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MCINTOSH, W. C. A monograph of the British Annelids. Part I. The Nemerteans. 23 Pl. fol. London (Ray Soc.), 1873.

MACKESON, H. B., vide FURLEY, Robert.

MACVICAR, J. G. A sketch of a philosophy. Parts 3 and 4. 8vo. London, 1870-74.

MAGNUS, H. Die Albuminurie in ihren ophthalmoskopischen Erscheinungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. MAREY, E. J. Animal mechanism; a treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion. 2nd edit. 8vo. London, 1874.

MARKHAM, Albert H. A whaling cruise to Baffin's Bay, and the Gulf of Boothia: and an account of the rescue of the crew of the " Polaris," with an introduction by Rear-Admiral Sherard Osborn. 8vo. London, 1874.

MAUDSLEY, H. Body and mind: an enlarged and revised edition, to which are added Psychological Essays. 8vo. London, 1873.

MAUDSLEY, H. Responsibility in mental disease. 8vo. London, 1874.

MERKEL, Fr. Untersuchungen aus dem anatomischen Institut zu Rostock. 3 Taf. 8vo. Rostock,


MEXICO. Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale, ouvrage publié par ordre du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique :


3me. Partie. Études sur les Reptiles et les Batrachiens par MM. Auguste Duméril et Bocourt. 3 Livr. 4to. Paris, 1870-74.

5me. Partie. Études sur les Xiphosures et les Crustacés par M. Alphonse Milne-Edwards. 1 Livr. 4to. ib. 1873.

6me. Partie. 2de. Section. Études sur les Myriapodes, par M. Henri de Saussure. 3 Livr. 4to. ib. 1872. 7me. Partie. Études sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, par MM. Fischer et H. Crosse. 3 Livr. 4to. ib. 1870-73.

MEYER, G. Hermann.

Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 3te Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. MEYER, Moritz. Electricity in its relations to practical medicine. Translated from the 3rd German edition by W. A. Hammond. 8vo. New York, 1874.

MICHAEL, W. H., CORFIELD, W. H. and WANKLYN, J. A. A manual of public health, for the use of local authorities, medical officers of health, and others; edited by Ernest Hart. 8vo. London, 1874.

MILLER, Hugh. The old red sandstone, or new walks in an old field. 18th edit. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873.

MILLER, W. A. Elements of chemistry: revised by H. McLeod.

5th edit. 8vo. London, 1874.


Part II. Inorganic chemistry.

MILNE-EDWARDS, H. Leçons sur la physiologie et l'anatomie comparée de l'homme et des animaux. X. 2, XI. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

MITCHELL, S. Weir. Des lésions des nerfs et de leurs conséquences: traduit par M. Dastre, et précédé d'une préface par M. le Professeur Vulpian. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

MOHNIKE, Otto. Banka und Palembang nebst Mittheilungen über Sumatra im Allgemeinen. 8vo. Münster, 1874.

MOHR, Fr. Chemische Toxicologie. Anleitung zur chemischen Ermittelung der Gifte.
Braunschweig, 1874.

MOLESCHOTT, J. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere.
Giessen, 1874.


XI. 4. 8vo.

MONTELIUS, O. et LINBERG, C. F. Antiquités Suédoises, I. 261 figs. 8vo. Stockholm, 1873.
MOORE, W. J. A manual of family medicine for India. 8vo. London, 1874.
MORACHE, G. Traité d'hygiène militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

MOSELEY, H. N. On the anatomy and histology of the Land-Planarians of Ceylon, with some account of their habits, and a description of two new species, and with notes on the anatomy of some European aquatic species. 6 Pl. 4to. London (Phil. Trans.), 1874.

NASMYTH, J. and CARPENTER, J. The moon: considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. 24 Pl. 4to. London, 1874.

NÉLATON, A. Eléments de pathologie chirurgicale. 2me édit. Tome 3me (2me partie), publié par le docteur Péan. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

NIEMEYER, P. Précis de percussion et d'auscultation: trad. de l'allemand par A. Szerlecki. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

OESTERLEN, Fr. Handbuch der medicinischen Statistik. 2te Ausg. 8vo. Tübingen, 1874.

D'ORBIGNY. Paléontologie Française. 2me série. Végétaux. Terrain Jurassique. Cycadées par M. le Comte de Saporta. Livr. 16-17. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

OWEN, R. On the archetype and homologies of the vertebrate skeleton. 8vo. London, 1848. OWEN, R. Palæontology, or a systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relations. 2nd edit. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861.

OWEN, R. Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations. Suppl. No. 5. Dinosauria (Iguanodon). 2 Pl. No. 6. Crocodilia (Hylæochampsa). 4to. Lond. (Palæont. Soc.), 1874.

OWEN, R. Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Mesozoic Formations. Part I. Pterosauria (Pterodactylus). 2 Pl. 4to. London (Palæont. Soc.), 1874.

PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY'S Volumes for 1873 and 1874. (Vols. xxvII. and xxvIII.)
London, 1874.

PARKINSON, S. A treatise on optics. 3rd edit. 8vo. London, 1870.

PAULY, A. Bibliographie des sciences médicales. 8vo. Paris, 1874.


A treatise on food and dietetics, physiologically, and therapeutically considered. 8vo.

London, 1874.


2 vols.

Handbuch der technischen Chemie; frei bearbeitet von F. Stohmann und C. Engler. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1872-74.

PÉON, Alfred. De la mélancolie avec délire. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

PESCHEL, O. Völkerkunde. 2te Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875.

PETTIGREW, J. Bell. The physiology of the circulation in plants, in the lower animals, and in man. 8vo. London, 1874.

PETTIGREW, J. Bell. Animal locomotion, or walking, swimming, and flying, with a dissertation on aëronautics. 2nd edit. 8vo. London, 1874.

PICKERING, Edward C. Elements of physical manipulation. Part 1. 8vo. London, 1874.

PICTET, F. J. Matériaux pour la paléontologie Suisse. 6me série. Livr. 7-10. 4to. Genève, 1873.

VON PITHA und BILLROTH. Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie. 1ter. Band. 2te. Abth. 1tes. Heft. 1te. Lief. (2te. Hälfte.) 3ter. Band. 1ste. Abth. 1ste. Lief. 1te. Hälfte.. 7te. Lief. 1te. Hälfte. 8vo. Erlangen, 1873-74.

2te. Abth.

PLATEAU, J. Statique expérimentale et théorique des liquides soumis aux seules forces moléculaires. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873.

POLITZER, Adam. The membrana tympani in health and disease; translated by A. Mathewson and H. G. Newton. 8vo. New York, 1869.

POLLEN, Fr. P. L. et VAN DAM, D. C. Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et des ses dépendances :

5me partie. INSECTES, CRUSTACÉS, ÉCHINODERMES ET MOLLUSQUES, par S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven, E. de Sélys Longschamps, C. K. Hoffinann, et F. P. L. Pollen. 12 Pl. 4to. Leide, 1874.

PONTHIEUX, N. Le camp de Catenoy (Oise) station de l'homme à l'époque de la pierre polie. 8vo. Beauvais, 1873.


POWELL, J. W. Report of explorations in 1873 of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries. 36 pp. 8vo. Washington, 1874.

The universe and the coming transits. 8vo. London, 1874.

PROCTOR, R. A. Transits of Venus. A popular account of past and coming transits, from the first
observed by Horrocks A.D. 1639 to the transit of A.D. 2012. 20 Pl. 8vo. London, 1874.

PROKSCH, J. K. Der Antimercurialismus in der Syphilis-Therapie. 8vo. Erlangen, 1874.
PYE-SMITH, P. H. Catalogue of the preparations of comparative anatomy in the Museum of Guy's
Hospital. 8vo. London, 1874.

DE QUATREFAGES, A. et HAMY, E. T. Crania Ethnica: les crânes des races humaines. Livr. 2. fol. Paris, 1873.

QUENSTEDT, F. A. Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands. 1te Abth. 3ter Band. Heft. 4-6. 8vo. und 4to. Leipzig, 1874.

RANKE, J. Grundzüge der Physiologie des Menschen, mit Rücksicht auf die Gesundheitspflege. 3te Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875.

REISS, W. und STÜBEL, A. Geschichte und Beschreibung der vulkanischen Ausbrüche bei Santorin von der ältesten Zeit bis auf die Gegenwart. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1868.

RENDU, le Chanoine. Theory of the glaciers of Savoy; translated by Alfred Wills; to which are added the original memoir; and supplementary articles by P. G. Tait and John Ruskin. Edited, with introductory remarks, by George Forbes. 8vo. London, 1874.

ROBERTS, F. T. A handbook of the theory and practice of medicine. 8vo. London, 1873.

ROLLETT, A. Untersuchungen aus dem Institute für Physiologie und Histologie in Graz.
Heft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873.

3 tes

ROSENBUSCH, H. Mikroskopische Physiographie der petrographisch wichtigen Mineralien. 10 Taf. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1873.

ROTH, H. Bünger's Unterbindung beider Carotides communes bei Angioma arteriale racemosum (aneurysma cirsoideum) am Kopf. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Gefässgeschwülsten. 4 Taf. fol. Frankfurt a. M. 1873.

ROUSSELET, L. L'Inde des Rajahs. Voyage dans l'Inde Centrale et dans les présidences de Bombay et du Bengale. 317 gravures sur bois, et 6 cartes. 4to. Paris, 1875.

RUMFORD, Count. His complete works. Vols. 2 and 3. 8vo. Boston, 1873-74.

SABINE, Lieut.-Col., vide CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.

SAIGEY, Emile. The unity of natural phenomena. Translated from the French, with introduction and notes, by T. F. Moses. 8vo. Boston (U. S.), 1873.

SALMON, George. A treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions. 3rd edit.
Dublin, 1874.


SCHELSKE, R. Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde. 8vo. Berlin, 1874.


SCHENK, S. L. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Embryologie der Wirbelthiere. 1 Taf. 8vo. Wien,


SCHEPPIG, Richard vide SPENCER, Herbert.

SCHIMPER, W. Ph. Traité de paléontologie végétale, ou la flore du monde primitif dans ses rapports avec les formations géologiques, et la flore du monde actuel. 3 vols. 8vo. Avec un Atlas de 110 Pl. 4to. Paris, 1869-74.

SCHLEGEL, H. Muséum d'histoire naturelle des Pays-Bas. Livr. 10. 8vo. Leide, 1873.
SCHMIDT, Adolf. Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde.

1tes. Lief. fol. Aschersleben, 1874.

SCHMIDT, Oscar. Die Anwendung der Descendenzlehre auf den Menschen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. The doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 8vo. London, 1875.

SCHORLEMMER, C. A manual of the chemistry of the carbon compounds; or, organic chemistry. 8vo. London, 1874.

SCHREIBER, Egid. Herpetologia Europea. Eine systematische Bearbeitung der Amphibien und Reptilien, welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1875.

SCHRÖDER, C. Ueber Atropinkuren gegen Kurzsichtigkeit. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874.

SCHWEINFURTH, Georg. The heart of Africa. Translated by Ellen E. Frewer, with an introduction by Winwood Reade. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873.

SEMPER, C. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. 2ter Theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate :2ter. Band. Malacologische Untersuchungen von R. Bergh. Heft 6. Pleurophyllidiadæ, Pleuroleuridæ. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1874. Heft 7. Bornella, Hero. 5 Taf. fol. ib. 1874.

3ter. Band. Landmollusken. Heft 3. 4to. ib. 1874.

SEPP'S Nederlandsche Insecten. 2o serie, bijeengebragt door S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven. 3e. Deel. Nos. 27-32. 4to. 'SGravenhage, 1873-74.

VON SIEBOLD, C. T. Anatomy of the invertebrata. Translated from the German, with additions and notes, by W. I. Burnett. 8vo. Boston (U.S.), 1874.

SKIN DISEASES. Atlas of portraits of diseases of the skin. 13th fasc. 4to. London (New Syd. Soc.), 1874.

SNELLEN, H. Probebuchstaben zur Bestimmung der Sehschärfe. 4te. Ausg. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. SOMERVILLE, Mary. Personal recollections, from early life to old age; with selections from her correspondence, by her daughter, Martha Somerville. 8vo. London, 1873.

SOUBEIRAN, J. L. Nouveau dictionnaire des falsifications et des altérations des aliments, des médicaments et de quelques produits employés dans les arts, l'industrie et l'économie domestique. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

SPENCER, Herbert. Essays: scientific, political, and speculative. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1868-74. SPENCER, Herbert. Descriptive sociology; or, groups of sociological facts :-

Division I. Part I. A. Types of Lowest Races, Negritto Races, and Malayo-Polynesian Races. Compiled and abstracted by David Duncan. fol. London, 1874.

Division II. Part I. B. Ancient Mexicans, Central Americans, Chibchas, and ancient Peruvians. Compiled and abstracted by Richard Scheppig. fol. London, 1874.

SPENDER, J. K. Therapeutic means for the relief of pain. 8vo. London, 1874.


Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken zu Anclam. 23 Taf. 4to. Leipzig, 1874. SQUIRE, Peter. Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharmacopoeia. 10th edit. 8vo. London, 1874.

STAS, J. S. Recherches sur les rapports réciproques des poids atomiques. 8vo. (Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 2me sér. Tome x.), 1860.

STEINHARDT, E. Th. G. Die bis jetzt in preuss. Geschieben gefundenen Trilobiten. 6 Taf. 4to.
Königsberg, 1874.

STEUR, C. Ethnographie des peuples de l'Europe avant Jésus-Christ. Tome 3me.
Bruxelles, 1873.


STOKES, W. Lectures on fever. Edited by J. W. Moore. 8vo. London, 1874.

1 et 2. 8vo.

STRECKER, Adolph. Kurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie, von Dr. J. Wislicenus. 6te Aufl. Abth. 1. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1874.

SULLY, J. Sensation and Intuition: studies in Psychology and Esthetics. 8vo. London, 1874. TAYLOR, A. S. A manual of medical jurisprudence. 9th edit. 8vo. London, 1874.

THIERFELDER, A. Pathologische Histologie der Leber, des Pankreas, und der Speicheldrüsen. 3 Lief. des Atlas der pathol. Histologie. 6 Taf. fol. Leipzig, 1874.


THOMSON, C. G. Skandinaviens Hymenoptera. III. i. 8vo. Lund, 1874.

THORPE, T. E. and MUIR, M. M. P. Qualitative chemical analysis and laboratory practice. 8vo. London, 1874.

TIBBITS, H. A handbook of medical electricity. 8vo. London, 1873.

TODHUNTER, I. A treatise on the differential calculus, with numerous examples. 6th edit. 8vo. London, 1873.

TONER, J. M. A paper read before the American Public Health Association, New York, Nov. 12, 1873, on the natural history and distribution of yellow fever in the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1873.

TRIAIRE, Paul. Entretiens familiers sur l'hygiène de la première enfance. 8vo. Paris, s. a.
VON TRÖLTSCH. The surgical diseases of the ear.
8vo. London (New Syd. Soc.), 1874.

Translated from the German by James Hinton.

TWINING, T. Technical training: being a suggestive sketch of a national system of industrial instruction, founded on a general diffusion of practical science among the people. 8vo. London,

TYNDALL, John. Principal Forbes and his biographers. 8vo. London, 1873.

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