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startling fact that spherical trigonometry came to exist in a developed state earlier than plane trigonometry.

The remaining books of the Almagest are on astronomy. Ptolemy has written other works which have little or no bearing on mathematics, except one on geometry. Extracts from this book, made by Proclus, indicate that Ptolemy did not regard the parallel-axiom of Euclid as self-evident, and that Ptolemy was the first of the long line of geometers from ancient time down to our own who toiled in the vain attempt to prove it.

Two prominent mathematicians of this time were Nicomachus and Theon of Smyrna. Their favourite study was theory of numbers. The investigations in this science culminated later in the algebra of Diophantus. But no important geometer appeared after Ptolemy for 150 years. The only occupant of this long gap was Sextus Julius Africanus, who wrote an unimportant work on geometry applied to the art of war, entitled Cestes.

Pappus, probably born about 340 A.D., in Alexandria, was the last great mathematician of the Alexandrian school. His genius was inferior to that of Archimedes, Apollonius, and Euclid, who flourished over 500 years earlier. But living, as he did, at a period when interest in geometry was declining, he towered above his contemporaries "like the peak of Teneriffa above the Atlantic." He is the author of a Commentary on the Almagest, a Commentary on Euclid's Elements, a Commentary on the Analemma of Diodorus, a writer of whom nothing is known. All these works are lost. Proclus, probably quoting from the Commentary on Euclid, says that Pappus objected to the statement that an angle equal to a right angle is always itself a right angle.

The only work of Pappus still extant is his Mathematical Collections. This was originally in eight books, but the first

and portions of the second are now missing. The Mathematical Collections seems to have been written by Pappus to supply the geometers of his time with a succinct analysis of the most difficult mathematical works and to facilitate the study of them by explanatory lemmas. But these lemmas are selected very freely, and frequently have little or no connection with the subject on hand. However, he gives very accurate summaries of the works of which he treats. The Mathematical Collections is invaluable to us on account of the rich information it gives on various treatises by the foremost Greek mathematicians, which are now lost. Mathematicians of the last century considered it possible to restore lost works from the résumé by Pappus alone.

We shall now cite the more important of those theorems in the Mathematical Collections which are supposed to be original with Pappus. First of all ranks the elegant theorem re-discovered by Guldin, over 1000 years later, that the volume generated by the revolution of a plane curve which lies wholly on one side of the axis, equals the area of the curve multiplied by the circumference described by its centre of gravity. Pappus proved also that the centre of gravity of a triangle is that of another triangle whose vertices lie upon the sides of the first and divide its three sides in the same ratio. In the fourth book are new and brilliant propositions on the quadratrix which indicate an intimate acquaintance with curved surfaces. He generates the quadratrix as follows: Let a spiral line be drawn upon a right circular cylinder; then the perpendiculars to the axis of the cylinder drawn from each. point of the spiral line form the surface of a screw. A plane passed through one of these perpendiculars, making any convenient angle with the base of the cylinder, cuts the screwsurface in a curve, the orthogonal projection of which upon the base is the quadratrix. A second mode of generation is

no less admirable: If we make the spiral of Archimedes the base of a right cylinder, and imagine a cone of revolution having for its axis the side of the cylinder passing through the initial point of the spiral, then this cone cuts the cylinder in a curve of double curvature. The perpendiculars to the axis drawn through every point in this curve form the surface of a screw which Pappus here calls the plectoidal surface. A plane passed through one of the perpendiculars at any convenient angle cuts that surface in a curve whose orthogonal projection upon the plane of the spiral is the required quadratrix. Pappus considers curves of double curvature still further. He produces a spherical spiral by a point moving uniformly along the circumference of a great circle of a sphere, while the great circle itself revolves uniformly around its diameter. He then finds the area of that portion of the surface of the sphere determined by the spherical spiral. "a complanation which claims the more lively admiration, if we consider that, although the entire surface of the sphere was known since Archimedes' time, to measure portions thereof, such as spherical triangles, was then and for a long time afterwards an unsolved problem."3 A question which was brought into prominence by Descartes and Newton is the "problem of Pappus." Given several straight lines in a plane, to find the locus of a point such that when perpendiculars (or, more generally, straight lines at given angles) are drawn from it to the given lines, the product of certain ones of them shall be in a given ratio to the product of the remaining ones. It is worth noticing that it was Pappus who first found the focus of the parabola, suggested the use of the directrix, and propounded the theory of the involution of points. He solved the problem to draw through three points lying in the same straight line, three straight lines which shall form a triangle inscribed in a given circle. From the Mathematical Collections

many more equally difficult theorems might be quoted which are original with Pappus as far as we know. It ought to be remarked, however, that he is known in three instances to have copied theorems without giving due credit, and that he may have done the same thing in other cases in which we have no data by which to ascertain the real discoverer.

About the time of Pappus lived Theon of Alexandria. He brought out an edition of Euclid's Elements with notes, which he probably used as a text-book in his classes. His commentary on the Almagest is valuable for the many historical notices, and especially for the specimens of Greek arithmetic which it contains. Theon's daughter Hypatia, a woman celebrated for her beauty and modesty, was the last Alexandrian teacher of reputation, and is said to have been an abler philosopher and mathematician than her father. Her notes on the works of Diophantus and Apollonius have been lost. Her tragic death in 415 A.D. is vividly described in Kingsley's Hypatia.

From now on, mathematics ceased to be cultivated in Alexandria. The leading subject of men's thoughts was Christian theology. Paganism disappeared, and with it pagan learning. The Neo-Platonic school at Athens struggled on a century longer. Proclus, Isidorus, and others kept up the "golden chain of Platonic succession." Proclus, the successor of Syrianus, at the Athenian school, wrote a commentary on Euclid's Elements. We possess only that on the first book, which is valuable for the information it contains on the history of geometry. Damascius of Damascus, the pupil of Isidorus, is now believed to be the author of the fifteenth book of Euclid. Another pupil of Isidorus was Eutocius of Ascalon, the commentator of Apollonius and Archimedes. Simplicius wrote a commentary on Aristotle's De Colo. In the year 529, Justinian, disapproving heathen learning, finally closed by imperial edict the schools at Athens.

As a rule, the geometers of the last 500 years showed a lack of creative power. They were commentators rather than discoverers.

The principal characteristics of ancient geometry are:

(1) A wonderful clearness and definiteness of its concepts and an almost perfect logical rigour of its conclusions.

(2) A complete want of general principles and methods. Ancient geometry is decidedly special. Thus the Greeks possessed no general method of drawing tangents. "The determination of the tangents to the three conic sections did not furnish any rational assistance for drawing the tangent to any other new curve, such as the conchoid, the cissoid, etc." 15 In the demonstration of a theorem, there were, for the ancient geometers, as many different cases requiring separate proof as there were different positions for the lines. The greatest geometers considered it necessary to treat all possible cases independently of each other, and to prove each with equal fulness. To devise methods by which the various cases could all be disposed of by one stroke, was beyond the power of the ancients. "If we compare a mathematical problem with a huge rock, into the interior of which we desire to penetrate, then the work of the Greek mathematicians appears to us like that of a vigorous stonecutter who, with chisel and hammer, begins with indefatigable perseverance, from without, to crumble the rock slowly into fragments; the modern mathematician appears like an excellent miner, who first bores through the rock some few passages, from which he then bursts it into pieces with one powerful blast, and brings to light the treasures within." 16

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