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DECEMBER, 1869, TO MAY, 1870.



327 to 335 PEARL STREET,



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UNITED STATES.-Topics of the Month, 150. The
Secretary of the Treasury on Financial Policy, 150.
The October Elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and
Iowa, 150. The November Elections, 151. The Gold
Speculation, 151. The Cuban Question, 151. Seiz-
ure of the Steamer Cuba, 151. General Belknap, Sec-
retary of War, 152. The Virginia Legislature, 152.
Andrew Johnson defeated for Senator, 152. Death
of Franklin Pierce, 152. The Elections, 310. The
Fifteenth Amendment, 310. Libeling of the Spanish
Gun-boat Fleet, 310. The Cuban Junta, 310. Re-
union of the Old and New School Presbyterians, 310.
The President's Message, 472. The Department Re-
ports, 473.
Proceedings of Congress, 473, 624, 783.
The Ninth Census, 474. Ratifications of the Fif
teenth Amendment, 474, 785. Elections in Missis-
sippi and Texas, 474. Release of the Spanish Gun-
boats, 474. The Samana Lease, 474. Death of Hon.
E. M. Stanton, 474. Admission of Virginia, 624. Ad-
mission of Mississippi, 783. Postal Telegraph Compa-
ny Bill, 783. The Census Bill, 784. Financial Legis-
lation, 784. Sherman's Funding Bill, 784. Contested
Elections, 784. Bill to abolish Polygamy, 784. Re-
port of the Committee on Navigation, 784. Public
Debt Statement for February, 785. Female Suffrage
in Utah, 785. Decision of Supreme Court on Con-
tracts previous to 1862, 785. Executive Nomina-
tions, 785. Peabody's Funeral, 785. The Funding
Bill, 937. The Georgia and Texas Bills, 937. The
President's Message on the Ratification of the Fif-
teenth Amendment, 937. The New Hampshire Elec-
tion, 937. Piegan Expedition and the Policy of In-
dian Warfare, 937. Death of General Thomas, 937.


Christmas Books, 139. Nursery Carols, 139. Tur-

ner's Landscapes, the Sheepshanks Gallery, and

Master-pieces of English Painters, 139. Abbott's

Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths,

140. Hartwig's Polar World, 140. George Eliot's

Works, 141. Du Chaillu's Lost in the Jungle, 141.

Abbott's Romance of Spanish History, 141. Man-

gin's Desert World and Mysteries of the Ocean, 141.

Saunders's Evenings with Sacred Poets, 141. Among

the Trees, 142. Saintine's Dame Nature, 142. Sto-

ries by Hans Christian Andersen, 142. Lady Ger-

aldine's Courtship, 142. Menault's Intelligence of

Animals, 142. Folk Songs, 142. Bible Animals, 142.

Pouchet's The Universe, 142. Pumpelly's Across

America and Asia, 142. Illustrated Almanacs, 143.

Sands's Philosophy of Teaching, 143. Larremore's

College Studies, 143. Waddell's Greek Grammar,

143. Hadley's Elements of the Greek Language,

143. March's Parser and Analyzer, 143. White's

Astronomy, 143. Steele's Natural Philosophy, 143.

Cooley's Chemistry, 143. Renan's St. Paul, 144.

Brooke's Sermons, 144. Beecher's Sermons, 144.

Man in Genesis and Geology, 144. Lange's Ro-
mans, 144. Bible Wonders, 144. Songs for Chris-
tian Worship, 144. Bryant's Letters from the East,





Donn Piatt 898
...Nora Perry 37
...A. H. Guernsey 201
.A. H. Guernsey 812









CANADA.-The Red River Rebellion, 474, 626.

SOUTHERN AMERICA.--Prospects in Cuba, 152. New

Expeditious, 152. Paraguay, 152. Hayti, 152. Gen-

eral Jordan on the Situation in Cuba, 311. Fall of

Port-au-Prince and Execution of Salnave, 626. The

Situation in Cuba, 626, 938. Revolution in Mexico,

786, 938.

EUROPE.-The French Emperor, 152. Father Hya-

cinthe, 152. Spain, 152. Republican Movements,

152. The Cuban Insurrection, 152. Preparations

for the Ecumenical Council, 152. The Spanish Cor-

tes, 311. Election of Dr. Temple to the Bishopric

of Exeter, 311. The Supplementary Elections in

Paris, 311. Return of Rochefort, 312. Speech of

the Emperor, 312. The Suez Canal Celebration,

312. Important Discoveries by Dr. Livingstone, 312.

M. Rochefort in the French Corps Législatif, 474.

Changes in the French Cabinet, 474. The Ecumen-

ical Council, 474. The New French Cabinet, 625.

Shooting of M. Victor Noir by Prince Pierre Bona-

parte, 625. Arraignment and Trial of Rochefort,

626. Execution of Traupmann, 626. Reorganiza-

tion of the Spanish Cabinet, 626. Political Move-

ments in France, 785. Opening of the British Par-

liament, 786. The Irish Land Bill, 786. Estimate

of British Naval Expenditures, 938. The French

Emperor's Letter to M. Emile Ollivier, 938. Opposi-

tion to the Dogma of Papal Infallibility, 938. The

Death Penalty abolished in Prussia, 938. Duel be-

tween the Duke de Montpensier and Prince Henri

de Bourbon, 938. Cabinet Dissensions in Spain,


ASIA.-The Oneida Affair, 938.

144. The American Woman's Home, 144. Abbott's
Joseph Bonaparte, 144. Mrs. Hemans's Poems, 144.
The Two Baronesses, 144. Bessie at School, 144.
David Elginbrod, 144. P. T. Barnum's Struggles
and Triumphs, 296. D'Aubigne's History of the
Reformation, 297. Abbott's Romance of Spanish
History, 297. Lord's Ancient States and Empires,
297. Mommsen's History of Rome, 297. Christmas
Books, 298. Low's Favorite Poems of England, 298.
Ponchet's Universe, 298. Greenwood's Wild Sports
of the World, 298. Whittier's Ballads of New En-
gland, 299. Folk Songs, 299. The Priest and the
Nun, 299. Going and Son, 299. Wrecked in Port,
299. Auerbach's German Tales, 299. Christopher
Kenrick, 299. Rainy Days in the Nursery, 299. The
Mystic Bell, 299. A Little Boy's Story, 299. Sto-
ries from My Attic, 299. Mrs. Prentiss's Nidworth
and Stepping Heavenward, 299. Heady's Seen and
Heard, 300. Powell's Life Pictures, 300. Boker's
Königsmark, The Legend of the Hounds, and Oth-
er Poems, 300. Sargent's The Woman who Dared,
300. Jarves's Art Thoughts, 460. Robertson's Ja-
net's Love and Service, 461. M'Carthy's My Ene-
my's Daughter, 461. Spielhagen's Through Light to
Night, 461. Björnson's The Happy Boy, 461. Bound


to John Company, 461. Du Chaillu's Lost in the
Jungle, 461. Pumpelly's Across America and Asia,
462. Orton's The Andes and the Amazon, 462.
Todd's Sunset Land, 462. Froude's History of En-
gland, 462. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 462. Sher-
wood's Comic History of the United States, 463.
Tennyson's Poetical Works, 610. Massey's Tale of
Eternity, 611. Nash's Bay Leaves, G11. Townsend's
Poems, 611. Noyes's History of American Social-
isms, 611. Gough's Autobiography and Personal
Recollections, 612. Mrs. Stowe's Lady Byron Vin-
dicated, 612. Mackay's Medora Leigh, 612. Life of
Miss Mitford, 613. Field's Battle of Long Island,
613. De Vere's The Great Empress, 613. "Janus's"
The Pope and the Council, 613. Ruskin's The Mys-
tery of Life and its Arts, 614. Konewka's Midsum-
mer Night's Dream, 614. Abbott's National Digest,
614. Harrington's Captive, Trinummus, and Ru-
dens, 614. Wiley's Elocution and Oratory, 614.
Comfort's German Course, 615. Annie Thomas's
Only Herself, 615. M. B. Edwards's Kitty, 615. Mrs.
Edwards's Susan Fielding, 615. Garibaldi's Rule of
the Monk, 615. Dr. Winchell's Sketches of Cre-
ation, 771. Dr. J. Thomas's Universal Pronounc-
ing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, 772.
Mommsen's History of Rome, 772. Maverick's Ray-
mond and New York Journalism, 772. S. Baring-


New Revelations of the Spectroscope, 144. Gas

in Mines, 145. Water as a Source of Light and Heat,

146. Loss of Power, 147. Artificial Fossils, 147.

New Protection for the Great Eastern, 148. Self-

registering Cabs, 148. Man and the Monkey, 148.

Giant Ostrich of Madagascar, 302. Relationship of

Ozone and Phosphorescence, 302. Impurities of the

Atmosphere, 302. Salts of Copper & Preservative

against Mould, 302. Death of Professor Graham,

302. Economy of Seed in Planting, 302. Cure of

Dampness in Walls, 303. Temperature of Air at

Different Heights, 303. Pre-Historic Man in En-

gland, 303. Currents in the Upper Atmosphere,

303. Gigantic Shark, 303. Extinction of the Tas-

manian Race, 303. New Indication of Longevity,

303. Norwegian Cooking Apparatus, 303. Inter-

national Statistical Association, 304. The Riberi

Prize, 304. Deep-Sea Dredging, 304. Size of Pata-

gonians, 304. Chloral, 304. Steel Core for Tele-

graphic Wire, 305. Water-Proof Clothing, 305.

Constitution of Candle-Flame, 305. The Chemical

Fire Extinguisher, 305. Life of Humboldt, 306.

Workers in Copper and the Cholera, 306. Auroral

Light, 306. Pre-Historic Remains in France, 306.

Natural Succession of Plants, 306. Distribution of

Lichens, 306. Change of Carbonic Acid to Oxal-

ic, 306. Town and Country Air, 306. Detection

of Falsified Writing, 306. Influence of Moon on

Rain-Fall, 306. Cleaning of the Great Eastern, 307.

New Ship Canal, 307. Work on Man by Darwin,

307. New Bessemer Furnace, 307. Hyposulphite

of Soda in Washing, 307. Detection of Meteoric

Dust, 307. Destruction of Sea-Fisheries, 307. New

Theory of the Universe, 307. Action of Kreosote on

Wood, 307. Dualin, a new Explosive, 308. Liebig's

Preserving Fluid, 308. Enlarged Goose Livers, 30s.

Preservation of Grapes, 308. Preparation of Gypsum

for Casts, 308. Purification of Water, 308. Cleans-

ing Fluid, 309. New Professorship, 309. Preserva-

tion of Grain and Seed in Vacuo, 309. Fertile Hy-

brid, 309. Monster Induction Apparatus, 309. Ca-

nal across the Isthmus of Corinth, 309. A trouble-

some Leech, 309. Application of Chloroform, 309.

Modern Cannibalism, 310. Poisonous Stoves, 465.

Transmission of Carbuncle, etc., by Flies, 465. Ex-

tinction of Fires, 465. French Method of Preparing

Hams, 465. Improvement in Preserving Fruits, 466.

Immunity of Coppersmiths against Cholera, 466.

Rocket-Harpoon Guns, 466. Rendering Hard Wa-

ter Soft, 466. Cause of Goitre, 466. External Gills

in Fish, 466. Tertiary Flora in Greenland, 466.

Scientific Exploration of Alaska, 467. Storing of

Ice, 467. Substitute for Sumach, 467. Antidote to

Arsenic Poisoning, 468. The House-Fly, 468. Pho-

tographic Printing, 468. Artificial Manufacture of

Ice, 468. Scientific Fealty to the (Ecumenical Coun-

cil, 468. Next Transits of Venus, 469. Artificial

Alizarine, 469. Remedy for Rinderpest, 469. Pre-

Historic Man, 469. Colossal Elephant, 469. Physio-

logical Effects of Mountain Climbing, 469. Cost of

Live Animals, 470. Preservation of Animal Sub-

stances, 470. Furnace Slag, 470. Applying Paint

to Plaster Casts, 470. Physical Constitution of the

Sun, 470. Quicksilver in Borneo, 470. Imitating

Gould's Origin and Development of Religious Be-
lief, 773. White's Ecce Femina! 773. Perowne's
Immortality, 774. Dr. Hanna's Life of Christ, 774.
Lea's Studies on Church History, 774. Bickersteth's
Spirit of Life, 774. Bonar's Bible Thoughts and
Themes, 774. Hart's Life Lessons from the Gos
pels, 774. Pierbower's Principles of a System of
Philosophy, 774. Under Foot, 774. Hirell, 774.
Miss Mulock's Unkind Word and Other Stories, 774.
Morris's Earthly Paradise, 774. Emerson's Society
and Solitude, 775. Miss É. S. Phelps's Hedged In,
775. Miss Alcott's Old-Fashioned Girl, 776. Med-
berry's The Men and Mysteries of Wall Street, 776.
Baker's The New Timothy, 776. Miss Van Kort-
land, 776. Beecher's Life of Christ, 776. Yonge's
English-Greek Lexicon, 776. Miss Van Kortland,
925. Miss Phelps's Hedged In, 925. De Leon's As-
karos Kassis, 925. George Sand's Mauprat, 925.
Red as a Rose is She, 926. Froude's History of En-
gland, 926. Draper's History of the American Civil
War, 927. Hesekiel's Life of Bismarck, 927. Bourne's
History of the Public School Society, 928. M'Clin-
tock and Strong's Cyclopædia of Biblical, Ecclesi-
astical, and Theological Literature, Vol. III., 928.
Galton's Hereditary Genius, 928. The Bazar Book
of Decorum, 929. Gail Hamilton's A Battle of the
Books, 929. Tom Brown's School Days, 929.

Dark Woods, 470. Carbolic Acid and Cholera, 470.

Purification of Cast Iron, 470. Size of Meteors, 471.

Aluminum Bronze, 471. International Distress-Flag,

471. Control of Involuntary Movements of the Body,

471. Glycerine a Solvent for Carbolic Acid, 471.

Apomecometer, 471. Use of Slate in Relief En-

graving, 471. Mental Difference in the Sexes, 471.

Snake-Bites in India, 471. Sucker-Limbed Bat, 471.

Pre-Historic Man, 615. New Alkaloid, 616. Glyco-

gen, 616. Test for Alcohol, 616. Photographing on

Wood, 616. Extirpation of Spinal Cord, 616. Arti-

ficial Coloring of Wine, 616. Arsenic in Mental Dis-

eases, 616. Effect of Cold on Gas, 616. Plague of

Mice, 616. Hulling Grain, 616. Pyrophotography,

617. Treatment of Wine during Fermentation, 617.

Some of our Native Resources, 617. Chloral, 617.

Preparation of Oil-Paint, 618. Salmon in Australia,

618. The American Man, 618. Bed of Solid Sul-

phur, 618. Fossil Reptiles in the United States, 619.

Diamonds in North America, 619. Improvement of

Gypsum Casts, 619. Development of Silk-Worm

Eggs, 619. Deep-Sea Dredging, 619. Stone Age in

Africa, 620. Physical Condition of Mars, 620. Fire-

proof Clothing, 620. Area of Alaska, 620. Monte-

videan Beef, 620. Tarantula in Costa Rica, 620. The

Deesa Meteorite, 621. Gold in Lapland, 621. Func-

tions of Leaves of Plants, 621. Index to Scientific

Memoirs, 621. Red Corpuscles of the Blood, 622.

Protoplasm, 622. Hay-Fever, 622. Poisonons Milk,

622. Giant Salamander, 622. Earthquake Waves in

the Pacific, 623. Sociable Ants, 623. Mountain of

Sulphuret of Antimony, 623. Action of Sun's Rays

on Flame, 623. Absorption of Hydrogen by Nickel,

623. Egg Oil, 623. Determination of Age of Old

Horses, 623. Liquids in Crystals, 623. Compressed

Gun-Cotton, 777. Stone Age in Africa, 777. Results

of British Dredging, 777. Influence of Colored Light

on Insects, 777. New Vegetable Fibres, 778. Adul-

teration of Beer, 778. Minargent, 778. Primitive

Stock of the Horse, 778. Rendering Paper Transpa-

rent, 778. Living Encrinite, 779. The Ass in Egypt,

779. Fish-Torpedo, 779. Capturing Sea Turtles,

779. Salt in Sea Air, 779. Reindeer Bones in the

Mississippi Valley, 779. Spectroscopic Examination

of Fire-Fly's Light, 780. Influence of the Gulf Stream

on Climate, 780. Difference of Linen and Cotton

Fibre, 780. Is Animal Life always Dependent on

Plants? 780. A New Gregarina, 780. Chinese Seals

in Irish Bogs, 781. Actinic Power of Burning Chro-

mium, 781. Diseased Teeth among the Ancients,

781. Mining by the Ancient Egyptians on Sinai,

781. Distinguishing Blue Colors, 781. Discovery

of a Crocodile in Florida, 781. Paper Napkins, 781.

New Meteorites, 782. New Diamond Fields, 782.

Milk Fungus, 782. Rendering Fabrics Water-Proof,

782. Improved Cement, 782. Apparatus for Draw-

ing Minute Objects, 930. Tobacco-Loving Mice, 930.

Influence of Trees on Rain-Fall, 930. Stone Age of

Greece, 930. Action of Hop Flowers on Yeast, 930.

Quaternary Relics in France, 930. Vegetable Ori-

gin of Scarlet-Fever, 931. Freezing Mixtures, 931.

Muscular Force of the Human Heart, 931. Lauren-

tian Rocks in Eastern Massachusetts, 931. Chlora!

an Antidote to Strychnine, 931. Vegetable Elec-

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