FIRST REGULAR CONJUGATION 131. Verb, kiru, "to cut," passive causative affirmative voice -continued. Indicative POTENTIAL FORMS a) Indefinite Form........kirashimeraru-beku b) Present: Conclusive....kirashimeraru-beshi...... (I, etc.) will, shall, would, Attributive. kirashimeraru-beki should, may, might, can, could, must, or ought to be caused to cut c) Past: Conclusive. Attributive.. Oblique d) Conditional. kirashimeraru-bekariki ...(I, etc.) should, etc., have kirashimeraru-bekarishi been caused to cut ... kirashimeraru-bekereba .. as, or since (I, etc.) should, etc., be caused to cut kirashimeraru-beku(m)ba if (I, etc.) should, etc., be e) Hypothetical. f) Actual Concessive.. caused to cut though (I, etc.) should, etc., be caused to cut iedomo kirashimeraru-beshi to g) Hypothetical Concessive kirashimeraru-beku mo...even if (I, etc.) should, etc., be caused to cut Indicative h) Indefinite Form... i) Present: Conclusive. Attributive. j) Past: Conclusive. Attributive. Oblique k) Conditional. 1) Hypothetical. m) Concessive. Indicative DESIDERATIVE FORMS ..kirashimerare-taku kirashimerare-tashi.......(I, etc.) want to be caused kirashimerare-taki to cut kirashimerare-takariki.... (I, etc.) wanted to be kirashimerare-takarishi caused to cut, since, or when (I, etc.) want to be caused to cut kirashimerare-taku(m)ba.. if (I, etc.) want to be caused to cut caused to cut kirashimerare-takeredomo though (I, etc.) want to be ILLATIVE FORMS n) Past: Conclusive. . . . . . .kirashimerare-keri....... (I, etc.) was caused, have, kirashimerare-keru or had been caused to cut, since, or when (I, etc.) was caused, have, or had been caused to cut Attributive. Oblique 0) Conditional. p) Concessive. kirashimerare-keredomo..though (I, etc.) was, have, or had been caused to cut FIRST REGULAR CONJUGATION 132. Verb, kiru, "to cut," passive causative negative voice (stem kir, sign of causative ashim, of passive erar, remainder of inflections as for second conjugation). Indicative a) Present: Conclusive....kirashimerarezu...... Attributive. b) Past: Conclusive. Attributive. c) Future: Conclusive. Attributive.. (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) am, are, or is not caused to cut kirashimerarezariki.......(I, etc.) was not caused, kirashimerarezaru kirashimerarenu kirashimerarezarishi have not, or had not been caused to cut kirashimerarezaru or kirashimerareji...... kirashimerarezaran or (I, etc.) shall or will not be caused to cut kirashimerareji Oblique d) Present Conditional., since, or when (I, etc.) kirashimerareneba am, etc., not caused to cut e) Past Conditional. kirashimerarezari-shikaba as, since, or when (I, etc.) kirashimerarezarishi ni was not caused, have, or yotte had not been caused to cut ..kirashimerarezu(m)ba.... if (I, etc.) am, etc., not f) Present Hypothetical...kirashimerarezu(m)ba... caused to cut kirashimerarezariseba..... if (I, etc.) had not been kirashimerarezarishi g) Past Hypothetical. naraba h) Present Actual Concessive. i) Present Hypothetical Concessive. j) Past Concessive. k) Imperative....... 1) Gerund. caused to cut kirashimerarezaredomo...though (I, etc.) am, etc., kirashimerarenedomo kirashimerarezu to iedomo not caused to cut kirashimerarezaru mo.....even if (I, etc.) am, etc., kirashimerarezarishi not caused to cut kadomo. ............though (I, etc.) was not kirashimerarezarishi to iedomo kirashimerarezarishi naredomo kirashimerarezarishi mo caused, have, or had not been caused to cut kirashimerarezare........ be not caused to cut kirashimeraruru nakare kirashimeraruru-na kirashimeraruru koto nakare kirashimerarezu..........(by) not having been caused kirashimerarezu ni kirashimerarezu shite kirashimerarede to cut, (by) not being caused to cut FIRST REGULAR CONJUGATION 133. Verb, kiru, "to cut," passive causative negative voice a) Indefinite Form...kirashimeraru-bekarazu b) Present: Conclusive....kirashimeraru-bekarazu. . . (I, etc.) will, shall, would, kirashimeraru-bekarazaru Attributive. should, may, might, can, could, must, or ought not to be caused to cut have been caused to cut c) Past: Conclusive.......kirashimeraru Attributive. Oblique d) Conditional. bekarazariki...........(I, etc.) should not, etc., kirashimeraru bekarazarishi kirashimeraru .as, or since (I, etc.) should SECOND REGULAR CONJUGATION e) Hypothetical. bekarazareba. kirashimeraru f) Actual Concessive. not, etc., have been caused to cut bekarazu(m)ba ........ if (I, etc.) should not, etc., kirashimeraru-bekarazare domo.. kirashimeraru-bekarazu to iedomo g) Hypothetical Concessive kirashimeraru-bekarazaru Indicative have been caused to cut though (I, etc.) should not, etc., have been caused to cut mo.. ... even if (I, etc.) should, etc., not have been caused to cut PROHIBITIVE FORMS kirashimeraru-maji h) Indefinite Form........kirashimeraru-majiku i) Present: Conclusive. Attributive. j) Past: Conclusive. Attributive kirashimeraru-majiki kirashimeraru majikarishi Same renderings as for corresponding Potential Forms Oblique k) Conditional. kirashimeraru 1) Hypothetical. majikereba kirashimeraru majiku(m)ba m) Concessive. kirashimeraru majikeredomo Indicative ILLATIVE FORMS n) Past: Conclusive. . . . . . .kirashimerarezari-keri . . . . (I, etc.) was not caused, Attributive... Oblique- p) Concessive. kirashimerarezari-keru have, or had not been caused to cut, since, or when (I, etc.) kirashimerarezari was not caused, have, or had not been caused to cut keredomo.............though (I, etc.) was not caused, have, or had not been caused to cut 134. Verb, homuru, "to praise" (stem hom), active affirma o) Past Concessive. . . . . . . . homeshikadomo..........though (I, etc.) praised, hometaredomo hometari to iedomo homeshi to iedomo homeshi mo p) Imperative............homeyo. ........(by) having praised, (by) SECOND REGULAR CONJUGATION have praised, or had praised q) Gerund. homete. .... .... * Sometimes hometsuru. . praise praising 135. Verb, homuru, "to praise" (stem hom), active affirma a) Indefinite Form........homu-beku b) Present: Conclusive....homu-beshi........... Attributive.. .homu-beki c) Past: Conclusive.......homu-bekariki....... Attributive. Oblique d) Conditional. e) Hypothetical. f) Actual Concessive... homu-bekarishi homu-bekereba. homu-beku(m)ba.. (I, etc.) will, shall, would, should, may, might, can, could, must, or ought to praise . (I, etc.) should, etc., have praised . as, or since (I, etc.) should, etc., praise . if (I, etc.) should, etc., praise homu-bekeredomo........though (I, etc.) should, etc., m) Concessive. home-takeredomo........though (I, etc.) want to 0) Conditional.. home-keru (I, etc.) praised, have, or had praised .as, since, or when (I, etc.) praised, have, or had praised p) Concessive... home-keredomo. home-kereba..... though, (I, etc.) praised, have, or had praised |