53 by C. T. Newton, 8vo, cloth, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription, 3s 6d 1880 65 ARUNDEL SOCIETY.-The Brancacci Chapel and Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi, by A. H. Layard, illustrated, roy. 8vo, quarter morocco, 2s 6d 66 N.D. 51 ARCHITECTURE.-Milner's (Rev. J.) | 64 ART AND ARCHEOLOGY, Essays on, Treatise on the Ecclesiastical Architecture of England during the Middle Ages, ten plates, roy. 8vo, half calf neat, uncut, 38 1811 52 ARCHITECTURE.—A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture, plates and text, 2 vols, 8vo, Edward Whymper's copy, with his autograph signature, 4s 6d 1840 A Manual of Gothic Mouldings, by F. A. Paley, plates, 8vo, cloth, E. Whymper's copy, with autograph, 3s 1845 54 ARCHITECTURE. Modern British Domestic Architecture and Decoration, edited by C. Holme, coloured plates and illustrations, roy. 8vo, wrappers, 3s 6d Studio, 1901 55 ARCHITECTURE.-Pugin's (A. Welby) Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England, plates, 4to, cloth, 28 1843 56 ARITHMETIC.-Record's (R.) Arithmetick, or the ground of arts, teaching the work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, augmented by J. Dee, enlarged by J. Mellis, corrected and enlarged by R. Hartwell, thk. sm. 8vo, old calf, neatly rebacked, 10s 6d 67 68 69 James Flesher, 1658 57 ARMSTRONG's (Dr.) The Economy of 70 Love, a poetical essay, 1753-The Art of Preserving Health, by same, uncut, 1754The Pleasures of Imagination, by Dr. Akenside, 1754-Elfrida, а dramatic poem, by Mr. Mason, 1753-in 1 vol, 8vo, calf, 38 6d 58 ARNOLD's 59 ARNOLD's (Matthew) Culture and Anarchy: an essay in political and social criticism, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, cloth, name on title, 58 6d 1869 (Matthew) Discourses in America, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 38 6d 1885 60 ART.-Britton's (John) Catalogue Raisonne of the Pictures belonging to the Marquis of Stafford, in the Gallery of Cleveland House, comprising a list of the pictures, illustrative anecdotes, &c., front. and plan, 8vo, half russia, 2s 6d 1808 61 ART.-Elmes's (J.) General and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts, containing explanations of the terms used in the arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and engraving, &c., portraits of Wren and Reynolds, 8vo, half calf, 3s 1826 62 ART.-Christen (Rodolphe) The Story of an Artist's Life, by his Wife, portraits and illustrations (62 plates printed in colours), 8vo, cloth, slight blind stamp on title, otherwise as new, 4s 6d 1910 63 ART AND ARCHEOLOGY: an Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in, explaining words used in art, colour, costume, heraldry, pottery, &c., by J. W. Mollett, illustrated, sm. 4to, cloth, 3s 6d 1883 71 73 ASHBEE's (C. R.) A Few Chapters in Workshop Reconstruction and Citizenship, illustrated, LARGE PAPER COPY, 4to, parchment, 3s 6d 1894 ASTROLOGY. Raphael's Witch!!! or the oracle of the future, 2 folding plates, not coloured, and vignette designed by R. Cruikshank and the Author, piece of music by J. Blewitt, 12mo, cloth, 4s 6d 1831 ASTROLOGY.-Thompson (R. C., Editor) The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum, with translations, notes, &c.; Vol. II. only, English translations, vocabulary, &c., 8vo, cloth (Semetic text and Translation Series), 4s 6d (pub. 12s 6d) ASTROLOGY.-Leo's (A.) The Key to 1900 your own Nativity: analytical readings of every position in a nativity, based on scientific principles, sm. 4to, cloth, 6s 1910 ATHENS.-Annual of the British School at Athens, No. II. Session, 1895-96, plates and cuts, 4to, bds., 68 Printed for the Subscribers, 1886 Archæology in Greece, excavations in Melos, prehistoric graves in Syra, &c. AUSTRALASIA.-Gordon's (Adam Lindsay) Poems, preface by Marcus Clarke, cr. 8vo, cloth, from the library of Andrew Lang, with inscription on title, "W. W. Lang, Xmas, 1883, from Jo. S. Lang, "" 4s 6d Melbourne, Massina & Co., N.D. 72 AUSTRALIA.-Meredith's (Mrs. C.) My Home in Tasmania during a Residence of Nine Years, illustrated, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d 1852 AUSTRALIA.-The Gold Finder of Australia: how he went, how he fared and how he made his fortune, edited by John Sherer, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, scarce, 10s 6d (1853) 74 AUSTRALIA.-Westgarth's (W.) Victoria and the Australian Gold Mines in 1857, with notes on the overland route from Australia via Suez, maps, cr. 8vo, cloth, 1857 AUSTRALIA.-Thomas's (Julian, "The Vagabond") Cannibals and Convicts: notes of personal experiences in the Western Pacific, front. and map, cr. 8vo, cloth, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription, 3s 1887 AUSTRALIA.-The Journals and Letters of Hugh Stanley Head, edited by his Mother, 8vo, bds., cover slightly soiled, 3s 90 91 (several), Rev. Rowland Hill, Baron | 89 BAXTER's (Richard) Catholick Communion Pollock, Marcus Stone, Bishop Blomfield defended against both Extreams, sm. 4to, (3), Sir John Ross, Richard Westmacott sewed, 28 1684 (2), Lord Claude Hamilton, Lord William BAXTER's (Richard) Church Concord, Russell, John Linnell, Lord Brassey, Sir containing a diswasive from unnecessary C. Lyell, Sir Edward Parry, Sir J. D. division and the terms necessary for Hooker, Sir E. Belcher, Bishop Colenso, concord, sm. 4to, sewn, 2s 1691 &c., £1 15s BAXTER PROCESS.-Murray's (A.) The 78 AUTOGRAPHS.-An Album of about 100 Book of the Royal Horticultural Society, Auto. Letters and Docs. 8., including 1862-63, 2 plates printed in colours, with Examples of Henry Irving, Lord Ellenfacsimile autographs of Queen Victoria and borough. Lord Truro, Lord North, Baron Prince Consort, illustrations and photographs Humboldt, Earl Granville, Cardinal by John Leighton, Thos. Scott and C. Manning, Lord Tenterden, W. H. Pepys Thurston Thompson, and ornamental co(1788), and many others, £1 48 loured borders, 4to, cloth, some leaves foxed, binding soiled, 88 6d 79 BACON's (Francis, Lord Verulam) Sylva Sylvarum, or a natural history in ten centuries, published by Wm. Rawley, with life of Bacon, &c., NINTH EDITION, portrait and engraved title, folio, old calf, binding worn, 10s 61 1670 80 BACON v. SHAKSPERE, Brief for Plaintiff, by Edwin Reed, portraits and facsimiles, 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d 1899 84 BALLET DANCERS.-A Collection of 31 COLOURED LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES OF FAMOUS 92 93 94 Bradbury & Evans, 1863 Contains a Sonnet by Shirley Brooks. BEARDSLEY.— THE YELLOW BOOK: an illustrated quarterly, contributions by H. James, R. Le Gallienne, A. Symons, J. Davidson, A. Dobson, E. Dowson, and others, illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, J. Pennell, L. Housman, Max Beerbohm, J. S. Sargent, &c., Vols I. to IV., 4 vols, sm. 4to, original cloth, 12s 6d 1894 BEARDSLEY.-Sharp's (Evelyn) At the Relton Arms, FIRST EDITION, title-page and cover designs by Aubrey Beardsley, cr. 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, 38 6d 1895 BEARDSLEY.-The Yellow Book: an illustrated quarterly, Vol. I., illustrations after Aubrey Beardsley, J. Pennell, Sir F. Leighton, L. Housman, R. A. Bell, &c., sm. 4to, cloth, original issue, 4s 6d Contains articles by R. Le Gallienne, Max Beerbohm. A. Symons, E. Gosse, John David son, and others. 1904 BALLET DANCERS, mounted on cards, large 95 BEAU'S MISCELLANY (The), or the folio, £12 A very valuable and interesting collection representing the finest exponents of the art of ballet dancing-Taglioni (several), Grisi, Cerito, Fanny Elssler, Celeste, &c. 85 BARHAM (R H.),-NICOLAS'S (Nicholas Harris) A SYNOPSIS OF THE PEERAGE OF ENGLAND, the date of creation, descent and present state of every title of peerage which has existed in this country since the Conquest, 2 vols extended to 4 vols, INTERLEAVED WITH A GREAT QUANTITY OF MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS IN THE NEAT HANDWRIT 1825 1866 ING OF THE REV. R. H. BARHAM, the author of "The Ingoldshy Legends," 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, with the bookplate of R. H. Barham in each volume, £4 48 86 BARHAM's (R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends, illustrated by G. Cruikshank, J. Leech and J. Tenniel, sm. 4to, cloth extra. gilt edges, 58 6d 87 BASKERVILLE.-Milton's (John) Para dise Lost, the finely printed John Baskerville edition, 2 vols, 8vo, mottled calf, gilt backs, a very good sound copy, £1 103 Birmingham, 1758 88 BATH CHARACTERS, or Sketches from Life, by Peter Paul Pallet, SECOND EDITION, with a poetical pump-room conversation, new preface, &c., 8vo, half calf, uncut, 28 6d 1808 96 97 98 99 Agreeable Variety in Prose and Verse by Bartholomew Broadbottom, 8vo, calf, £l 5s N.D. A very curious volume. The imprint is as follows-"Printed by David Simple for Joseph Andrews at Tulliber's Head, and sold by Abraham Adams at the Esculus and Crab Tree, near the Monument.' "The Beau's Miscellany (which contains some very curious pieces) occupies 40 pp., the rest of the volume is made up of various pamphlets, which are without their original title-pages. One or two of these might be classed as "Swiftiana;" another bears the title of "The Priest Gelded." 1823 1834 [BECKFORD's (Wm.)] Vathek, translated 1887 114 BLAKE's (Wm.) Songs of Innocence and of Experience (with a preface by J. J. Garth Wilkinson), cr. 8vo, cloth, some margins written on, 10s 6d The 115 1839 first edition printed in ordinary type. Scarce. BLAKE's (Wm.) Poetical Works, lyrical and miscellaneous, edited, with a memoir, by W. M. Rossetti, portrait, fcap. 8vo, 1874 cloth, 28 6d 116 BLAKE.-Blair's (R.) The Grave, a poem, illustrated by Wm. Blake, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 18 6d 1903 100 BEES.-Purchas's (Samuel) A Theatre of | 113 BIRRELL's (Augustine) Obiter Dicta, Politicall Flying-Insects, wherein the work, second series, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, the wonder, and the manner of right- 48 6d ordering of the bee is discovered and described, 2 parts in 1 vol, sm. 4to, calf, some headlines cut, £l 1s 1657 101 BEGGAR'S WALLET (A), containing contributions in prose, verse and pictorial illustration, gathered from certain workers in art and letters, by A. S. Walker, portraits of Henley, Irving, Schiller and illus1905 trations, roy. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d Contributions by A. C. Benson, G. W. Prothero, A. Noyes, G. K. Chesterton and others. 102 BELL's (Mrs. Hugh) Fairy Tale Plays and How to Act them, illustrated by Lancelot Speed, cr. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, presentation copy to Mrs. Ritchie, eldest daughter of W. M. Thackeray, 38 1896 103 BENNETT's (C. H.) Surprising, unheardof and never-to-be surpassed Adventures of young Munchausen, illustrations by the Author, roy. 8vo, cloth, 38 1865 104 BENSON's (E. F.) Daisy's Aunt, coloured front., cr. 8vo, cloth, autograph signature of Anne Ritchie, eldest daughter of W. M. Thackeray, 38 1910 105 BENTLEY's (R.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, with an answer to the objections of C. Boyle, 8vo, calf, 78 6d 1699 With the scarce dated bookplate of Sir T. Hanmer of Hanmer, 1707. 1805 106 BEWICK.-Thomson's (J.) The Seasons, the curiosities of Kensington, Hampton (selected), containing a Last Confession, the Staff and Scrip, my Sister's Sleep, &c., front., sq. 16mo, padded silk, with title and floral design in raised needlework on front cover by the Royal Irish School of Art Needlework, Dublin, 5s 1900 111 BIRMINGHAM ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS AGO: a reprint of Я Directory, published in 1777, with comparison between Birmingham of 1776 and the city of to-day, by C. E. Scarse, cr. 8vo, bds., 2s 6d 1896 112 BLACKWOOD (Wm.) and his Sons: their magazine and friends: annals of a publishing house, by Mrs. Oliphant, portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d Edinburgh, 1897 Interesting reminiscences of Lord Byron, S. T. Coleridge, Geo. Eliot, John Galt, James Hogg, C. Dickens, Lord Lytton, John Murray, Sir W. Scott, W. M. Thackeray, &c. 117 BLAKE.-Milton's (J.) Paradise Lost, 119 121 122 John Windet for Mathew Lownes, 1609 Summum Bonum, or an explication of the Divine Goodness, in the words of the most renowned Boetius, translated by a Lover of Truth and Virtue (P. G.), sm. 8vo, half calf, very scarce, £1 18 Oxford, 1674 BOLINGBROKE's (Lord) Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism, on the Idea of a Patriot King, and on the State of Parties at the Accession of King George I., 8vo, 1749 sewn, fine uncut copy, 3s 6d 123 BOOKS.-Power's (John) Handy Book about Books, for book-lovers, book-buyers, and book-sellers, facsimiles, 8vo, original bds., 3s 6d 1870 BOOK COLLECTORS (English), by Wm. Y. Fletcher, portraits, sm. 4to, buckram, 58 Bookman's Library, 1902 125 BOOKPLATES.-Fifty Bookplates, engraved on copper, by T. Moring, 50 plates, JAPANESE VELLUM COPY, ONLY 25 PRINTED, roy. 8vo, bds., 10s 6d 124 1900 126 BOND's (J. J.) Handy Book of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates with the Christian Era, &c., cr. 8vo, morocco, 38 1875 130 BOOKBINDING AND THE CARE OF | BOOKS: : a text-book for bookbinders and librarians, by D. Cockerell, drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations, cr. 8vo, bds., 38 1901 131 BOOKSELLER.-Lackington (J.) Confessions of in a series of letters, portrait, cr. 8vo, half morocco neat, UNCUT, 38 6d 1804 132 BORROW's (George) Lavengro: the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest, portrait, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, portrait stained, binding of Vol 1 slightly defective, 188 1851 133 BORROW's (Geo.) The Bible in Spain, THIRD EDITION, 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, a little loose in binding, 4s 6d 1843 134 BOWDEN's (S.) Poetical Essays on several Occasions, 2 vols in 1, 8vo, calf, 3s 6d 1733 135 BOWLES's (W. L.) Sonnets, and other poems; to which is added Hope, plates, 12mo, tree calf, 2s 6d 1798 145 [BRONTE (Charlotte)] The Professor : a tale, by Currer Bell, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth, covers defective, 38 6d 1857 146 BROOKFIELD (Mrs.) and her Circle, by C. and Frances Brookfield, 1809-1874, photogravure portraits of Jane O. Brookfield, Arthur Hallam, T. Carlyle, Mrs. Carlyle, Lord Tennyson, W. M. Thackeray, and others, 2 vols, 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, good copy, 6s 6d 1905 147 BROWNING's (Eliz. B.) Poems before Congress, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, name on title, 4s 6d 1860 148 BROWNING's (Eliz. B.) Last Poems, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1862 149 BROWNING's (Robert) Men and Women, FIRST EDITION, 2 vols in 1, 12mo, cloth, a poor copy, soiled and library stamped, 38 6d 150 BROWNING (Robert) Essays and Thoughts, by John T. Nettleship, 8vo, buckram, gilt top, UNCUT, on handmade paper, LARGE PAPER EDITION, only 75 copies printed, scarce, 10s 6d (pub. £1 1s net) 1890 BROWNING's (Robert) "La Saisiaz,” a Lecture, by T. S. Omond, with a number of magazines on Mr. and Mrs. Browning, reviews of R. B.'s Poems, &c., a good collection (in 1 vol), 8vo, cloth, 88 6d BUCHANAN's (R.) Napoleon Fallen: a lyrical drama, FIRST EDITION, post 8vo, cloth, 28 1871 Master-Spirits, 8vo, cloth, UNOPENED, 2s 6d 1873 White Rose and Red: a love story, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 1882 151 152 153 154 155 1855 The Book of Orm, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, UNOPENED, 28 6d 1882 Idyls and Legends of Inverburn, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 1882 157 139 BREWING.-Watkins's (G.) The Compleat English Brewer, or the whole art and mystery of brewing, for the use of 156 publicans and private families, 12mo, old calf, 3s 6d 1767 140 BRIDGES's (R.) Shorter Poems, SECOND EDITION, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 1s 6d 141 1891 Ode for the Bicentenary Commemoration of H. Purcell, and other poems, fcap. 8vo, wrappers, UNCUT, 23 1896 158 159 161 The Hebrid Isles: wanderings in the land of Lorne and the Outer Hebrides, 1883 front., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d A Poet's Sketch-book, selections from the prose writings of, cr. 8vo, 2s 6d 1883 Undertones, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 1883 London Poems, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 1883 Undertones, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, cloth, 2s 6d 1863 162 BUDGELL's (E.) Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the Illustrious Family of the Boyles, with an appendix relating to the Hon. Robert Boyle, front., 8vo, calf, binding shabby, 2s 6d 1737 BUNYAN's (John) The Holy War made by Shaddai upon Diabolus for the regaining of the Metropolis of the World, or the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul, portrait engraved by White (cut round and mounted), sm. 8vo, morocco neat, gilt edges, £6 6s 142 BRIMLEY's (G.) Essays, edited by W. 160 G. Clark, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 28 6d 1882 Essays on Tennyson Wordsworth, Bleak House, The Angel in the House, Esmond, &c. 143 BRITISH HISTORIANS, A Manual of, to A.D. 1600, containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers and monkish writers, their printed works and unpublished MSS. [by W. D. Macray], 8vo, half morocco, E. A. Bond's copy, interleaved and with numerous MS. additions, 38 6d Pickering, 1845 144 BROMLEY's (Sir G.) A Collection of Original Royal Letters, written by Charles I. and II., James II., and others, from 1619 to 1665, portraits of Prince Rupert, Q. of Bohemia, Ruperta, Lord Howe, engraved by Sherwin; also plate of autographs and seals, 8vo, calf, joints cracked, 4s 6d 1787 163 1682 A sound and good copy of the very rare first edition, but wants the folding plate, and a few of the marginal notes have been slightly cut into. 164 BUCKINGHAM. Wilding's (B.) The | 179 BYRON's (Lord) English Bards and Duke of Buckingham's Epitaph, explain'd and vindicated, 8vo, half roan, pp. 24, 28 6d 1722 165 BURLINGTON MAGAZINE for Connoisseurs, numerous plates, including proof etchings and coloured plates, Nos. 1 to 3, 4to, wrappers, HANDMADE PAPER COPIES, 68 1903 166 BURNS's (R.) Poetical Works, vignette titles by Stothard, 2 vols, 24mo, bds., UNCUT, back strip wanting to Vol. I., 3s Chiswick, 1821 167 BURNS's (Robert) Prose Works, now first collected, including his letters to Clarinda, &c., thk. 8vo, half calf, 88 6d Scotch Reviewers, a satire, GENUINE FIRST EDITION (water-mark, 1805), sm. 8vo, half calf, £1 58 James Cawthorn, N.D. [1809] 180 BYRON's (Lord) Werner, a tragedy, FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half morocco, 2s 6d 1823 BYRON's (Lord) Works, illustrated with upwards of 200 woodcuts from drawings by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, H. K. Browne, G. Janet and E. Morin, front., containing 7 portraits of Byron, roy. 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, 4s 6d 181 1877 H. Vizetelly, N.D. 182 CALDECOTT. Irving's (Washington) Bracebridge Hall, illustrated by R. Caldecott, FIRST EDITION, WITH CALDECOTT'S ILLUSTRATIONS, cr. 8vo, cloth gilt, 178 6d 183 CAMBRIDGE.-The Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, Mother to King Henry VII. and Foundress of Christ's and St. John's College, Cambridge, &c., with a catalogue of her Professors at Cambridge and Oxford, front., sm. 8vo, rough calf, joints cracked, 38 1708 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1816 168 BURNS.-The Burns' Festival: prize poem recited at the Crystal Palace, Jan. 25, 1859, FIRST EDITION, 4to, sewn, 7 pp., 48 6d 1859 169 BURNS.-Ballantine's (J.) Chronicle of the Hundredth Birthday of R. Burns, portrait, vignette title and pedigree, roy. 8vo, cloth, 38 6d 1859 170 BURNS (Robert) and the Ayrshire 184 Moderates, a correspondence, with remarks, roy. 8vo, wrappers, 4s 6d Privately printed, 1883 171 BURNS (Robert) A Summary of his Career and Genius, by J. Nichol, pedigree, 4to, wrappers, 28 6d 172 BUNN's (Alfred) A Word with Punch, illustrated, No. I. (all published), 4to, half morocco neat, very scarce, 88 6d N.D. N.D. 1674 173 BUSHBY's (Lady Frances) Three Men of the Tudor Time, portraits, 8vo, cloth, nice copy, presentation copy to Lady Bond, with inscription and autograph letter signed, inserted, 38 6d 1911 174 [BUTLER's (Samuel)] Hudibras, first and second parts, corrected and amended, with annotations, 2 vols, sm. 8vo, calf, early editions, 38 6d 175 BUTLER's (S.) Hudibras, in three parts, with annotations, portrait after Lely and woodcuts by C. Nesbit, 8vo, calf, autograph signature of Princess Augusta, Duchess of Sussex, 4s 6d 176 BUTLER's (Joseph, Bishop of Durham) Works, edited by W. E. Gladstone, Vol 1 only, Analogy, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d 1897 177 BYRON's (Lord) The Corsair, a tale, FIRST EDITION, 1814-The Unsex'd Females, a poem, 1798-Bubble and Squeak, 2 parts, 1799-Topsy Turvy, 1793-in 1 vol, 8vo, half calf, 6s 6d 1800 178 BYRON'S (Lord) Works-viz., Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, and other poems, Cantos I. to IV. (Cantos III. and IV. FIRST EDITIONS), 1815-18-The Giaour, 1813-The Bride of Abydos, 1814 The Corsair, SECOND EDITION, 1814-Lara, a tale, 1814The Siege of Corinth and Parisina FIRST EDITION, 1816-The Prisoner of Chillon, FIRST EDITION, 1816-The Island, 1823-in 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, 78 6d CAMBRIDGE TART (The): Epigrammatic and Satiric-Poetical Effusions, &c., by Cantabs, vignette title, 12mo, bds., uncut, 3s 1823 185 CAMBRIDGE.-Pigott (W. G. F., Editor) The Parish Registers of Abington Pigotts, otherwise Abington juxta Shingay, in the County of Cambridge (1653-1812), sm. 4to, cloth, 4s 6d Norwich, 1890 186 CAMPBELL (T.).—Gray's (Capt. C., R.M.) Lays and Lyrics, portrait, vignette title and 1841 facsimile, 12mo, half morocco, 78 6d Presentation copy, with inscription "To Mary Campbell from her affectionate Uncle, T. 187 188 189 C CANADA.-Silver's (A. P.) Farm Cottage, Camp and Canoe in Maritime Canada, or the call of Nova Scotia to the Emigrant and Sportsman, numerous illustrations, 8vo, half morocco neat, 3s 6d N.D. [? 1908] CAPEL'S (Richard) Tentations, their Nature, Danger and Cure, with the Author's life, by Valentine Marshall, of Elmore in Gloucestershire, thk. 8vo, calf, nice copy, 38 1659 CARLETON's (W.) Farm Ballads, illustrated, sm. 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, nice copy, 3s 1879 190 CARLIELL (Lodowick): his Life, a discussion of his plays and "The Deserving Favourite," by C. H. Gray, coat of arms of Carlyle of Brydekirk, 8vo, cloth, 3s Chicago, 1905 191 CARLILE (Richard) THE LION (a weekly paper edited by R. Carlile), Nos. 1 to 26, Jan. 4 to June 27, Vol. I., thk. 8vo, cloth, UNCUT, scarce, 4s 6d 1828 192 CARLYLE's (T.) On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History, FIRST EDITION, 12mo, cloth, 78 6d 1841 193 CARLYLE (T., Editor) Latter-day Pamphlets, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, half calf, 3s 6d 1850 |