The ABC's of Being A ChristianThis text is a collection of phrases beginning with each letter of the alphabet; each phrase represents a behavior that will help readers find the joy of Jesus Christ. (Practical Life) |
Common terms and phrases
ABCs abide able accept Jesus Christ Acts antichrists behavior believe Biblical bless brother Christian Christian service Commandments Corinthians Deuteronomy divine love Ephesians eternal Exodus extol and praise faith fantastic Father fear feel FINALLY Psalm forgive forgiven give GLORIOUS DAY glory GO TO CHURCH God's grace healing hear heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit humble impart the word important INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Isaiah John kingdom laws Leviticus Live a Godly love the Lord love your neighbor Luke Matthew needy nonbelievers Numbers obey offers Oh Lord patience person Peter Philippians praise the Lord prayer preach the gospel promise Proverbs Read the Bible realize receive Jesus Christ rejoice resurrection of Jesus Romans salvation Satan Savior SEEK THE POWER serve the Lord sing sins spread the word teach tell Ten Commandments thank Thessalonians things told tribulation unto verses wait whoever wonderful gifts worship X-RAY YIELD TO TEMPTATION