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having greatly enlarged the CATALOGUE, I hope will be a fufficient Apology for making an Addition to the


Since the Statute for rendring the Law Proceedings into English, there have been many new Books publifhed, which has greatly leffened the Value of the old Books in general, more especially the Latin Entries, and the Reports, &c. in French; therefore a new Edition of this CATALOGUE ceífary.

was never more ne

In looking often into the Law Reports, I find great Omiffions in the Tables of the Names of the Cafes printed and prefixed to each Book, there being fcarce one Report without a Fault of this Kind, which muft greatly difappoint Gentlemen when a Cafe is cited without naming the Page (which often happens) and they can't find it in the Table to the faid Book fo referred to; to remedy this great deficiency, I fully intended to print the Names of the faid Cafes as an Addition to this CATALOGUE, but this is better fupplyed, and the Names of thofe Cafes wrong fpelt corrected, in a moft ufeful and la


borious Work lately published, intitled, REPERTORIUM JURIDICUM: Or, an Index to all the Cafes in the Year Books, Entries, Reports and Abridg


Although I publifhed this CATALOGUE with a Defign to oblige Gentlemen in defcribing the various Editions of the Books, I have always been careful of offending my Brethren, and therefore fixed the full Price to moft Books especially the old Ones, they being often very scarce, not intending to impose on any One, but to fhew their utmost Price; this I am fenfible has hurt my felf moft, it being infinuated by fome of the Trade, that they under-fell the Bookfellers at Temple-Bar, and when it is in their Favour, produce my CATALOGUE as their Voucher. Whereas the Bookfellers near Temple-Bar, being Proprietors of the Copies of a great Part of the LAW BOOKS, and having more frequent Opportunities than Others of buying Libraries in that Science, can afford and do fell them New or Old, of any Editions whatfoever, as cheap if not cheaper than Others.


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What I have faid in my Obfervations on the different Editions of Books, and wherein they vary, may be depended upon; and as the Publick have been fo indulgent to encourage my Endea vours, I doubt not of preferving their Favour by the Care I have taken in this Edition.

I fhall' only add, that I have corrected the Prices, inferted all the New Books, and made this Edition as Perfect as I am able.'

Trinity Term, 1749.



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