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Cum per gratias vestras concessas de anno in annum usque ad Dec. 1
1832, Johannes Mortlock, Armiger, et Filii in annum proxime sequentem,
argentarii vestri constituti fuerint; placeat vobis ut Johannes Mortlock,
Armiger, et Socii argentarii vestri durante vestro beneplacito constituantur.

That the University Seal be affixed to Letters of Attorney empowering
Martin Tucker Smith, Samuel George Smith, Robert Smith, Oswald Augustus
Smith, Jervoise Smith and Eric Carrington Smith, Bankers, and Martin
Ridley Smith, Esquire, the London Agents of Messrs. John Mortlock and
Co., Cambridge, jointly or each of them separately to receive and give
receipts for all dividends now due and that shall hereafter become due and
payable on all the Bank Annuities or Stock belonging to the Chancellor,
Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.

Dec. 9, 1858.

Oct. 28, 1875.

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Investment of balance.


Vicar, 300l. Curate, 1501.

School, annual subscription 101.

Girls School, 201.

Reach School, 51. 58. Ód.



Placeat vobis ut quotannis ante finem Mensis Februarii apud ærarium publicum perpetuo fœnore (Anglice 3 per Cent. Consols) nomine Academis collocetur quicquid post anni penultimi Computum Communi Cista superesse compertum fuerit.

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1. Placeat vobis ut singulis annis trecentæ libræ e cista communi erogentur in stipendium Vicarii de Burwell, in vicaria sua commorantis.

2. That the sum of £150 per annum be allowed to the Vicar of Burwell for the Stipend of a Curate in lieu of £120 per annum, the stipend allowed by Grace of the Senate, March 3, 1870.

3. Placeat vobis, ut in usum Nova Scholæ Parochialis apud Burwell summa decem librarum loco summæ quinque librarum hactenus erogatæ, singulis annis e Cista vestra Communi erogetur.

4. Placeat vobis ut summa viginti librarum e cista communi quotannis exsolvatur in subsidium scholæ puellarum apud Burwell.

Note. A Subscription of £2. 2s. a year has been paid since 1856 towards the maintenance of Burwell Sunday School, but there does not appear to have been a Grace of the Senate for it.

5. Placeat vobis ut summa £5. 5s. in usum Scholæ apud Reach nuper exstructa quotannis e cista communi erogetur.

6. Miscellaneous Annual Subscriptions.

Placeat vobis ut viginti aurei e cista vestra communi in triennium Hospital, 211. quotannis erogentur in subsidium Hospitii a Doctore Addenbrooke fundati.

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Increased to £50 Grace 1 May 1873.

Placeat vobis ut decem libræ et totidem solidi e communi cista annuatim erogentur ad sublevandas pauperes clericorum in hac diocesi viduas et orphanos.

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Nov. 17, 1841.

Feb. 11, 1858.

Feb. 23, 1865.

Mar. 9,


School, 51.

Placeat vobis ut summa quinque librarum e cista communi erogetur in Barton subsidium scholæ Bartonensis.


Cum mulieres impudicas, quæ tandem inhonestæ vitæ pertæsæ ad Cambridge honestam se recepturas esse polliceantur, Hospitio cuidam Cantabrigiensi Refuge, 101. "the Cambridge Female Refuge" vocato, non, ut antea, Hospitio Londinensi, custodiendas alendasque vestri Procuratores soleant commendare, Placeat vobis ut summa decem librarum e cista communi, in usum dicti Hospitii Cantabrigiensis, non, ut antea, in usum dicti Hospitii Londinensis quotannis erogetur.

Placeat vobis suadentibus Horti Botanici Syndicis ut in proximum decennium summa annua £5 Fluenti Hobsoniani curatoribus e Cista Communi erogetur.




Placeat vobis ut summa annua £10. 10s. ad Scholas intra Cantabrigiam Cambridge Old Schools, dictas "Old Schools" sublevandas e cista communi erogetur. Increased to 201. 20s. twenty guineas by Grace 7 Feb. 1878.

7. Museums and Lecture Rooms.

Report 31 Oct. 1883. Grace 29 Nov. 1883.

The Financial Board recommend:


1. That after the close of the current financial year Building the annual payment of £1000 to the Museums and Lecture Rooms Building Fund be discontinued.

2. That the debt of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Funds. Building Fund on the 31st December, 1883, be charged to the General Building Fund.

3. That in place of the Museums and Lecture Rooms Building Fund there be established a Museums Reserve Fund and that a sum of £500 be transferred annually from the Chest to this Fund, beginning with the year 1884. That payments be made from this Fund for alterations and extraordinary repairs in the Museums and Lecture Rooms, for providing new cases and cabinets, exceptionally expensive apparatus and other similar purposes; provided that no payment be made from this Fund without the authority of a special Grace of the Senate.







Each Reader

a member of his Special Board.

An additional

member may

by a Special Board.

4. That from Jan. 1, 1884, the sum to be paid annually from the Chest to the Museums and Lecture Rooms Maintenance Fund be £3500 instead of £3000 (Grace no. 3, Dec. 2, 1880, see Reporter, 1880-81, p. 188).

5. That the sum of £2000 ordered by Grace, Dec. 7, 1882, to be paid from the Chest towards the completion of Buildings for a Museum of Archæology be charged to the General Building Fund.


The Board further recommend that the debt on the Divinity School Building Fund Account, amounting to £22. 58. 5d., be paid from the Chest, and the account closed.



1. Special Boards.

Report 10 June 1882. Grace 15 June 1882.

The Syndicate recommend' :

I. That each Reader appointed in accordance with the provisions of Statute B. Chapter VII. be a Member of the Special Board of Studies with which his Readership is connected.

II. That any Special Board of Studies may, if it think be nominated fit, nominate between the 20th of November and the end of the Michaelmas Term in any year one person to be an additional Member of the Board. Such person, if approved by Grace of the Senate, shall be a Member of the Board of Studies until the 20th of November next following the date of such approval.

1 The following paragraph forms part of the preamble to the recommendations of the Syndicate :-They are of opinion that in case an important part of the teaching in any department should ultimately be given by University Lecturers appointed in accordance with the provisions of Statute B. Chapter VIII., it will be desirable that this class of teachers should be represented on the Boards of Studies; but that it would be at present premature to make any definite recommendation on the subject. (Cambridge University Reporter, No. 434, June 13, 1882, p. 678.)

of the Spe

cial Boards.

III. That the several Special Boards of Studies consist Constitution of the following persons in addition to the Professors specified in Statute B. Chapter V., the Readers (if any) connected with the several Boards and the additional Member (if any) appointed in accordance with the foregoing recommendation.

1. The Board of Theological Studies.

(1) The Regius Professor of Hebrew. (2) The Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History. (3) The Examiners for the Theological Tripos for the current and last preceding year. (4) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

2. The Board of Legal Studies.

(1) The Examiners for the Law Tripos for the current and last preceding year. (2) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

3. The Board of Medical Studies.

(1) The Professor of Chemistry. (2) The Professor of Physiology. (3) [The Examiners in Human Anatomy, the Examiner in Physiology nominated by this Board, the Examiner in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, the Examiners for the Third Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, the Examiners in Surgery, and the Assessor to the Regius Professor of Physic. Such Examiners to become Members of the Board at the beginning of the term succeeding their appointment, and to hold office for twelve months. Report 7 March 1884. Grace 29 May 1884.] (4) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

4. The Board of Classical Studies.

(1) The Professor of Sanskrit. (2) The Public Orator. (3) The Examiners for the Classical Tripos. Such Examiners to become Members of the Board at the beginning of the term succeeding the examination for which they were appointed, and to hold office for twelve months. (4) Four Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for four years.


Legal Studies;

Medical Studies;




and Modern

Mathematical Studies;

Physical and

Biological and Geological Studies;

5. The Board of Oriental Studies,

(1) The Examiners for the Semitic Languages Tripos and for the Indian Languages Tripos for the current and last preceding year. (2) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

6. The Board of Medieval and Modern Language Studies.

(1) The Regius Professor of Modern History. (2) Four Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for four years.

7. The Board of Mathematical Studies.

(1) The Cavendish Professor of Physics. (2) The Professor of Mechanism and Applied Mathematics. (3) The Moderators and Examiners for the Mathematical Tripos of the current and two preceding years. (4) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

8. The Board of Physical and Chemical Studies.

(1) The Woodwardian Professor of Geology. (2) [The Examiners in Physics, in Chemistry, and in Mineralogy. Such Examiners to become Members of the Board at the beginning of the term succeeding their appointment, and to hold office for twelve months. Report 7 March 1884. Grace 29 May 1884.] (3) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three years.

9. The Board of Biological and Geological Studies.

(1) The Professor of Animal Morphology (to be assigned to the Board). (2) The Professor of Anatomy. (3) [The Examiners in Geology, in Botany, and in Zoology, and the Examiner in Physiology nominated by this Board. Such Examiners to become Members of the Board at the beginning of the term succeeding their appointment, and to hold office for twelve months. Report 7 March 1884. Grace 29 May 1884.] (4) Three Members of the Senate elected by Grace to serve for three


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