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free sale, without, however, experiencing any improvement in value; bright parcels were fully 34s.

Malt was firm, but the currency unaltered. The show of Oats was not large, yet the article moved slowly off hand; holders endeavoured to regain the 6d. decline of last Friday, which purchasers, however, would not accede to.

Beans and Peas were dull, and the business trausacting in either article limited at the currency of last week.

Flour without alteration. Irish fines obtained 42s. to 43s., but inferior descriptions were difficult to quit.

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Middles, new, 39s. to 40s. per cwt.

Sides, new... 41s. to 46s.

Pork, India, new.... 125s. Od. to -s.

western districts; the remaining fourth about equal numbers of Herefords, Irish beasts, and Town's-end Cows, with about 100 Sussex beasts, a few Staffords, &c.

There were fully as many short-borns and Devons as Scots and homebreds from Norfolk, and nearly, or quire, as many Scots and homebreds as short-horus, from the Northern and Midland districts. Hence it would seem that these districts have changed, to some extent, their systems of grazing.

Full three-fifths of the sheep appeared to he of the South Down and different white-faced crosses, in the proportion of about one of the former to three of the latter: about one-fifth South Dowus, and the remaining fifth about équal numbers of Keuts, Keutish half-breds, and polled Norfolks, with a few peus of horned Norfolks, and Wiltshire sheep (the latter a great variety), horned and polled Scotch and Welsh sheep, horned Dorsets, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Cons. Aun.


Mess, new ...71s. to 72s. 6d. per barl. 3 per Cent.

Butter, Belfast ....80s. to 82s. per cwt.

Carlow .....76s. to 86s.

Cork ......75s. to 78s.
Limerick ..75s. to 76s.
Waterford..68s. to 76s.

Dublin ....68s. to 78s.

Cheese, Cheshire....54s. to 74s.

Gloucester, Double.. 50s. to 62s.

Gloucester, Single... 48s. to 52s.
Edam.......40s. to 48s.
40s. to 48s.


Hams, Irish........50s. to 605.


This day's supply of beasts was for the time of the year, moderately good; the supply of

Fri. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. | Thur. 87 87 87 87 88 884


New Edition.

COBBETT'S Spelling-Book

(Price 2s.)

Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise


This I have written by way of


Sheep (including a few pens of grass, or A Stepping-Stone to my own rather hay and turnip fed Lambs) but limited. Trade was, with each kind of meat, very dull, with Beef and large Veal at barely, prime small Veal at fully Friday's quotations; with Mutton and Pork at a depression of full 2d. per stone. Lamb will be quoted beneath for the first time of the season.

Full three-fourths of the beasts were about equal numbers of short-horus and Devons (chiefly) steers and oxen; Scots, Norfolk homebreds, and Welsh runts, principally from Norfolk, with a few from Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and our

such a thing having been frequently suggested to me by Teachers as necessary.

1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been published. This is a duodecimo volume, aud the price is 3s. bound in boards.

2. An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAMES PAUL COBBETT.-Being a Plain and Compendious Introduction to the Study of Italian. Price 6s.


14. MARTENS'S LAW OF NATIONS.-This is the Book which was the foundation of all the knowledge that I have ever possessed relative to public law. The Price is 17s., and the manner of its execution is I think, such as to make it fit for the Library of any Gentleman.

15. PAPER AGAINST GOLD; or, the History and Mystery of the National Debt, the Bank of England, the Funds, and all the Trickery of Paper Money. The Price of this book, very nicely printed, is 5s.

3. TULL'S HORSE-HOEING HUSBANDRY; or, a Treatise on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. With an Introduction, by WM. COBBETT. 8vo. Price 15s. 4. THE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE. Just now Published, under this Title, a little Volume, containing Ten Letters, addressed to Engish Tax-payers. A new edition, with a Postscript, containing an account of the Prices of Houses and Land, recently obtained from America by Mr. Cobbett. Price 2s. 6d. in bds. 5. The ENGLISH GARDENER; or, a Treatise on the situation, soil, enclosing and 16. SERMONS.-There are twelve of laying out, of Kitchen Gardens; on the mak- these, in one volume, on the following subing and managing of Hot-beds and Green- jects: 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty; 2. Drunkenhouses; and on the propagation and cultiva-ness; 3. Bribery; 4. Oppression; 5. Unjust tion of all sorts of Kitchen Garden Plants, and Judges; 6. The Sluggard; 7. The Murderer; of Fruit Trees, whether of the Garden or the 8. The Gamester; 9. Public Robbery; 10. The Orchard. And also, on the formation of Unnatural Mother; 11. The Sin of Forbidding Shrubberies and Flower Gardens. Price 6s. Marriage; 12. On the Duties of Parsons, aud ou the Institution and Object of Tithes. Price

6. THE WOODLANDS; or, a Trea-3s. 6d. bound in boards. tise on the preparing of the ground for planting; on the planting, on the cultivating, on the pruning, and on the cutting down, of Forest Trees and Underwoods. Price 14s. bound in boards.

A Thirteenth Sermon, entitled "GOOD FRIDAY; or, The Murder of Jesus Christ by the Jews." Price 6d.

7. YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN AMERICA.-The Price of this book, in good print and on fine paper, is 5s.

8. FRENCH GRAMMAR; or, Plain Instructions for the Learning of French. Price bound in boards, 5s.

9. COTTAGE ECONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the labouring and middling classes of the English nation. I made myself acquainted with the best and simplest modes of making beer and bread, and these I made it as plain as, I believe, words could make it. Also of the keeping of Cows, Pigs, Bees, and Poultry, matters which I understood as well as any body could, and in all their details. It includes my writings also on the Straw Plait. A Duodecimo Volume. Price 2s. 6d.

10. POOR MAN'S FRIEND. A new edition. Price 8d.

11. THE LAW OF TURNPIKES. By William Cobbett, Jun., Student of Lin

coln's Inn. Price 3s. 6d. boards.

12. ROMAN HISTORY, French and English, intended, not only as a History for Young People to read, but as a Book of Exercises to accompany my French Grammar. Two Volumes. Price 13s. in boards.


17. LETTERS FROM FRANCE: containing Observations made in that Country during a Residence of Two Months in the South, and Three Months at Paris. By JOHN M. COBBETT. Price 4s. in boards.


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The route being

From Paris, through Lyons, to Marseilles, and, thence, to Nice, Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Rome, Naples, and Mount Vesuvius;


By Rome, Terni, Perugia, Arezzo, Florence,
Bologna, Ferrara, Padna, Venice, Verona,
Milan, over the Alps by Mount St. Ber-
nard, Geneva, and the Jura, back into


The space of time being,
From October 1828, to September 1829.


description of the country, of the principal cities and their most striking curiosities ; of the climate, soil, agriculture, horticulture, and products; of the prices of provisions and labour; and of the dresses and conditions of the people;


An account of the laws and customs, civil and religious, and of the morals and demeanour of the inhabitants, in the several States.


Just published, price 12s.



[ocr errors]

for the relief of this disease, which far sur just been completed by Messrs.ADAMS, passes every other invention yet offered to the public, and should be known to every individual afflicted with the above distressing com The names, in Alphabetical Order, of all the plaint. This TRUSS possesses the peculiar Counties, with their several Subdivisions, advantage of giving the most effectual secuinto Hundreds, Lathes, Rapes, Wapen-rity during the greatest exertion, and of takes, Wards, or Divisions; and an Ac-affording ease and safety in the periods of count of the Distribution of the Counties relaxation from exercise. Its pressure may into Circuits, Dioceses, and Parliamentary be increased or diminished in a moment, to Divisions. any degree required, without the removal of the Truss, or its wearer even rising fr his


The names (under that of each County re-seat-advantages never before possessed by spectively), in Alphabetical Order, of all any other Truss. Testimonials of its merits the Cities, Boroughs, Market Towns, Vil- from the highest surgical authorities may be lages, Hamlets, and Tithings, with the seen. Distance of each from Londou, or from the nearest Market Town, and with the Population, and other interesting particulars relating to each; besides which there are


First, one of the whole country, showing the local situation of the Counties relatively to each other; and, then, each County is also preceded by a Map, showing, in the same manner, the local situation of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns.


Are added; first, a Statistical Table of all the Counties, and then three Tables, showing the new Divisions and Distributions enacted by the Reform-Law of 4th June, 1832.


CReview of Politics, History, Science,

a Monthly Literature, Arts, &c. &c. published 1. March. The Contents of the Number for this Month are as follows:-). Fine Arts-No. 1. Of the National Gallery of the Pictures by the Great Masters.-2. Reminiscences of a Tailor.-3. The Apology of a Parisian Girl.-4. Divarication of the New Testament, into Doctrine and History.-5. Sonnet to Music.-6. Origin of the Marseillaise Hymn.-7. Political Ethics -Mustard or Honey.-8. Change in the Times.-9. Taxes on Knowledge.-10. Literary Puffing.-11. Parliamentary Privileges

Manufactured and sold by S. T. nd C. Adams, Oldbury, near Birmingham,nd by appointment by Mr. J. Read, Inventor of the Stomach Pump, &c. 35, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, London.

[blocks in formation]


A Suit of Superfine Clothes
Ditto, Black or Blue..
Ditto, Best Saxony
Plain Silk Waistcoats
Figured ditto ditto
Valencia ditto
A Plain Suit of Livery
Barogan Shooting Jackets

£ s. d.


4 14 6


5 156

16 0

18 0

12 0

1 8 0




Freedom from Arrest.-12. Portraits of the Senate, No. II.-13. Song.-14. Song.-15. LADIES' HABITS AND PELISSES, and CHILScenes in the Sister Island, No. II.—16. Pa- DRen's Dresses, equally cheap; in the matriotism-No. II.-17. Seneca's Ideas of Book-nufacture of which they are not surpassed at Learning.-18. The Bank and its Charter. the West-end of the Town. 18. Monuments.-20. Ireland.-21. New Pub- I recommend Messrs. Swain and Co. lications.-22. Events of the Month, Public Documents, &c.-23. Important from Charles-whom I have long employed with great as very good and punctual tradesmen,

ton.-24. The Markets.

Published at No. 11, Bolt-court, Flee tstreet; and by Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchauge. To be had of all Newsmen and Booksellers throughout the country.



Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court: and published by him, at 11, Bolt court, Fleet street.

VOL. 79.-No. 11.]


[Price Is. 2d.

of PEEL'S-BILL-PEEL and his associates. There was still left a deal of room for talking; a monstrous latitude for occupying the time of the House in talking about these petitions. I therefore proposed that which I thought common sense dictated; namely, to have all the petitions presented to the House, the Speaker being in the chair; to have them read at full length, either by the member presenting them, or

STATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. by the clerk at the table, whose voice

Bolt-court, 12. March, 1833.

is quite sufficient for the purpose. To have no speaking upon them at all, but, In this crisis of the country's affairs, to let the people be heard for themthe best thing that one can do, is, to selves upon their own words; then, to give an account of what has been done, have all the petitions printed at full and is doing, in the Parliament; for, it length; so that the people might know is there, and there only, that great good that their petitions had been read, in or great mischief can be done. My the first place, and then put upon record readers have been before informed of by the House, the expense of printing the rules and regulations adopted with being a mere trifle; and be it what it regard to the receiving and disposing might, an expense falling upon the of petitions on public subjects. The people, and one which they would not petitions have come to me so numerous, grudge for their own sakes. Several that it was necessary to adopt some gentlemen, amongst whom were two new regulation with regard to the re- or three of the young lords, Mr. PALMER, ceiving and the recording of them. The Member for Berkshire, and others, were measure which has been adopted, con- of my opinion. They thought, as I sists, first, of holding a session from thought, that it would save a great deal twelve o'clock to one (on days when of time, and give perfect satisfaction to there is no election-ballot) on every day the petitioners, which were two ends in the week except Saturday and Wed- very desirable to be answered. This nesday, for the purpose of receiving was not acceded to by the King's serpetitions. It was proposed, in order to vants, and was not brought to be a quesprevent a monstrous waste of time, that tion on which for the House to divide; the petitions should not warrant any so that the regulation above-mentioned making of speeches upon them more still remains; that is to say, each petithan once on the part of any one mem-tion is to be submitted to the comber; that they should, when received, mittee aforementioned, who are to debe referred to a select committee, con- termine upon the printing or not printsisting of Sir ROBERT PEEL, Sir ROBERT ing of it, and every member present INGLIS, Sir EDWARD KNATCHBULL, and may, if he pleases, make one speech that prime Member, Colonel DAVIES, upon the presenting of every petition. and seven others, to determine what I am satisfied that a large part of the parts of any petition should be printed, petitions never can be presented at all if and what parts not. This appeared to this regulation continues, and if my prome to be a sad jumble; and, particu- position be not adopted. However, larly, I objected, and do still object, to such is the regulation at present in the placing of these petitions, with re-force; and there is another very im gard to the printing, at the absolute will portant rule introduced which my read


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*ers who are disposed to send petitions, and heavy taxation; of the want of freeought to attend to; that is to say, the dom at elections; of the possession of rule which directs in what order mem- the property granted to the aristocracy bers are to come forward with their pe- at the time of the Reformation; of the titions; for instance, until now, the injustice of the corn-laws; of the injuscustom has been, that those persons tice and cruelty of STURGES BOURNE'S who had petitions to present, or other Bills, by which the petitions allege, that affairs to bring forward de novo, or ori- the rich throw the parish taxation upon ginally, should go down and be present the industrious classes of the overin the House at ten o'clock, put their working of poor children in the factonames down on little slips of paper, see ries; of the abuses and the existence of these put into a glass, see them taken the established church in Ireland; of the out by the clerk, and see their names abuses in the administering of the laws; written down upon a list in the order in of the existence of so many bishops in which they come out of the glass; then, England; of the injustice of prosecuting when the Speaker came, he took the list, men for publishing truth, and calling it and called upon the members whose a libel; on the persecution of men for names were on it, in the order in which their religious opinions; on the extraorhe found them. Instead of pursuing dinary measures adopted towards that course still, the rule now is, that all Richard Carlile; on these, and on the members shall, whenever they many other subjects, I have been like, put their names upon a list, with- honoured by having very able and out any ballotting, to be called on by the very reasonable petitions committed Speaker, from the first to the last as they to my charge; but, as the petitioners stand upon the list. In consequence of will perceive, I have been precluded this new regulation, of which I was not up to this time, by the rules adopted apprized for some time, I stood number by the House from presenting 128. So that I could present no peti-them; and I trust that the petitioners tions for a great many days, though I will give me full credit for feeling as had a great load in my hands. Then, it much anxiety upon the subject as they was agreed, that for Friday last, and Monday last, no petitions should be presented but those which related to the bill which substitutes courts-martial instead of judges and juries in Ireland. Several of the members who stood before me on the list, had none of these to present; so that the turn reached me on Friday, but it reached me after the clock had struck three; so that I had to begin with my thirty petitions (of which I will speak more particularly by-and-by), and therefore I had the whole of the three hours before me, if I had chosen to occupy the whole time.

My readers will perceive, and I beg those who have sent petitions to me upon other subjects, to observe it well, that I have been thus absolutely excluded from the possibility of discharging my duty towards them so soon as I could have wished. I have petitions in great numbers, relating to great grievances of various descriptions; to alleged misconduct of magistrates; of partial

I am

possibly can feel themselves.
aware of the vast importance of not
chipping away the great right of peti-
tion. I am aware that if this great
right be undermined, or in any manner
done away with, general convulsion
must be the consequence. If men be
heard patiently, and have their words
put upon record, they will repay
that patience with patience of their
own; they will wait; they will enter-
tain hope; but, if that be taken away,
they will see that there is no redress
except in a resort to such means as I
trust there will not come, after all, any
necessity for resorting to.

On Monday, the eleventh, I went
loaded to the House with my thirty pe-
titions, which were as follows:
No. 1. "From the undersigned mem-

"bers of the working classes of "Godalming and Guildford, pray"ing relief from taxation, particu"larly in the articles of malt, hops, "and soap. And also praying the

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