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Pigou, Arthur Cecil. Distribution of the burden of war charges. (Contemporary review, v. 109, April, 1916, p. 429-436.) * DA

The economy and finance of the war, being a discussion of the real costs of the war and the way in which they should be met. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1916. 96 p. 12°. BTZE

Constructed largely from material used in two public lectures delivered in Cambridge. Some of the subjects treated are also discussed in articles contributed to the Contemporary Review, Dec., 1915 and April, 1916. — From the preface.

The need for more taxation. (The Economist, London, v. 83, Nov. 25, 1916, p. 1003-1004.) †TAA Les budgets de guerre en Angleterre. (L'Économiste français, v. 44, June 10, 1916, p. 796–797.)

Raffalovich, Arthur.


A Reformed income tax. (Fortnightly review, new series, v. 97, 1915, p. 341–347.) * DA (The

Revenue of the stock exchange. Economist. London, v. 83, Dec. 9, 1916, p. 1075-1076.) †TAA

The Revenue for the year ending March 31, 1917. (The Economist, London, April 7, 1917, p. 625-626.) † TAA

Rubber excess profits. (The Economist, London, v. 83, Oct. 28, 1916, p. 816-817.)


Scurr, John. Casting the silver bullets. A suggested method of raising the necessary taxation to pay for the war. London: The Limit Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd. 1915. ix, 11-127 p. tables. 8°. TIE p.v.34, no.1 The Second war budget. (The Economist, London, v. 81, Sept. 25, 1915, p. 463464.) +TAA

(The Shipping profits and taxation. Economist, London, v. 83, July, 1916, p. 138-139.) † TAA

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La Taxation des vins en Angleterre. (L'Économiste français, v. 43, May 8, 1915, p. 579-580.) †TAA

Tucker, R. S. British taxes on land values in practice. (Quarterly journal of economics, v. 29, Aug., 1915, p. 794-819.) TAA

War burdens and "the classes." (Nation, New York, v. 101, Dec. 30, 1915, p. 765-766.)

War funds from death dues. digest, v. 52, Feb. 5, 1916, p. 329.)

* DA

(Literary * DA

The War profits tax. (The Economist, London, v. 81, Oct. 9, 1915, p. 531-532.)

+ TAA What income tax Englishmen will pay. (Literary digest, Nov. 6, 1915, p. 1054.) * DA

Williams, W. M. J. Inconvenient budget and the financial position. (Contemporary review, June, 1915, p. 772-780.) * DA


The Indian budget. (The Economist, London, v. 80, March 6, 1915, p. 478-479.) † TAA The Indian war budget. (The Economist, London, v. 80, June 12, 1915, p. 11961197.) †TAA


The Cost of the war in Italy. (The Economist, London, v. 81, Nov. 27, 1915, p. 802-803.) †TAA

The Italian budget and the loan. (The Economist, London, v. 80, Jan. 9, 1915, p. 56-57.) †TAA

Italian finance and trade. (The Economist, London, v. 83, Dec. 30, 1916, p. 1224.) †TAA

Economic aspects of


Italian war finance. (The Economist, London, v. 81, Oct. 16, 1915, p. 575–576.) † TAA

Italy, continued.

Italian war finance. (The Economist, London, v. 82, Feb. 26, 1916, p. 403-404.) †TAA The Limitation of dividends and taxation of war profits. (The Economist, London, v. 83, Nov. 25, 1916, p. 1000–1001.)

† TAA Pisani, Lorenzo. Le budget italien. (Journal des économistes, série 6, v. 49, March, 1916, p. 401-420.) ТАА

Problemi finanziari della guerra. (Giornale degli economisti, Roma, 1915-16, v. 51, p. 409-442; v. 52, p. 212-245.) ТАА

Volta, R. dalla. Finances de guerre... (L'Économiste français, v. 44, Sept. 2, 1916, p. 323-324.) † TAA War finance. (The Economist, London, v. 83, July 22, 1916, p. 147-148.) †TAA War finance in Russia and Italy. (The Economist, London, v. 81, Oct. 30, 1915, p. 789.)



Wet van den 19den December, 1914, tot heffing eener inkomstenbelasting. 42 p. (Staatsblad, 1914, no. 563.) * SAE

Wet van den 19den Dec., 1914, houdende instelling van raden van beroep voor de directe belastingen en vaststelling van algemeene bepalingen betreffende het beroep op die colleges. 10 p. (Staatsblad, 1914, no. 564.) * SAE

Besluit van den 30sten Januari, 1915, tot uitvoering van artikel 84, eerste lid, der Wet op de inkomstenbelasting 1914. 1 p. (Staatsblad, 1915, no. 64.) * SAE

Besluit van den 30sten Jan., 1915, tot vaststelling van het bedrag, dat bij de regeling van den aanslag van diplomatieke en consulaire ambtenaren in de inkomstenbelasting als beroepskosten kan worden aangemerkt. 2 p. (Staatsblad, 1915, no. 65.)


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Wet van den 16den Juni, 1915, houdende algemeene bepalingen ten aanzien van de kwade posten en de onverhaalbare kosten van vervolging, in zake de directe belastingen. 2 p. (Staatsblad, 1915, no. 267.) * SAE

Wet van den 19den Juni 1915, tot herziening der tabel van verdeeling der gemeenten in klassen, behoorende bij de wet op de personeele belasting. 33 p. (Staatsblad, 1915, no. 280.) * SAE

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Booij, J. A., and H. Booij. Hoeveel rijks-inkomstenbelasting en oorlogsopcenten moet ik betalen? Naar hoeveel vermogen ben ik aangeslagen? Een en ander over de algemeene rijks-inkomstenbelasting, zooals die van 1 Mei 1915 af wordt geheven van binnen het rijk wonende natuurlijke personen, benevens het van genoemden datum af geldend tarief der vermogensbelasting bijeengebracht. Rotterdam: W. L. & J. Brusse, 1915. 20 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.90, no.12

Jong, W. J. E. H. M. de. Hoe betalen wij onze oorlogslasten? Een woord aan het Nederlandsche volk. Rotterdam: W. L. & J. Brusse, 1914. 22 p. 8°.

BTZE p.v.29, no.17

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Switzerland, continued. Text, continued.


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Grossman, Eugen. Die Deckung der schweizerischen Mobilizationskosten. Zürich: Rascher & Cie., 1915. 28 p. (Schriften für schweizer Art und Kunst. [Heft 3.) BTZE p.v.203, no.9

Kriegszeit-Reden schweizerischer Bundesräte. La voix des chefs en temps de guerre. Cinq discours de Conseillers fédéraux. Zürich: Art. Institut Orell Füssli, 1915. 71 p. 8°. (Schweizer Zeitfragen. Heft 43.) BTZG Addresses by E. Schulthess, Dr. L. Forrer, and Dr. F. Calonder.

Anhang: Bundesbeschluss betr. Erlass eines Artikels der Bundesverfassung zur Erhebung einer einmaligen Kriegssteuer. (Vom 15. April 1915.)

War taxation in Switzerland. (The Economist, London, v. 80, May 1, 1915, p. 852.) †TAA

Zuemer, Dionys. Kriegssteuer und Monopole in der Schweiz. (Neue Zeit, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, 1915, Bd. 2, p. 540-545.) * DF

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Barzilai, Salvatore. L'Italia in armi; scritti e discorsi di Salvatore Barzilai. Milano: Casa editrice Risorgimento, 1917. 253 p., 11. 12°.

Bavier, André de. London: J. Truscott p.l., 22 p. 12°.

Beaufort, J. M. de.


Chivalrous England. & Son, Ltd., 1916. 1 CBA p.v.24, no.1 Behind the German veil; a record of a journalistic war pilgrimage. With 46 illustrations and maps. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1917. xvi, 367 (1) p. illus. 8°. BTZE

Beck, James Montgomery. The case of Belgium. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons [1914]. (1)190–239 p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.263, no.1 Reprinted from his: The evidence in the case.

Belgium. Commission d'Enquête sur la Violation des Règles du Droit des Gens. Reports on the violation of the rights of nations and of the laws and customs of BTZE war in Belgium. 2 v. 8°.

[v. 1.] Extracts from the pastoral letter of His Eminence Cardinal Mercier, archbishop of Malines. Preface by M. J. van den Heuvel. London: Harrison & Sons [1915]. 2 p.l., xxxv, 113 p., 5 pl. 8°.

v. 2. Facsimiles of German soldiers' diaries. Correspondence between His Eminence Cardinal Mercier and the German authorities. Solemn protest of Mgr. Heylen, bishop of Namur. London: Sir J. Causton & Sons, Ltd. [1915.] 191 p. 8°.

Bellet, Daniel. L'alimentation de la France et les ressources coloniales Ou étrangères. Paris: F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p.1., 253 p., 11. 12°. BTZO

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