Webster (A.) Somerset House, past and present, portraits and illustrations, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 4s 6d 553 LONDON.-Hardy's (W. J.) Middlesex County Records: Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689-1709, with index, compiled by M. D. Brakspear, 8vo, cloth, nice copy. 3 6d 554 LONDON.-Chancellor's (E. B.) History of the Squares of London, topographical and historical, 36 illustrations, 4to, cloth, as new, 88 6d (pub. £1 ls net) 1907 Chancellor's (E. B.) The Private Palaces of London, past and present. 44 illustrations, 4to, cloth, as new, 8s 6d (pub. £1 ls net) 1908 555 1905 the London Parks, coloured plates and woodcuts after G. Cruikshank and others, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d N.D. 557 LONGEVITY: a collection of newspaper cuttings on, 12mo, bds., 3s 6d 1897-98 558 LONGFELLOW's (H. W.) Poems, portrait and upwards of 100 woodcuts from designs by Birket Foster, Jane E. Benham, &c., 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, 3s 6d 1854 559 LORD'S PRAYER (The), in three hundred languages, with a preface, by R. Rost, roy. 8vo, cloth, 28 1891 560 LOVER (Sam.) Life of, artistic, literary, musical, with selections from his unpublished papers and correspondence, by Bayle Bernard, portrait, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, library copy, but clean, 3s 1874 LUCAS.-Four and Twenty Toilers, verses by E. V. Lucas, coloured illustrations by F. D. Bedford, oblong folio, pictorial bds., 4s 6d 561 562 N.D. LUDLOW (Edmund) Memoirs of, portrait, 3 vols, 8vo, calf, binding of Vol 3 not uniform, 7s 6d Switzerland, 1698-99 563 LYRICS AND PHILIPPICS, by J. H. P., vignette title, post 8vo, red calf extra gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, presentation copy to John Pavin Phillips, with Author's autograph inscription, 78 6d 564 Privately printed at Middle-Hill Press, 1859 [LYTTON's (Sir E. Bulwer)] Godolphin, or the oath, second edition, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, bds., 4s 6d 1833 565 LYTTON (Edward Bulwer, Lord) Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of, by his Son, portraits and illustrations, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 38 LYTTON (Rosina Lady) Life of, with 566 1883 numerous extracts from her MS. autobiography, &c., published in vindication of her memory, by Louisa Devey, portrait and facsimile letter, 8vo, cloth, scarce, 5s 6d 1887 567 [MACKAY's (J.)] A Journey through England and Scotland, in familiar letters from a gentleman to his friend abroad, 3 vols, 8vo, calf, good copy, 78 6d MACKY's (John) Memoirs 568 1732 of Secret Services during the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I., 8vo, binding shabby, 38 569 MAETERLINCK's (Maurice) 570 1733 Alladine and Palomides, Interior, and the Death of 1881 571 [MACKENZIE's (H.)] Julia de Roubigné : a tale, in a series of letters, 2 vols in 1, 12mo, calf, presentation copy to Lord Kames, with the Author's autograph inscription, 58 6d 1777 572 MALONE SOCIETY, Collections, Parts | 587 MEDALS, CLASPS AND CROSSES, I. and III., edited by W. W. Greg, facsimiles, 2 vols, sm. 4to, bds., UNCUT, 108 573 1907-09 1907 1725 The same, Part I. only, facsimiles, sm. 4to, bds., UNCUT, 58 574 MANCHESTER, The History of, by the Rev. Mr. Whitaker, cuts, 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 58 6d 1773 575 [MANDEVILLE's (B.)] The Fable of the Bees, or private vices, publick benefits, with an essay on charity and charity schools, and a search into the nature of society, with a vindication of the book, 8vo, calf, scarce, 78 6d 576 [MÁNLEY's (Mrs.)] Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality of both Sexes, from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean, SIXTH EDITION, 4 vols, 12mo, calf, 10s 6d 1720 577 MANUSCRIPT.-Life of the Patriarch Joseph a poem (by J. Brown), ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, prepared for the press, with dedication to his relations and friends, particularly Samuel Evans and Richard Gardner, 12mo, bds., 3s 6d Saec. XVIII. 578 MANUSCRIPT.-The Journal of ye House of Lords relating to the Digging up Archbp. Parker's Bones, Quakers, Foreign Nobility, Papists, all in ye year 1661; also fees upon peers translations and lords descents, and ye introduction of peers into ye house in ye year 1663, very plainly written MS., sm. 4to, sewn, 3s 580 MARRIAGE, circa 1700 579 MARRIAGE.-Hamilton's (Lady Aug.) Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies of all the Nations of the Universe, front., 8vo, bds., UNCUT, scarce in this fine state, 15s 1822 &c. The Batchelor's Monitor, with healthy and pleasant advice for married men in the governing of a wife; to which is added an essay against unequal marriages, sm. 8vo, calf, with fine and scarce bookplate of A. William Senior, 7s 6d Printed for Will Single, 1743 581 MARTIAL (Epigrams of), translated into English prose, each accompanied by one or more translations, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d Bohn, 1860 582 MASEFIFLD's (John) The Widow in the Bye Street, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 78 6d 583 MASSINGER's (Philip) Plays, with notes by W. Gifford, portrait and engraved title, roy. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 584 MATHEMATICKS. 1912 1850 Ozanam's (Mons.) Recreations, Mathematical and Physical, done into English, cuts, 8vo, calf, 3s 1708 585 MATHEMATICS.-Simpson's (Thos.) The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions, 2 vols, 8vo, calf, 4s 6d 1750 586 MAURICE (F. Denison) Life of, chiefly told in his own letters, edited by his son, F. Maurice, portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, fine copy, 58 6d (pub. £1 12s in cloth) 1884 Military and Naval, in the collection of J W. Fleming, Surg. Maj. late 4th Dragoon Guards, illustrated, 4to, bds., presentation copy, with autograph letter signed, from J. W. Fleming inserted, 4s 6d Privately printed, 1871 588 MEDICAL. Ronsovius (H.) The English Mans Doctor, or the Schoole of Salerne (INVERSE), and De Valetudine Conservanda, or the preservation of Health (in prose), translated by Sir John Harrington, 2 parts in 1 vol, 12mo, calf, the first title-page in facsimile, bookplate of Lord Amherst of Hackney, £1 10s 1617-24 MEDICAL.-The Craft and Frauds of Physick Expos'd, the very low prices of the best medicines discover'd, costly medicines censur'd, the too frequent use of physick prov'd destructive to the health, with instructions to prevent being cheated, &c. [by R. Pitt], sm. 8vo, old calf, curious, 1703 589 590 592 58 MEDICAL.-A Sketch, or short description of Dr. Graham's Medical Apparatus, &c., erected about 1780 in his house, 1780Rowe's (N.) Tamerlane, a tragedy, character portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Barry, 1776 -Martyn's (T.) Heads of a Course of Lectures, read at the Botanic Gardens, Cambridge, 1782-and other pamphlets, 5 in 1 vol, 12mo, half calf, 48 6d 591 MEDICAL.-Fuller's (F.) Medicina Gymnastica, or a treatise concerning the power of exercise, with respect to the animal 1711 œconomy, 8vo, calf, 2s 6d MERUAULT's (Peter) The Last Famous Siege of the City of Rochel; together with the Edict of Nantes, sm. 8vo, calf, 3s 1680 593 MESMERISM AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: a short history of mental healing, by Frank Podmore, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 4s 6d (pub. 10s 6d net) 1909 594 MILITARY SERMON (A), wherein the nature and disposition of a Rebel is discovered, preached at Shrewsbury to H.M.'s Army there under the command of Prince Rupert, by E. Symmons, sm. 4to, half calf, 38 Oxford, 1644 MILITARY.-Lowe's (Capt. A. E. L.) Historical Record of the Royal Sherwood Foresters, or Nottinghamshire Regiment of Militia, roy. 8vo, cloth, 3s 595 597 1911 1872 596 MILNER's (G.) From Dawn to Dusk, a book of verses, portrait of Lord Alfred Tennyson, 8vo, cloth, review stamp on 1 page, otherwise as new, 2s 6d MILITARY.-[Smirke's (R.)] Review of a Battalion of Infantry, with the words of command, &c., 23 plates, 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 2s 6d 1803 598 MINOT's (L.) Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of Edward III., written in 1352, with preface, notes and glossary [edited by Jos. Ritson], cr. 8vo, calf, joints cracked, bookplate of Wm. Twopeny, 38 6d 1795 599 MINTO's (Wm.) Characteristics of English | 614 NAPOLEONIC IDEAS, des Idees NapoPoets, from Chaucer to Shirley, cr. 8vo, cloth, presentation copy, with Author's inscription, 38 1874 600 MIRROR (The) of the Sinful Soul, a prose translation of a poem, by Queen Margaret of Navarre, made in 1544 by the Princess (afterwards Queen Elizabeth), then eleven years of age, reproduced in facsimile, edited, with introduction and notes, by P. W. Ames, portrait, 8vo, half calf, gilt top, 3s 1897 601 MOABITE STONE (The), a facsimile of the original inscription, with an English translation and a historical and critical commentary, by C. D. Ginsburg, facsimile and map, 4to, cloth, 2s 6d 1871 604 [MONTAGU's (Lady)] Poetical Works of the Rt. Hon. Lady M-y Wy 1768 1903 M- -e, sm. 8vo, old calf, 88 605 MONEY-COUTTS's (F. B.) The Poet's Charter, or the Book of Job, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d Genesis, Job, Ars Heretica, the poet a seeker after God, the failure of modern poetry, &c. 606 MOORE's (T.) The Epicurean, a tale, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, bds., UNCUT, 3s 1827 607 MORRIS's (Wm.) Hopes and Fears for Art, SECOND EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 1882 608 MORRIS's (William) Some Hints on Pattern Designing, a lecture, 8vo, bds., printed with the "Golden" type, 3s 6d 1899 609 MUIR's (Ramsay) Peers and Bureaucrats: two problems of English government, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s (pub. 4s 6d net) 1910 610 MUSIC.-A Short Account of Organs built in England, from the reign of King Charles the Second to the present time, illustrated, 12mo, cloth, 2s 1847 611 MUSIC STUDY IN GERMANY, from the home correspondence of Amy Fay, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d 1886 1815 612 NAPOLEON.-The Battle of Waterloo, containing the series of accounts published by authority, with circumstantial details, &c., by a near Observer, folding maps and plates, 8vo, old calf, 4s 6d 613 NAPOLEON.-Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient Armour, exhibiting at the Aplotheca, 20 Lower Brook St., forming a series from the Norman Conquest, with a number of suits of polished steel and fine horse armour, obtained from the King of Bavaria for Napoleon Bonaparte and the Cuirass of scale armour secretly worn by Napoleon, &c., 8vo, wrappers, 28 6d 1816 615 616 léoniennes, par le Prince Napoléon-Louis Bonaparte, 1839, translated by J. A. Darr, post 8vo, cloth, 28 6d New York, 1859 NAPOLEON.-England and Napoleon in 1803, the despatches of Lord Whitworth and others, now first printed from the originals, edited by Oscar Browning, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 3s 6d 1887 NATURAL HISTORY.-Forbes's (E.) A History of British Starfishes and other Animals of the class of Echinodermata, woodcuts, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 38 6d 1841 617 NATURAL HISTORY. 618 619 620 621 Steenstrup's (J. J., S. M.) On the Alteration of Generations, or the propagation and development of animals through alternate generations, translated from the German by G. Busk, plates, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 2s 6d Ray Soc., 1845 NATURAL HISTORY.-Gray's (J. E.) Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of E. Whymper, 3s 1866 NAVAL.-Locker's (E. H.) Memoirs of celebrated Naval Commanders, illustrated by engravings from original pictures in the Naval Gallery of Greenwich Hospital, imp. 8vo, cloth, 88 6d 1832 Contains portraits of Lord Hawke, Benbow, Capt. Jas. Cook, Blake, Byng, Kempenfelt, Collingwood, and others. 3 plates missing. NAUNTON (Sir Robert) Memoirs of, with some of his posthumous writings, never before printed, portrait, 4to, bds., 2s 6d 1814 NELSON.-The Battle of the Nile, a descriptive poem: a tributary wreath to nautic bravery by a Gentleman of Earl St. Vincent's Fleet, 8vo, sewed, UNCUT, 28 6d 1799 622 NEWBOLT's (H.) The New June, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, with the autograph signature of Anne Ritchie, eldest daughter of W. M. Thackeray, 4s 6d 623 NEWFOUNDLAND. 1909 Page's (F. R.) Concise History and Description of Newfoundland, front. and map, cr. 8vo, cloth, 38 1860 624 NEWSPAPER.-The Weekly Account Passages from Parliament and Letters from the Armies, No. 6, 3rd Feb. to 10th Feb., sm. 4to, roan, four leaves, 48 6d 1646 Diutinus affaires of Great Britaine, &c., No.' II., Wed. the 3rd of Feb., to Wed. the 10th of Feb., sm. 4to, roan, four leaves, 4s 6d 1646 NICHOLS (J.) LITERARY ANECDOTES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LITERARY HISTORY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, portraits, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT 600 ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS, 17 vols, 8vo, calf extra, UNCUT, gilt tops, £20 1812-58 |