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MACULA acustica (acoustic spot), 219


lutea (yellow) of retina, 243, 245

Madder, experiment with, as to growth of bone a, 334
Malleus (a hammer), 227, 229

Malpighian capsule, 115, 117

Malpighii rete, 121, 309

Mammal, embryonic growth of a, 306

Manufacture of bile acids in liver, 131

of some constituents of urine in kidney, 119
of glycogen by hepatic cells, 133

Marrow in bones, 174

Mastication, 155

formation of, 338

Matter, its changes, 20

solid, lost by perspiration, 124

passed from alimentary canal, 143

kidneys and skin, 369

Maxillary (maxilla, jaw-bone), bones, 213

Measurements, histological, 313

Meat "boiled to rags," 348

Meatus (meo, I pass) of ear, 228

Medulla oblongata (oblong marrow), arrangement of grey and white matter

in, 294.

decussation of impulses in, 298

effect of venous blood on, 103

injury to, result of, 19, 297, 298

nervous centre for respiration in, 97, 98, 103, 297

Medullary cavity of bones, 329

for vaso-motor nerves, 230, 297

matter of hairs, 317
substance of the kidney, 114

Medullated nerve fibres, 360

Meibomian glands, 263

Membrane, arachnoid, 279

limiting, of eye, 244

mucous, 9

permeability of, 120, 159

of Reissner, 226


serous," 34, note

vibration of, 231

Membranous labyrinth of ear, 217

Mesentery (uéros, middle; evrepov, intestine), 29

Metacarpal (uerà, beyond; κаρños, the wrist) bone of thumb, 182

Migratory cells, 326


Milk teeth, 345

Mind not the sole governor of muscle, 13

Minerals as food, 144, 145, 366

Molar (molo, I grind) teeth, 154, 346

Molecular (molecula, dim. of moles, a mass) change in cerebral substance,

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Murmurs, respiratory, 99


in stimulated nerves,

202, 216

Muscle (musculus, a little mouse), contractility of, 10, 25, 41, 171, 201

corpuscles, 350, 353

as organ and as tissue, 347.
striated, 36, 171, 172, 347
unstriated, 24, 171, 255, 354
waste in contraction of, 149

Muscles, attached to definite levers, 174
carbonic acid secreted by, 141
change in, after death, 172, 350
composition of, 171, 173

death of, 19

changes caused by, 350

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Muscles, thyro-arytenoid, 195
triceps, 188

Muscular coat of arteries, 24

fibre, breadth of, 369

fibres of the heart, 36, 174, 355

radiating, of iris, 255

sense, the, 203

tissue, development of, 353

Musical sounds, how produced, 236

notes, varying with the tension of vocal chords, 196

Myelin, 358

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structure of, 357

in tactile corpuscles, 207

white matter of cord and brain composed of, 282, 294

Nerve tissue described, 355

Nerve roots, functions of, 283

Nervous apparatus, duplexity of, 278

impulse, conduction of, 289

rate of, 369

molecular change in nerve-fibres caused by, 141, 171, 203,
235, 246

transmitted from brain by spinal cord, 288

system, 278

as combining organ, 18

as controlling circulation, 25, 53

evaporation, 137

glandular action, 123, 141

muscular action, 283

Neuraxis, 356

respiration, 97, 103

Neurilemma (veûpov, a nerve; λéμμa, a peel or skin), 207, 356, note
continuous with sarcolemma, 358

Nitrogen (vírpov, potash; yevváw, I produce) not absorbed by lungs, 86
in proteid foods, 144, 147

starvation from lack of, 146

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in nerve-fibres, 356

in unstriped muscular fibre-cells, 354

Nutrition effected by circulation of blood, 16

Nutritive foramen of bone, 329

value of food not solely measured by chemical analysis, 148, note


OBLIQUE muscles of the eye, 188, 261, 295

Ocular spectra, 269

Odontoid (odovs, odóvтos, a tooth; eidos, form) process, 163

Odontoplasts (odoùs, a tooth; mλáσow, I form), 345

Esophagus (otow, obsolete-pépw, I bear; payeiv, to eat), 83, 152
Olecranon (λém, the elbow; κpávos, a helmet), 181
Olfactory (olfacio, I smell) lobes, 213

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origin of, 335

Ossicles (ossicula, a little bone) auditory, 229, 233
Ossification, centres of, 335

Osteoplasts (oσтéov, a bone; πλáσow, I form), 337
Otoliths (ous, wròs, an ear; Ailos, a stone), 221

"Outness," sense of, accompanying sense of sight, 251

of smell, 266
Oven, heated, conditions of safely remaining in, 140
Overtones, their nature, 237

Ovum, mammalian. described, 306

Oxidation, change to arterial blood caused by, 81

of proteid matter, 146

in tissues, the source of energy, 5

of heat, 17, 108, 136, 149

Oxygen (ogùs, acid; yevváw, I produce), absorption of, by the lungs, 17, 86.

102, 108, 133

amount of, consumed, 368

blood corpuscles apparently flattened by presence of, 64, 80

colour of arterial blood caused by, 80

combination of, with hæmoglobin, 73, 80

effect of privation of, 104

excess of, in arterial blood, 78

in excretions, 4, 148

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