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MONOGRAPHS published by Societies are included in this Catalogue.
Continuations of TRANSACTIONS, and PERIODICALS, are not inserted.

A separate Catalogue of all SERIALS is printed and may be purchased at the Library with the Catalogue of the STUDENT'S LIBRARY.




March, 1875.



D'ABBADIE, A. Observations relatives à la physique du globe faites au Brésil et en Ethiopie; rédigées par R. Radau. 1 Pl. 4to. Paris, 1873.

ADAMS, F. O. The history of Japan from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874-75.

ADAMS, H. and A. The genera of recent mollusca; arranged according to their organization. 138 Pl. (mostly col.) 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1858.


AGASSIZ, L. Monographies d'Echinodermes vivans et fossiles. 4 Livr. 4to. Neuchâtel, 1838-42. Livr. 1. Les Salénies. 5 Pl. Livr. 2. Les Scutelles. 32 Pl. Livr. 3. Les Galérites et les Dysaster par E. Desor. 17 Pl. Livr. 4. L'anatomie du genre Échinus par G. Valentin. 9 Pl.

AGASSIZ, L. Mémoire sur les moules de mollusques vivans et fossiles. 1re. Partie. Moules d'Acéphales vivants. 12 Pl. 4to. Neuchâtel, 1839.

AGASSIZ, L. Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale. 8vo. et fol. Neuchâtel, 1839-42.

Livr. 1. Salmo et Thymallus. 25 Pl. fol. Livr. 2. Embryologie des Salmones par C. Vogt. Text. 8vo., et 14 Pl. fol. Livr. 2bis. Anatomie des Salmones. 11 Pl.

AGASSIZ, L. Catalogus systematicus ectyporum echinodermatum fossilium Musei Neocomensis. 4to. Neocomi Helvet. 1840.

AGASSIZ, L. Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. 4to. Neuchâtel, 1840-45.

Livr. 1. Les Trigonies du Jura et de la Craie Suisses. 11 Pl. Livr. 2-4. Les Myes du Jura et de la Craie
Suisses. 94 Pl.

AGASSIZ, L. Iconographie des coquilles tertiaires. 15 Pl. 4to. Neuchâtel, 1845.

ALTHAUS, J. A treatise on medical electricity, theoretical and practical. 3rd edit. 8vo. London,


AMOS, S. The science of law. 8vo. London, 1874.

ANDERSON, McCall. On the treatment of diseases of the skin: with an analysis of eleven thousand consecutive cases. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873.

ANDRÉ, C., et RAYET, G. L'astronomie pratique et les observatoires en Europe et en Amérique, depuis le milieu du xviie. siècle jusqu'à nos jours. 1re. partie, Angleterre. 2me, partie, Écosse, Irlande et Colonies Anglaises. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

ANTINORI, O. e SALVADORI, T. Uccelli del Mar Rosso e dei Bogos. 3 Tav. 8vo. Genova, 1873. AUERBACH, L. Organologische Studien, 1tes. Heft, 1, 2. 8vo. Breslau, 1874.

AUSTRIA. Skizzen über die Zucht der Rinder, Schafe und Schweine im Kaiserthum Oesterreich. 8vo. Wien, 1856.

AUSTRIA. Die Mineralkohlen Oesterreichs; eine Uebersicht des Vorkommens, der Erzeugungsmengen und der Absatzverhältnisse. 8vo. Wien, 1870.


BACON, Francis Lord. His life and letters, including all his occasional works; by James Spedding. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1861-74.

VON BAER, K. E. Reden gehalten in wissenschaftlichen Versammlungen und kleinere Aufsätze vermischten Inhalts:

1ter. Theil. Reden. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1864.

2ter. Theil. 1te. Hälfte. Studien aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 8vo. ib. 1873.
3ter. Theil. Historische Fragen mit Hülfe der Naturwissenschaften beantwortet. 8vo. ib. 1873.
Principal types of the different human races in the five parts of the world.
fol. s. 1. et a.

VON BAER, K. E. by Mr. Heuser.

BAIRD, S. F., BREWER, T. M. and RIDGWAY, R. A history of North American Birds.
Land Birds. 64 col. Pl. 4to. Boston, 1874.

[BAKEWELL, T.] The domestic guide in cases of insanity. 8vo. Newcastle, 1806.
BARDELEBEN, Karl. Beiträge zur Anatomie der Wirbelsäule. 3 Taf. 4to. Jena, 1874.

5 Pl.

Vols. 1-3,

BARRANDE, Joachim. Systême Silurien du centre de la Bohême. 1ère, partie. Recherches Paléontologiques. Vol. II. Texte, 3me partie. 4to. Prague, 1874.

BASTIAN, A. Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-Küste, nebst älteren Nachrichten über die zu erforschenden Länder. 1ter. Band. 8vo. Jena, 1874.

BASTIAN, A. Schöpfung oder Entstehung. Aphorismen zur Entwicklung des organischen Lebens. 8vo. Jena, 1875.

BASTIAN, H. C. Evolution and the origin of life. 8vo. London, 1874.

BAVARIA. Paläontologische Mittheilungen aus dem Museum des Königl. Bayer. Staates; herausgegeben von K. A. Zittel. 2ter Band, 3te Abth. 8vo. und 4to. Cassel, 1873.

VON BEDRIAGA, J. Ueber die Entstehung der Farben bei den Eidechsen. 8vo Jena, 1874.

BELL, Thomas. A history of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. 2nd edit. revised &c. by the author, assisted by R. F. Tomes and E. R. Alston. 8vo. London, 1874.

BELT, Thomas. The naturalist in Nicaragua: a narrative of a residence at the gold mines of Chontales; journeys in the savannahs and forests. Map. 8vo. London, 1874.

VAN BENEDEN et GERVAIS, P. Ostéographie des cétacés vivants et fossiles. Livr. 11 et 12. 4to. et fol. Paris, 1874.

BERLIN. Reinigung und Entwässerung Berlins :

Heft 10. Berichte über die Fortsetzung des Berieselungs-Versuchs mit Kanalwasser auf dem Tempelhofer
Unterlande bei Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1873.

Heft 11. Bericht über die Untersuchung der geognostischen Verhältnisse Berlins. 8vo. ib. 1873.

Heft 12. (A). Bericht, betreffend Untersuchungen über das Berliner Normalwasser, das Wasser der Spree, das Wasserleitungswasser, das städtische Brunnenwasser und über die sogenannte Selbstreinigung des


(B). Bericht über die Grundwasser-Verhältnisse in Berlin, die Wasserstände der Spree, den Regenfall in Berlin, und die Boden-Temperatur-Messungen. 8vo. ib. 1874.

BIANCONI, J. J. La théorie Darwinienne, et la création dite indépendante. 8vo. Bologne, 1874. BOCOURT, vide MEXICO.

[blocks in formation]

BOSGOED, D. M. Bibliotheca ichthyologia et piscatoria. 8vo. Haarlem, 1874.

BOUCHUT, E. Nouveaux éléments de pathologie générale de séméiologie et de diagnostic. 3me, édit. 8vo. Paris, 1875.

4to. London

BRADY, G. S., CROSSKEY, H. W. and ROBERTSON, D. A monograph of the Post-Tertiary Entomostraca of Scotland, including species from England and Ireland. 16 Pl. (Palæont. Soc.), 1874.

BRAUNS, D. Der obere Jura im nordwestlichen Deutschland von der oberen Grenze der Ornatenschichten bis zur Wealdbildung, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Molluskenfauna. 3 Taf. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1874.


BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogues of the Natural History Collections :

Hand-list of the edentate, thick-skinned and ruminant mammals, by J. E. Gray. 42 Pl. 8vo. London, 1873. Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera heteroptera, by Francis Walker. Part VIII. 8vo. London, 1873. BRONN, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs :

Band v. Gliederfüssler: (Arthropoda) Lief. 17-20. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1874.

Band VI.

2to. Abth. Amphibien. Lief. 1-7. 5te Abth. Säugethiere: (Mammalia) Lief. 1-3. 8vo. ib. 1874. BRUCH, Carl. Vergleichende Osteologie des Rheinlachses (Salmo salar L.) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Myologie, nebst einleitenden Bemerkungen über die skelettbildenden Gewebe der Wirbelthiere. 2te Ausg. 7 Taf. fol. Mainz, 1875.

BRYDEN, J. L. Vital statistics of the Bengal Presidency :

Vol. I.

Annual returns of the European Army of the Bengal Presidency from 1858 to 1869; of the Native
Army since it reorganization in 1861; and of the jails for each year, from 1859. fol. Calcutta, 1871.
Vol. II. Age and length of service as affecting the sickness and mortality of the European Army and
aggregate of the statistics of the Army for the ten-year period, 1860-69. fol. ib. 1874.

Vol. III.
Cholera epidemics of recent years viewed in relation to former epidemics: a record of cholera in the
Bengal Presidency from 1817 to 1872. fol. ib. 1874.

BUDGE, J. Compendium de physiologie humaine, traduit de l'Allemand par Eugène Vincent. 8vo.
Paris, 1874.

BUFF, H. Lehrbuch der physikalischen Mechanik. 2 vols. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1871–74. BURNESS, A. G. and MAVOR, F. J. The specific action of drugs on the healthy system; an index to their therapeutic value, as deduced from experiments on man and animals. 8vo. London, 1874. CABOT, Louis, vide HARVARD COLLEGE.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE OBSERVATORY. Observations made at the :

Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. Vol. I. Magnetical Observations from 1841-46, with abstracts 1841-50 by Lieut.-Col. E. Sabine. 4to. London, 1851.

CARPENTER, W. B. Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions. 8vo. London, 1874.

CARTER, H. Vandyke. On mycetoma; or, the fungus disease of India. 11 col. Pl. 4to. London, 1874.

CATALOGUES. Royal College of Surgeons :

Catalogue of the Calculi and other animal secretions contained in the Museum of the Royal College of
Surgeons. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1842-45.

CHEREAU, A. Les ordonnances faictes et publiées à son de trompe par les carrefours de ceste ville de Paris, pour éviter le dangier de peste 1531, précédées d'une étude sur les épidémies Parisiennes. 8vo. Paris, 1873.

CLARK, John. Remarks on Mr. Horn's Letter to the Governors of the Infirmary at Newcastle; with farther communications from physicians proving the economy, safety, and necessity of annexing Fever-wards to the Infirmary. 8vo. Newcastle, 1802.

CLAUS, C. Schriften zoologischen Inhalts. Heft 1. 4 Taf. fol. Wien, 1874.


Animal physiology: the structure and functions of the human body. 8vo. Glasgow, 1874. COBBOLD, C. S. W. Ueber Ohrblutgeschwulst von Geisteskranken.


29 pp.

8vo. Würzburg,

COCCONI, G. Enumerazione sistematica dei molluschi miocenici e pliocenici delle Provincie di Parma e di Piacenza. 7 Tav. 4to. Bologna, 1873.

COLLIGNON, Edouard. Traité de mécanique. 3me partie. Dynamique. Livr. 1-4. 8vo. Paris,


DE COMMINES DE MARSILLY, L. J. A. Recherches mathématiques sur les lois de la matière. 4to. Paris, 1868.

COOKE, J. P. The new chemistry. 8vo. London, 1874.

COPERNICUS. De revolutionibus orbium cælestium libri vi. ; ex auctoris autographo recudi curavit Societas Copernicana Thorunensis. 4to. Berolini, 1873.


DANIA. Supplementum Flora Danicæ. Fasc. III. fol. Hafniæ, 1874.

DARWIN, C. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. 3 Pl. 2nd edit. 8vo. London, 1874. DAVIDSON, Thomas. A monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda. Vol. IV. part 1. Supplement to the recent, tertiary, and cretaceous species. 8 Pl. 4to. London (Palæont. Soc.), 1874. DAWKINS, W. Boyd. Cave hunting, researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe. 1 col. Pl. 8vo. London, 1874.

DAWSON, G. M. Report on the tertiary lignite formation, in the vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel. 8vo. Montreal, 1874.

DES CLOIZEAU, A. Manuel de minéralogie. Tome I. (52 Pl.) Tome 11. fasc. 1. 8vo. Paris,


DICTIONARY. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales. Sér. I. xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi.
Sér. II. v 2, vi, vii, viii, ix. Sér. III. i, ii. 8vo. Paris, 1874.

DICTIONARY. Nouveau dictionnaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques.
Paris, 1874.

Tomes 18, 19. 8vo.

DRAPER, J. W. History of the conflict between Religion and Science. 8vo. London, 1875.

DRESSER, H. A history of the Birds of Europe. Parts 23-33. 4to. London, 1874.

VON DÜBEN, G. Om Lappland och Lapparne, företrädesvis de Svenske. Ethnografiska Studier. 1 Karta och 8 Pl. 8vo. Stockholm, 1873.

DUBOIS, E. Les passages de Vénus sur le disque solaire. 8vo. Paris, 1873.


DUNCAN, David, vide SPENCER, Herbert.

EASSIE, W. Healthy houses. A handbook to the history, defects, and remedies of drainage, ventilation, warming, and kindred subjects. 2nd edit. 8vo. London, 1873.

ECHEVERRIA, Gonzalez. On Epilepsy: anatomico-pathological and clinical notes. 8vo. New York,


EIMER, Th. Zoologische Studien auf Capri :

Heft 1. Ueber Beroë ovatus. 9 Taf. 4to. Leipzig, 1873.
Heft 2. Lacerta muralis coerulea. 2 col. Taf. 4to. ib. 1874.

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