FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD, &c. JANUARY 1. WE see Jesus....Heb. ii. 9. FINE sights of human pomp and worldly grandeur captivate carnal minds, and ravish natural senses. It is common to hear persons say in an ecstacy, O, I could sit all night to see a fine play! But one sight of the matchless charms and dazzling glories of our Saviour, makes all other things appear mean and contemptible. We turn our eyes from them and say, I put away these childish things: I have an heavenly object, infinitely superior to such low, mean, perishing vanities. I know one, who having heard that faithful minister of Christ, Mr. Whitefield, when he first preached in the fields, upwards of thirty years ago; on being asked which he liked best, to hear him preach, or see Vauxhall? profanely replied, "Whitefield only preaches of heaven, but Vauxhall is heaven itself." Poor soul! he was then blind to his want of Christ, and to his glory and excellency. But, to the glory of his rich grace, that poor sinner is out of hell, and can now happily join the faithful in saying, WE SEE JESUS. So then, the once profane sinner is changed into the visionary enthusiast. Enthusiasm to see Jesus! " Enthusiastic this? then all are blind but rank enthusiasts:" for the essence of the gospel, the joy of sinners, and the glory of faith consist in this sight. What is life itself without it? for, alas! we have lost all righteousness, holiness and happiness, in ourselves; but we see all these, with heaven and glory, restored to us in Christ. O blessed day! happy hour! joyful moment! when the sight of our inestimably precious Saviour first saluted the eyes of our mind and became the object of our faith! It was the beginning of days; yea our birth-day to eternal blessedness. This sight is a feast to our souls all the year. We delight to begin the year with seeing Jesus. We salute one another with. "I wish you a happy new year." What 1 FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD: CONSISTING OF A MEDITATION FOR EACH EVENING IN THE YEAR, UPON SELECT TEXTS OF SCRIPTURE. HUMBLY INTENDED TO ESTABLISH THE FAITH, PROMOTE THE COMFORT, AND INFLUENCE THE PRACTICE OF THE FOLLOWERS OF THE LAMB. BY WILLIAM MASON, ESQ. In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge....Col. ii. 3. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY DEARE AND ANDREWS, NO. 12, CEDAR-STREET. ............. 1803. PD13 |