627 NIXON's Cheshire Prophecy at large, with | 644 OMAR KHAYYAM (Rubáiyát of), transhis life, &c., by J. Old Mixon, woodcuts, lated by E. Fitzgerald, 12 photogravures 8vo, 2s 6d after drawings by Gilbert James, 8vo, cloth, 1904 gilt top, 4s 6d 1745 1682 628 NORMAN CONQUEST.-Argumentum Anti-Normanicum, or an argument proving that William, Duke of Normandy, made no Absolute Conquest of England by the sword, in the sense of our modern writers, front., 8vo, calf, 38 629 NORMANDY.-Macquoid's (Katherine) Through Normandy, illustrated by Thos. R. Macquoid, and map, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d 1874 630 NORTHINGTON (R. Henley, Earl 01) Memoir of the Life of, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, by Robert Lord Henley, 3 fine portraits, cr. 8vo, cloth, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription, 38 1831 631 NOVEL.-The Temple Beau, or the Town 1754 Coquets, sm. 8vo, sheep, 4s 6d 632 NOVEL.-The Adventures of Sylvia Hughes, written by Herself, 12mo, calf, 1761 4s 6d 633 NOVEL.-The Life and Adventures of Mr. Francis Clive, 2 vols, 12mo, old calf, slightly soiled, 3s 1775 1764 634 NOVEL.-History of Rhedi, the Hermit of Mount Ararat, an oriental tale, 12mo, calf, 18 6d 1773 635 NOVEL.-Adventures of a Cork-Screw, in which the vices, follies and manners of the present age are exhibited and satirically delineated, sm. 8vo, calf, covers loose, 28 6d 636 NOVEL.-The History of Miss Katty N-, containing a relation of her amours, adventures, and various burns of fortune in Scotland, Ireland, Jamaica, and England, written by Herself, 12mo, old half calf, poor copy, 4s 6d N.D., 17637 NOVEL.-Notoriety, or fashionables unveiled, a tale for the Haut-ton, with anecdotes, forming a gallery of distinguished and interesting portraits, by Castigator, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 58 6d 638 NOVEL.-Supreme Bon Ton and Bon Ton by Profession, a novel, by the author of "Parga," 3 vols, 12mo, half bound, 3s 1820 639 OCCULT.-Letters from Julia, or light from the borderland, 16mo, cloth, 2s 1897 640 O'KEEFFE's (John) Legacy to his Daughter: the poetical works of, portrait, post 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, 38 1834 641 O'KELLY (Dennis) The Genuine Memoirs of, commonly called Count O'Kelly: containing curious and interesting anecdotes of that celebrated character and his coadjutors on the turf and in the field, 8vo, bds., scarce and curious, 4s 6d 1788 642 OLDHAM's (John) Works; together with his remains, SEVENTH EDITION, CORRECTED, 8vo, old calf, 4s 6d 1710 1812 643 [OLDHAM's (John)] Some New Pieces, never before publish'd, by the author of the Satyrs upon the Jesuites, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, bds., 10s 6d 1684 645 646 OMAR THE TENTMAKER: a romance 647 ORIENTAL.-The Story of Valeh and Hadijeh, translated from the Persian by Mirza Mahomed and C. Spring Rice, sm. 4to, bds., buckram back, gilt top, 2s 6d 1903 648 ORIENTAL.-Lal (Behari) The Thesaurus of Knowledge, divine and temporal, or the Vedas and their Angas and Upangas, 8vo, cloth, back margins of pp. 225-240 wormed, 6s Lahore, 1910 649 ORIGINES DIVISIANE, or the Antiquities of the devizes in some familiar letters to a friend, 12mo, half calf, 3s 1754 This is a quiz on Dr. Stukely, Browne Willis, and the antiquaries of their day. 650 651 652 653 654 N.D. ORPHAN ASYLUM.-The Psalms and Hymns used at the Asylum, or House of Refuge for Female Orphans, with the music by Handel, Arnold and others, and front. of an Orphan in her dress, with view of the Asylum in the background, sm. 4to, sewn, 38 6d OSSIAN.-Fingal, an ancient epic poem, in six books, with several other poems, composed by Ossian, the son of Fingal, translated from the Gaelic by J. Macpherson, FIRST EDITION, vignette on title, 4to, old calf, joints cracked, bookplate of Arch. Ingram, 88 6d 1762 1666 OSTEND.-A Relation of the Defeating Privately printed at the Philosopher Press, Wassau, Wisconsin (U.S.), 1903 655 PAINTING.-An Essay of the Mechanic of Oil Colours, considered under oils, varnishes and pigments, in which is communicated some valuable secrets, particularly of preparing the oils, a finishing oil varnish, the valuable and pernicious qualities of certain colours, &c., by an Artist, 8vo, wrappers, scarce, 3s Bath printed, to be had only of the author, W. Williams, 1787 in Engadine Frames, "G. E. X.," 2 plates, cr. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, printed on handmade paper, only 100 copies issued, presentation copy from the Authoress, with autograph inscription signed, 38 6d 1701 Wassau, Wis. (U.S.), 1904 658 PAINTING. - Smith's (J.) The Art of Painting in Oyl: the most approved rules for preparing, mixing, and working in oyl colours, the whole treatise being so complete that all persons may be able to paint in oyl colours all manner of timber work, or anything else; also the painting of sundials, printed pictures, and the mystery of colouring maps and other prints with water-colours, &c., sm. 8vo, old calf, roughly rebacked, scarce, 78 6d 659 PARIS.-Forty Views in Paris, engraved by Tombleson, Roberts, Romney, H. Wallis, J. Lewis, &c., after A. Pugin, J. Nash, Ferrey, and others, fine impressions, on India paper, 8vo, half morocco, 3s 6d 660 PARLIAMENT.-Petyt's (W.) The An- | tient Right of the Commons of England asserted a discourse proving that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament, 8vo, old calf, stained, 38 1680 661 PARLIAMENT.-A Compleat List of the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal, with a list of the Commons of Great Britain, dissolved Sept. 23, 1710, and that summoned to meet Nov. 25, 1710, post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, pp. 16, 2s 662 PARLIAMENT. 1829 1711 Observations, Rules and Orders, collected out of divers Journals of the House of Commons, entered in the Reigns of Edward VI., Q. Mary, Q. Elizabeth, James I., Charles I. and II., cr. 8vo, calf, 3s B. Lintot, 1717 663 PARLIAMENTS.-A Collection of Thirteen Pamphlets relating to the Septennial Act, in I vol, 8vo, old half calf, scarce, with bookplate of Robert Surman, 4s 6d 1722 664 PASSIONS, Natural History of the, device on the title, 8vo, old calf, scarce, 38 6d 669 668 PEACHAM's (Henry) The Valley of Varietie, or discourse fitting for the times, 16mo, old calf, no front., 38 6d 1638 PEERAGE.-Asgill's (Mr.) The Complicated Question divided, upon the Bill now depending in Parliament, relating to Peerage, 1719-Thoughts of a Member of the Lower House in relation to a project for restraining and limiting the power of the crown in the future creation of Peers, 1719-and 4 other tracts relating to this Bill, 1719-Beilhaven's (Lord) Speech in Edinburgh. Nov., 1706 on the Subject Matter of the Union, 1719, and 2 other tracts-in 1 vol, 8vo, half calf, 4s 6d PERFUMES. — Rimmel's (E.) Book of Perfumes, over 250 illustrationsby Bourdelin, Thomas, &c., cr. 8vo, cloth, binding slightly defective, 2s 6d 670 672 1865 671 PERFUMES.-Chimie du Gout et de l'Odorat, ou Principes pour composer facilement, et à peu de fráis, les liqueurs à bore, et les eaux de senteurs, plates, cr. 8vo. half calf, bookplate of R. Hovenden, engraved by C. W. Sherborn, 38 6d Paris, 1755 PERSIAN LETTERS, translated by J. Ozell, THIRD EDITION, with additional letters by the Author and notes by the Translator, 2 vols, 12mo, calf, joints cracked, 38 6d 1736 PLAIN AND EASY ROAD to the Land of Bliss, 1763-Advice to the Clergy with the Evulgation of the Resolutions of a late Congress held in Germany for the purpose of abolishing Christianity, 1786— 12mo, calf, binding worn, with bookplate of Thos. Jolley, 28 6d 673 674 675 676 In the Savoy, printed by T. N., 1674 665 PAUL DE KOCK.-A Collection of Twentyfive Engravings by RAFFET, illustrating 677 the most celebrated scenes in the works of PAUL DE KOCK, in a vol, 8vo, half morocco neat, 7s 6d 666 PAYNE's (John) New Poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1880 N.D. 667 PENNY DREADFUL.-The Mysteries of the Madhouse, or annals of Bedlam, by a Discharged Officer, curious folding front. of "The Lunatic's Gala at Bedlam, 1847,” and illustrations, 8vo, old half calf, very scarce, 7s 6d N.D. 678 PLATO. - Bibliotheca Platonica: an exponent of the Platonic Philosophy, edited by T. M. Johnson, Vol 1 in 4 parts, 8vo, wrappers, 3s 6d 1889-90 PLAYS.-Buckingham's (Geo., Duke of) The New Key to the Rehearsal, front., 1717-Gay's (J.) The_Beggar's Opera, with music, wants title-Hecuba, a tragedy, acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (prologue spoken by Garrick, and epilogue written by Garrick), 1762-and 3 other plays, in 1 vol, 8vo, calf, gilt back, 78 6d 1717-64 PLAYS.-Chambers's (Miss M.) School for Friends, 1806-Colman's (G.) John Bull, a comedy, FIRST EDITION, 1805Cumberland's (R.) A Hint to Husbands, a comedy, 1806-and another, 4 in 1 vol, 8vo, tree calf, 3s Inchbald's (Mrs.) To Marry, or not to Marry. 1805-Tobin's (J.) The Honeymoon, FIRST EDITION, 1805-Reynolds's (F.) The Blind Bargain, 1805-&c., 5 plays in 1 vol, tree calf, 38 PLAY.-Clark's (Wm.) Marciano, or the Discovery, a tragi-comedy, 1663, edited by W. Logan, sm. 4to, half morocco, only 75 copies printed, 58 6d Privately reprinted, 1871 This appears to have been the first play performed in Scotland after the Restoration. 679 PLAYS.-Thompson's (E. N. S.) The | 689 POOR.--Caldwell's (J._S.) Digest of the English Moral Plays (with a bibliography), Laws relating to the Poor, 12mo, calf, 3s 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT, 1s 6d New Haven, Conn., 1910 680 POE (Edgar Allan) Some Poems of, edited, with a biographical note of the poet, by J. C. Wright, drawings by J. J. Guthrie, Parts 1 and 2 sm. 4to, wrappers, with plates; Part 3 to end letterpress only, only 150 copies printed, 8s 6d Pear Tree Press, 1901 681 POETICAL TRACTS.-Duck's (Stephen) Poems on several Subjects, 1733-Adcock's (A.) Ashby Woulds, a poem, Stamford, N.D.-The Tower, a poem, 1810-Mendham's (J.) The Adventures of Ulysses, a classical drama, 1810-Byron's The Giaour, 1814-Southey's Wat Tyler, 1817 -Byron's Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, with the life of the noble Author, portrait, R. Edwards, 1818-An Infallible Guide to a Pleasant Marriage (in verse), 1819-White Hats, or the reformiad, by Humphry Helicon, 1819-The British Seraglio, by A. Moor, 1819-The Political Dessert, 1820-The Banner, by L. H. Browne, 1820-Despair, a vision, woodcuts, 1820-Political Lecture on Heads, folding front., Fairburn, N.D.-&c., in 1 vol, thk. 8vo, half calf, £1 1s A very scarce and curious collection. 682 POEMS.-The Economy of Love, a poetical essay, 1749-Somervile's (Wm.) The Chace, a poem, with Hobbinol, or the rural games, 1749 Akinside's (M.) Pleasures of Imagination, in three books, vignette on title, 1744-and another, 4 in 1 vol, 8vo, calf, 7s 6d 683 POETRY. Maxim's (Hudson) The Science of Poetry and the Philosophy of Language, portrait and illustrations by W. Oberhardt, 8vo, cloth, as new, 3s 6d 1910 684 POETS' WIT AND HUMOUR, selected by W. H. Wills, 100 illustrations by C. Bennett and G. H. Thomas, 8vo, cloth gilt, 58 6d 1862 685 POLITICAL. Review of Pitt's Administration, with appendix, 1763-Review of Lord Bute's Administration, 1763 Letter to the Earls of Egremont and Halifax on the Seizure of Papers, 1763-in 1 vol, 8vo, calf, rebacked, autograph signature of John Thelwall on first pamphlet, 4s 6d 686 POLITICAL.-The History of the Late Minority, exhibiting the conduct, principles and views of that party, during 17621765, 8vo, old calf, Adam Smith's copy with his book-label, 2s 6d 1766 687 POLITICAL.-The New Whig Guide, fcap. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 28 6d 1819 The Choice of a Leader, Political Botany, Failure of the Buccaneers and Loss of the Broom Ship, Trial of Henry Brougham for Mutiny, &c. 688 POOR.-Nolan's (M.) Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor, 3 vols, 8vo, calf, binding of Vol. I. defective, 6s 6d 1825 691 1821 690 [POPE's (Alex.)] The Dunciad, in four books, according to the complete copy found in the year 1742, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus and Notes Variorum; to which are added several notes, now first publish'd, the Hypercritics of Aristarchus and his Dissertation on the Hero of the Poem, 4to, calf, gilt back, 4s 6d 1743 POPERY.-A Pill to Purge out Popery, or a catechisme for Romish catholikes, 16mo, half calf, wants a leaf at end, 3s 1624 PORCELAIN. - Solon's (M. L.) Brief History of Old English Porcelain and its Manufactories, with an artistic, industrial and critical appreciation of their productions, 20 coloured and illuminated plates, and numerous black and white plates, roy. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, £1 15s 1903 PORTER's (Anna M.) Ballad Romances, and other poems, FIRST EDITION, front., 12mo, bds., UNCUT, 28 6d 692 693 1811 701 Attributed to John Dunton. PRATER (The), by Nicholas Babble, Esq., SECOND and EDITION, Corrected improved by the Author, sm. 8vo, calf gilt, scarce, 4s 6d 1757 PRESBYTERIAN ELOQUENCE (Scotch) displayed, or the folly of their teaching discovered, sm. 8vo, calf, 38 1790 PRINTING.-Monuments of Typography and Zylography, books of the first half century of the art of printing, in the possession of B. Quaritch, roy. 8vo, half morocco, 3s 6d 1897 PRINTING. Madan's (F.) Chart of Oxford Printing, 1468-1900, with notes and illustrations, facsimile plates, 4to, bds., 48 6d 1903 1910 700 PRIVATEERS AND PRIVATEERING, by Com. E. P. Statham, eight illustrations, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d PROCTER (Bryan Waller, Barry Cornwall) An Autobiographical Fragment and Biographical Notes, with unpublished lyrics and letters of literary friends (edited by Coventry Patmore), 8vo, cloth, 3s 1877 702 PUGILISM.-Miles's (H. D.) Pugilistica: one hundred and forty-four years of the history of British boxing, lives of the most celebrated pugilists, complete and chronological history of the Ring, 1719 to 1863, portraits and illustrations from original prints, paintings, &c., 3 vols, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, £1 10s 1880 703 PUGILISM.-Sketch of the Life of Mr. | 718 RANDOLPH's (Thomas) Poems: with the John Jackson, portrait, sm. 4to, half morocco, very scarce, 168 Private presentation copy, N.D. [1813] 704 [PYNE's (W. H.)] The Twenty-ninth of May: rare doings at the Restoration, by Ephraim Hardcastle, 2 vols, 12mo, bds., UNCUT, 38 705 QUARLES's 1825 (John) Regale Lectum Miseriæ, or a kingly bed of miserie, with elegies upon Charles I. and Lord Capel, 12mo, covers loose, no plates, ends on page 84 (? perfect), 10s 6d 1649 706 QUARLES's (Francis) Enchiridion, 16mo, calf, portrait slightly damaged and binding cracked, scarce edition, 78 6d 1670 707 QUARLES's (Francis) Argalus and Parthenia, front. and leaf, "The Mind of the Frontispiece," 16mo, covers loose, a few leaves slightly cut, 5s 1677 708 RABELAIS's (F.) Works, translated from the French by Sir T. Urquhart and Motteux, with notes by Duchat Ozell, and others, portraits of Rabelais and Urquhart, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, good copy, scarce, 88 6d Bohn, 1851 709 RABELAIS CLUB (Recreations of the), from 1880 to 1888, 3 vols, sm. 4to, buck ram, £1 1s Privately printed, 1880-1888 Only 100 copies of each vol were issued; Vols 1 and 2 have the autograph signatures of W. H. Pollock and Walter Besant. Contributions in verse and prose by W. E. Henley, A. Lang, O. W. Holmes, G. du Maurier, W. Besant, W. H. Pollock, C. G. Leland, and others. 710 RADFORD's (Ernest) Collection of Poems, 12mo, bds., ls 6d 1906 711 RAILWAY.-London and Birmingham Railway, large coloured map of the line, and adjacent country, in two sections, mounted on canvas and folding in cloth case, 2s 6d 1835 712 RAMSAY'S (Dean) Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character, fine portrait, 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d Edinburgh, 1871 713 RAFFAELLO SANZIO: his Sonnet in the British Museum, studied by Louis Fagan, 3 facsimiles, sm. 4to, bds., presentation copy with inscription signed, and autograph letter signed inserted, 38 6d 1884 714 RAILWAYS.-Bradshaw's Map of Great Britain, shewing the railways completed and in progress, with the line of navigation from the principal seaports, large folio, mounted on linen, folded, 3s 715 RAKE'S PROGRESS, or the Humours of St. James's: being the life of Squire Rakewell, no plates, sm. 8vo, quarter morocco, with the gilt Hailstone bookplate, 3s 1868 N.D. 716 RELPH's (J., of Sebergham, Cumberland) Miscellany of Poems, with a preface and a glossary, 8vo, old calf, 28 6d Glasgow, Foulis, 1747 717 RIDER HAGGARD (H.) Allan Quartermain : : an account of his further adventures and discoveries, illustrated, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d 1887 Muses Looking Glass, and Amyntas; whereunto is added the Jealous Lovers, THE FIFTH EDITION, WITH SEVERAL ADDITIONS, Corrected and amended, engraved front. (date on the front. is 1664), 12mo, calf, nice clean copy, £1 10s Oxford, 1668 719 RICHARDSON.-The Life and Heroic Actions of Balbe Berton, Chevalier de Grillon, translated from the French by a Lady, and revised by Mr. Richardson, author of Clarissa, &c., 2 vols in 1, sm. 8vo, calf, bookplate of Henry Home, of Kames, nice copy, 4s 6d N.D. 720 RITSON's (Jos.) Letters, edited chiefly from originals in the possession of his nephew, with a memoir by Sir H. Nicholas, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, shaky in binding, presentation copy from Joseph Frank, Ritson's nephew, 4s 6d Pickering, 1833 ROGERS (Samuel) Recollections of the Table-talk; to which is added Porsoniana, edited by Rev. A. Dyce, portraits and plates on India paper, 8vo, bds., UNCUT, LARGE PAPER, specially printed for extra illustrating, 4s 6d 1887 721 722 ROMAN CATHOLIC.-Devotions, first The epistle dedicatory is signed J. S. 723 ROMANCE.-Nissena: an excellent new romance, written originally in Italian by Francesco Carmeni, and now Englished by an Anti-Socordist, 8vo, original calf, scarce, little stained, 158 Humphrey Moseley, 1653 At the end is a 20-pp. catalogue of books printed for Humphrey Moseley. 724 ROMANCE.-Cloria and Narcissus, a delightfull and new romance, embellished with divers politicall notions and singular remarks of moderne transactions, written by an honourable person, 2 parts in 1 vol, thk. sm. 8vo, original calf, scarce, £1 1s 1653-54 725 ROMANCE.-Elysium, or the state of love and honour in the superior regions of bliss, &c., sm. 8vo, old calf, scarce and curious, 68 6d 1702 726 ROMANCE.-Hymen's Præludia, or love's master-piece, being the romance intitled Cleopatra, translated from the French, by R. Loveday, front., 8 vols, sm. 8vo, calf, a few leaves in Vol. I. wormed, 128 6d 1736 727 ROMANCE OF TRISTRAM AND ISEULT, translated from the French of J. Bedier, by Florence Simmonds, coloured plates by Maurice Lalau, roy. 8vo, buckram, 10s (pub. 15s net) 1910 728 ROMANCES, The History of: an enquiry into their origin, &c., translated from the Latin of Huetius, by S. Lewis, 12mo, calf, 58 6d 729 1715 Another copy, in rather poor con dition, 2s 6d 747 748 and Rumelia in 1828-29, during the Campaigns of the Danube, the passage of the Balkan, by Marshall Diebitch, &c., translated from the German of Baron von Moltke, map and plans, 8vo, cloth, back slightly torn, 48 6d 1854 SAVINGS BANKS.-Memorial of the Celebration of the Centenary of Savings Banks, held at Edinburgh, 8th to 10th June, 1910, edited by Alex. Cargill, numerous portraits, roy. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 3s 1910 SCHILLER (F.) Life of, comprehending an examination of his works [by Thos. Carlyle], FIRST EDITION, portrait, 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, scarce, slightly foxed, 88 6d 730 ROMANCE.-The Adventures of Pom- | 746 RUSSIANS (The), in Bulgaria 737 1909 1692 1810 1810 Another copy of the same edition, 2 vols, 12mo, half calf, 4s 6d 738 ROWLANDSON. Farquhar's (F.) Relicks of a Saint, a right merry tale, coloured front. by Rowlandson, cr. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, 10s 6d 1816 739 ROYALIST v. ROUNDHEAD.-Salus Populi solus Rex.: the People's Safety is the Sole Soveraignty, or the Royalist outreasoned, sm. 4to, half morocco, 3s 1648 740 RUGGLE's (George) Ignoramus, comœdia, secunda editio auctior et emendatior, front., 12mo, FINE COPY IN THE ORIGINAL CALF, 78 6d 741 - 1654 1630 Ignoramus, editio quarta, locis sexcentis emendatior, front., 12mo, half calf, 28 6d 1659 742 RUSKIN's (John) Lectures on Architecture and Painting, delivered at Edinburgh in Nov., 1853, with illustrations drawn by the Author, FIRST EDITION, FINE COPY, cr. 8vo, original cloth, presentation copy, with inscription on fly-leaf, "With the Author's compliments," £l 1s 743 RUSKIN's (John) Political Economy of Art, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, cloth, 28 6d 1857 744 RUSKIN, &c.-Rippingille (E. V., Editor) The Artist's and Amateur's Magazine, devoted to the arts of design, &c, imp. 8vo, cloth, presentation copy from the editor, with autograph inscription on title, 88 6d 1843 Contains articles by John Ruskin, W. B. Scott, review of " Modern Painters," &c. 745 RYE HOUSE PLOT.-His Majesties' Declaration concerning the Treasonable Conspiracy against his Sacred Person and Government, sm. 4to, half morocco, 6s 1683 749 750 751 752 753 1825 SCHOPENHAUER's (Arthur) The World 1854 754 SCOTT's (Wm. Bell) Poems, Ballads, Studies from Nature, Sonnets, &c., 17 etchings by the Author and L. Alma Tadema, 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1875 755 SCOTT's (Wm. Bell) Illustrations to the King's Quair of King James I. of Scotland, painted on the staircase of Penkill Castle, Ayrshire, six etchings and vignette on title, INDIA PROOFS, folio, in portfolio, PRESENTATION COPY, WITH AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION SIGNED, 158 756 Edinburgh, privately printed, 1887 SCOTT FAMILY.-Rogers's (C.) Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, of Abbotsford, with a reprint of his Memorials of the Haliburtons, front., 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1877 757 SCOTLAND.-Kelly's (Jas.) Complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs, explained to the English reader, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, old calf, back slightly defective, some leaves 1721 stained, 3s SCOTLAND.-Gibson's (John) History of Glasgow, from the earliest accounts to the present time, with plan of the city of Glasgow, J. Lumsden, sculpt., inserted (wants the original plan), 8vo, calf, 8s 6d Glasgow, 1777 758 |